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.Awareness .Empathy .Understanding


A day to celebrate autism;

demystify and dispel notions about autistic

Dad’s Socks Rock RUN!
It cannot be over-emphasized that we must keep raising awareness about autism. It is a
painful historical and discernible fact that in Uganda, autistic people are often neglected
yet they can, and do indeed contribute to societal capital. Until we look after our most
vulnerable in society we are a long way from home. Conversations must be had in our
living rooms, office spaces and even running trails, on how best to bring everyone on
board; not merely as a token but in a meaningful way that impacts the quality of life of
the differently abled members in our society. This is desirable from both the economic &
socio stand points to say nothing of their collective dignity.

This, therefore informs our starting point.

Based on the prevalence of 100 per 10,000 and the male-to-female ratio, about 460,000
persons (386,400 males and 73,600 females) and 240,000 children aged 0–14 years have
ASD in Uganda.
Communities and families with autistic children in Uganda do not have the required
knowledge and understanding of autism. Health care practitioners, particularly
psychiatric nurses and medical social workers, have little understanding of childhood
ASD, as such autism in children is often misdiagnosed as malaria or not diagnosed at all.
This lack of understanding affects their development, health, and well-being as well as
the quality of life of caregivers in Uganda. Consequently, many children with ASD
remain undetected and lack necessary treatment and support. Similarly, parents lack the
necessary skills and support and feel terrible about not being able to help their children.
In Uganda, persons with ASD, particularly children endure discrimination, stigma and
prejudice, including denial of adequate health services and treatment and insufficient
opportunities to participate effectively in their communities. These discriminations are
partly reflected in some communities’ derogatory language to describe persons or
children on the autism spectrum. Some of these words are “mulalu” which in Luganda is
a loose definition of “mad or stubborn”, or “kasilu” which describes an autistic person as
one who is “lacking a few brain wires or deaf and dumb.” A typical example of autism-
related stigma includes communities accusing the parents of children with ASD of
exploitation of their children for rituals to get rich.
.Awareness .Empathy .Understanding
.Awareness .Empathy .Understanding
The Pitch…

In celebration of Autism Awareness

We request that you join the impact coalition in support of autism awareness in Uganda,
by helping organize,
'Dads' Socks Rock Run’ An Autism Awareness Run!
In conjunction with Neurological Support Initiative which will go a long way in helping
elevate the profile of Dads supporting autism awareness and further spur constructive
discourse about the autism spectrum disorder and the role fathers play.

'Dads' Socks Rock Run’

Celebrating neuro-divergent dads

.Awareness .Empathy .Understanding
.Awareness .Empathy .Understanding

This concept entails plugging in to the social touch points and connecting with fathers & general public in reinforcing the
benefits of understanding people with autism and their needs and the importance of a father figure.
Besides empowering fathers it seeks to create an opportunity to share experiences as part of World Autism Month activities in
a unique setting that helps amplify autism awareness. It in addition it hopes to promote interaction and inclusivity between
autistics and neurotypical populations.
Goal… #Sock’n’Run
.Awareness .Empathy .Understanding

The overall goal of this event, is about changing narratives and creating a paradigm
shift, primarily around the issue of fathers & autism. Secondly, is to highlight how
persons associated with autism are perceived, and handled. In short its about
equipping the general public, with relevant information about the disorder, through
promoting awareness and advocating for inclusion of autistic children into regular and
other social spaces.
The Concept…
.Awareness .Empathy .Understanding

The event will help normies (neurotypicals) better understand autism and consequently
increase awareness, minimize stigmatization and eliminate discrimination so that
parents of autistic children can come out from the shadows to seek help, health,
intervention and therapy.
Objectives… .Awareness .Empathy .Understanding

• To address how to better make the neurotypical people understand the

autistic (atypical) world and thus be more supportive in making their life that
much more inclusive.
• To convert attitudes and behavior through education and sensitization in
order to create a better understanding of the disorder and the people living
with it.
• Inspire hope & help debunk myths associated with peculiar socio-cultural
beliefs and convert them into appropriate supportive architecture.
• To encourage parents of children with autism to seek diagnosis and embark
on therapies.
To implement a unique Autism Awareness experience dubbed
#Sock’n’Run, aimed at expressing through sports, the unique
aspects of the disorder and how people on the autism spectrum
are affected & perceived.
More than that, is to paint a picture of what autistic families go
through in everyday setting, and share those experiences with
the participating public so as to spark empathy and
The purpose being to use these experiences to educate and
sensitize in an experiential way…helping to bring about a shift
in mindsets.
.Awareness .Empathy .Understanding
.Awareness .Empathy .Understanding Autism

Execution Mechanics…


.Awareness .Empathy .Understanding
Execution Mechanics …

Daddy's socks rock - use wacky wear/mismatched

socks to communicate challenges in dressing or in
most cases their singlemindedness in choice of
wardrobe even when they don't go together.

.Awareness .Empathy .Understanding
Event Activities…

Have thematic stops

Silent Stop
Therapy stop
A signs & symbols course
Light it blue
Photo frame & message cut-outs

.Awareness .Empathy .Understanding
'Dads' Socks Rock’

Celebrating neuro-divergence

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