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Feelings Turning points in life

A Feelings
cheerful +
happy depressed
sad / upset But I thought
he loved me!
- upset
in a good mood +
angry / upset
in a good mood
in a bad mood
+ in a annoyed angry
+ bad mood
interested tired
interested excited
- -
+ anxious
worried / upset
relaxed nervous
confident confused
confused worried anxious
confident relaxed
+ surprised -

• Usamos feel + adjective o to be + adjective para describir nuestros sentimientos.

I feel tired today. I didn’t sleep well last night.
Oliver was really happy yesterday. He passed all his exams.
Listen to Sally singing. She’s in a good mood this morning.

• Podemos utilizar también verbos que describen sentimientos positivos y negativos.

positive negative

adore love like don’t mind don’t like hate

enjoy dislike (formal) can’t stand (informal)

I adore Brad Pitt and I enjoy watching his films when I’m in a bad mood. They cheer me up.
Phil loves going skiing, but all his friends hate doing sport.
I can’t stand pop music, although I don’t mind rock’n’roll.

B Turning points in life

be born pass leave leave start a fall in start work start your
your exams school home degree love own business

buy / rent move to a get married start a family / retire get a pet go on your first
a house / flat different city have a child trip abroad
Past simple Past time clauses How long? and For
A Past simple No, I didn’t.
Did you enjoy The police arrested
• Usamos el past simple para hablar de acciones y the party? me and took me
acontecimientos pasados acabados. to the zoo!

•  Los verbos regulares forman el past simple añadiendo

-ed al infinitivo. Los irregulares tienen formas diferentes.
Sally arrived at the party late but she had a really good time.
She met some interesting people and she danced a lot.
She was really tired when she got home and fell asleep
on the sofa.
She woke up at 5 in the morning and went to bed.


-e + -d arrive – arrived live – lived
consonante + -y + -ied después de la consonante copy – copied apply – applied
vocal acentuada + consonante consonante doble + -ed (*) drop – dropped prefer – preferred
*Compara: open (sílaba final no acentuada) – opened

• Todos los verbos forman las preguntas y las frases negativas con did + infinitivo sin to.
Did she arrive early? – Yes, but she left early because she didn’t feel well.
Did she have a good time? – No, she didn’t like the restaurant.

• Recuerda que el past simple de to be es I / he / she / it + was; we / you / they + were. Con be no
usamos did en preguntas o frases negativas.
Were you at John’s house last night? – No, I wasn’t, but my brothers were there.
• A menudo usamos el past simple con expresiones de tiempo como yesterday, last, in, ago.
I saw Tony in London last week. They got married in 2010. I visited Italy a long time ago.
• Cuando contamos una historia en el pasado, podemos usar las siguientes expresiones: one day,
then, next, later, finally, in the end; that evening, the next morning, three days later.

One day, Sally decided to walk to work, but she didn’t know the city and got lost. In the end,
she got a bus. That evening she took a taxi home. The next morning, her feet were very sore!

B Past time clauses with when, after, before

• Usamos when, after y before en el pasado para indicar cuándo sucedió algo en relación a otras
acciones o acontecimientos.
C Time periods: How long…? and For + hours, minutes, days, weeks, months, years, etc

The children became excited I felt sad after I watched Melanie bought a guidebook
when they saw the plane. the film Melancholia. before she went to Barcelona.

• How long…? : preguntas sobre duración.

• For + períodos de tiempo: indica la duración de una acción.
How long did they stay in Bali? – They stayed there for three weeks.
1 Busca diecisiete adjetivos en las serpientes. Usa algunos para completar las frases.

dconfidentngrinte edpsaexcite noyed
p r surprised dlcom f
ortable restedjeipdepress dkuangrytan
abored dhesaduninrelaxedutsn ppywtcfoolishts ried
vsc onfuse ervouswoha tiredowor

1 They are 2 Sarah’s got 3 Paul left 4 We don’t 5 Pete has 6 He has a 7 Jenny is on 8 They’re in
going to nothing to his keys at understand. attended Maths exam her holidays. love. They
meet Father do. She feels home. He’s We’re ......... . five lectures tomorrow. She’s feeling are very
Christmas. .......... . very .......... . today. He’s He feels very .......... . .......... .
They are very ......... . .......... .
very .......... .

2 Escribe frases con la información dada, utilizando la forma correcta del verbo entre
paréntesis y and o but.
1 reading: Matt (love) / his wife (hate) 5 Bill eating sushi (enjoy) / Sheila eating raw
Matt loves reading but his wife hates it. fish (can’t stand)
2 Matt reading (love) / his wife doing sport (adore) ............................................................................
Matt loves reading and his wife adores doing 6 dogs: my father (adore) / Sheila (not like)
sport. .............................................................................
3 romantic films: Ursula (not like) / Hugh (love) 7 classical music: Bill (love) / Sheila (not like)
............................................................................. .............................................................................
4 Martin coffee (like) / his girlfriend tea (like) 8 Anne sport (not like) / Joe watching football
............................................................................. (not mind)
3 Asocia estas palabras para formar expresiones.
1 buy ..…………... 4 move ..………….. 7 leave ....…………
2 get ..………….. 5 get ..………….. 8 meet ..…………..
3 finish ..………….. 6 start ..………….. 9 start ..…………..
married a degree a pet
home a flat to a different city
James a family her own business

4 Fijándote en las ilustraciones, escribe la biografía de María con las expresiones del ejercicio 3.
1980 1985 1990 1995 1996

1998 2000 2003 2005

Maria left home in …………………………………………………………………………………………….…


1 Completa las frases con el past simple de los verbos del recuadro.
start find not want meet leave have study get pass buy not go fall
Rick (1) ......... his driving test when he was seventeen and he (2) ......... home when he was eighteen,
but he (3) ......... to university. His sister Marie (4) ......... Marine Biology at university and she (5)
......... a job in Hawaii when she finished her degree. Marie (6) ......... Jake on the aeroplane, and they
(7) ......... in love after they got to Hawaii. Marie (8) ........ to leave Hawaii, so Jake (9) ......... a small
flat there. He and Marie (10) ......... married three years ago. Last year they (11) ......... their first child
and Jake (12) ......... his own business.

2 Escribe preguntas y respuestas utilizando expresiones con last … , in … , … ago, for … .

Example: Sue / live in London (2002 – 2004)
 How long did Sue live in London? - She lived there for two years.
Paul / move to Manchester (last year)
When did Paul move to Manchester? – He moved there last year.
1 Kate and Alan / work together (2001 - 2004) …………………………………………………………………
2 They / get married (2005) ……………………………………………………………………………………..…
3 Alan / work in France (10 March - 10 June) ………………………………...…………………………………
4 They / go to Venice (month) ………………………………………………………….…………………………
5 They / have a baby (two years) …………………………………………………………………………...……

3 Observa la línea temporal y corrige las frases sobre Julie utilizando when, after o before.

2006: took
2002: went to university / a trip round 2008: got a job 2012: became
1985: studied Economics / the world / with a safari a professional
born started playing hockey met Paul company photographer

1990: started 2005: left 2007: moved 2011: went back to

school university to South England / bought
Africa a house

Example: Julie met Paul when she was at university.

Julie didn’t meet Paul when she was at university. She met him after she left university.
1 Julie started school when she was four years old. …………………………………………………………
2 She played hockey before she went to university. …………………………………………………………
3 She took a trip round the world after she moved to South Africa. ………………………………………
4 She bought a house before she went back to England. …………………………………...………………
5 She became a professional photographer when she was in South Africa. ……………………………
4 Escribe frases con los elementos de los recuadros.
Sarah started a job after he went into the army.
After I left with my parents I finished university.
Phil got to England I was 4.
The first time I fell school when she was 14.
Before I went in love I didn’t go out every night.
When I lived school I didn’t speak any English.

Example: Phil got a job after he finished university.

1 …………………………………………………………… 4 ………...………………....………………………
2 …………………………………………………………… 5 ………...………………....………………………
3 ……………………………………………………………
Answer Key


Feelings Turning points in life Past simple Past time clauses How
long? and For
Exercise 1
surprised comfortable confident interested Exercise 1
depressed 1 passed 2 left 3 didn’t go 4 studied 5 found
excited angry annoyed bored confused [*] 6 met 7 fell 8 didn’t want 9 bought 10
sad relaxed nervous happy foolish tired got 11 had 12 started
worried [*] 5: ‘got’ también es posible, pero se necesita
1 excited 2 bored 3 annoyed / angry para 10
4 confused 5 tired 6 nervous / worried
7 relaxed 8 happy
Exercise 2
1 How long did Kate and Alan work together?
Exercise 2 They worked together for three years.
3 Ursula doesn´t like romantic films but Hugh 2 When did they get married? They got married in
loves them. 2005.
4 Martin likes coffee and his girlfriend likes tea. 3 How long did Alan work in France? He worked there
5 Bill enjoys eating sushi but Sheila can’t stand for three months.
eating raw fish. 4 When did they go to Venice? They went there
6 My father adores dogs but Sheila doesn´t like last month. [*]
them. 5 When did they have a baby? They had a baby
7 Bill loves classical music but Sheila doesn´t like two years ago.
it. [*] 4: No es posible ‘How long did they go to
8 Anne doesn´t like sport and Joe doesn´t mind Venice for? They went to Venice for a
watching football. month’ porque necesitaríamos tener en la
pregunta ‘a month’ o ‘one month’
Exercise 3
1 buy a flat 2 get married / a pet / a degree Exercise 3
3 finish a degree 4 move to a different city 1 Julie didn’t start school when she was four
5 get a pet / married / a degree years old. She started school when she was five
6 start a family / her own business 7 leave home (years old). 2 She didn’t play hockey before she
8 meet James 9 start her own business / a went to university. She started playing hockey
family when she went to university. 3 She didn’t take a
trip round the world after she moved to South Africa.
Exercise 4 She took a trip round the world before she moved to
(...) 1980. She finished her / a degree in 1985. In South Africa. 4 She didn’t buy a house before
1990 she started her own business. In 1995 she she went back to England. She bought a house
bought a flat. In 1996 she met James and they when (/ after) she went back to England. 5
got married in 1998. They started a family in 2000. She didn’t become a professional photographer
In 2003 she / they got a pet. In 2005 they moved when she was in South Africa. She became a
to a different city. professional photographer after she went back to

Exercise 4
1 Sarah started school when she was 4. 2 After I
left school I went into the army. 3 The first time I
fell in love I was 14.
4 Before I went to England I didn’t speak any
English. 5 When I lived with my parents I didn’t
go out every night.

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