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Панчук/Петленко Анна 401-а група

Students book
p. 4
1) a) I think that photo a shows research workers who met in the library after reading
books, they probably work together.
The photo b shows a boy and a man, they are in a cafe, probably having lunch and
meeting for the first time.
Photo c shows two women, maybe they work together, or maybe they are friends
talking about personal things.
b) In the first photo, the women are talking about books, work or news.
In the silly photo, they are talking about cafes and food.
In the third photo we see women and they are talking about common interests or
positive Negative neutral
Hilarious – веселий Boring – нудний Animated – анімований
Meaningful – змістовний Bizarre - химерний In-depth – поглиблений
Stimulating - Frustrating – Intense – інтенсивний
стимулюючий розчарований Intimate – інтимний
One-sided – Lengthy – тривалий
односторонній Predictable -
Pointless - безглуздий передбачуваний
Photo a – hilarious. Photo b – meaningful. Photo c – lengthy.
3) a) I had such conversations like a quick word in passing with a friend or colleague,
a long heart-to-heart with a close friend or family member, a hurried exchange of text
b) In the first case, we talked about the schedule of lessons at school. In the second
case, I spoke with a friend and we discussed the latest news and problems. In the
third case, I corresponded with my brother in a quick form about news in life.
p. 5
Listening and Vocabulary
1)a) A good mood and an interesting conversationalist make a dialogue enjoyable.
b) Boring and uninteresting topics make a conversation frustrating.
c) A good conversationalist is a person who knows how to listen and support
2) a – Bryony b – Rafe c – Mike
3) a) hog b) flows c) put across d) butt in e) drones on and on f)
hunt around g) on the same wavelength
4) 1hunt around 2 butt in 3 hog
4 put across 5 on the same wavelength
6 something to say 7 flows 8 drones on and on
5) 1 hunt around, drones on and on
2 hog
3 on the same wavelength, flows
1) a) I was talking to my English students. I do not know them well, because I teach
them only for week.
b) We talked about family members/ The conversation lasted about forty minutes.
c) I was happy with my English, because words that I used were simple.
d) I think that the other people talked more? Because they were speaking about their
p. 6
1. I agree – 1, 4 I disagree – 2, 3
2. a) I agree with this premise.
b) The books describes such differences as behavior, conversation and views of the
c) Men – autonomy, cooperation, gadgets and gizmos, power, sports, success,
Women – conversation, romance, shopping, spirituality.
What the people How they What they are most
there value most experience interested in
Life on Mars Power, Success and Objects and things
competence, accomplishments. rather than people
efficiency and and feelings.
Life on Venus Love, Through sharing Harmony,
communication, and relating. community and
beauty and loving cooperating.
p. 7
1. b) achievement – досягнення
c) efficiency – ефективність
d) competence - компетентність
e) fulfilment – задоволення
f) satisfaction – задоволення
g) considerate - уважні
h) value – цінувати
man – achievement, efficiency, competence.
Woman – considerate, value
Both – fulfillment, satisfaction.
noun verb adjective Adverb
Skills - Skillful/skilled Skillfully
Achievement achieve - -
Efficiency - effective effectively
Competence - competent competently
Satisfaction satisfy satisfied -
Consideration consider Considerate -
value value valuable -
3. a) competence
b) satisfied
c) value
d) fulfillment
e) achievement
f) skills
g) satisfaction
h) skill
p. 8
1. He spends too much time waiting for her.
He spends too much time searching the right route.
He talks on the phone too much.
She spends too much time with him.
5. Brian – a, c, e, g. Suzi – b, d, f, h.
6. I think Brian was going to rest.
Сторінка 9 у підручнику відсутня.
p. 10
1. a) eavesdropping b) overhearing
2. a) it is difficult when person speaks on the phone in the bus. I feel indifference.
b) the last time I overheard a conversation was a supermarket and I think that person
knew about it.
c) I like to eavesdrop on my husband.
1. 1) a. I think they are friends. They talking about relationship and date one of the
2) b. I think they are strangers. The women talks on the phone about her work.
2. 1 – a, d
2 – b, c.
p. 11
1. a) waiting and waiting/beginning/coming b) got c) realized d) coming e) working
f) completed g) finished h) talking i) been j) taking
2. 1 – have got, had realized, have completed.
2 – was beginning, was coming, will be talking.
3 – have been waiting, have been working, have been talking.
3. a) had been waiting b) have finished c) be putting d) have already posted e) have
been seeing f) have left
4. I am writing it now. We have not even got dressed yet. I only just arrived.
6. 2. 1)had you been 2)have been waiting 3)have just arrived 4)have just got
5)are you living 6) must be 7) will being 8)will you move 9)will move
p. 12
1. a) I will say hello, ask his name, introduce myself, ask if he likes the party.
b) I will introduce myself and tell a little information about myself.
c) I'll ask how is doing, what's new and tell him about myself.
d) I apologize and ask what is needed.
2. 1 c 2 d 3 b 4 a
4. 1 c 2 a 3 d 4 b
p. 13
1. a) They are about what you need to be able to listen to.
b) I like best African proverb.
3. a) it means that the person is the talk of the town. the person does not talk very
b) I can say it on the school lesson, because I work there.
4. a) talking point b) talkative c) talker
p. 4
1. b) I had a really interesting conversation with a complete stranger recently.
c) I hate people who talk on endlessly about themselves all the time.
d) I overheard the most incredible conversation on the bus the other day.
e) I speak to my grandmother on the phone at least once a month.
f) I tried to phone my boyfriend last night but he was not answering the phone.
2. a) I love people who speak in-depth to me.
b) I meet up with my friends at the weekend to relax and have a chat in café.
c) I had a really long chat with my best friend recently.
3. 2) She just did not answer the question frankly.
3) Later I really regretted having asked Jane to come to the party.
4) Normally I`d just talk to him about it.
5) Jack only knew how to read Arabic.
6) Sometimes I think she finds my obsession with tidiness annoying.
4. 2 b 3 b 4 a 5 b 6 a
p. 5
5. 2) was telling 3) was going 4) was always looking 5) was beginning 6) have
bought 7) have remembered 8) will be getting 9) are watching 10) had been listening
11) had not heard 12) were just getting
6. b) be lying c) + d) might have had e) + f) understood g) he is finally got h) +
7. a) This time next week I will doing my home work.
b) By the time I am 50, I will have children.
p. 6
1. b) hilarious c) frustrating d) in-depth e) pointless f) lengthy g) bizarre h) one-sided
i) intense/intimate
2. b) be on the same wavelength c) flowed d) butting in e) drones on and on f) hogs
g) hunt around for h) always has something to say
3. b) hogging c) flows/hunt around for d) put across e) drones on and on f) on the
same wavelength
4. b) efficiently c) competence d) fulfill e) satisfying f) consideration g) achievable
5. b) satisfactory c) fulfilling d) achievements e) skilled f) efficient g) competent
6. b) surprise/expecting c) must / heard d) got e) things f) great
7. 2) just a sec. yes I have. here you are 3) not bad at all. And what about you? 4) yes
I am for the first two days. And you? 5) likewise I had no idea you knew Lottie. 6) I
know it is totally amazing
8. b) 5 c) 1 d) 2 e) 3 f) 6
1. b) hasn`t he c) mightn`t we d) haven`t you e) could I f) will he
2. 1) it rises in sentence 1 falls in sentence 2.
2) a)sentence 2 b)sentence 1
3. b) rising c) falling d) falling e) falling f) rising
p. 8
1. a) The Female Brain b) All Ears c) Talking from 9 o 5
2. a) c b) a c) c d) b e)a f) b g)c h)a
3. b
4. a)sardine-style b)teeming c)multifarious d)gets ahead e)erect f)stumped g)
p. 9
1. a) f b) t c) t d) t
2. a) show anger b) using always and never c) the argument d) the other person e)the
problem f) the opposite of the advice given in the 5 steps
3. 1) they 2) that 3)this 4)the
4. a) screaming, shot, sob b)do not waste time, do not really talk things out c)how are
you going to win the next argument d)if you are looking for a bit of peace and quiet,
try doing the opposite
5. a) yes b) no
6-7. – Be calm
– try to change the topic
– Find out the reason for the conflict
- Control your emotions

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