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Clean Energy Solutions: Home Improvement Campaign


Step 1: Starting
Agent: David, you live at 2645 Lake View Dr, Is that correct?

Response: (Yes/NO)

Amazing! My name is Max, calling on behalf of Clean Energy Solutions. We have

programs with funding and rebates available in your area under ppp inflation reduction
act that you can take advantage of. (ppp= payment protect plan)

Discussing the Rebates and Offers

Based on your zip code, you can qualify for up to 15000 dollars as rebates for 100
different products such as roofing, kitchen, hvac, flooring, ADU, additional landscape,
even the full renovation of your house and many more. The more you do, the better
chances you have to qualify.

Step 2: Pre-Closure and Customer Assistance

So on what I can assist you with?

(In case client does not provide products or doesn’t know what he wants to do, the
representative will ask the following questions)

You know what; let me make that easy for you.

● How old is your roof? Is it 10 or 15 years?

● How is your kitchen?
● Do you have a regular water heater or a tank less one?

(Ask questions where you feel the client is indicating for potential opportunities, it can
be any product or products)

That’s a concern! Let me get that into record. I tell you what; you can get a new roof
done, plus a new insulation with that, without even spending a dollar from your pocket.
Remember, the more you renovate the better chances you get to qualify for the rebate!
Step 3: Closing
I have our representatives at other meetings just a couple of blocks away, running
prequalification for other clients. When will it be a better time for you?

(Wait for 3 seconds, if the client is skeptical, and then hit him with a suggestion)

Time Stamp Suggestion

You know what; I think 12 to 1 sounds fine, right? Or maybe 4 to 5, right before

(Time shift is flexible, try to get an appointment on the same day, if necessary push
towards dinner time if needed. Give one or two options depending on the customer’s

Moving towards Dispatch

It’s gonna be you and your spouse at home, right? Great, let the reps inspect the
property thoroughly and have a good estimate of the possible rebates that you are
qualified. Sounds good?

Wonderful! Let me transfer you right away to my dispatch department. This was
Max from Clean Energy Solutions, you will be hearing more from our dispatch
officer shortly, please bear with us.
Appendix I: Objections
Objections: Clean Energy Solutions: Home Improvement Campaign

TYPES Case 1 (if the customer does Case 2 (if the customer objects)
not object)
1. If the address is not ***Proceed with the script Apparently, my database seems
correct. from the ‘Amazing! This is to be incorrect. But hey, since I
(Name) calling on behalf have you on the line, are you a
of’ part.*** homeowner on Southern

***Then move on to explaining

the program JUST before you get
to the ZIP code, then ask for the
zip code to verify further***

Can you please verify your street

address and Zip Code? I would
like to verify what rebates you
might be qualified for.
2. If the customer objects ***Proceed with the script. DO Listen (Customer’s Name), You
or complains about too NOT MUMBLE. Explain with are absolutely right, sir! We
many calls. energy and excitement. have called so many times
Manipulate the customer in because we have an urgent
establishing a trust on you.*** message. Your zip code is
elected to have up to 15000
dollars as rebates. We are trying
to help homeowners of
Southern California to have a
better livelihood. Is 15000
dollars worth your time? The
general idea is that someone
else is paying for your job, on
top of that you will be earning
the rebates up to 15000 dollars.
That's the reason I am calling
you, Sir. Can I have 1 second of
your time, so that I can explain
the program to you?

***If the customer is convinced,

move forward according to the

If not then say the content of the

following rebuttal.
TYPES Case 1 (if the customer does Case 2 (if the customer objects)
not object)
3. If the customer is still ***Proceed with the script. DO Listen (Customer’s Name), I
skeptical about it. NOT MUMBLE. Explain with know you are still having second
energy and excitement. thoughts, but picture it like this
Manipulate the customer in way. For the energy rebates, you
establishing a trust on you.*** can have up to 5000 dollars, for
the ADU renovation you can end
up getting up to 15000 dollars!
So why going for singles when
you can get a god damn home

***If the customer is

convinced, move forward
according to the script***
My job is to give you a fair
chance to avail yourself of our
100 different home
improvement products, such as
ADU, landscape, kitchen, and
many more. And the more you
do, the more you will get. You
can get 10000 to 5000 dollars,
which is passive income.

4. If he says something that ***Proceed with the script. DO Oh my gosh! (Customer’s Name),
needs to be renovated, NOT MUMBLE. Explain with You know what, this program is
but is not sure about it. energy and excitement. tailor made just for you. Based
Manipulate the customer in on the prequalifying, there is a
establishing a trust on you.*** huge possibility of getting the
(Product***) done, plus some
other products without spending
a single dime out of your pocket!
As we speak, some of our reps
are in prequalification work just
around the block.

***If the customer provides a

concern about a specific product,
mention that. If not, then provide
examples like kitchen, hvac, roof,
ADU, etc.
TYPES Case 1 (if the customer does Case 2 (if the customer objects)
not object)
5. If he says what are the ***Proceed with the script. DO That is a great question, glad you
products? And how are NOT MUMBLE. Explain with asked. You see, you can qualify
you gonna renovate energy and excitement. for up to 100 different products,
them? Manipulate the customer in such as roofing, kitchen, HVAC,
establishing a trust on you.*** flooring, ADU, additional
landscape, and even a full
renovation. The more you do,
the better chance you have to
As of the renovation process, my
job is to give you a general idea
for the product; the reps are the
specialists here. They can assess
the property and provide you
with a detailed information
about the process.

***If the customer is convinced,

move forward according to the

6. If he is not interested. ***Proceed with the script. DO Listen (Customer Name), I find
NOT MUMBLE. Explain with you a genuine guy. And this offer
energy and excitement. is not staying here for too long.
Manipulate the customer in The program is designed to help
establishing a trust on you.*** out the selected citizens in every
way possible to evolve into a
sustainable livelihood. I see no
reason for a genuine guy like you
to hold yourself. It’s an
opportunity to upscale your
standards of living. And the best
part is, you don’t have to spend a
single nickel from your pocket!

***If the customer provides a

concern about a specific product,
mention that. If not, then provide
examples like kitchen, hvac, roof,
ADU, etc.
Always push for an
TYPES Case 1 (if the customer does Case 2 (if the customer objects)
not object)
7. If the customer wants to ***Proceed with the script. DO That’s an excellent question. The
know more about the NOT MUMBLE. Explain with thing is, my job is to give you a
products and services. energy and excitement. general idea about the rebates
Manipulate the customer in and funding that you can
establishing a trust on you.*** prequalify for the program. To
know more, you will have to get
the reps in assessing your
As we speak, our reps are
working on a similar
prequalification just a couple of
blocks from your address. You
know what; I can fix an
appointment later today at 12 to
2, sounds good?
***Give a time slot and push
them for appointment***
***Proceed towards closing the

8. If the customer wants to ***Proceed with the script. DO You see, my job is to give you a
know about the pricing. NOT MUMBLE. Explain with general idea about the program
energy and excitement. and the exciting opportunities
Manipulate the customer in with the rebates and funding of
establishing a trust on you.*** the program. I am just being
honest to you, it will be
completely unprofessional if I
give you a pricing without even
having a look at your home. To
know more, It’s better to get the
reps in assessing your property.
As we speak, our reps are
working on a similar
prequalification just a couple of
blocks from your address. You
know what; I can fix an
appointment later today at 12 to
2, sounds good?
***Give a time slot and push
them for appointment***
***Proceed towards closing the
TYPES Case 1 (if the customer does Case 2 (if the customer objects)
not object)
9. If the customer says you ***Proceed with the script. DO I completely understand your
are a scam, I don’t NOT MUMBLE. Explain with frustration. But, Listen
believe you. energy and excitement. (Customer’s name), it is my
Manipulate the customer in obligation that you have a fair
establishing a trust on you.*** chance on the program to earn
the rebates that are up for grabs
based on your prequalification.
You can earn up to 5000 dollars
as energy rebates and 10000
dollars as renovation rebates.
We are trying to help
homeowners of Southern
California to have a better
livelihood. Is 15000 dollars
worth your time?

***If the customer is convinced,

move forward according to the
10. If the customer wants to ***Proceed with the script. DO That is a legimate question.
know about the source NOT MUMBLE. Explain with Honestly speaking, (Customer’s
of the funding. energy and excitement. Name), it’s my job to give you a
Manipulate the customer in general idea about the rebates
establishing a trust on you.*** and prequalification of the
programs. But, hey, our reps can
explain all your doubts about the
funding, renovation, rebates, and
any other questions that you
come up. You know what, our
reps are working on
prequalification just a couple of
blocks away. Let me fix a meeting
later today for you. Does 2 to 3
sound good?

***Give a time slot and push

them for appointment***
***Proceed towards closing the

TYPES Case 1 (if the customer does Case 2 (if the customer objects)
not object)
11. If the customer asks ***Proceed with the script. DO That’s an excellent question,
about the difference NOT MUMBLE. Explain with (Customer’s Name). You see, in
between a conventional energy and excitement. conventional water heaters, you
water heater and a Manipulate the customer in have to heat up the entire water
tankless water heater. establishing a trust on you.*** tank. Whereas, tankless water
heater heats up only a portion of
it, so it is more sustainable. You
know what, you can learn more
from it from our representatives.
Let me fix a meeting for you later
on today.

***Give a time slot and push

them for appointment***
***Proceed towards closing the

12. If the customer asks why ***Proceed with the script. DO My job is to give you a fair
are we calling him? NOT MUMBLE. Explain with chance to avail yourself of 100
energy and excitement. different home products, such as
Manipulate the customer in A-D-U, landscape, kitchen, and
establishing a trust on you.*** many more. Remember, the
more you do, the more you will
get. You can get 5000 to 15000
dollars, which is passive income.

13. Is this a sales call? ***Proceed with the script. DO God forbid, (Customer’s Name)!
NOT MUMBLE. Explain with It’s my obligation to make sure
energy and excitement. that you get a fair chance on
Manipulate the customer in availing the funding and rebates
establishing a trust on you.*** up to 15000 Dollars. Are the
15000 dollars’ worth your time?

TYPES Case 1 (if the customer does Case 2 (if the customer objects)
not object)
14. If the name of the ***Proceed with the script. DO Apparently, my database seems
customer is incorrect? NOT MUMBLE. Explain with to be incorrect. But, hey, since I
energy and excitement. got you on the line, are you a
Manipulate the customer in homeowner in Southern
establishing a trust on you.*** California?
15. Will I have to pay for the ***Proceed with the script. DO The general idea is that someone
renovation? NOT MUMBLE. Explain with will be providing the funding for
energy and excitement. your renovation and you will be
Manipulate the customer in getting the rebate. However, to
establishing a trust on you.*** know more about this, the reps
are the best man for the job. You
know what; I have my reps
working on prequalification for
other clients just a couple of
blocks away, let’s fix a meeting
later down today.
16. Is the call very urgent? I ***Proceed with the script. DO You see, (Customer’s Name), I
am very busy. NOT MUMBLE. Explain with am calling you because our job is
energy and excitement. to inform you of what rebates
Manipulate the customer in you are eligible for; nobody will
establishing a trust on you.*** call you if it's not urgent. We are
not trying to sell you anything,
but there is a lot of rebates up to
$15,000 up for grabs in your
TYPES Case 1 (if the customer does Case 2 (if the customer objects)
not object)
17. How did you get my ***Proceed with the script. The reason you are in the
information?! DO NOT MUMBLE. Explain database is that we have to
with energy and excitement. make sure you can take
Manipulate the customer in advantage of the opportunity to
establishing a trust on you.*** collect up to $15,000 in rebates.
That is a lot of money,
(Customer’s Name)!
You are a homeowner in
Southern California, so you are
in my database.

18. I am not sure about it. ***Proceed with the script. Listen, David, I find you a
Maybe some other DO NOT MUMBLE. Explain genuine guy. And this offer is
time. with energy and excitement. not staying here for too long.
Manipulate the customer in The program is designed to help
establishing a trust on you.*** out the lovely citizens in every
way possible to evolve into a
sustainable livelihood. I see no
reason for a genuine guy like
you to hold yourself back. It’s an
opportunity to upscale your
standards of living. And the best
part is, you don’t have to spend
a single nickel out of your
pocket! The idea for now is to
see if you are suitable for the
program based on your zip
code. We have a representative
in your area that can help you
with the program.
Appendix II: Useful Rebuttals
1. If the address is incorrect:

I’m sorry; apparently my database seems to be incorrect. But hey, since I have you on
the line, are you a homeowner on Southern California?

Response: (Yes)

That is great! Can you please verify your street address and Zip Code? I would like to
verify what rebates you might be qualified for.

2. If he says about something that he needs to renovate:

Oh my gosh! David! You know what, this program is tailor made just for you. Based on
the prequalifying, there is a huge possibility of getting the kitchen done, plus some other
products without spending a single dime out of your pocket! As we speak, some of our
reps are in prequalification work just around the block.

3. If he is still skeptical about it:

Listen David, I know you are still having second thoughts, but picture it like this way. For
the energy rebates, you can have up to 5000 dollars, for the ADU renovation you can
end up getting up to 15000 dollars! So why going for singles when you can get a god
damn home run?!

4. If he is not interested:

Listen David, I find you a genuine guy. And this offer is not staying here for too long. The
government is helping out the lovely citizens in every way possible to evolve into a
sustainable livelihood. I see no reason for a genuine guy like you to hold yourself. It’s an
opportunity to upscale your standards of living. And the best part is, you don’t have to
spend a single nickel from your pocket! Think Smart, David, I know you can! Think
about the kids and your loved ones. You never know, you can go on for a vacation to
Hawaii with an all-expenses paid by the god damn rebates.

5. Why are you keep calling me?!

You are absolutely right, sir! We have called so many times because we have an urgent
message. Your zip code is elected to have up to 15000 dollars as rebates. We are trying
to help homeowners of Southern California to have a better livelihood. Is 15000 dollars
worth your time? The general idea is that someone else is paying for your job, on top of
that you will be earning the rebates up to 15000 dollars. That's the reason I am calling
you, Sir. Can I have 1 second of your time, so that I can explain the program to you?

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