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7 LDR (Light Dependent Resistor) & IR SENSOR ACTIVITY


 9V battery or power supply
 Voltage Regulator (7805)
 Switches
 220Ω resistor
 Connecting wires

Breadboard Internal Connections

The top and bottom parts of the breadboard are identical and have four horizontal connecting strips. The
middle of the breadboard has vertical connecting strips separated by a horizontal channel in the middle.

Each individual line or connecting strip is electrically isolated from every other strip.

Any component lead that is plugged into a hole or "tie point" of the breadboard will be connected to
whatever is plugged into a hole of the same connecting strip as marked the picture

Working Principle:
Simple circuit to glow an LED with Switch. A light-emitting diode (LED) is a two-lead semiconductor
light source. It is a p–n junction diode, which emits light when activated. When a suitable voltage is
applied to the leads, electrons are able to recombine with electron holes within the device, releasing
energy in the form of photons.

Voltage Regulator Light Emitting Diode

Let’s Make a Virtual Circuit:

Resistor Color Coding ( For all activities , for details check last page of manual)

220 Ohm – Red Red Brown Gold

330 Ohm – Orange Orange Brown Gold

470 Ohm – Yellow Violet Brown Gold

3.3kOhm – Orange Orange Red Gold

100kOhm – Brown Black Yellow Gold
Circuit Connections on Breadboard

Steps to make Circuit on Breadboard

 Insert Red wire of the battery cap ( connected to positive end of the battery ) to the Input pin of
voltage regulator and black wire of the battery cap (connected to negative end of the battery) to
the Ground of Voltage Regulator (middle pin of voltage regulator).
 Take one jumper wire and insert one end of the wire to output pin of Voltage Regulator which
provides 5 Volt regulated output and other end of that wire to first row in the upper part of bread
board, so that each hole up to five slots of that row have 5 volt supply.
 Take another jumper wire and insert to the column where negative of battery is connected and
other end of this wire to bottom row of bread board so that each hole in that row up to five slots
will have negative power supply.
 Insert a 220ohm resistor (Red Red Brown Gold ) into the breadboard in such a way one end will
be connected to regulated output on the top row of breadboard and other end will be connected to
positive terminal of LED through a jumper wire as shown in figure
 Insert first switch into the breadboard
 Connect the top side middle pin of switch to LED’s negative terminal and make another
connection from bottom third pin of switch to the negative terminal of power supply on bread-
 Insert similar number of Resistors, LED’s and switches and repeat the same step above .
 Press the first switch and the first LED glow and in the similar way if we press both switches then
two LED’s will glow.
 Insert second switch into the breadboard.
Learning and Application:

Now we will make different LED patterns using switch

Component Required:
• 9V battery or power supply
• Seven segment display( Common Anode)
• One 220Ω resistor
• Wires

Working Principle:
A seven segment display is one of the most common forms of digital displays available. The name 7
segment comes from the fact that the display has 7 separate LED segments. Some have 8,if you include
the decimal point too.
By connecting the common pins of the seven segment to the positive supply( for Common Anode SSD
which is the third pin in top and bottom), Numeric numbers can be displayed on the seven segment .If you
want to display numeric one on the seven segment then just switch on LED’s b and c on your SSD and
switch off all other LED’s .
Let’s Make the Circuit:

Learning and Application:

• Counters
• It is used in traffic lights
• Used in Digital clocks
• Used in Timer
Let’s Make a Circuit on Bread Board( Common Anode Seven Segment Display)

Steps to make Circuit on Breadboard

 Insert Red wire of the battery cap ( connected to positive end of the battery ) to the Input pin of
voltage regulator and black wire of the battery cap (connected to negative end of the battery) to
the Ground of Voltage Regulator (middle pin of voltage regulator).
 Take one jumper wire and insert one end of the wire to output pin of Voltage Regulator which
provides 5 Volt regulated output and other end of that wire to first row in the upper part of bread
board, so that each hole up to five slots of that row have 5 volt supply.
 Take another jumper wire and insert to the column where negative of battery is connected and
other end of this wire to bottom row of bread board so that each hole in that row up to five slots
will have negative power supply.
 Insert Seven Segment Display (SSD)in to the bread-board which is a Common Anode Seven
Segment Display (the third leg in top and bottom is positive) .

 Insert a 220ohm resistor (Red Red Brown Gold ) into the breadboard in such a way one end will
be connected to regulated output on the top row of breadboard and other end will be connected to
Common Anode (positive pin which is the 3rd pin in the top and bottom) terminal of Seven
Segment Display.
 Now you can make the required number on SSD by taking an output from the negative or GND
which is connected to the bottom of bread board to a,b,c,d,e.f,g h pins of Seven Segment
 Now we will see how different numbers can be displayed on seven segment
 Connect the a,b,c,d,e.f,g h pins of the seven segment to the negative supply . Eight will be
displayed on the seven segment.
 In the similar way other numbers can be displayed on the seven segment.
 And we can also display some alphabets on seven segment.
 Common Anode SSD connect common pin to positive and all other pins to negative and in
Common Cathode connect common pin to negative ,all other pins to positive
Aim of the Experiment: BRIGHTNESS CONTROL OF LED
Component Required:

• 9V battery or power supply

• One 10k potentiometer
• One LED
• Connecting wires

Working Principle:
Connect the circuit as shown in the diagram, when you will change the resistance by using a variable
resistance then the brightness of the LED changes. While the resistance of variable resistor is low then the
brightness of LED is more but when the resistance of the variable resistor is high then the brightness of
LED is less

Let’s Make a Virtual Simulation:
Let’s Make a Circuit on Bread Board:


Steps to make Circuit on Breadboard

 Insert Red wire of the battery cap ( connected to positive end of the battery ) to the Input pin of
voltage regulator and black wire of the battery cap (connected to negative end of the battery) to
the Ground of Voltage Regulator (middle pin of voltage regulator).
 Take one jumper wire and insert one end of the wire to output pin of Voltage Regulator which
provides 5 Volt regulated output and other end of that wire to first row in the upper part of bread
board, so that each hole up to five slots of that row have 5 volt supply.
 Take another jumper wire and insert to the column where negative of battery is connected and
other end of this wire to bottom row of bread board so that each hole in that row up to five slots
will have negative power supply
 Insert potentiometer in to breadboard which is having 3 terminals two on one side (A &B) and one
leg in the other side (W). Three legs of potentiometer should be inserted in three separate
 Insert an LED into the bread-board
 Take a connecting wire and insert its one end to the upper first row of bread board (positive) and
insert other end of this wire to terminal A of the potentiometer.
 Take another wire and insert its one end to the bottom row (negative) and other end to the second
pin B that is beside of first pin of the potentiometer.
 Take other wire and connect its one end to the third pin of potentiometer W and other end to
positive terminal of LED.
 Take a wire and insert its one end to negative terminal of LED and other end of wire to bottom
row(negative power supply).

 Now you will see how the brightness of the LED will be changed according to the changing
resistance across the LED.
 When we apply the power to this circuit and change the resistance by variable resistor(by using a
screw driver rotate the wiper on top of potentiometer) then the brightness of LED changes.
 If the resistance is low then the LED is more brighter but when we increase the resistance then the
LED becomes less brighter.

Learning and Application:

 For setting brightness according to the requirement.
 How to control volume of speaker ?
Aim of the Experiment: RGB (Red,Green,Blue) LED
Component Required:
• 9V battery or power supply
• Three Switches
• One 220Ω resistor
• One RGB LED ( Common Anode)
• Wires

Working Principle:
 A Common Anode RGB LED is nothing more complicated than three one color LED’s (one red, one
green, and one blue) housed in a single package.
 Rather than having 6 leads (a cathode and anode for each LED) it has only 4 one cathode for each color,
and one common anode. (see the schematic diagram below)

NB : Types of RGB LED

1. Common Anode : Common Leg Positive ( We are using Common Anode RGB LED)
2. Common Cathode : Common Leg Negative
Let’s Make a Circuit on Bread Board ( Common Anode):

 Insert Red wire of the battery cap ( connected to positive end of the battery ) to the Input pin of
voltage regulator and black wire of the battery cap (connected to negative end of the battery) to
the Ground of Voltage Regulator (middle pin of voltage regulator).
 Take one jumper wire and insert one end of the wire to output pin of Voltage Regulator which
provides 5 Volt regulated output and other end of that wire to first row in the upper part of bread
board, so that each hole up to five slots of that row have 5 volt supply.
 Take another jumper wire and insert to the column where negative of battery is connected and
other end of this wire to bottom row of bread board so that each hole in that row up to five slots
will have negative power supply.
 Insert a 220ohm resistor (Red Red Brown Gold ) into the breadboard in such a way one end will
be connected to regulated output on the top row of breadboard and other end will be connected to
positive terminal of RGB LED through a jumper wire as shown in figure
 Now connect three switches to bread and take a wire output from top side middle leg of switch
and connect it with 1st leg of RGB LED and take another wire and connect it to bottom third leg of
switch, connect other end of wire with negative or GND terminal of battery
 Now you will see how the different color combinations can be formed by using a RGB LED.
 Press the first switch then Red light glows in the RGB LED.
 Press the second switch then green light glows in the RGB LED.
 Press the third switch then blue light flows in the RGB LED.
 Press first and second switch simultaneously then combination of red and green LED glows on the
Learning and Application:
 For lightning different color combination.
 Indicating the On/Off status of any devices
Aim of the Experiment: TWO FINGER TOUCH LAMP
Components Required:
• 9V battery or power supply
• One 3.3kΩ and one 470Ω resistor
 One NPN_BC547 transistor
• One LED
• Connecting wires

Working Principle:
How transistors work ?

The transistor works because of something called a semiconducting material. A current flowing from the
base to the emitter “opens” the flow of current from the collector to the emitter.

In a standard NPN transistor, you need to apply a voltage of about 0.7V between the base and the emitter
to get the current flowing from base to emitter. When you apply 0.7V from base to emitter you will turn
the transistor ON and allow a current to flow from collector to emitter.

By turning a small input current into a large output current, the transistor acts like an amplifier. But it also
acts like a switch at the same time. When there is no current to the base, little or no current flows between
the collector and the emitter
Transistor Symbol

Let’s look at an example:

In the example above you can see how transistors work. A 9V battery connects to an LED and a resistor.
But it connects through the transistor. This means that no current will flow in that part of the circuit until
the transistor turns ON.
To turn the transistor ON you need to apply 0.7V from base to emitter of the transistor. Imagine you have
a small 0.7V battery. (In a practical circuit you would use resistors to get the correct voltage from
whatever voltage source you have)
When you apply the 0.7V battery from base to emitter, the transistor turns ON. This allows current to
flow from the collector to the emitter. And thereby turning the LED ON!
Let’s Make a Virtual Simulation:

Let’s Make a Circuit on Bread Board:
Steps to make Circuit on Breadboard

 Insert Red wire of the battery cap ( connected to positive end of the battery ) to the Input pin of
voltage regulator and black wire of the battery cap (connected to negative end of the battery) to
the Ground of Voltage Regulator (middle pin of voltage regulator).
 Take one jumper wire and insert one end of the wire to output pin of Voltage Regulator which
provides 5 Volt regulated output and other end of that wire to first row in the upper part of bread
board, so that each hole up to five slots of that row have 5 volt supply.
 Take another jumper wire and insert to the column where negative of battery is connected and
other end of this wire to bottom row of bread board so that each hole in that row up to five slots
will have negative power supply.
 Insert a transistor in to the breadboard.
 Insert a 3.3kohm resistor and connect its one end to collector of transistor and other end to
positive terminal of supply.
 Insert an LED into the breadboard and connect the positive end of LED to the emitter of the
 Insert a 470 ohm resistor and connect its one end to the negative terminal of LED and other end to
the negative terminal of supply.
 Take a wire out of breadboard, connect its one end to the base of transistor and other end remains
 Take another wire out of breadboard and connect its one end to positive terminal of battery and
other end remains unconnected.
 Now touch the free end of the wire which is connected to positive 5V with one finger and the
other free wire whose one end is connected to base of the transistor , the LED may be dimly lit.
 Wet your fingers with water and touch the wires again. The LED should be very bright now.
 This is because of the conducting nature of your body since your body is mostly water so your
body can also conduct.
 Also you can give one end of the free wire to one person and other free wire end to other person
and ask them to complete circuit by touching their fingers together

Resistor Color Coding
Aim of the Experiment: LOGIC GATES
Component Required:
• 9V battery or power supply
• Two switches
• One 220Ω resistor
• Gate IC (AND gate SN74HC08N,SN74LS21N)or (NAND gate MC74F00N)
• One LED
• Connecting wires

Working Principle:
By connecting the two input pins of the gate IC to the supply we can see the output of that gate according
to the truth table of that gate. If we connect the two input pins of the AND gate IC to the positive supply
then the output of the AND gate will be high we can check this by connecting a LED at the output of
AND gate.

Let’s Make a Virtual Simulation:

Let’s Make a Circuit on Bread Board:

 Insert Red wire of the battery cap ( connected to positive end of the battery ) to the Input pin of
voltage regulator and black wire of the battery cap (connected to negative end of the battery) to
the Ground of Voltage Regulator (middle pin of voltage regulator).
 Take one jumper wire and insert one end of the wire to output pin of Voltage Regulator which
provides 5 Volt regulated output and other end of that wire to first row in the upper part of bread
board, so that each hole up to five slots of that row have 5 volt supply.
 Take another jumper wire and insert to the column where negative of battery is connected and
other end of this wire to bottom row of bread board so that each hole in that row up to five slots
will have negative power supply.
 Insert gate IC in to the breadboard and connect + 5 Volt to 14th pin of AND Gate IC and connect
GND to 7th pin of the AND gate
 Now take two jumper wires and connect it with first and second input of AND gate ( 0, 0 as
 Insert the LED to bread board and connect its positive with output pin of gate IC and negative of
LED to ground (with 0,0 input it LED will not glow since output is 0)
 Now we will see how the output of the gate changes when we change the input according to the
truth table of that logic gate.
 We are using an AND gate IC now change the input to 0, 1 by connecting second input to +5 V
now also LED will be in off state.
 Now change input to 1, 0 , and the output will be 0.
 Now change both input to high 1, 1 then LED will glow, this is according to the truth table of
AND gate.
 In the similar way we can change the input and verify its output by using truth table.
 While changing the inputs remove the battery from the circuit otherwise AND gate will go to
floating state with wrong output. Gate will give wrong output
Learning and Application:
 Industrial feedback circuit
 Freezer warning buzzer
 Digital Electronics
Aim of the Experiment: LDR (Light Dependent Resistor)
Components Required:
 9V battery or power supply
 One 100kΩ resistor & one 330Ω resistor
 One transistor(NPN_BC547)
 One LED
 One LDR
 Connecting wires
Working Principle:
It is a simple and powerful concept , which uses transistor ( BC 547 NPN) as a switch to switch ON and
OFF the street light system automatically It automatically switches ON lights when the sunlight goes
below the visible region of our eyes. ( e.g in evening after Sunset ).It automatically switches OFF lights
when Sunlight fall on it ( e.g in morning ) , by using a sensor called LDR (Light Dependent Resistor)
which senses the light just like our eyes.
Connect the circuit and apply power to the circuit whenever light falls on the LDR the LED will get
switched off . It can also be used for nightlight detection in which whenever there is dark in the
atmosphere the LED glows up but whenever light falls on this the LED gets in off state.

Let’s Make Circuit
Let’s Make a Circuit on Bread Board:

Steps to make Circuit on Breadboard

 Insert Red wire of the battery cap ( connected to positive end of the battery ) to the Input pin of
voltage regulator and black wire of the battery cap (connected to negative end of the battery) to the
Ground of Voltage Regulator (middle pin of voltage regulator).
 Take one jumper wire and insert one end of the wire to output pin of Voltage Regulator which
provides 5 Volt regulated output and other end of that wire to first row in the upper part of bread
board, so that each hole up to five slots of that row have 5 volt supply.
 Take another jumper wire and insert to the column where negative of battery is connected and
other end of this wire to bottom row of bread board so that each hole in that row up to five slots
will have negative power supply.
 Insert one transistor into the bread-board.
 Insert LDR into the bread-board. Connect one end of LDR to the base of transistor and other end of
LDR to Emitter and connect Emitter negative end of supply.
 Insert one 100kΩ resistor into the bread-board and connect one end of resistor to the base of
transistor and other end of resistor to the positive supply.
 Insert a LED into the bread-board. Connect -ve end of the LED to collector of transistor and
positive end of LED to positive power supply through 330 Ohm Resistor .
 Now whenever light falls on the LDR the LED will go off.
 But whenever there is dark in the atmosphere then the LED glows up.
Learning and Application:
 Automated street lights
 Dark Sensor
IR Sensor

Follow same Circuit for IR Sensor also

Remove LDR from the Circuit and connect IR Sensor to the circuit as follows

 Connect Vcc to +5 V
 Connect GND to Negative of battery
 Connect Output to Base of Transistor
 Connect Emitter to Negative of Battery


An Infrared (IR) sensor is used to detect obstacles in front of it or to differentiate between colors
depending on the configuration of the sensor. The sensor emits IR light and gives a signal when it detects
the reflected light.

An IR sensor consists of an emitter, detector and associated circuitry. The circuit required to make an IR
sensor consists of two parts; the emitter circuit and the receiver circuit.

The emitter is simply an IR LED (Light Emitting Diode) and the detector is simply an IR photodiode
which is sensitive to IR light of the same wavelength as that emitted by the IR LED. When IR light falls
on the photodiode, its resistance and correspondingly, its output voltage, change in proportion to the
magnitude of the IR light received. This is the underlying principle of working of the IR sensor.

 Connect IR sensor to your breadboard and adjust potentiometer on your IR sensor to adjust it with
different color or obstacle.
 We can use IR sensor in such a way that when you show you hand infront of IR Sensor LED
should be ON otherwise LED should be OFF

Distinguishing between black and white

IR sensors are also used to distinguish between black and white surfaces. White surfaces reflect all types
of light while black surfaces absorb them. Therefore, depending on the amount of light reflected back to
the IR receiver, the IR sensor can also be used to distinguish between black and white surfaces.
Aim of the Experiment: MAKE YOUR OWN BATTERY
Components Required:
• 9V battery or power supply
• One 3.3kΩ resistor
 One 100µF capacitor
• One LED
• Two switches

Working Principle:
Here we can use a capacitor as Battery. Capacitor once charged can hold the charge for some time till any
other device draw charge from it. So we can use the capacitor as Battery. When the capacitor is charged
up it is storing electricity which could be used elsewhere at a later time - it is like a battery. However, an
electrolytic capacitor is not a very efficient battery. Storing electric charge between the plates of a
capacitor uses much more space than storing the same amount of charge chemically within a battery.

Let’s Make a Virtual Simulation:

Learning and Application:

 As capacitor holds the charge for some time it can be used as battery but not in real time.
 It can be used as a battery for very short period. Normally used to protect circuit from damage
caused by sudden power fluctuation.
Let’s Make a Circuit on Bread Board:

As per Diagram

 Insert Red wire of the battery cap ( connected to positive end of the battery ) to the Input pin(left
pin) of voltage regulator and black wire of the battery cap (connected to negative end of the
battery) to the Ground of voltage regulator(middle pin of voltage regulator).
 Insert one end of a connecting wire to 5 volt regulated output(Output pin of voltage the regulator)
and other end of that wire to first row in the upper part of bread board, so that each hole up to five
slots of that row have 5 volt supply.
 Insert one end of another wire to negative of battery and other end of this wire to bottom row of
bread board so that each hole in that row up to five slots will have negative power supply.
 Insert two switches into the breadboard.
 Insert a connecting wire between second pin of first switch and top row(upto five slots) of
 Insert a 100uf capacitor into the breadboard and connect its positive side to the third pin of first
switch on other side.
 Insert one end of another wire into positive pin of capacitor and other end into third pin of second
switch from the bottom side as per diagram.
 Take a wire and connect it between middle pin of second switch and 3.3 kohm resistor.
 Connect other end of 3.3kohm resistor to positive terminal of LED.
 Take a wire and connect it between negative terminal of switch and negative terminal of capacitor.


 Now press the first switch and then release that switch, the battery will instantly charge the
capacitor since there is no resistance (actually there is some internal resistance in the battery and
some in the wires but these are very small).
 The capacitor is now charged and it stores the electricity it received from the battery. It will
remain charged as long as the second switch is in off state.
 Now press the second switch and watch the LED.
 It will initially be very bright but diminishes quickly as the capacitor discharges.
Repeat charging and discharging the capacitor several times.
Aim of the Experiment: WATER LEVEL INDICATOR
Components Required:
 9V battery or power supply
 Three 330Ω resistors
 Three transistor(NPN_BC547)
 Three LED’s
 One buzzer
 Connecting wires
Working Principle:
Connect the circuit and apply power to the circuit and take three wires out from the three transistors base
and dip these three wires into the water tank. Also the free wire from regulated 5V output also should be
given to tank. Whenever the water starts filling the tank first LED glows up, which shows that the water
tank is 25% full and then the second LED glows, which shows that the tank is 50% full and when the
water level in the tank got 100% a third LED glows up with a alarm both of these indicates that the water
tank is full .

Let’s Make a Virtual Simulation:
Let’s Make a Circuit on Bread Board:

As per the Diagram

 Insert Red wire of the battery cap ( connected to positive end of the battery ) to the Input pin of
voltage regulator and black wire of the battery cap (connected to negative end of the battery) to the
Ground of Voltage Regulator (middle pin of voltage regulator).
 Take one jumper wire and insert one end of the wire to output pin of Voltage Regulator which
provides 5 Volt regulated output and other end of that wire to first row in the upper part of bread
board, so that each hole up to five slots of that row have 5 volt supply.
 Take another jumper wire and insert to the column where negative of battery is connected and
other end of this wire to bottom row of bread board so that each hole in that row up to five slots
will have negative power supply
 Insert three transistors into the bread-board.
 Insert three LED’s into the bread-board and connect there positive ends to emitter of the transistors
and negative end to ground.
 Connect the collector of transistors to the positive supply(top row of breadboard) through 330 Ohm
 Insert a buzzer into the bread-board and connect the positive end of buzzer to the base of first
 Take three wires out from base of three transistors and dip these wires in the water tank.
 Dip these wires in the water tank at three different water levels.
 Now, start filling up the water tank with water.
 Whenever the water reaches at a particular level in the tank first LED glows up which indicates
that the tank is 25% filled up.
 And after some time when the water in tank reaches to another level then the Second LED will
glows up which indicates that the tank is 50% full.
 In the similar way after some time the third LED glows up and buzzer starts sounding which
indicates that the water tank is full.
Learning and Application:
 Water level indication

The resistor colour code markings are always read one band at a time starting from the left to the right,
with the larger width tolerance band oriented to the right side indicating its tolerance. Generally only four
colour bands are there, but in some resistor it may be five or six. By matching the colour of the first band
with its associated number in the digit column of the colour chart below the first digit is identified and
this represents the first digit of the resistance value. Again, by matching the colour of the second band
with its associated number in the digit column of the colour chart we get the second digit of the
resistance value and so on.
We use different colours to show tolerance but the resistance that you have, only Gold, Silver, or none(no
colour) is there.
We can remember this coding as BB ROY Great Britain Very Good Wife.(Check the first letters of each
color in the table).Then the resistor colour code is read from left to right as illustrated below

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