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11/8/23, 1:51 PM [#MIE-492] Scheduled SC: "No driver was found" Dialog fails to appear in the customer app

[MIE-492] Scheduled SC: "No driver was found" Dialog fails to appear in the customer app Created: 05/Nov/23 Updated:


Status: To Do
Project: MUVE-IT Engineering
Components: None
Affects versions: None
Fix versions: None

Type: Bug Priority: High

Reporter: Daniel Czajko Assignee: Unassigned
Resolution: Unresolved Votes: 0
Labels: None
Remaining Estimate: Not Specified
Time Spent: Not Specified
Original estimate: Not Specified

Rank: 0|i0030b:

Schedule a SC for near future, make sure there are no matching drivers near by
Wait for the system to “not find any drivers” when it’s time to look for one
Customer gets a push-notification that the SC was cancelled (wrong message, but already mentioned in another ticket)
Do not open the push-notification

[potential] Bug 1: I could hear the Push Notification, but it did not appear on to of the screen over the app. Not sure if it’s some phone setting or if the
app suppressed the OS Notification.

Bug 2: The in-app dialog that is supposed to appear telling the customer that “no driver was found” does not appear. It’s almost as if something is
suppressing it from coming up to the surface.

open OS Notifications to see the push-notification that was sent

go back to the app

result: The missing dialog finally appears

If the customer is just looking at the app and not doing anything else with the phone, he will not get the “no driver found” dialog, and unless he saw the
Push Notification, he will now know that a driver is not coming. He will wait for the driver only to find out that none came to the pick-up location.

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