Guion Project English

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Speaking Project (script)

Title: Degree-Driven City Exploration

USB English 5 (4 hours) – Evolve 3A
Students’ names: Shanelly Perlaza, Leidy Fajardo, Jean Pierre Calderón

● Use this script to organize the sections and topics of your presentation.

● Write what you are going to say in each section of the presentation.

● Be sure to follow the structures and recommendations listed below.

● Be sure to use simple language. The use of complex vocabulary or

grammar structures we have NOT learned during the semester are not
necessary. Rely on the content you have learned and what is most
comfortable for you to express.
● You do not have to produce long and heavy descriptions. Be coherent and
● Make careful use of dictionary tools (

Greeting All: Good morning guys, I hope you
Say hello using a common expression. are all well.

Present the members of the group. Shanelly: My name is Shanelly and

my colleagues are called Jean Pierre
and Leidy, it is a pleasure for us to be
with you today
The presenter briefly introduces the Leidy: We are Psychology students
project's purpose, which is to create a and we will leave the story of our trip to
city exploration guide based on their Spain to you, as well as some details
academic interests. They also mention that may interest you. For us it was a
their chosen field of study and the city wonderful experience on a professional
they explored. and emotional level, we visited tourist
places, enjoyed the food and also took
advantage of this trip to relax, balance
our emotions and develop our capacity
for analysis and observation.
Introduction Shanelly: Next we will talk as
1. provide an overview of the structure psychology students, we will combine
of the presentation, explaining that you the importance of self-care and our
will cover the route, significance of experience getting to know Spain. We
chosen locations, and activities related will visit the Prado Museum and the
to the academic degree. Sagrada Familia, some important sites
in this country to do field work, our first
destination will be Madrid and then
Barcelona. We will focus on conscious
observation of the environment and
interaction with local culture.
Leidy: We will plan moments of
relaxation and reflection walking
through the streets of Spain, planning
routes from our hotel for sightseeing.
Jean Pierre: We will also talk with
residents to learn about their lives and
enrich our understanding of cultural
diversity, important aspects for case
studies, among others.
Leidy: The goal of our trip is to identify
how history and culture influence the
collective psychology of a community
and we will reflect on our own personal
and professional growth during the trip.
We are excited about this unique
experience and hope to return with
valuable lessons and fond memories.

Body Jean Pierre: Ok, so today you will hear

about our experience on our trip to
2. Route and Map: elaborate on the
Spain. Of course, you, as
planned route for the city exploration
psychologists, will love this place so
and mentions the use of a map.
much that each of you will want to live
Explain where the journey begins and
the experience.
briefly describe the path to follow. Use
city places vocabulary, directions and Leidy:Yes, you are right, we want to tell
sequencing words. you in detail how knowing new social
environments was valuable when doing
this adventure, for example the
3. Must-Visit Places: highlight specific exploration of local culture. How about
places or landmarks in the city that are starting with that?
relevant to your chosen academic Shanelly: I think that's a good starting
degree. For each location, briefly point. Traveling can be an excellent
explain why it's a must-visit place for opportunity to recharge your batteries,
students in their field of study. Use guys, our first stop from Colombia was
modals and conditionals. in Madrid, we stayed in a small hostel,
close to the city center, making it easy
for us to get around.
4. Activities: describe the activities or
Leidy: Exactly, a place that we wanted
experiences that students can enjoy at
to visit was the Prado Museum, this is
each of the chosen locations.
a very easy to access and low cost
Emphasize the educational and fun
place that you can go to by metro, so
aspects of these activities, connecting
as not to spend too much and to fit it
them to the academic degree. Use
into your budget.
information questions, adjectives and
articles. Jean Pierre: In Madrid, when visiting
the Prado Museum, we did an art
appreciation activity, paying attention
to the emotions that works of art evoke
in us. This is a valuable exercise for
our knowledge.
Shanelly: Additionally, we explore the
local culture by talking to people we
meet on the street asking them to give
us a look at their favorite places in the
Leidy: I agree. Meeting people from
different cultures can be a great
learning experience in terms of
empathy and intercultural
understanding. And when visiting
historical sites such as the Alhambra in
Granada, a place that was
recommended to us by a resident of
Madrid who also told us about some
delicious restaurants that we attended
called "Dolce dessert" and "La buona
Jean Pierre: Absolutely, our trip to
Spain was not just a tourist experience,
but an opportunity for personal and
professional growth. I think planning it
from a psychological perspective
allowed us to get the most out of this
Shanelly: I like the idea of conscious
observation. It was interesting to apply
it to the tourist sites we visited. For
example, at the Sagrada Familia in
Barcelona, where we were transported
by taxi from the airport, we were able
to take a moment to observe the
architectural details.
Jean Pierre: Finally, we are excited to
tell you that this trip was very
economical, since we had cheap hostel
rentals and we consulted the tourist
sites we visited on the Internet, and we
also learned to use at least a year can
be enough for you to the metro, a good
means of transportation in these cities.
It was a unique experience in every
sense and I am sure that it will also be
enriching for you.
Leidy: Definitely! I am convinced that
planning this trip for get to know those
places that gave us pleasant
experiences in Madrid and Barcelona,
if you have some facilities such as
accommodation at your family's home
and someone to guide you touristically.
, it will be much better.

Conclusion Well guys, and I hope that you liked

our approach to this beautiful country,
5. Summary of Key Points:
as you can see we have explained to
summarize the main points covered in
you the way in which we will approach
the presentation, which include the
the study of cultures, doing field work,
purpose of the project, the planned
observing their ways of living life,
route, the significance of locations, and
mentioning important places to us,
the activities offered.
what they should visit, how valuable
6. Inspiration and Appreciation: this trip is going to be in our profession
express hope that the audience is and of course encourage them to take
inspired to explore the city further and this trip and enjoy it just as we do.
gain a deeper appreciation for the
connection between their academic
degree and the city's culture. Of course, I thank you for listening to
us and I hope that you are very
interested in our destination, we will
accompany you to live your experience
in good spirits from here, and I hope
that we have been clear and relevant
to your minds! .

Farewell See you later!
Say goodbye to the audience. Thank Have a very nice day guys!.
them for their time and wish them a
wonderful day.

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