Future 2

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Choose the correct verb tense for each sentence:

1. She _____________ (tell) me where the money is.

a) will not be telling b) won't tell

2. I won't be able to go out with you tomorrow because I _____________ for the exam on Monday.
a) will prepare b) will be preparing

3. I _____________ to my son about his bad behavior at school.

a) will talk b) will be talking

4. By the time I'm 80, I _____________ my sight.

a) will have lost b) will lose

5. This time tomorrow I _____________ to New Zealand.

a) will fly b) will be flying

6. By the time mother comes back, I _____________ (clean) my room.

a) will have cleaned b) will clean

7. She decided that she _____________ writing a book about her father.

a) will be starting b) will start

8. I _____________ more in the next two months.

a) will exercise b) will be exercising

9. By the time we get home, children _____________ the whole cake.

a) will have eaten b) will be eating

10. I'm really exhausted today - I _____________ my essay tomorrow.

a) will write b) will be writing

11. I _____________ you tomorrow at 8 a.m.

a) will have met b) will meet

12. Tomorrow I _____________ all day.

a) will be reading b) will read

13. I _____________ him tomorrow evening.

a) am meeting b) will have met

14. After I finish this book, I _____________ (read) the whole trilogy.

a) will read b) will have read

15. - Can I come over in an hour? - No, I _____________ (study) for tomorrow’s test.

a) will study b) will be studying

16. By the time we get there, all tickets _____________ .

a) will sell b) will be sold out

17. She doesn't know yet what a liar he is, but she _____________ (find out) soon enough.

a) will be finding out b) will find out

18. She insulted me in public. I _____________ (go out) with her again!

a) will never go out b) will not be going out

19. This time next week, I _____________ (lay) on the beach in Greece.

a) will be laying b) will lay

20. If we continue driving so fast, we _____________ (arrive) there in two hours.

a) will arrive b) will be arriving

2. Complete the sentences with the most appropriate form. Use the verbs in brackets.

You must take an umbrella. It ................................................................ (rain)

I ..................................... to the cinema tonight. I already have a ticket. (go)

Are you planning any summer holiday? - I don't know yet. Perhaps I .................................. at home.

You look pretty tired. You should have a break. - OK. I .......................................................... a rest.

Betty is going to driving lessons, because she ....................................................... a car. (buy)

I've just missed my train! - No problem. I ......................................... you there. (drive)

I can't eat anything today. I ............................................... an appointment at the hospital tomorrow.


The Sharks are much better! I'm sure they .................................................. the Dolphins today! (beat)

What does your son want to do in future? - I hope he ......................................... a dentist. (become)

Not at five o'clock. Look at the diary. We ................................................ Mr. Clark at three o'clock.

Please, buy some eggs. I ............................................................ a cake. (make)

My dad has already booked the holiday. We ................................................... to France on 2 July. (fly)
3. Make sentences with the words in brackets.

Example: A I'm so thirsty!

B I'll get you a drink. (get | drink | you)

A It is so hot in this classroom.

B You're right. ....................................................................................... (window | open | I)

A I need your photo.

B My photo? ..........................................................................................? (you | it | what | do | with)

A Have they bought the train tickets yet?

B Yes, they have. ................................................................................... (catch | 6.35 | they | train)

A Can I borrow your laptop?

B No problem. ........................................................................................? (it | need| how long | you)

A Have you decided about your entrance exam?

B Yes, I have. ......................................................................................... (not | at | I | study |


A We spent our holiday in Prague last summer.

B Really? ................................................................................................ (Prague | May | go | we | in |


A Look at the man on the motorbike!

B Oh, no! ................................................................................................? (crash | he | car | our | into)

A There's someone at the door. Can you answer it for me?

B At midnight? ....................................................................................... (not | it | I | answer)

A Natasha is having a welcome party on Friday night. Are you going?

B Of course, I am. ................................................................................... (not | anything | I | do |

Friday | on)
4. Complete the dialogues with the verbs

go read give stay have see take get rain

A Why are you switching on the light?

B Because I ........................................................ for a while.

A I'm dying for a drink.

B Are you? I ....................................................................... you a glass of juice.

A Don't forget to get in touch with Mr Clark.

B Don't worry. I ................................................... him a ring as soon as I arrive.

A Can we meet after school?

B I'm sorry, but Sam .......................................... me out to a cafe this afternoon.

A What a perfect day! The sun is shining...

B But look at those clouds over there. It ..................................................... Definitely.

A You look so happy! What's the matter?

B Jill and I ......................................................... a baby.

A Do you have a headache again?

B I have a splitting headache! But I ............................................ the doctor tomorrow at 10.30.

A What are your plans for the weekend?

B Nothing special. I suppose that we ........................................... at home as usual.

A Do you think we could come to see you at the beginning of July?

B At the beginning of July? We've already booked our holiday. We ........................................ to

5. choose the correct future tense

1. Amanda is going on holiday to Croatia tomorrow. She will sunbath / will be sunbathing all days

2. I'm afraid I won't finish / won’t be finishing this essay tomorrow.

3. Stella's boss will present / will be presenting new ideas at the conference tomorrow at 3 pm.

4. My parents will probably stay / will be probably staying in this hotel.

5. This will show / will be showing how much you love her.

6. Some lawyers will come / will be coming to our company on Monday morning.

7. This time on Friday I will give / will be giving a lecture at university.

8. Monica will go / will be going to the hairdresser's next weekend.

9. If you do it again, I will hit / will be hitting you on your nose.

10. The farmers will pick up / will be picking up fruit every day in August.

11. My wife will organise / will be organising a charity ball all next week.

12. Samantha and her colleagues are preparing an advertising campaign. They are afraid it will fail /
will be failing.

13. Where are our kids? You check in the garden, and I will check/ will be checking in the house.

14. I'm too tired to continue working on this project. I will take / will be taking a few days off.

15. I believe I will find / will be finding the right answer to the question.

16. My umbrella is broken. No problem, I will lend / will be lending you mine.

17. Don't disturb us tonight, please. We will discuss / will be discussing some problems.

18. I promise I will do / will be doing it as soon as I finish my tasks.

19. My sister hopes she will work / will be working as a key account manager.

20. I can't meet on Saturday evening. I will make / will be making a speech in London.

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