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Amber Smith

Dr. Lavender

English 2085

13 November 2014

“Feed” by M.T. Anderson: Only Four Easy Payments of Your Humanity

Imagine a world where you are constantly bombarded with hundreds of advertisements.

They are everywhere you look and they are even inside your head. The advertisements that you

receive are based on how you feel at any particular time. Everything around you is literally

falling apart, but you don’t notice it because there’s, like, a new gadget that you don’t actually

need, but you must buy now. In the novel “Feed” by M.T. Anderson, Titus and his friends live in

this world ruled by constant consumerism and capitalism. And although there world is

collapsing, through advertising and ignorance they don’t realize that the feed is destroying them

and the world that they live in. In the novel, it seems crazy that people would willingly spend

every waking and non waking hour being told to buy things and that people would also allow

their technology to interfere with their human interactions. But essentially, this is our world, this

is the world that we live in now. Possibly a bit more exaggerated and obnoxious.

What I like about the novel was that Anderson actually made me care about the main

characters. I feel that a lot of dystopian novels fail to do that for me. The book also made me a

little uncomfortable because of how easily this could happen in the not so distant future. With

technology implanted inside us, biological computers and using the word “like” every two

seconds, I can actually see our society heading towards this and its scary.However, I loved that

Anderson didn’t emphasize the novel on a solution and he didn’t add any of his own judgement.

He just showed us the way it would be, with all the flaws and it makes you think.
But I also disagree with myself about why I liked the book. Throughout history, people

have always said that our quick technological advances and our culture so reliant on technology

will be our downfall. I don’t exactly think we should be afraid of the changes. The world will

always evolve and the people in it will always evolve. So, humanity will adapt to whatever

changes we face.

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