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L17: Truman's decision.

Preparation of arguments
Testing of arguments
Wartime conferences

15 min: pairs/gorups prepare.

You are assigned a point.
Write down the 6 best arguments from your text to support the answer.
Then rank them according to which argument you think is the most reasonable. You must agree and write
(you need both the argument and the ranking for the next exercise)

MM Barrett, Ann Arbor Margo Dowling

The atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Truman used the bomb to bring a quick end to the
Nagasaki were unnecessary for victory in WW2 and war and to prevent massive casualties among US
were used mainly to impress and control the USSR soldiers and JAP citizens.
15 min: pairs/groups discuss the arguments.
Opening: “my best argument is that Truman……, because ………. What do you think of that?”
Response: I believe that the argument is …….. because…….. . MY argument is that ……….. what do YOU
think about that? .
Continuation: My second argument would be that….. What do you think of that?

While you debate, you note down the other person’s argument.

5 min: write a joint statement, both of you should have it on your computer:
We believe that Truman’s reasons for dropping the atomic bombs were mainly….

10 min: Kim: timeline of Wartime Conferences.

Year Conferenc
TehranGoal: Set date for Normandy Invasion.
The Big Three: Stalin, Roosevelt, Churchill
State of the war: Allied had begun winning after Stalingrad, but still no
Second Front.
No decision on GER after the war but agree unconditional surrender.
Stalin demanded to keep seized East Eur. territory.
1943: Katyn forest mass grave 10.000 Polish officers
BRI + USA wanted Stalin to start second front on JAP
in principle set up United Nations
Yalta On the Black Sea, Ukraine. Stalin now occupied much of East Eur.
Decide on what to do with GER: disarmed, demilitarized, de-nazified,
DIVIDED. 4 occupation zones, Allied Control Council.
1945 POL: Curzon-line: 1921 RUS-POL war.
feb. East Eur: RUS allow and agree to free elections.
RUS to enter war against JAP
UN: security council 5 permanent members. USA, BRI, FRA, NAT-CHI,
USSR (later: vetoed anything against their own interests).
Potsdam GER has surrendered. War in Pacific still. USA consider A-bomb.
New president Truman. keep “super-weapon” secret to the USSR.
1945 Truman unhappy w. East EUR:1944: percentages agreement Churchill:
Jul- 90%-10% GRE/ROM. Stalin: 10%-90% GRE-ROM. BRI: 25% BUL + HU,
Aug Yug: 50/50
Potsdam Agreement: JAP unconditional surrender
JAP: A-bomb. RUS: not part of war.
10 min: kahoot (“Duplicate of WW2: General questions”)

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