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Dna extraction of a kiwi

Lab report (Matteo, Milosz, Salah, Jouhaina)

How can dna be extracted from a kiwi?
Lets start from the basics first; what is DNA and what are its
DNA is the molecule inside cells that contains the genetic information
responsible for the development and function of an organism. DNA molecules
allow this information to be passed from one generation to the next. DNA is
made up of a double-stranded helix held together by weak hydrogen bonds
between purine-pyrimidine nucleotide base pairs: adenine (A) paired with
thymine (T), and guanine (G) paired with cytosine (C). Also called
deoxyribonucleic acid.
Our hypothesis
We have formulated a hypothesis based on our scientific knowledge, we believe
once a mixture of soap and salt, added with some pure ethanol will come into
contact with a kiwi pulpe, the DNA of the fruit, will slowly surge on top.
Materials and chemicals used:

- 250 ml beaker
- Kiwi fruit
- Knife and a spoon
- Plastic bag
- Funnel
- Plastic chopping board
- 100ml Test tube
- Ethanol
- Soap
- Salt
- 80ml warm water
- Small sieve
We first peeled the kiwi using a small knife.

We then chopped the kiwi into smaller pieces and saved it in a bag.

We added 80 ml of warm water and salt to the kiwi, and then mixed gently.

Add a spoon of common detergent.

Then, we slowly pressed over the mixture to dense it more.

At this point, we placed a sieve over the beaker and carefully sifted the mixture.

The teacher filled a 100ml testing tube with pure ethanol and poured some of it in the mixture with the help of a funnel.

Now you will see as all the ingredients react together, some white looking bubbles will form a foam.

You have now extracted DNA from a kiwi.

Our hypothesis turned out to be correct; we conducted the experiment well, with good timing and we were
able to extract much of the dna, it’s very visible on top, and the experiment was successful.

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