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Control:TV sound at the back

Lucía: Hello we are Lucía , Le and Jiayue , students of secondary school

José de Churriguera and we’re going to tell story of the “favourite child”.


Jiayue (Daisy):Mom!!

Le (Stefany): What happened Daisy ? Is everything okay ?

Jiayue: Of course not ! Why did you buy a computer for Cindy , she doesn’t
even need one.

Lucía (Cindy): What do you mean I need it for my science projects! You are
just jealous , don’t you ?

Jiyue: I’m not jealous , I just think that maybe if I got a new computer I could
study better

Le: Don’t fight! both of u can share the computer

Lucía: Mom I agree but she will not let me use it because she never shares
things with me.

Jiyue: Wait what, I always share my things with you,but you are the person
that never shares things with me.Liar!

Le: Please girls calm down. Let’s talk about it like a family.

Jiayue: It’s not fair, Mom. Cindy always gets what she wants and I’ always left
with nothing

Lucía: That 's not true! And besides ,when I get new things the first thing you
do is taking it

Le: Enough! I said that we can come out with a solution as a family! Haa-
Daisy what do you need a new computer for?

Jiayue: Well, I have a lot of online homework from the school website and
school presentations for the next few weeks and the old dusty computer is
VERY slow. I can’t get anything done on time with that.
Le: And Cindy, what do YOU need it for?

Lucía: I also use it for my website homework and research to do for my online

Le: What if we make turns , Daisy , you can have the computer from Monday
to Tuesday for your assignments, and Cindy can have it the rest of the
weekend but if Daisy wants it out of her turn she’ll have to pay Cindy fifty

Jiayue: But what if Cindy doesn’t use the computer one day? Does it mean
that I can use it or none of us can.

Le:That depends on her.

Lucía:Well it depends on my humor that day sis.

Jiayue:But it is unfair that she can use it a day more!

Lucía:In the first place it is mine.

Jiayue:I bet that you’ll not let me touch it even if you don’t use it.

Lucía:Fine! I’ll give you a day more if I lose the bet.


Control: door slap 2x

Le: ahg… teenagers.

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