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Reading Assessment
Must Do…. Choose Two Leaflet
White Rose by Kip Wilson
Once you have read your text, complete the MUST DO boxes. Choose
two other boxes. Get creative making a leaflet to show your
understanding of the novel. Leaflets will be displayed throughout the
classroom with time set aside to explore each other’s leaflets.

Summarize the text in What is the main theme
your own words. of White Rose? Give
three pieces of evidence
from the text to support
the main theme.

Choose three unfamiliar Write three questions Why did the author write
words from the text. you have after reading this text? What clues in
Look up their meaning this text. the text show this?
and use them in a
sentence that would
correlate with the

Pick one character that Describe the setting and Describe what you think
you can make a how it influences the plot is the most important
connection to in your
own life. Use text
of the story. event in the story. Back
up your opinion with
evidence to explain. evidence from the text.
4 3 2 1

Theme I can identify a I can identify I can identify I can identify

meaningful a theme a theme and the subject of
theme relevant relevant to the attempt to the story. I can
to the story and story, give give evidence. attempt to
give three multiple identify a
pieces of pieces of text theme.
relevant text evidence, and
evidence and explain their
insightfully connection to
explain their the theme.
connection to
the theme.
Writing I can produce I can produce I can write a I can attempt
clear and clear and paragraph to write a
Response coherent coherent answering the paragraph
writing and writing and prompt. answering the
draw multiple draw one prompt.
pieces of piece of
evidence from evidence from
literary texts to literary texts
support to support
analysis and analysis and
reflection. reflection.
Leaflet Student Student Student Student turned
completed completed completed in a leaflet but
Must Do boxes Must Do one Must Do did not
and two of the boxes and one box and at complete
Choose Two of the Choose least one of required or
boxes. They Two boxes the Choose optional boxes
provided that provided Two boxes. and offered no
information information The explanation.
that is highly that was information
relevant to the related to the provided had
novel and novel. little or no
demonstrated relation to the
careful novel.

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