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Quizz 5 – Unit 3

Part 1 – Possessive Form
Reescribe los siguientes enunciados usando la forma corta del
 These are the suits of Erick ► These are Erick´s suits
 This is the desk of Jennifer ► This is Jennifer´s desk
1. This is the book of Cheryl

2. This is the hat of Art

3. This is the car of Samuel and Diane

4. They are the friends of Jane.

5. This is the office of Tyler

6. These are the shoes of Ellie Mae

7. This is the classroom of the students

8. These are the pencils of Nell

9. They are the parents of Alice
10. She is the wife of Mr. Stephenson

Part II – Possessive adjective

Cambia la forma corta del posesivo a su forma de adjetivo
 This is Sophie´s toy ► This is her toy
 This is Simon´s truck ► This is his truck
1. This is Emily´s apple.

2. These are Keith´s shoes

3. This is Ian´s exam

4. Those are Collete´s flowers

5. That is Julie and Paula´s Computer

6. This is Spot´s dish.

7. This is René and Ian´s class.

8. This is Japan´s flag

9. Those are Nelson´s rollerskates.

10. This is René´s cellphone

Part III – Possessive Pronoun

Ahora, cambia la forma corta del posesivo a su forma de
 This is his banana ► This banana is his
 This is her puppy ► This puppy is hers
1. This is our church

2. That is your globe

3. It is their school

4. It is his bird

5. This is my jacket

6. Those are her dresses

7. This is my diploma

8. This is their anniversary

9. That is our radio

10. These are his glasses

Part IV – Possessives
Contesta las preguntas usando el Posesivo entre paréntesis
 Whose book is this? (P.A – She) ► This is her book
 Whose pens are these? (P.P – We) ►These pens are ours
 Whose ruler is this? (P.F – John) ►This is John´s ruler
1. Whose chairs are these? (P.A – He)

2. Whose pencil is this? (P.P – I)

3. Whose cup is that? (P.F – Louis)

4. Whose rings are those? (P.P – Jackie)

5. Whose bicycles are thses? (P.P – We)

6. Whose rose is this? (P.A – Lilly)

7. Whose tie is that? (P.F – Roland)

8. Whose posters are those? (P.P – Abel and Delilah)

9. Whose perfume is that? (P.A – They)

10. Whose hamburguer is this? (P.F – David)

Part V – Object Pronoun

Escoge el pronombre objetivo correcto para cada oración. Usa el
nombre o sustantivo que aparece entre paréntesis.
 I love him very much (Jack)
 I like her very much (Corina)
1. He writes ______ beautiful poems (Sally)
2. She explains the lesson to _____ (Carl)
3. They help ______ with our practices (Jack and me)
4. You bake ______ cookies every morning (Ian)
5. We deliver messages to _______ (Peter and Paul)
6. I teach _____ new things (Teacher to sudent)
7. Penelope lives next to ______ (The zoo)
8. Melissa teaches ______ English (Ian)
9. We speak English to ______ (Samuel)
10. Jonathan studies at E.E with _____ (The teacher)

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