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‭Sleep Is Your Superpower‬

‭Noah Corwin‬

‭ENC 2135‬

‭Ayomide Festus‬
‭Table Of Contents‬

‭Instagram Page……………………………………………………….……………………………3‬

‭Tik Tok Video……………………………………………………………….…………………….4‬

‭Prezi Presentation………………………………………….….…………….………………….…5‬

‭Rhetorical Rational………………………………………………………………………...……6-8‬
‭Instagram Page‬

‭This instagram page is supposed to capture the largest audience and inform them about‬

‭my issue. Instagram is not an entirely formal location to spread academic information, however it‬

‭allows me to reach the largest demographic. Most ages from teenagers all the way to middle aged‬

‭adults use instagram. So teenagers can see this information and learn from it, and adults can find‬

‭it here and inform their younger children who may not yet have the app.The cartoons and images‬

‭keep with the theme of instagram and the social media app expectation, but the comments of the‬

‭posts have important information about sleep deprivation that could teach people about the‬

‭harms and solutions to it. The images I picked out were meant to be attention grabbing while still‬

‭adhering to my theme. In the bio of my instagram page I included a link to a TedTalk that‬

‭sparked my interest and passion for this subject matter.‬


‭TikTok Video‬



‭This TikTok video is the genre piece most specifically targeted to teenagers. This short‬

‭video is fast paced and quick moving. The intro is meant to grab the attention of people scrolling‬

‭on the app. The rest of the video is filled with true and scary facts about sleep deprivation. This‬

‭is meant to appeal to teenagers' pathos and urge them to see how important their sleep is to their‬

‭overall health. Unfortunately, with this genre piece I will not be reaching the audience of the‬

‭older generation. However, the demographic that is affected most by sleep deprivation are‬

‭teenagers so this genre piece targeted specifically to them will be the most effective way to reach‬

‭them. Also, instead of slamming them with medical terms this video gives them cold hard truths‬

‭that are simple and terrifying to hear. This will show that sleep deprivation is nothing to take‬

‭lightly and combating it is extremely important.‬

‭Prezi Presentation‬


‭This presentation is my most academic in nature. This presentation is given using the tool of‬

‭Prezi. It involves motion and images that relate to my overarching project. The presentation is‬

‭meant to be captivating and informative. I also kept it a short presentation that does not have too‬

‭many slides. Instead, it has fewer slides packed with information so as the audience does not get‬

‭bored. This presentation is meant to reach the audience that will not be on TikTok or Instagram,‬

‭more likely than not the older generation. These presentation slides are meant to introduce just a‬

‭few of the issues with sleep deprivation ranging from physical to mental problems. Then the‬

‭presentation also includes certain tips and tricks to increase sleep health and get better sleep to‬

‭fight deprivation and the problems that come with it. The constraints with this genre piece is the‬

‭inability to reach a mass audience because it is not posted to a main social media app. This will‬

‭limit the amount of people able to view this specific genre piece.‬

‭Rhetorical Rationale‬

‭In the fast-paced, modern world, with many demands and distractions, the importance of‬

‭a good night's sleep often takes a backseat to the pressures of daily life. Sleep is a fundamental‬

‭aspect of human well-being, plays a crucial role in maintaining physical and mental health.‬

‭However, the prevalence of sleep deprivation has become a concerning issue in recent times, and‬

‭there are far-reaching negative consequences on individual health. I chose 3 particular genre‬

‭pieces that would reach the greatest amount of people, and I specifically designed them to reach‬

‭as many different audiences as possible.‬

‭Sleep deprivation is a problem that a lot of people don’t know the true dangers about.‬

‭Sleep can be a superpower, but unfortunately our society is not built around it. One of the biggest‬

‭constraints is the way our society is built, with work and school often being early, it is hard to get‬

‭an adequate amount of sleep. My audience that I want to inform about the problems with sleep‬

‭deprivation is both male and females from ages 14 all the way to 60. I want to have a stronger‬

‭emphasis on teenagers because they lack sleep the most.‬

‭My first genre piece will be a video in the form of a TikTok or Instagram reel. This genre‬

‭piece will be a captivating and informational video that will be able to reach the younger‬

‭generation mostly. I want to focus more on teenagers because they lack sleep the most. It will be‬

‭quick and attention grabbing, it will not appeal to the older generation, but I will have other‬

‭genre pieces that appeal to them. This piece however will be most effective for the teenagers. It‬

‭will also most likely be the genre piece that is seen by the most people, due to the nature of the‬

‭app. These types of videos are common on TikTok; informational videos that are presented in an‬

‭interesting and digestible way.‬

‭My second genre piece will be an Instagram page. Again, this will reach the younger‬

‭teenage generation that I am trying to inform about sleep deprivation. It will include a few posts‬

‭that give information first about sleep deprivation and then how to stop it including tips with‬

‭better sleep health. This can also reach an older generation because middle aged people also use‬

‭Instagram. This will in turn boost the amount of people who can benefit from this genre piece.‬

‭First, the older generation will learn about the problem with sleep deprivation, but after seeing‬

‭this information they will also tell their kids. Many of whom do not have Instagram because they‬

‭are too young. The middle aged generation that has kids who are younger can help instill good‬

‭habits in their children. This will hopefully start to change the tide with sleep deprivation and its‬

‭problems. It will include colors that pop but have good information. This genre piece will urge‬

‭people to be more aware of their sleep and do what they need to do to have a good sleep‬

‭schedule. The previous genre piece will be more about the problems of sleep deprivation‬

‭whereas this one will be more about how to improve your sleep health.‬

‭My third genre piece will be a presentation. This presentation will appeal to the older‬

‭generation. It will be more formal and include all the information about sleep deprivation that I‬

‭want to. The information will be medical in nature and it will contain both the problems with‬

‭sleep deprivation as well as how to combat it. It is formatted in Prezi and has motion to still keep‬

‭the presentation interesting and engaging. Each “slide” has pictures that relate to my topic as‬

‭well as information about my issue. I packed each text box with a lot of information so the‬

‭presentation would still feel short and not like it was dragging on.‬

‭Sleep deprivation is a wide reaching and serious problem. Not enough people know about‬

‭all of the problems with it or how to combat it. I want my genre pieces to reach as many people‬

‭as possible with an emphasis on the teenage generation. Firstly because they are the demographic‬
‭that struggles the most with sleep, secondly they will be the ones who can make social change.‬

‭Structure our society in a way that truly looks out for health with an emphasis on sleep.‬

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