Replay Ana S Email

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Dear Anna

It is really nice to kwon about you, very sorry to heard about you´ve been sick, please take
care yourself, rest very well, so you can recover 100 percent.
I’m very good, thanks for asking, although, let me tell you that I´ve had felt stressed lately
because a lot of things going on at work, that’s why I stared to practice yoga and I´m trying
to do meditation. I don't want to fill this letter with my problems.
Nice to heart about your brother´s new job, Mike always wanted to work in a software
company if I´m not wrong, I’m very sure that Mike will be successful in that company.
My family thanks God are very well, my nephew and niece are beautiful and growing up so
fast, my nephew finally said aunt, I am so happy ;)
I´m so happy that you are coming to town, thanks for letting me know, I am going to
organize my agenda, to be able to hang out with you. And don´t worried, I can send you
some recommendation for you and your colleague accommodation, I already have some
options in mind
I almost forgot I have to tell something very interesting, so when you are here we can talk
in person
P.S. Give Mike my regards
See you soon

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