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Each neurotransmitter has a specific RECEPTOR, or protein, for which it, and only it, will fit.

There is now conclusive evidence for a completely genetic cause of most psychiatric disorders.

GABA, the primary inhibitory transmitter for the CNS, has been implicated in the development of anxiety and seizure
Educate teaching
Basic emotions, needs, drives, and instincts begin and are modulated in the LIMBIC system.

Various endocrine disorders can produce psychiatric symptoms.


Dopamine is an excitatory neurotransmitter that plays an important role in the generation and maintenance of mood

Laboratory tests measuring levels of neurotransmitters in the bloodstream are routinely used to diagnose psychiatric

Genetic makeup creates a PREDISPOSITION to a mental disorder.

Psychoneuroimmunology explores the relationships among the immune, nervous, ENDOCRINE\ systems.
DOPAMINE norepinephrine, and serotonin are the three neurotransmitters most central to the current hypotheses of mental
Mental health advocacy began with health care providers speaking up on behalf of their patients.

Many people with mental health problems are UNEMPLOYED, resulting in lack of income and health insurance.

Poverty is a major barrier for people working to recover from a mental disorder.

Many people with mental disorders deal with the barrier of self-stigma.

Lack of services is a common barrier for many individuals needing care for a mental disorder.

Mental Health America is best known for its work in helping the homeless find shelter.

In the INFORMED choice model of decision making, the patient makes decisions based on available information.
Homelessness and stigma are two BARRIER to recovery.

In the PATERNALISTIC decision-making model, the clinician makes all decisions for the patient.

RECOVERY oriented nursing care is a holistic approach characterized by collaborating with the person with mental
health problems to improve health and wellness.
If the nurse seeks to support the patient through the decision-making process, giving advice is an important therapeutic

When a patient's verbal and nonverbal communication are contradictory, priority should be given to what the patient
communicates verbally.

When using VALIDATION, the nurse uses "I" statements to check their own thoughts and feelings with another person.

One of the most difficult but often most effective communication techniques is the use of SILENCE during verbal

PROCESS recordings are verbatim transcripts of interactions, which are useful to the nurse as they seek to learn therapeutic

Self-AWARENESS is a process of understanding one's own beliefs, thoughts, motivations, biases, and limitations.

ACTIVE listeningis a priority intervention in which the nurse focuses on what the patient is saying in order to search for
underlying meaning.
Self-awareness is crucial to the establishment and maintenance of therapeutic relationships with patients.
Termination begins the first day of the relationship.

Defense mechanisms and coping styles are always maladaptive.


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