E Learning

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The 21st century is known as the ‘Information Age’ for its rapid development beyond the
boundaries of time and location in computer and information technology. Teaching and learning
which is the key matter in the educational process also has evolved throughout time and has been
adapting to the modern era of technology and media. While the traditional teaching and learning in
physical classroom method is still in practice, various types of learning method have emerged today,
in accordance with the flexibility of teachers and students. Distance learning, mobile learning, and
electronic learning are the few widely practiced methods in this decade. During this Covid-19
pandemic, the educational sector together with economics, politics, and business are also greatly
affected due to the reduced communication and interaction among the educators and learners.
Electronic learning is the most suitable method for educational purposes up to the minute. The
learning method is widely acknowledged as E-learn and has been practiced around the world. It uses
information and communication technology advancement in the education process of gaining
knowledge. This electronically supported learning technique is applicable for all categories such as
primary, secondary, tertiary studies, diploma, undergraduate, postgraduate, skill learning, and
training classes. Electronic learning is defined as a medium of learning by utilizing electronic
technologies for accessing educational curriculums outside of traditional classrooms by an internet
resource, eLearningNC.gov.

The flexibility and compatibility of this learning technique enable learners to access the
learning material at any time and from anywhere regardless of time and place. The ability to access
various resources and references to gain educational knowledge is much favorable for learners
compared to conventional face-to-face learning. Electronic learning is referred to as instruction
delivered through digital devices with the intent of supporting learning by Clark and Mayer in their
2016 research paper “E-learning and the science of instruction: Proven guidelines for consumers
and designers of multimedia learning′′. E-learn is evolving day by day to become easier for learners
and educators to engage and interact with each other. The emergence of this digital age has utilized
science and technology remarkably in teaching the students. While the cost of accessing E-learn is
cheaper than the other learning mediums, it designs a conducive environment for learners .
The objective of this method is to satisfy learners’ needs with less or no geographical
hindrance and self-paced learning. Lifelong learning for people of all ages is the centerpiece of
electronic learning. There are various learning resources and platforms are giving free or paid
classes for a 5 years old child to a 50 years old elderly person. This medium is accessible through
electronic networks such as the internet, local area network, and wide area network. The learner can
interface with the learning facilities via electronic media such as computer, laptop, tablet, CD-ROM
and etc. Interactive text, animation, digital simulation, audio, and video are some of the familiar
learning materials and aids used in E-learn to convey the content. The learning resources used in
this medium will either be accessed synchronously or asynchronously to deliver training and
education through electronically networked interaction. Learning resources such as e-books, optical
discs, pen drives, and cloud-based sharing are the top-notch of this learning. While there is no
globally accepted particular definition for this learning, E-learning has been defined in various
academic terms by educational scientists and researchers all around the world. Sarah Guri-Rosenbilt,
in her 2005 research paper “Distance Education and E-Learning: Not the Same Thing”, defined e-
learning as electronic media used for various learning purposes ranging from conventional
classroom add-on functions to online substitution for face-to-face meetings with online
encounters. Besides that, Arkorful and Abaidoo defined e-learning as using information and
communication technologies to for enabling access to online teaching and learning resources in their
2015 research paper “The role of e-learning, advantages and disadvantages of its adoption in higher
In general, a learning system with formalized teaching method using electronic resources is
known as E-learning. This medium was not fully received by educators and learners due to its
reduced human element in learning, in its early period. But to adapt to the new norm of life and
learning, E-learning is now widely used and accepted wholeheartedly by the masses. E-learning has
enabled academic sharing and transfer of skills to a large number of recipients.

A detailed and standardized sequence of learning instruction and learning objectives is called
curriculum. In school and college education, curriculum that compromised of topics, subjects,
materials, resources, learning activities and evaluation process that will be conducted throughout
the academic programs. In electronic learning, curriculum tools play an important role in delivering
the knowledge and skills to learners. Curriculum tools are mainly consisting administration tools,
instructional tools, and student tools. File management, authentication, and authorization are
example of the administration tools. Curriculum design and evaluation quizzes conducted online
with automated grading are among the instructional tools. There are different additional tools to aid
e-Learning such as online quizzes and online discussion forums. To replicate the real classroom
discussion, e-Learning uses online forum discussions such as Lowyat and Padlet. Students can
interact and communicate with each other and also with teacher regarding any queries in selected
topics or subjects. The specialty in this online discussion forums are that, the answers and the
messages will be stored for a longer period and students can access the information at any time they
insist. Classes either can be conducted synchronously or asynchronously. These discussion forums
enable students to share and collaborate in studies with flexible time. Instructor-designed
assessments are conducted via Google forms and online quizzes. Online quizzes are carried out to
evaluate students’ understanding on certain topics. Popularly known online quiz platforms are
Kahoot, Quizlet, Quizziz and etc. Students can access these online quizzes from anywhere with an
electronic device and internet facility. Online quizzes are much easier to conduct because it can save
marking time and reduces errors while marking. The grading system for multiple choice questions
in online quizzes are usually automated. Meanwhile subjective questions such as fill in the blanks
and essay questions need teachers’ marking to avoid misconceptions. This self –testing evaluations
are important in e-Learning based on specific curriculum to observe and analyze students’
performance in certain topics and subjects. Most of the electronic learning courses widely use
learning management system (LMS). A learning management system is a software application or
web-based technology mainly used in e-Learning. This system will have learning courses, notes,
learning progresses, scheduling, announcements, exam platforms, assignment submissions,
reminders, activity logs and personal calendars for each and every student in a particular course.
This system helps the management or teachers to plan, apply and access a specific learning process
for their subjects. The teachers can create and deliver content and notes by uploading in the platform
where students can access and download the notes. Teachers also can observe their students’
progress in the particular subjects by analyzing their activity logs and performance. The LMS also
provides and online exam platform for teachers to conduct tests and quizzes for students. There are
time limits, number of attempts which can be handles by teachers and managements. This system
also provides threaded discussions where students teacher can reply to a question raised by another
student. This can help the students to learn and understand very well. Video conferencing are also
an important feature in LMS, where teacher can readily have synchronized classes and record
classes. For instance, Moodle, Blackboard Learn and Schoology are some of the well-known LMS
where students from all over the world can access courses and upload their assignments. This public
LMS are flexible content management and encourages students to interact with each other.

Secondly, digital library tools are one of the main resource discovery sources. With the
tremendous growth of the internet, computerized library resources, e-book written by authors from
all over the world, news sites, articles, journals come in handy to students in e-Learning. Digital
library ensures that students access library catalogues, databases, selected internet resources,
tutorials and forums for interaction with other at the click of a mouse. Digital library tools serve a
practical role in sharing licensed journals, purchased electronic book, and expensive electronic
course reserves with students at no cost. Digital library tool also provides responsive services in the
form of librarians. Organize and maintaining reserve materials, answering reference questions,
providing bibliographic instruction, developing media packages, recommending books or films, and
teaching users how to use materials are among the responsive services of digital library tool to e-
Learners. The digital library is very useful for e-learners to access the networked resources and
services with an electronic device and internet are available at any time and from anywhere. Digital
library tools support students on locating and discovering resources. Students now can explore
various resources to learn and understand a related topic or to gain knowledge in a general term.
The endless amount of collections and data available online, students can simply browse, discover
and download the resources they want. In general, access to an electronic device with internet, e-
learners can now discover various study materials and teach themselves on a related topic to get a
better understanding.

Thirdly, learners can use a knowledge representation tool to visually review, capture, or
develop their knowledge. The majority of curriculum tools use a text-based, syllabus approach to
describing course content. This method frequently fails to distinguish between the concepts and
skills covered in one course and those covered in another. When learners and instructors construct
spatial semantic displays of the knowledge, concepts, and skills that the learner possesses and
acquires, an assessment method can engage both learners and instructors in an active learning
process. The e-Learning revolution has introduced a slew of new tools to aid instructional designers
in the analysis, design, implementation, and delivery of online instruction. If authoring tools are to
provide automated support on the one hand, these tools must also implement appropriate e-learning
process design methodologies on the other.

Lastlty, software like Flash and PowerPoint will help to make presentations slick and
interesting, with high quality, graphically rich content. There are word processing packages and
HTML editors available these days that make formatting text or web pages a breeze, removing a lot
of the complexity. There are also lots of online services available that can be use to create interactive
elements for your courses such as quizzes and games.

3.1 The Domain of Design

Design is an essential part in learning process. Design helps a person to make an effective
lesson plan based on their creativity. Besides that, in e-learning, the domain of design helps a person
to make a plan of the educational technology. The Instructional System Design (ISD), instructional
strategies and learner’s characteristics are the theory and practice of the domain of design. The
Instructional System Design (ISD) which is one of the important theory and practice of the domain
of design is defined as the practice of creating “instructional experiences”. The instructional
experiences can help a learner to make their knowledge and skills become more effective, more
efficient and more appealing. In Instructional System Design, the process of analysing, developing,
implementing and evaluating are used multiple of times. This helps a person to use the domain of
design as a principle for instruction, and pick them according to the learning situation, learning
environment, learning task and so on. Following this, the domain of design also helps a person to
create learning strategies and products at two level, which are macro level and micro level. The
examples for macro level strategies are programmes and curriculum, while the examples for micro
level strategies are lessons and modules. In other words, the importance of the domain of design in
e-learning can be shown by the quizzes that create with Kahoot, Quizizz, and GoogleForm. In
conclude, the domain of design is very important in a learning process as it helps a person to create
a suitable lesson plan and achieve the motif in a different learning process based on the different
programme and different field of learners.

3.2 The Domain of Development

Secondly, the domain of development is also an important part of e-learning. The domain of
development is defined as a process of translating the design specifications into a physical form.
There are four categories of the domain of development in a learning process. The four categories
of the domain of development in e-learning are the print technologies, audiovisual technologies,
computer-based technologies and the integrated technologies.The print technologies are the printed
materials. The role of the print technologies involve the most basic ways to produce and deliver
instructional materials. Next, the role of audiovisual technologies are improving the comprehension
of a learner besides enhance the teaching method to the learner. Computer-based technologies use
screen display to present the learning materials and learning information for the learner. Usually,
the materials and the information are stored in a form of digital data. The integrated technologies in
e-learning are the ways to produce and deliver materials. It is also defined as the use of technology
to enhance the learning experiences of a learner. The table below shows the four categories of the
domain of development and the examples of it.

The four categories of the domain of development and the examples of it in e-learning

Category Examples
Print Technologies  Books
 Photographs
 Graphics
 Flashcard
Audiovisual Technologies  MP3
 CD
Computer-based Technologies  Laptop
 Tablet
 Computer
 Smartphone
Integrated Technologies  Social media platforms
 Network
 Software application
 Internet
 Computer
 Smartphones
 Tablets

In short, the domain of development is the way of a person to transform the knowledge into
a physical way. The function of the domain of development can be seen when a learner make a
presentation with PowerPoint, video and so on. In the domain of development, learning materials
can be presented into software and hardware.

4.1 Definition

4.1.1 Definition of Learning

In 2011, Swelle et.al said that, if there is no changing in long-term memory, there is nothing
that has been learnt. In 2012, Chunk explained that learning is an enduring change in
behaviour, or the capacity to behave in a given fashion which is a result from practice or the
other forms of experience. According to Lefrancois in 2019, learning is an invisible and
internal neurogical process. To Lefrancois, learning involves relatively permanent changes
in disposition and capability as a result of experience. The capability is mean that the
knowledge or the skills that required to do something. While in 2020, Schunk said that
learning is an enduring change in behaviour or in the capacity to behave in a given fashion,
which is the result of practice and others form of experiences

4.1.2 Definition of Learning Theory

According to Harashim in 2017, a theory is an explanation of the reason for something that
happens and the way its happens. For instance, to Harashim, the aims of the learning theory
including to help a person to understand the way of the knowledge being created and the
way for a person to learn. According to research, learning theories is the explanation on how
the learning and teaching processes should be take place. Therefore, theory can be concluded
as a way of learner receive, process and maintain the knowledge and skills during learning.

4.2 Learning Theories in E-Learning

4.2.1 Humanism Theory

Humanism psychology in education field formed the different effects and gives another
inspiration to the society. Humanism theory give another view on the type of study,
motivation of study, principle of study and the method in learning process. In Humanism
Theory, the theory of teaching is rooted from the basic of the theory of human nature. In this
situation, it is believed that human have internal tendency, that is to develop their own
potential using the way that can help them to retain and strengthen themselves. Humanism
Theory in e-learning claims that it is wrong for take the students as the “accepter” who are
passive and negative. “Self-actualization” is the aim for Humanism Theory. In Humanism
Theory, the learners are encouraged to try something different from the text, that is to
develop freely. Humanism theory in e-learning is different from the traditional teaching
method which is formed continuously in a fixed procedure. Further to this, the traditional
learning method require the learners to knowing the textbook, understand the textbook,
strengthen the knowledge and using the knowledge. However, in Humanism theory which
is suit in e-learning, science and technology are used. This can help learners to develop freely
and make the learning process into a creative and interesting way. During the learning
process, the role of teacher is to offer the learners some learning resources. They are not to
deliver the knowledge such as traditional method. In e-learning, the teacher are more likely
to help student to understand the materials, which is facilitating knowledge. Besides that,
the student-centred teaching is the core of Humanism theory for e-learning. Humanism
theory in e-learning helps the learner to understand what they had learn, what they had
achieve and make them more independent. In summaries, Humanism Theory in e-learning
helps the learner to make a plan on how they learn and help them to master the self-
evaluation approach.

4.2.2 Cognitivism

Cognitivism in e-learning focuses on the “thinking” domain. Comprehension, abstraction,

analysis, synthesis, generalization, evaluation, decision-making, problem-solving and
creative thinking is the focus in cognitivist learning theory. The cognitivism in e-learning
can be shown when the learner is active to find for the way to understand and process the
information that is received and relate it into another situation. In this theory, the learner
need to use their brain and think for the solution when they do the assignments, quizzes,
presentation and so on. This learning theory are credited to Jean Piaget. Cognitivism theories
also look for the changing in the behaviour of a person to consider how human memory
works to promote learning. To conclude, cognitivism in e-learning are conceptual
frameworks that describe the process of the knowledge, information and the skills is
absorbed, proceed and retained when a person studying.

4.2.3 Constructivism

The theory of constructivism can be seen when a person constructs a new idea or concept
based on their experiences and internet knowledge. For example, in e-learning, a learner
generates their own models based on the knowledge and experiences that they gained and
based on their creativity. According to Jean Piaget and Jerome Bruner, constructivism
emphasizes the importance of the active involvement of learners in constructing knowledge
by themselves and creating different concepts based on the past experience. Constructivism
theory in e-learning can be shown when a learner solve a question in many ways or solve
many types of question with a same type of solution.

4.2.4 Connectivism Learning Theory

Based on research, Siemens claims that connectivism combines the experiences with current
information to form a new definition and outstanding. In e-learning, connectivism can be
shown when after attending the online class, a learner is able to apply the knowledge that
they gained and turn it into another words. Further to this, the learner is not only process
their experiences, but also apply the current knowledge from online articles. Connectivism
admits that the learner is able to learn from online devices and make a decision by
themselves. Therefore, it is clear that when the learner can use technologies, social networks,
digital devices and so on in this situation.


The ADDIE model is the generic process traditionally used by instructional designers and
instructors. The model consists of five phases which are, Analysis, Design, Development,
Implementation and Evaluation. The model provides a flexible guideline for building effective
training and performance support tools in education process. The model helps the educators to plan
and design a lesson plan which can achieve the learning objectives and outcomes with higher

In the analysis phase, the instructional problem is clarified, learning outcomes and objectives
are examined. The learner’s prior experience and knowledge are also addressed during this review
process. Learning problems such as learner’s characteristics and the nature of task is explored to
determine the purpose of the lesson. This will help the educators to prepare a conducive learning
environment, content delivery and learning devices. The learning constraints are also explored
during this analysis phase. The online pedagogical considerations and timeline for activity
completion are determined in the phase. By researching learning resources during this phase,
educators can determine the delivery and assessment strategies.

During the design phase, storyboards are created to design the plan that aligns with
objectives and strategies with instructional goals. Educators can determine the graphic design, user-
interface, user experience and content. This phase deals with learning objectives, assessment
instruments, practices, content, subject matter analysis, lesson planning and media selection. The
design phase must be systematic and specific in term of logical and orderly method. The design
phase will help to recognize, develop and evaluate a set of planned strategies to achieve certain
learning outcomes. This phase emphasizes the importance of detailed execution of each element.
Technology options are refined and explored thoroughly in this phase to design a conducive learning
space for learners. Repositories are considered in this phase. The phase applies instructional
strategies according to the intended learning outcomes by domain cognitive, affective and
Next is development phase. Insource and outsource are decided in this phase. Prototype of
the blueprinted design and learning materials are developed by instructional designers and
developers in this phase. Suitable technologies and networks are integrated with learning process.
The prototype developed is reviewed and revised according to any feedback given.

Fourthly, implementation phase. During the implementation phase, a procedure for training
the facilitators and the learners is developed. The facilitators’ training should cover the course
curriculum, learning outcomes, method of delivery, and testing procedures. Preparation of the
learners include training them on new tools (software or hardware), student registration. This is
phase where the learners are engaged in activity and tasks.

Lastly, the evaluation phase consists of two part which are the formative and summative.
Formative evaluation is present in each stage of the ADDIE process. Summative evaluation consists
of tests designed for domain specific criterion-related referenced items and providing opportunities
for feedback from the users.

The ASSURE model is a systematic procedure for creating and delivering instructions that
incorporates technology and media into the learning process. It also refers to a method of writing
lesson plans that aids teachers in the organization of instructional procedures. ASSURE is intended
to create an effective instruction. Gagne’ (1985) refers to the stages of the learning process as
“events of instructions”. According to Gagne’s research, well designed lessons emphasizes several
stages. Firstly, arousal of student’s interest, delivering new material, engaging students in practice
with feedback, analyze student’s understanding and tracks tasks with students. ASSURE is an
acronym for Analyze, State, Select, Utilize, Require and Evaluate.

Firstly, analyze learners in detail. Students’ knowledge and skills prior to instruction should
be analysed to ensure that they differentiate instruction. By understanding where the learners are at
the start of instruction, every effort to assist all learners to be successful in their learning endeavors.
The knowledge about learners is critical to design and implementation of instruction.

Secondly, audience, behaviour, conditions and degree should be followed to state objectives.
Learners’ activity should be focused to design the learning pattern as they are the audience. In
behavior part, objective is mainly focused on the behavioral change in learner after the instruction
is given. For condition part, objective should prioritize on how the performance of learners will be
observed. Meanwhile, degree indicates the standard or criterion by which is acceptable performance
will be evaluated, such as time and accuracy.

Thirdly, select methods, media and materials. When choosing a method, it should be chosen
according to the needs and learning behaviors of students. Flip-charts, slides, audio, video, computer
multimedia are example of the media that can be chosen. When choosing media format, the
instruction situation, learner variables and nature of the objective must be considered. In obtaining
specific materials, available materials should be selected. Copyright laws should be considered
when modifying existing materials. When designing new material, one should consider the
objectives, audience, cost, technical expertise, equipment, facilities and time must be prioritized.

Fourthly, utilize media and materials. The five important planning in utilizing instructional
materials are, preview the materials by planning the instruction. Prepare the materials by rehearsing
and practicing to get more fluent. Prepare a comfortable and conducive learning environment for
learners with suitable media, materials and equipment. Learners should be given prior exercise or
practices to get prepared to the present instruction. Lastly, provide an effective learning experience
to the learners.

Next is require learner participation. Effective learning demands active participation by the
learners. Tasks and activities will enable the learners to practice knowledge and skills by self-
checks, computer-assisted instruction, internet activities and group games. Feedback should be
evaluated before learners are formally assessed.

Lastly, evaluation and revision. Assessment of learner achievement have several

characteristics. These are, having more than one correct approach, are taught provoking by not
simply requiring recall of memorized facts. Evaluation must require decision making, rather than
just writing memorized terms. It should develop thinking in a variety of ways and lead to other
problem solving skills. A very good evaluation will raise questions from students to have a better

WEEK : 7 DAY : THURSDAY DATE : 14/ 03/ 2021


CLASS Form 4

TIME 9 : 00 A.M – 11 : 00 A.M.

TOPIC Cell structure and Functions

Learning activity Activity 1 : Brainstorming & Ice breaker

 This brainstorming activity will be carried out in mentimeter

ANALYSIS application.
 Students will be given 6 numbered passwords to log into the mentimeter
application. (4237 9200 on menti.com )
 Students’ identity will be anonymous thus they are able to share their
answers without hesitation.
 This activity will be carried out before the lesson is taught by teacher.
 Students will share ideas and knowledge on what they understand on the
topic cell biology and organization.
 Students will discuss the characteristics of cell they learnt in previous
years (form 3).
 This activity is carried out to identify students’ existing knowledge and
experience on the topic given.

 Students will learn the components of cell and their functions taught by
 Students will explore animals and plant cell through the teacher’s
 The presentation will be carried out in Webex platform using
Powerpoint slides.
 This presentation will be carried out for 15 minutes.
 Once the presentation is finished, the students will watch two (360°)
videos on YouTube.

(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rmgf0VDDlH8) for plant cell

(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PzxxEVdM1xI) for animal cell.
 The purpose of this video play is for students to see the components of
cell with an interactive and deep view.


 Students will form a group of three from different races.

 Students should design a mindmap using coggle app.
 Students have to create their mindmap with pictures and short
 Students can share their mindmap with each other among the group via
shareable link in this app.
 The mindmap will be submitted at the end of the class to evaluate the
students’ understanding.
 students can use these mindmap to study and memorize for future
 Students will be able to remember the stages if it is interactive and easier
to memorize.
 Students can correct peer’s mistakes in understanding this topic thus
creating a conducive environment in making of this group work.
 The purpose of this activity is to make students remember the
components and function of cell through discussions and interactions.
 This group work can boost communication skills, teamwork and their
willingness to collaborate with others.
 Students will be able to interact among team members to discuss and
teach each other in this topic.
 Time allocated for this activity is 25 minutes.


 Students will attempt a quiz consists of 10 multiple choice questions

 Each MCQ question is allocated for 1 mark.
 This activity is to analyze the students based on their understanding and
given guidance if any difficulties in learning this topic.
 10 minutes is allocated for this quiz activity.
 Students have to attempt and submit 3 short answer questions on Google
 This to give enough time for students to think and answer the questions
 The purpose is to analyse students on their understanding and memory
on this topic and given extra guidance if needed.
 A representive from each group have to submit their mindmap in the
Google Form along with the questions.
 Once students finished the quiz, the teacher will discuss the answers
with students.
 The link for the quiz
 The link for students to attempt short essay answers and submit their
mindmap (https://forms.gle/3npKukuNfu1UpkKW8)

 Students who achieved less than 10 marks in activity 4 will be given

time to ask questions to teacher.
 Question and answer session will be carried out for students to avoid
misconceptions and misunderstanding on the topic.
 If the students achieved lower than 10 marks, they will be asked to voice
out their confusions and difficulties.
 Those students will be given easier exercises to get a better
understanding on the topic.
 The students who achieved more than 10 marks in activity 4 will be
given tougher questions to answer to enhance their understanding and
 Students then will be given a padlet link to write their understanding and
comprehension on the topic learnt.
 This will be useful to evaluate students’ understanding on the topic and
meet the learning objectives.


The model that we have chosen is ADDIE Model. For ADDIE Model, there are five main
concept which are implement Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation. The
ADDIE Model suit to e-learning and suit to the lesson plan that I need to create. From ADDIE
Model, I can ensure whether the learner achieve the target or not by observe the result of the
students. In e-learning, the element in ADDIE Model such as Design can be seen when a
PowerPoint, Infographic and so on are created. For implementation, the learner can be tested by
doing quizzes through Kahoot, GoogleForm. From the padlet evaluation, can measure whether the
students understand and know how to apply the knowledge that I deliver to them in reality. Aside
from that, we can see from this model that the ADDIE model is a very useful management method
for designing and developing large numbers of courses to a high standard of quality. This model
lays out the steps of the model for us, from study to assessment, so that we can understand and
recognise the student's weaknesses in mastering the lesson. Last but not least, the ADDIE model
provides us with a versatile and adaptable framework for creating effective training and performance
support tools.


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2. Bates, A. W. (2015, April 5). 2.4 Cognitivism – Teaching in a Digital Age. Pressbooks.
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6. H, T. (2020, October 15). What are learning theories and why are they important for
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7. Kelly, J. (2012, September). Learning theories Behaviorism, Cognitive and Constructivist.
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8. L.S.M.E. (2019, January 21). The Three (3) Domains of Learning – Cognitive; Affective;
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10. Tony Bates (2016, July 15). Online learning for beginners: 1. What is online learning? |
Tony Bates

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