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A Quantitative Research Proposal

Presented to

The Faculty of the Senior High School

PHINMA-Cagayan de Oro College
Cagayan de Oro City

In Partial Fulfilment of Course Requirements

APP 007: Inquiries, Investigations and Immersion

Abaco, Cherry Mae B. Cagas, Shakira Amor L.
Ado, Ma Nor. Kristine Pilarh P. Cajes, Charmaine G.
Advincula, Juliana Angela S. Canunayon, Jhabe Krizzel N.
Aliwate, Sherry Mariez E. Fabricante, Psi Edward R.
Arranchado, Cyril Josh E. Justol, Kieth Angel Q.
Astilla, Charlene Z. Kilat, Lezzie Mae S.
Baconguis, Chrystalle J. Lumbad, Giequel C.
Barro, Andrea Mae O. Nanale, Ashley Charm D.
Bersabal, Jun Art S. Niocena, Glecy M.
Bulfa, Lj D. Pedraya, Brian Kenneth L.
Cabarles, Joan O. Pimentel, Nexielle Mae V.
Cabungcag, Catherine P. Saren, Kitchie K.
Cabungcag, Jasmine I. Siman, Shella N.

MARCH 2024


This research paper entitled, THE PERCEIVED EFFECT OF FACEBOOK

submitted by GROUP 3 - ABM in partial fulfilment of the requirements in the subject APP
007 - Inquiries, Investigations and Immersion, is hereby accepted.

Ms. Katrina Bianca A. Dael





Chair of the Panel


Panel Member Panel Member


Accepted in partial fulfilment of the requirements in the subject Inquiries,

Investigations, and Immersion (APP 007).

Ms. Katrina Bianca A. Dael

Senior High School – Program Head
Puerto Campus


The purpose of this study is to The Perceived Effect of Facebook Advertising to

Grade 10 School Choice of Senior High. Whether Facebook advertising made it easier
for them to choose a senior high school and whether it helped them decide what and
where to attend. It aims to determine the extent to which junior high school students find
Facebook advertisements effective in selecting their school, if grade 10 students find
PHINMA-Cagayan de Oro College Facebook advertisement influencing, and how
Facebook helps students become more informed about the school. The study utilized a
quantitative and non-experimental research design, focusing on numeric data and
detailed, convergent reasoning. Quantitative research involves collecting and analyzing
numerical data for patterns, predictions, and causal relationships, while non-experimental
research describes or examines preexisting groups. The research aims to assess the
efficacy of Facebook advertisements for incoming senior high school students at Alae
National High School in Artajo village, Manolo Fortich, Bukidnon. The participants of the
study that they conducted were only one hundred eighty (178) grade ten (10) students
from Alae National High School. The researchers prefer to use random sampling to
generalize the entire population into a smaller section; in that way, they could easily
complete their survey. These are the questions that they used to really know how those
grades ten (10) high school students have been affected when it comes to choosing
where to study for their incoming senior high year. The survey questionnaire was adopted
and modified on the following research: “The Impact of Social Media Advertising
Exposure on Increasing Student Enrollment in Pilar College SHS,” Kiram et al. (2022)
The treatment of the data uses the statistical analysis this applying the statistical to a
scientist and to analyze the accuracy of the data from the survey. In the first problem
statement, if junior high school students discover that Facebook advertisements are a
useful tool for helping them choose the senior high school that best suits their needs. The
second problem's statement indicates that the PHINMA-Cagayan de Oro College is
moving forward to advance the incoming senior high school students. Facebook is a
significant and useful tool for advertising, as this problem statement demonstrates. The
findings revealed that Facebook advertising plays a significant role in the advertising
industry. It also helps students get to know more about the school they are interested in.


The researchers would like to thank those who contributed for the completion of
this research. First and foremost, we would like to thank the PHINMA COC Puerto
Campus for giving us this learning opportunity that helped us develop valuable life lessons
of patience, perseverance, teamwork, resilience, cooperation, and most of all, the
endless pursuit of knowledge.

Second, the researchers would like to convey their deep and sincere gratitude
towards Ms. Katrina Bianca A. Dael for providing invaluable guidance, support, advises,
comments, suggestions, and provisions that helps the completion and success of this
study. It was a great privilege and honor to work and study under your guidance.

The researchers would also like to express their greatest gratitude towards the
parents for their endless love, prayers, support, and sacrifices. This would not have been
possible without their unselfish love and support given to the researchers at all times.

A big thanks to Almighty God for giving the researchers, strength, knowledge,
ability and opportunity to undertake this research study. Without His guidance and mercy,
they would not be able to accomplish this research and all daily endeavors. To God be
the Glory!

Heartfelt gratitude to Alae National High School for their cooperation in conducting
this research. Their teachers and especially students were the respondents of this
research. Gathering 178 responses would not have been possible without your approval
for conducting and involving your school in our research.

Lastly, special thanks go to all the people who have supported the researchers to
complete the research work directly or indirectly.


Introduction 1
Background of the Study 1
Statement of the Problem 2
Scope and Delimitations 2
Significance of the Study 3
Theoretical Framework 3
Definition of Terms 4
Review of Related Literature 5
Review of Related Studies 11
Synthesis of the Study 18
Research Design 19
Research Environment 19
Research Respondents and Sampling Procedure 19
Research Instrument 20
Data Collection Procedure 20
Data Analysis Procedure 20
Problem and Result 1 Table 22
Problem and Result 2 Table 24
Problem and Result 3 Table 26
Findings 28
Conclusion 29
Recommendations 30
Appendix A: Reference List 32
Appendix B: Survey Questionnaire 34
Appendix C: Letter of Request to the Teachers and School 37
Appendix D: Letter of Request to the Respondents 38

This chapter introduces the research problem and the evidence supporting the
existence of the problem. The definitions of any technical terms necessary for the reader
to understand are essential. This chapter also presents the research questions and
theoretical foundation and provides an overview of the research methods being used in
the study.

Advertising is an activity that is used to promote products. It is a commercial that
attracts potential customers, gives them an idea of what the product is, and makes them
trust the product. There are many platforms that companies can utilize when it comes to
promotion or commercials, including the following: TV advertisements, radio,
newspapers, and social media. However, social media is the most used platform when it
comes to advertising because it will reach a wide audience.
One of the most popular social media platforms used for advertising is the
Facebook app. Facebook is a popular platform among parents and teenagers for sharing,
scrolling, liking, and posting about important life events as well as daily activities. As a
result, Facebook provides a venue for a large number of people and companies to publish
content and promote their products or services as part of their marketing strategy.
Educational establishments such as PHINMA Cagayan de Oro College have also
embraced the idea of using Facebook to spark the interest of incoming grade 11 students
in their college these days. This study examines how incoming senior high school
students’ decisions about where to attend senior high school are influenced by the school
advertisements posted on Facebook.
Thus, this study was conducted to understand how Facebook influences the
decision-making of the incoming grade 11 students to enroll. This aims to assess the
effectiveness of Facebook as a tool for engaging in enrollment advertisements.


In recent years, social media platforms have become integral to reaching and
engaging with various demographics, including students pursuing higher education.
Among these platforms, Facebook stands out as one of the most widely used and
influential social networks globally. Its extensive user base presents an opportunity for
educational institutions to explore its potential in enrollment advertising. Facebook is a
platform or app where people can connect and share things with each other. It is also a
tool for businesses to reach and engage with their customers by advertising their

Social media advertising plays an important role in the success of businesses and
one of these is the PHINMA Cagayan de Oro College business, which uses Facebook as
a tool to advertise the school. In this study, the researchers aim to determine the level of
effectiveness of Facebook as an enrollment advertising tool. This research aims to
identify to what extent junior high school students find Facebook advertisements effective
in selecting their senior high school. This research also aims to know if grade 10 students
find PHINMA-Cagayan de Oro College Facebook advertisement influencing. Lastly, it
also aims to know how Facebook helps new senior high school students become more
knowledgeable about the school and the service they offer.
A people embrace technology, others get to know how important Facebook is to
promoting and advertising businesses. Social media has led to a culture of active
engagement, immediate access to anyone and anything, and constant communication.
This is something that traditional advertising and other marketing methods could never
achieve. This study seeks to delve into the effectiveness of Facebook as a platform for
enrollment advertising directed at incoming Grade 11 Senior High School students. By
examining the impact of targeted advertising campaigns, this research aims to provide
valuable insights into the platform’s efficacy in influencing the enrollment decisions of the
particular student group.


This study aims to identify the effectiveness of Facebook in enrollment advertising
to incoming grade 11 senior high school student. Specifically, this study sought to answer
the following questions to solve the case:
1. To what extent do junior high school students find Facebook advertisements
effective on selecting their senior high school?
2. Does grade 10 students find PHINMA-Cagayan de Oro College Facebook
advertisement influencing?
3. To what extent does Facebook help new senior high school students become more
informed of the school?


This study mainly focus on determining the effectiveness of Facebook in
enrollment advertising to incoming grade 11 Senior High School students for the
academic year 2024-2025, as well as identifying how PHINMA Cagayan De Oro College
utilizes the Facebook app to promote and hook students for enrollment. Base on the
responds of the grade ten (10) Alae National High School students there are three
hundred thirty (330) students enrolled in Alae National High School. Using raosoft sample
size calculator, the researchers gathered a total of 178 students use as a sample in
conducting the survey.

However, this study has certain limitations. Firstly, this study solely follows
quantitative data collection. Second, the researchers’ respondents are the random grade
10 students of Alae National High School. Third, the researchers would be using an online
questionnaire via google forms, survey questions are modified questions by the
researchers from the survey questions of the study of Kiram et al. (2022), “The Impact of
Social Media Advertising Exposure on Increasing Student Enrollment in Pilar College


This research aims to provide information and knowledge regarding the chosen
topic from the respondents. This research would benefit the following:
1. Upcoming Senior High School Students: The results may increase their
knowledge of the academic options and help them make well-informed
decisions when enrolling.
2. PHINMA Cagayan de Oro College: This research would identify the
effectiveness of Facebook’s enrollment advertisement; from this, the school
could assess whether the presented advertisement was effective or not.
3. Researchers: The researcher can also gain significance from this study. At the
end of this research, it aims to answer the researcher’s curiosity and could
enlighten their questions.

Social Media Engagement Theory: Exploring the Influence of User Engagement on Social
Media Usage
According to Kankanhalli et al (2005), they defined social media interaction will
end up resulting in the co-creation value of all. By the Kankanhalli's statement it shows
how important social media is when it comes to various activities. It also shows interaction
using social media when it comes to marketing, especially nowadays almost the majority
are more focused it is on social media so it is easier to advertise a business on social
media platforms and it will be easier for them to spread what they want to convey. Through
social media we can see the impact of the school's advertisement to the incoming senior
high students.
Social media and user-generated content-based business models now provide
intangible value based on user involvement rather to the more conventional business
model, where value for the organization is derived through the one-way distribution of
goods and/or services. This study develops a model that postulates that user engagement
and subsequent usage behavior are influenced by both the technical features of the social
media platform, operationalized as the completeness, flexibility, integration, and
evolvability, and by the user experiences from social interactions among users,

operationalized as personalization, transparency, access to social resources, critical
mass of social acquaintances, and risk. Results from a survey of 408 social media users
show that technological and social factors affect user engagement and, ultimately, usage.
Perceptions of the necessary number of social friends and danger also have a direct
impact on usage.



Facebook Advertising Grade 10 Senior High School


❖ Figure 1.1 Schema showing the relationship between independent and dependent
variable of the study the effectiveness of Facebook in enrollment advertising to
incoming grade 11 senior high school students.

Advertising - The action of calling something to the attention of the public especially by
paid announcements.
Business - An organization or enterprising entity engaged in commercial, industrial, or
professional activities.
Effective - Fulfilling a specified function, successful in producing a desired or intended
Engagement - An arrangement to do something or go somewhere at a fixed time.
Product - An article or substance that is manufactured or refined for sale.
Promote - Encourage people to like, buy, use, do, or support something.
Social media - The means of interactions among people in which they create, share, and
exchange information and ideas in virtual communities and networks.


This chapter includes the ideas, finished thesis, generalizations or conclusions,
methodologies, and other data that are related to the present study. The materials that
are included in this chapter help in familiarizing information that is relevant and similar to
the present study.


According to Jock Breitwieser (2023) How Effective is Facebook Advertising?
Facebook, the largest social network, is at the core of the social media revolution that has
taken over the world. A decade ago, Facebook and other social networking sites were
exclusively used by college students. The speed at which it took off was incredible. It's
evident that today's population constantly checks Facebook for updates from friends and
family by browsing through their phones or laptops. Facebook's announcement that they
were altering the algorithm that displays ads in the news feed has sparked a heated
discussion about whether or not businesses should use Facebook for social media
marketing. Determining the effectiveness of your Facebook ads and improving their
performance can be challenging. There is a lot of debate about the effectiveness of
Facebook ads and how they stack up compared to other types of advertising, such as
Google Ads. Some claim that businesses should not be advertising on Facebook at all.
Facebook, the world’s largest social networking site, has a large user base of 2.89 billion
monthly active users, with over 190 million US users. In Q2 2021, Facebook generated
$29.08 billion, primarily from advertisements, a 59% increase from Q2 2020. Advertising
on Facebook is a powerful tool for businesses, offering a wide audience reach,
customizable formats, and targeting options. Despite debates about Facebook’s
effectiveness compared to other advertising methods, it remains a cost-effective and
successful marketing strategy.
According to Jordan (2015) Are Facebook Ads Effective & Worth the Investment?
Facebook advertising is incredibly popular with marketers from across the globe. As one
of the largest marketing platforms in the world, Facebook offers a lot of compelling
benefits for digital advertisers, including jaw-dropping audience reach, data-driven
marketing tools, and in-depth analytics. Facebook ads are delivered across the Facebook
network. They can appear in various locations, including the home news feed, Facebook
Messenger, Facebook Stories, and Facebook Reels – selecting the right ad placements
for your campaign is hugely important. Choosing ad formats that align with your creative
direction and support your marketing objectives is key to success. Experimenting with
several ad formats is also a great way to rapidly improve your Facebook ad
performance. Facebook ads can also be targeted towards specific audiences on the
platform, and this is where Facebook really shines. Facebook collects a wealth of
insightful data about its users, and you can leverage these data points to build granular
audience segments – for example, users that have recently visited your website, or users

engaged with your industry. Facebook is a major marketing platform with significant
benefits for digital advertisers. With over 2 billion users, it allows brands to reach over 2
billion people, enabling rapid clicks and conversions. Facebook’s data-driven targeting
capabilities allow marketers to balance quality with quantity, increasing conversions and
cost efficiency. However, success requires a smart ad strategy, accurate targeting, high-
quality creative assets, and a compelling Call to Action. By following best practices,
businesses can maximize their Facebook ads budget and unlock the platform’s full
According to Shahid (2023) Facebook Advertisements are an Effective Marketing
Tool. Facebook advertisements are an effective marketing tool that can assist companies
in reaching their target market and boosting sales. Facebook offers a huge audience that
companies may reach with customized ads thanks to its more than 2.8 billion monthly
active users. Businesses can utilize Facebook’s ad platform’s targeting options, which
include demographic, regional, and interest-based targeting, to find and connect with their
target market. Businesses can make improvements to their advertisements’ performance
by using Facebook’s tracking and analytics tools to assess the effectiveness of their
campaigns. Facebook advertisements provide businesses with a potent approach to
engaging with their target market, raising brand recognition, and spurring sales.
Businesses may optimize their ad performance and accomplish their marketing objectives
by creating targeted ad language and utilizing Facebook’s powerful ad platform.
Facebook ads are a powerful marketing tool for businesses, reaching their target market
and boosting sales. With over 2.8 billion monthly active users, businesses can use
targeting options like demographic, regional, and interest-based. Facebook’s tracking and
analytics tools help businesses assess the effectiveness of their campaigns. By crafting
targeted ad copy and leveraging Facebook’s robust platform, businesses can maximize
their ad performance and achieve their marketing goals. In conclusion, Facebook ads
provide a powerful approach to engaging with target audiences, increasing brand
recognition, and driving sales.
According to Rahul Kushwaha (2023) Maximizing Your Facebook and YouTube
Presence Through Effective Video Strategies. In the ever-evolving world of social
media, Facebook and YouTube remain two of the most powerful platforms for content
creators and businesses to reach their audiences. While text and images have their place,
videos have emerged as a dominant form of content, driving higher engagement and
interaction rates. Video content has the unique ability to capture attention and convey
information more effectively than text or images. The combination of visuals, audio, and
motion engages multiple senses, making it easier for viewers to absorb and retain
information. In the dynamic landscape of social media, video content has risen to the
forefront as a potent tool for engaging, entertaining, and informing audiences. By
employing effective video strategies on platforms like Facebook and YouTube, content

creators and businesses can cultivate stronger connections, expand their reach, and
establish themselves as authorities in their respective niches. Our study is about the
effectiveness of Facebook in enrollment advertising, it talks about how will be the social
media be, effective in advertising and promoting product. This Review of related literature
talk about the Facebook, as a versatile app where you can upload videos, post images,
and posting status. As the world evolve social media is now one the most powerful
platform (preferably Facebook and YouTube) that is used by the content creators and
businesses. It is where they promote and sell their product, this literature connects to our
study for the fact that it talks about the usage of social media as platform preferably in
making video content, or posts about a certain product to promote. In the context of
enrollment advertising, effective video strategies on platforms like Facebook and
YouTube can play a crucial role. By creating engaging and informative videos,
educational institutions can not only maximize their online presence but also effectively
communicate with their target audience, in this case, incoming Grade 11 senior high
According to Helen Forgasz, Hazel Tan, Gilah Leder & Amber McLeod (2017)
Enhancing survey participation: Facebook Advertisements for Recruitments in
Educational Research. Surveys are commonly used to determine how people feel about
a specific issue. The increasing availability of the internet and popularity of social
networking sites have opened up new possibilities for conducting surveys and, with
limited additional costs, enlarge the pool of volunteer respondents with the desired
background, experience, or characteristics. To enhance survey participation using
Facebook advertisements, online forms should also ensure that questions are clear and
offer respondents more than just yes or no where applicable and also have engaging
visuals, concise messaging, and clear calls-to-action in survey forms, such as rewards or
discounts, to test their impact on increasing respondent engagement and to utilize
targeted advertising to reach specific, and to consider running an online survey or to
generate interest. Those who Respond to comments and questions foster a sense of
responsibility and trust in survey communication. However, Facebook advertisements for
educational survey recruitment have been very helpful in emphasizing the online survey's
impact. This literature shows that the Enhancing survey participation of Facebook
advertisements for recruitment increasing availability of the internet and the popularity of
social networking sites have and significantly transformed communication, information
sharing. This connects to the research we are conducting because this shows how
Business owners can attract users from social media platforms through the use of social
media advertising, as such which is shown here in our example where Facebook users
can be interested in what other people post, that also counts on add, as certain adds can
attract them to eventually become interested. This literature demonstrates social
interactions directly to enhance survey participation, consider offering incentives,

ensuring a clear purpose, keeping it concise, and using user-friendly formats. Additionally,
personalized invitations and reminders can boost engagement.

According to (Keenze, 2023. Using Social Media Ads to Improve Students
Enrollment), social media has become a part of our daily life — with it, comes the never-
ending stream of social media ads, especially in today's competitive student Enrollment
landscape, social media advertising has become the new normal method of advertising.
In addition, Keenze stated; "with the right strategy, social media ads can be a powerful
tool in driving more traffic to your school's website and boosting applications — ultimately
student enrollment." Aside from that, Keenze talks about how social media advertising in
k-12 education is significantly more cost-effective than traditional promotional tactics. This
literature provides strong support for our findings because it discusses how social media
advertisements can be an effective technique for increasing website traffic and application
numbers, which in turn can result in higher student enrollment. The effectiveness of
Facebook in enrollment advertising is the subject of our study, and this literature provides
us with four main justifications for why educational institutions employ social media
advertising. This literature will aid in our investigation into the motivations behind the
usage of social media advertising by educational institutions for school promotion.
Furthermore, according to this literature, social media advertising is the way of the future
for enrollment marketing because it offers stronger returns on investment, precise control
over who sees your ads, simple ad management, and lower advertising costs—all of
which lend credence to the efficacy of social media advertising.
According to (Matt, 2022. Why Social Media Advertising is the Future of School
Marketing) social media advertising is the future of the school marketing because it allows
for targeting and personalization. Social media is changing the way school market to
prospective students, from relying to print advertising and word-of-mouth to get the word
out about their programs, there's a new way of reaching potential students: Social Media
Advertising. With social media's advantage of reaching a wider audience, schools may
use social media to target certain categories of individuals and ensure that the school's
advertisements reach their target audience. This literature addresses the question of why
social media advertising is the future of school marketing and supports the notion of how
effective it is to use social media as a tool for promoting a school. Our research focuses
on the effectiveness of using Facebook as a social media platform in increasing the
number of enrollees. This study demonstrates that social media may be used for
commercial purposes and teaches users how to use social media for marketing purposes.
In conclusion, knowing about the reasons social media is the way of the future for school
marketing will help readers understand more about this modern approach to marketing to
students, as well as how effective social media advertising is.

According to (Megan, 2024. Top 5 Ways Digital Advertising Can Increase Your
School’s Enrollment) there are five ways that will help the school make the most of their
digital marketing and time; First is to make the school's website mobile-responsive and
user-friendly: more and more people access internet in their mobile phones, including the
school's target demographic which is the students and that is why schools must create
sites that are mobile-responsive; second, create an automated series of emails to
welcome people to the school's email list: this is because Email marketing still an effective
form of engagement even in this social-media-saturated age; Third is to Create a social
media plan on the right platform: schools may start with sites that their target demographic
already engages such as Facebook to provide awareness, engagement, and action;
Fourth, Claim your listings and verify your information on review sites; and lastly, Add a
blog to your website: this is to increase visibility and drive traffic, especially for student
enrollment. In the context of our research on Facebook’s effectiveness in enrollment
advertising for incoming senior high school students, this paragraph emphasizes a
significant aspect. It highlights how digital advertising, particularly on Facebook, provides
measurable results through detailed analytics, which can significantly assist us as
researchers. These analytics offer valuable tools for evaluating the effectiveness of
enrollment advertising strategies tailored to this specific demographic. For example,
exploring metrics like impressions, clicks, conversions, and cost per acquisition on
Facebook could provide us with crucial insights into the success of campaigns targeting
these students.
According to (Dewin, Margaret, and William, 2023. Effectiveness of the Marketing
Strategies in Increasing Student Enrollment in Public Universities in Zambia) their study
showed that there is a significant relationship between marketing strategies adoption and
student enrollment. based on their findings, it was determined that using successful
marketing tactics in universities can increase student enrollment, hence expanding the
universities' income potential for sustainability and excellent service delivery in the long
term. In addition, the researchers recommend that marketing strategies such as the use
of social media platforms, developing market driven programmers, infrastructural
development, good customer care management, employing of qualified staff, and quality
service delivery are critical to boost the enrolment levels. This paper is related to our study
because it focuses on enrollment advertising, which uses a lot of marketing strategies to
increase student enrollment. One of the marketing strategies mentioned is using social
media platforms, and our research uses Facebook as our medium of enrollment
advertising. Engaging the business on social media is a great move for an advertisement.
Social media, like Facebook, makes university websites or pages to post information and
updates; this really helps us learn more about enrollment with the information provided in
advertisements. In this study that is related to each other, the importance of social media,
the impacts, and how effective using marketing strategies as a guide for successful

According to (Kristy, 2015. How universities can increase enrollment by advertising
internships: the message and the medium) The primary reason students earn a college
degree is to secure a good-quality career with earning potential. Internships are the key
selling point for postsecondary institutions in gaining the attention of prospective students.
The study reveals that, " college seekers pay attention to higher education advertisements
that speak with them not at them". In addition, researchers revealed that Prospective
students most often cite social media, streaming television, direct mail, the Internet, and
classroom visits as the most important "touch points." These findings will guide
admissions and recruitment officers as they strive to communicate and connect with--and
convince--graduating high school students to move from the college search to the college
choice phase. This paper is related to our research because it delves into the intricate
dynamics of marketing strategies within the academic landscape. Specifically, by
exploring how universities can increase enrollment through advertising internships, our
research aligns with the broader discourse on effective communication in higher
education. By examining the nuances of crafting compelling messages and strategically
utilizing various mediums, we contribute to the ongoing dialogue on innovative
approaches to attract and engage prospective students. Incorporating insights from this
study enhances our understanding of the interconnected elements that influence
enrollment. As we investigate the symbiotic relationship between the message content
and the chosen advertising medium, we draw upon the foundation laid by previous
research to refine our methodology and deepen the analysis. This alignment strengthens
the theoretical underpinning of our study and positions it within the broader context of
academic literature dedicated to enrollment management and marketing strategies in
higher education. By building upon the findings of related research, our study not only
provides a nuanced perspective on the specific realm of internship advertising but also
contributes to the overarching goal of advancing knowledge in academic marketing and
enrollment strategies. In doing so, we aim to offer valuable insights that can guide
universities in enhancing their outreach efforts and fostering sustained growth in student


According to Ordinario C.A., Santis A.K., and Ferdnandez F “The Impact of
Advertising on the Enrollment of the Senior High School and College Students of LPU-
Laguna”. The major concern of this study is to assess the impact of different means of

advertising of LPU-Laguna specifically on the psychographics towards the increase of
senior high school and college transferees. Advertising is one of the important marketing
communication tools that is used to reach, inform, and persuade the prospects to choose
the institution or its product or services. Nowadays, the current practice is to tackle the
psychological aspect, or the psychographics, in advertisements LPU-Laguna has
different advertising tools, such as Billboard, Print Ads, Social Media Ads, and Direct
Advertising/Marketing. Using the descriptive-quantitative Research design, this study
used survey to gather data among 96 respondents chosen using quota sampling.
Weighted mean and Spearman rank-order correlation were used to analyze the data. This
study revealed that print advertisement had the greatest reach informing the students
about the school and all of the advertisements of LPU-Laguna had an impact on
psychographics. Additionally, the recommendation of their friends and family had the
greatest influence on their decision to enroll in LPU-Laguna. The study concludes that
advertisements had impacts on psychographics, which means they had an effect on the
decision of the respondents to enroll in LPU-Laguna. This also conduct a research study
that aims to identify the effectiveness of Facebook enrollment advertising for the incoming
grade 11 senior high school students. Both studies focus on how enrollment advertising
reach and influence students to enroll into the certain school that the advertisement
promotes or advertise.
According to the author Hsuan-Fu Ho of “Enhancing the Effectiveness of School
Advertisement in Taiwan: Customer-Focused Message Persuasiveness, Exposure
Frequency, and Peak Timing”, marketing has become an essential function for schools in
Taiwan given the steadily increasing competition in the educational market, and
advertising media have been the most widely used promotion weapon adopted by
educational institutions. However, since marketing has long been an unknown territory to
educational institutions, many schools have bemoaned that they face tremendous
difficulties in developing their marketing mix. This research aims to explore how students
at different levels use what media to search for which information at what time. 1200
questionnaires were administered to students at different educational levels across
Taiwan. Finally, we demonstrated how the research findings can be used to improve
institutions’ marketing efforts. Marketing has indeed become an essential function for
school given the increase of competition in the educational market, this is actually
happening right now which is why there are social media advertising for schools that
wanted to reach a wider audience since students nowadays use media to search for
information’s which is why we are also conducting our research on how effective is the
use of social media in advertising enrollment to promote schools. This related research
study provides a general perspective on the importance of marketing in educational
institutions, discussing challenges and research aimed at optimizing marketing efforts
which relates to our own research study – both addresses the broader theme of
enhancing promotional strategies in the education sector.

According to Kiram A.P., Albani M.H., Latasa S.P., Ordineza P.M., Peralta J.A.,
Enero K.V.A., Alindong J.M.B., and Dela Cruz J.V., of “The Impact of Social Media
Advertising Exposure on Increasing Student Enrollment in Pillar College SHS”, this study
focuses on a significant aspect that plays a large influence in determining the factors of
how advertising on social media convinces more students to pick Pilar College.
Participants in this study are largely senior high school students who are also enrolled in
courses at Pilar college. Using the method of random sampling, ten (10) students from
each part of Senior high School were chosen to represent each grade level. This was
done to ensure that every student had an equal opportunity of being selected. The
research was carried out in a quantitative fashion as a marketing study. It is developed
by a methodical procedure that involves questioning a specific group of respondents in
the form of a review, survey, or poll. The findings of this study indicate that advertising on
social media platforms has the potential to persuade a significant number of students to
enroll at Pilar College. And being aware of the significant impact that advertising on social
media may have. Similar to our own research, both the cited research above and our own
case study involves social media advertising exposure for the enrollment of certain
schools. Both the related research study above and our own research study aims to know
the impact and effectiveness of advertising enrollment using social media platforms. This
related research study could greatly help us provide insights of possible answer for our
own case study. This RRS give us general idea of a possible outcome to the research
study we are conducting.
According to Muzamil Ahmad Baba, Institute of Public Enterprise, HyderabadSyed
Azher Ali, Institute of Public Enterprise, HyderabadZia ul Haq, Central University of
Kashmir Syeda Shazia Bukhari, Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University of “Advertising from
young users’ point of view”, majority of the respondents use Facebook on a daily basis;
most of the respondents think that Facebook advertisements may be more engaging at
times. The majority of respondents also stated that Facebook advertising is a great source
of knowledge about the current fashion trends and keeps them updated on
products/services available in the market. Majority of the respondents agree that they
recognize brands that are advertised on Facebook. On factors, Entertainment and
Product Information male and female respondents have almost same mean score, this
clearly shows that both male and female respondents had a favorable opinion of these 2
factors. Whereas on factors Advertising Response, Brand Building and Consumer
Manipulation, Value Distortion male respondents have got highest mean score. On two
factors (Entertainment & Product Information) there is statistically a significant difference.
These two factors yielded p value more than 0.05. It would be safe to conclude that
present paper clearly highlights that advertising through Facebook is being appreciated
by the consumers and there is a positive view regarding the same, however there is still
a room for improvement as results clearly shows that female respondents don’t hold a
positive view in comparison with male respondents. In today’s fiercely competitive market,

having a social media presence has become essential for businesses to thrive. Facebook
has undoubtedly become one of the most important social media sites worldwide, not
only in India. Facebook has successfully drawn customers and marketers from all around
the world thanks to its explosive expansion over the years. This study investigates what
users think about the advertising that is through Facebook and does study the
perspectives of young Facebook Users on five major factors i.e. Consumer manipulation,
brand building, product information, advertising response, and entertainment which is
related to our research because students use Facebook as well, and we are collecting
data on how effective Facebook enrollment ads are for incoming grade 11 students. The
findings show that Facebook is being used for advertising. The majority of respondents
use Facebook daily, and most of them believe that Facebook advertisements can
occasionally be more interesting and find it appealing. Thus, which would provide
significant support for our findings. In conclusion, as the study focuses on the
perspectives of young students on Facebook advertisements, it will help us gain a better
knowledge of what young people think about Facebook advertisements.
According to the references cited in the study, social media marketing, particularly
through platforms like Facebook, has significantly impacted how businesses operate by
providing access to resources previously unavailable (Jagongo, A. et. Al, 2013) “The
Effectiveness of Facebook as an Advertisement Platform: A Study among the Users in
Mapulang Lupa, Valenzuela City”. The study emphasizes that while traditional methods
like direct marketing are considered expensive, online marketing, including Facebook
Ads, has become a crucial and cost-effective strategy for businesses (Falls, 2009). The
rise of the internet has shifted consumer attention from traditional advertising methods
like print and TV to social media platforms, especially Facebook (Chu, 2011). The
literature review delves into the effectiveness of Facebook advertising, brand image,
brand equity, purchase intention, and the overall impact of social media as a marketing
tool, drawing insights from various studies and researchers such as Blackwell and Miniard
(2006), Kaplan and Haenlein (2010), and Grewal, Monroe, and Krishnan (1998). The
conceptual framework illustrates the dependency of Facebook Advertisement on the use
of Facebook, aligning with findings from Smock, Ellison, Lampe, and Wohn (2011). The
study’s methodology, including the use of a descriptive-correlational approach, sampling
technique, and data gathering instruments, is outlined based on the research approaches
suggested by Manuel and Medel (1998). The research assumptions and hypotheses are
formulated considering the insights gathered from various sources, including Faircloth,
Capella, and Alford (2001), Dellarocas (2003), and Knight and Kristina (2007). The study
aims to contribute to the understanding of how Facebook influences businesses, drawing
on relevant theories and literature to interpret the data effectively. The connection
between our study, titled “The Effectiveness of Facebook Advertising in Enrollment for
Incoming Grade 11 Senior High School Students,” and the research study “The
Effectiveness of Facebook as an Advertisement Platform “lies in the shared focus on the

effectiveness of Facebook as an advertising platform. Both studies recognize the
transformative impact of social media marketing, particularly on platforms like Facebook,
and aim to understand how it influences specific outcomes – in our case, enrollment for
incoming Grade 11 students. The insights from the referenced study, such as the
recommended methodologies, theoretical frameworks, and emphasis on the shift from
traditional to online marketing, provide valuable foundations for our own investigation. We
can draw parallels in terms of the targeted audience – small business owners in a specific
locality in the referenced study and incoming senior high school students in our research.
By leveraging the methodologies and insights from the referenced study, we aim to
explore how Facebook advertising can effectively reach and engage our specific
demographic. Contributing to a nuanced understanding of its role in the enrollment
process for educational institutions. In essence, both studies contribute to a
comprehensive understanding of how Facebook, as a powerful advertising tool, can
impact outcomes in distinct contexts, shedding light on its broader applicability across
various domains.

According to Rafdinal, Mulyawan, I., Kusdibyo L. (2021) from “The Importance of
Social Media Content in Influencing the Intention to Enroll in Higher Education”. The
independent variable of this study is the social media, The rise of social media has
significantly impacted students' perceptions of value, usage intentions, and college
enrollment intentions. The rise of platforms like Facebook and Twitter has enabled online
communities and increased customer engagement, making it easier for businesses to
connect with their audience. The dependent variable of thr study is the Enrollment on
Higher Education. Social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram are increasingly
used by prospective and current students to gather information about colleges and
universities. Businesses use these platforms to advertise their services and consumers
to confirm their intuition when making purchases. Prospective students can check for
academic offerings and feedback from past students. This paper is related to our study
because it focuses on the effectiveness of Facebook in enrollment advertising. In this
study, we selected a few grades 10 students from Alae National High School to answer
our survey questions so we could find out how effective Facebook enrollment advertising
works. In our findings, it was also shown that Facebook is the most effective way to
advertise enrollment because most of the time students are on their mobile phones. In
conclusion, the social media platform that can really contribute to advertising in any
business is Facebook. It can boost the name of the business and share reliable
information. Engaging the business on social media is a great move for an advertisement.
Social media, especially Facebook, really helps us learn more about enrollment with the
information provided in advertisements. In this study that is related to each other, the

importance of social media, the impacts, and how effective using Facebook as an
According to Adekunle A. Aderemi (2015) To determine the effectiveness of
Facebook as an advertising medium amongst university students.” The Independent
Variable of this study is the Social Media Advertisement. Facebook, a social network, has
been one of the most significant social trends of the past ten years. Businesses are
interested in using Facebook to spread information, trade goods and services, maintain
relationships with both present and potential clients, gain a deeper understanding of their
clientele, and for other purposes. The dependent variable of this study is the University
Students According to this report, Facebook is a useful tool for University Students. The
study demonstrates how Facebook connects vendors and buyers by bringing them
together on a common platform and assisting in the global promotion of new goods and
services. Facebook target the University Students in providing product descriptions that
enhance the brand image and make new products more palatable to a wider range of
consumers. This paper is related to our study because its crucial for students as it
provides insights into contemporary marketing strategies. Students can gain a practical
understanding of digital advertising’s impact on consumer behavior, helping them stay
current in a rapidly evolving field. Although our research revealed that Facebook is the
best platform for advertising enrollments. In short, they are connected to another since
they advertise enrollment on Facebook. Importance of Facebook as the optimal platform
for advertising enrollments. By aligning with the strategies outlined in the paper, we
observe a tangible connection between our study and the practical implementation of
advertising enrollments on Facebook the paper and our research seamlessly converge,
providing a comprehensive understanding of the symbiotic relationship between
contemporary marketing strategies and targeted enrollment advertising on Facebook.
According to Milad Dehghani and Mustafa Tumer (2015) , "A Research on
Effectiveness of Facebook Advertising on Enhancing Purchase Intention of Consumers",
It's independent variable is Facebook, it gives users and customers the option to actively
engage with the advertisements on their page by letting them "like" and "share" the
advertising as well as see who else or which of their friends liked or shared the same ads.
Utilizing Facebook to promote even small organizations and firms is a less expensive
option than taking the chance of paying significant sums of money to advertise in non-
virtual media. Facebook creates broad platforms for viral internet recommendation. Its
dependent variable is the increase in consumer buying intentions. Social media, namely
the Facebook app, demonstrates how beneficial it is for consumers to determine why they
have high expectations for using Facebook as advertising and whether Facebook as a
marketing tool has become advantageous to them. These forms of social media
engagement activities can increase the likelihood that customers will view those images
or promotions that their social media friends have shared on their profiles. By doing so,

customers may adopt new products and trends via Facebook advertising. This paper is
related to our study because the study is targeted on the effectiveness of Facebook
advertisements. Based on our study Facebook is one of the successful platforms when it
comes to advertising due to people nowadays is more focused on social media. Facebook
is the way to stay connected 24/7 with the ability to log on through computers, laptops,
iPad, and mobile devices, and is considered by many businesses as a cost-effective
strategy to employ when communicating with consumers, consequently the Facebook
platform provides benefits to both consumers and businesses. It investigates
advertisement patterns of Facebook and their effectiveness which also provide insights
into whether consumers take notice of their peer's activity on Facebook and whether that
activity influences consumer purchase intention or not.
According to Nelson-Field et al., (2012). "The Conceptual Analysis of effectiveness
of Facebook advertisement in India and Abroad". Its dependent Variable is Facebook
advertisement in India. Facebook is one way to stay connected at anytime, with the ability
to log on through gadgets and devices. It is considered by many business Marketers for
an effective strategy to promote business indirectly to consumers. Advertising on social
media is one way of marketing strategy to consider to promote businesses online. Vast
use of Facebook around globe has made it a new important advertising platform, where
businesses place their ads to reach their prospective customers. Its dependent Variable
is Facebook advertisement in India. Facebook is one way to stay connected at anytime,
with the ability to log on through gadgets and devices. It is considered by many business
Marketers for an effective strategy to promote business indirectly to consumers.
Advertising on social media is one way of marketing strategy to consider to promote
businesses online. Facebook advertisement patterns of Facebook and the effectiveness
do also provide insights into whether consumers purchase or even notice about the others
activity on Facebook and whether the activity or promotional advertisement influences
consumers to purchase intention or not. This paper is related to our study because our
study focuses on the efficacy of Facebook advertising and commercials that this paper is
relevant to it. Based on our study online media advertising using Facebook is very active
nowadays when it comes to purchasing. Facebook is one of the most effective platforms
for advertising, according to our analysis, since people are becoming more acquainted
with social media these days mobile advertising, in particular, has become an important
tool for reaching a highly engaged and targeted audience. However, this study is to
assess how Online Strategies Affective to Social Facebook is used in digital marketing
advertisement campaigns promoting business schools in specific.
According to Kumar, V., Raman, R., and Meenakashi (2021) to Online Advertising
Strategies to effectively Market a Business School. The independent variable of this study
is the online advertising strategies. Advertising has always played an important role in
creating visibility for educational institutions. In today’s time, digital marketing is the

sought-after mode as there has been a significant shift from offline to online advertising.
With the evolving times, flexibility and convenience take significant importance and it is
critical for educational institutions to shift gears and adapt to the new formats. The
dependent variable of this study is to market a business school, Higher education
institutions are utilizing digital advertising to maintain a competitive edge and attract
quality students. Business Schools are utilizing both free and paid resources to maximize
promotion and marketing. This study related to our research because it aims to examine
how social media can affect the awareness, interest, and decision of students to enroll in
a certain school or program. Our findings suggest that social media plays a significant
role in influencing students’ enrollment decisions, especially when it comes to showcasing
the campus life, academic quality, and student success of an institution. We recommend
that schools leverage social media to boost their enrollment by creating engaging content,
interacting with prospective students. Based on these findings, we suggest that schools
should use social media to communicate their unique value proposition, highlight their
academic excellence, and showcase their student outcomes. By doing so, they can
increase their brand awareness, generate more leads, and convert more prospects into
enrolled students. We also suggest that schools should use social media to engage with
potential students, answer their questions, and address their concerns. By doing so, they
can build trust, foster a sense of community, and create a positive impression of the


These studies are related to our research because it aims to examine how social
media can affect the awareness, interest, and decision of students to enroll in a certain
school or program. This study will contribute to a better understanding of the significance
of these intention factors from a theoretical standpoint. The related studies lie in the
shared focus on the effectiveness of Facebook as an advertising platform. By exploring
the efficacy of advertising on Facebook platforms, all the related studies and our research
contribute to the understanding of social media marketing strategies and their impact on

target audiences. Despite potential differences in methodology and approach, the central
theme of Facebook advertising effectiveness unites all of these studies.
The related studies indicates that social networks have a positive correlation with
information value, where information value is part of functional value. This related study
was more focused on how business owners utilized social media in promoting their
businesses. The related studies also have different target respondents. Our study is only
limited to Facebook, however, as a means of creating advertisements online to find
students who use Facebook. Not only that, but it is a way for others to appeal to users
online. Our study also involves finding the interests of students.
The uniqueness of our study is also finding the reasons why students became
interested in joining our school. Unlike the related studies, our study is only on Facebook,
which allows the school to find students in a more simplified way. And because of the
rapid growth of social media over the years, it allows the school to find more users to find
the advertisement more easily. This creates a better advantage for finding students to
enroll in the school more often because of its popularity. It uses social media advertising
as a means to appeal to Facebook users, as many students use social media for many
different reasons. In this way, we will also find out what made them interested in joining
the school and what their expectations were before joining.
Facebook is being used by firms to promote their products and by customers to
verify their own instinctive purchase decisions. Choosing a college or university has
become more dependent on the influence of social media networks. The related studies
aim to contribute to the understanding of how Facebook influences businesses, drawing
on relevant theories and literature to interpret the data effectively. Both related studies
and our research acknowledge how social media marketing, especially on sites like
Facebook, may have a transformative effect. Additionally, both related studies and our
research contribute to an understanding that Facebook, as a powerful advertising tool,
can impact outcomes in distinct contexts, shedding light on its broader applicability across
various domains.

This chapter presents the research design, data collection method, sampling, and
data analysis of the study.

The study adopted a quantitative and non-experimental research design. The
researchers focus on numeric and unchanging data and detailed, convergent reasoning
rather than divergent reasoning. According to Pritha Bhandari, quantitative research is
the process of collecting and analyzing numerical data. It can be used to find patterns
and averages, make predictions, test causal relationships, and generalize results to wider
populations. According to Jill H. Lobmeier, non-experimental designs include research
designs in which an experimenter simply either describes a group or examines
relationships between preexisting groups.
The researchers will use a survey research design as the study is attempting to
determine the impact of PHINMA COC social media advertising on the incoming senior
high school students. In this study research design, surveys are used as a tool by
researchers to gain a greater understanding of individual or group perspectives.

This research aims to identify the effectiveness of Facebook advertisement to
incoming senior high school, this will take place on a junior high school. The study will be
conducted at Alae National High School, located in Artajo village, Municipality of Manolo
Fortich, Province of Bukidnon.


The participants of the study are selected Grade 10 students at Alae National High
School. The researchers aim to determine how effective Facebook enrollment advertising
is in influencing students to choose where to enroll. The participants of the study are
selected Grade 10 students of Alae National High School. The researchers aim to
determine how effective Facebook enrollment advertising is in influencing students to
choose where to enroll. Only 178 students of a population of 330 are involve for this study.
The researchers used random sampling on selecting respondents. Students are randomly
chosen from the 330 number of populations.
To identify and accumulate the accurate and systematic distribution of the number
of respondents, the researcher used the raosoft sample size calculator. In each one
hundred and seventy-eight (178) grade 10 students will serve as the respondents of the
study and will answer the survey questionnaires. In addition, this will give the researchers
one hundred and seventy-eight (178) answers from the survey.

In this study, researchers used a survey questionnaire as a tool to collect and
measure data. Survey questionnaires were used by the researchers for reaching the
respondents conveniently and to have a better statistical power. A group of students were
asked to respond to the survey questionnaires intended to collect and acquire data. These
questionnaires contain properly prepared questions that focuses on determining the
effectiveness of Facebook enrollment advertisement for the incoming grade 11 students.
The answers of the respondents will be gathered and be analyzed by the researchers


The study is attempting to determine the effectiveness of Facebook in enrollment
advertising to incoming grade 11 senior high students.
• The researchers used online survey questionnaires as means of collecting
• The researchers first prepared a set of questions that aimed to answer the
Research Objectives.
• The researchers then chose Alae National High School Grade 10 Students
to answer the online survey questionnaires.
• The researchers then collect the data and information from the Online
survey questionnaires answered by the chosen respondents.


The researchers chose a subset of participants at random from a population using
the random sampling procedure. There is an equal chance of selection for every member
of the population. After that, information is gathered from as much of this random subset
as feasible. 178 grade ten (10) students from Alae National High School will then be
chosen by the researchers. Next, each question's responses will be summed up. The
mean is the measurement used to determine the central pattern. subsequently calculate
the most frequent response value, which is then plotted on a graph. Whether our theories
are valid, invalid, or true will depend on the respondent's response.
To expedite the process of computations in this study, data observations were
entered in the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). Its accuracy and
reliability in statistical computation is compensating, all calculations in this thesis were
done through the SPSS processor to save time. In measuring the data from the survey,
the researchers used the following scale and descriptive interpretation:


4 (3.26-4.00) Strongly Agree Very Influencing
3 (2.52-3.25) Agree Influencing
2 (1.76-2.51) Disagree Less Influencing
1 (1.00-1.75) Strongly Disagree Not Influencing

This chapter presents the analysis and interpretation of the data gathered
regarding the effectiveness of Facebook in enrollment advertising to incoming grade 11
senior high school students.



Q1 57 96 24 1 178 3.17 0.671 INFLUENCING
(228) (288) (48)
Q2 39 104 33 2 178 3.01 0.672 INFLUENCING
(156) (312) (66)
Q3 44 100 29 5 178 3.03 0.72 INFLUENCING
(176) (300) (58)
Q4 43 91 38 6 178 2.96 0.77 INFLUENCING
(172) (273) (76)
Q5 43 97 34 4 178 3.01 0.72 INFLUENCING
(172) (291) (68)
Weighted Average: 3.04 0.71 INFLUENCING

Table 1 answers the first research question: to what extent do junior high school
students find Facebook advertisements effective in selecting their senior high school?
Among the 5 questions about the effectiveness of Facebook advertising, Question No. 1
got the highest, with a 3.17 mean average, which is influencing; 57 respondents strongly
agreed, 96 respondents agreed, 24 of them chose to disagree, and 1 respondent strongly
disagreed. Also, Question No. 4 got the lowest, where it has a 2.96 mean average in
which it is influencing; 43 respondents strongly agreed, 91 respondents preferred to
choose agree, 38 respondents selected disagree from the choices, and 6 respondents
strongly disagree.
Based on the results of the online survey that was conducted by the researchers,
the weighted average means of the effectiveness of Facebook advertising resulted in
3.04, which means it is influential. It means that most of the respondents find Facebook
advertising effective, but some still prefer other platforms. According to Using School
Social Media Ads to Improve Student Enrollment by Keenze (2023), "with the right
strategy, social media ads can be a powerful tool in driving more traffic to your school’s
website and boosting applications—ultimately leading to higher student enrollment.


Well-being Mean 3.04 0.084526
95% confidence lower bound 2.870283181
Interval for mean upper bound 3.201626931

Std deviation 0.71

In Table 1, it can be seen that the weight average entered the lower bound (L1)
and upper bound (L2). This is mainly because the lower bound is at 1.850 and the upper
bound is at 4.23. Therefore, the weight average is 3.04, which falls somewhere in
between. As a result, the given confidence interval now includes the weight average.
The table above illustrates the results of Questions 1 to 5 in the survey
Question No. 1 obtained the highest mean average of 3.17, indicating that it is
influential and falls in between the lower and upper boundaries. 96 students agreed, 57
students strongly agreed, 24 students disagreed, and 1 student strongly disagreed.
Question No. 2 obtained a 3.01 mean average, influencing and intervening
between 1.850 and 4.23. 104 students agree, 39 students strongly agree, 33 students
disagree, and 2 students strongly disagree.
Question No. 3 acquired a 3.03 mean average, which is influencing and falls within
the middle of the lower and upper bounds. It is shown that 100 students agree, 44
students vote strongly agree, 29 students disagree, and 5 student votes strongly
Question No. 4 garnered a 2.96 mean average, which is influencing and falls in
between of the 1.850 lower bound and 4.23 upper bound. There are 43 students who
voted strongly agree, 91 who voted agree, 38 who voted disagree, and 6 who voted
strongly disagree.
Question No. 5 obtained a mean average of 3.01, ranging between 1.850 lower
bound and 4.23 upper bound. The question received 97 votes for agree, 43 votes for
strongly agree, 34 votes for disagree, and 4 votes for strongly disagree.
For the overall given data, we say that we are 95% confident that the population
proportion will be between 2.870283181and 3.201626931.



63 105 9 178 VERY

Q6 1 3.29 0.59
(252) (315) (18) INFLUENCING
30 55 84 178
Q7 9 2.60 0.83 INFLUENCING
(120) (165) (168)

41 103 28 178
Q8 6 3.01 0.72 INFLUENCING
(164) (309) (56)
51 103 20 178
Q9 4 3.13 0.70 INFLUENCING
(204) (309) (40)
41 117 18 178
Q10 2 3.11 0.61 INFLUENCING
(164) (351) (36)
Weighted Average: 3.03 0.69 INFLUENCING

This table shows the result of the survey questionnaire about the second research
question of how PHINMA-Cagayan de Oro College utilizes the Facebook app to promote
and hook students for enrollment. Question No. 6 got the highest mean average of 3.29,
which means it is influential. 105 respondents selected agree, 63 chose strongly agree,
9 selected disagree, and 1 responded strongly disagree. Question No. 7 got the lowest
mean average of 2.60. 84 respondents preferred to select disagree, 55 respondents
chose agree, strongly agree got 30 responses, and 9 only strongly disagreed.
The table conveys that PHINMA COC utilizes the app well in promoting and
hooking students for enrollment, with a total weighted average of 3.03, which means it is
influential. Facebook Marketing Strategies for Higher Education by Jenija Manandhar
states that "By now you know that it’s important to reach prospective students on social
media, but each unique platform should be handled a little differently. This is where an
expert can help you make the most of your social media strategies. Sextant has helped
many higher-ed clients create Facebook ads for their university and target their
prospective students and/or parents to generate interest and student leads. Like most
social media platforms, Facebook offers an Ads Manager platform via which you can
create ads, set targeting, and launch your campaigns to reach prospective students.


Well-being Mean 3.03 0.081466
95% confidence lower bound 2.866168686
Interval for mean upper bound 3.185516708

Std deviation 0.69

In Table 2, it can be seen that the weight average entered the lower bound (L1)
and upper bound (L2). This is mainly because the lower bound is at 1.80 and the upper

bound is at 4.27. Therefore, the weight average is 3.03, which falls somewhere in
between. As a result, the given confidence interval now includes the weight average.
The table above illustrates the results of Questions 6 to 10 in the survey
Questions 6 and 10 discuss the extent to which Facebook helps new senior high
school students become more knowledgeable of the school.
Question No. 6 obtained the highest mean average of 3.29, indicating that it is
very influential and falls in between the lower and upper boundaries. 63 students agreed,
105 students strongly agreed, 9 students disagreed, and 1 student strongly disagreed.
Question No. 7 obtained a 2.60 mean average, influencing and intervening
between 1.80 and 4.27. 30 students agree, 55 students strongly agree, 84 students
disagree, and 9 students strongly disagree.
Question No. 8 acquired a 3.01 mean average, which is influencing and falls within
the middle of the lower and upper bounds. It is shown that 41 students agree, 103
students vote strongly agree, 28 students disagree, and 6 student votes strongly
Question No. 9 garnered a 3.13 mean average, which is substantial and falls in
between of the 1.80 lower bound and 4.27upper bound. There are 51 students who voted
strongly agree, 103 who voted agree, 20 who voted disagree, and 4 who voted strongly
Question No. 10 obtained a mean average of 3.11, ranging between 1.80 lower
bound and 4.27 upper bound. The question received 41 votes for agree, 117 votes for
strongly agree, 18 votes for disagree, and 2 votes for strongly disagree.
For the overall given data, we say that we are 95% confident that the population
proportion will be between 2.866168686 and 3.185516708.



Q11 57 109 11 1 178 3.25 0.59 VERY

(228) (327) (22) INFLUENCING
Q12 48 115 14 1 178 3.18 0.58
(192) (345) (28) INFLUENCING
Q13 59 101 17 1 178 3.22 0.63
(236) (303) (34) INFLUENCING

Q14 48 112 17 1 178 3.16 0.60
(192) (336) (34) INFLUENCING
Q15 49 99 26 4 178 3.08 0.71
(196) (297) (52) INFLUENCING
Weighted Average: 3.18 0.62 INFLUENCING

This table above shows the results of Questions 11 to 15 in the survey

questionnaire. Questions 11 and 15 answer the extent of how Facebook helps new senior
high school students become more informed of the school. Question No. 11 received the
highest mean average of 3.25, which is very influential. 109 students voting agree, 57
students voting strongly agree, 11 students voting disagree, and 1 student voting strongly
disagree. Question No. 15 received the lowest mean average of 3.08 and received 99
votes for agree, 49 votes for strongly agree, 26 for disagree, and 4 votes for strongly
The weighted average for table 3 is 3.18, which is influential. These show that the
Facebook ads helped the incoming grade 11 students be well informed about the
school. According to A and M Education (2020), "Facebook ads can turn social media
users into your customers because they can reach the right people. When you create a
profile and engage with the platform, you basically give Facebook valuable data about
yourself that marketers can then tap into to create more targeted ad camp.

TABLE 3.1 Statistics Std error

Well-being Mean 3.18 0.074034
95% confidence lower bound 3.034668841
Interval for mean upper bound 3.324881721

Std deviation 0.62

In Table 3, it can be seen that the weight average entered the lower bound (L1)
and upper bound (L2). This is mainly because the lower bound is at 1.90 and the upper

bound is at 4.46. Therefore, the weight average is 3.18, which falls somewhere in
between. As a result, the given confidence interval now includes the weight average.
The table above illustrates the results of Questions 11 to 15 in the survey
Question No. 11 obtained the highest mean average of 3.25, indicating that it is
very influential and falls in between the lower and upper boundaries. 109 students agreed,
57 students strongly agreed, 11 students disagreed, and 1 student strongly disagreed.
Question No. 12 obtained a 3.18 mean average, influencing and intervening
between 1.90 and 4.46. 115 students agree, 48 students strongly agree, 14 students
disagree, and 1 student strongly disagree.
Question No. 13 acquired a 3.22 mean average, which is influencing and falls
within the middle of the lower and upper bounds. It is shown that 101 students agree, 59
students vote strongly agree, 17 students disagree, and 1 student votes strongly
Question No. 14 garnered a 3.16 mean average, which is substantial and falls in
between of the 1.90 lower bound and 4.46 upper bound. There are 48 students who voted
strongly agree, 112 who voted agree, 17 who voted disagree, and 1 who voted strongly
Question No. 15 obtained the lowest mean average of 3.08, ranging between 1.90
lower bound and 4.46 upper bound. The question received 99 votes for agree, 49 votes
for strongly agree, 26 votes for disagree, and 1 vote for strongly disagree.
For the overall given data, we say that we are 95% confident that the population
proportion will be between 3.034668841 and 3.324881721.

This chapter presents the summary of the problem, methodology and findings of
the study. It also discusses the conclusions and the appropriate recommendation based
on the data generated from the study.

In this study, it is conducted to determine how effective Facebook is at increasing
enrollment when it comes to advertising. It also shows whether using Facebook for
advertising makes it easier for incoming grade 11 students to be seen. It also includes
the importance of doing advertisements on Facebook because it also speeds up the

process for people who want to gather information from the school. Especially in today's
time when almost all young people are focused on their social media, and one of them is
using the Facebook app more.
However, our research focuses on the effectiveness of Facebook advertisements,
this report is pertinent to our findings. According to our research, Facebook is currently
being used extensively for online media advertising when it comes to making purchases.
Our data shows that Facebook is one of the most effective venues for advertising. As
more people get familiar with social media these days, mobile advertising in particular
has grown in importance as a means of connecting with highly engaged and targeted
consumers. But the purpose of this study is to evaluate the usage of online strategies that
are socially beneficial to Facebook in digital marketing campaigns that promote business
schools in particular.
This study is to ascertain Facebook's effectiveness in terms of advertising
enrollment growth. It also demonstrates whether advertising on Facebook facilitates the
visibility of incoming grade 11 student. It also stresses how crucial it is to run Facebook
ads since they expedite the method for anyone looking to obtain information from the
institution. Particularly, considering that the majority of young people nowadays are glued
to social media, with one of them using the Facebook app more frequently.

The focus of the study is to know the effectiveness of Facebook in enrollment
advertising to help them choose their preferred school. The study's target respondents
are 178, from Alae National High School students in Grade 10. According to the results
of our survey, the majority of students firmly believe that Facebook enrollment advertising
helps them decide which senior high school to attend. Facebook enrollment advertising
is effective because of the following factors:

First, Facebook can be a useful tool for enrollment advertising directed at incoming
senior high school students in Grade 11. Educational institutions can reach this group
with customized messaging and information through targeted advertising campaigns.
Facebook offers advertisers the ability to target certain demographics, interests, and
behaviors that are relevant to potential students through its massive user data and
sophisticated targeting choices. Schools were able to effectively highlight their distinctive
services, academic programs, and campus culture through targeted marketing, which
resulted in a considerable increase in enrollment rates. Furthermore, schools may
successfully display their programs, facilities, and unique selling factors through
Facebook's engagement capabilities, such as sponsored content and interactive ads,
which in turn influence student’s enrollment decisions. Additionally, the platform increases

engagement and makes it possible for institutions and students to communicate directly
through messaging tools or event invitations.

Second, Facebook is a very successful platform for recruiting advertisements

aimed at incoming seniors in high school (grade 11). According to a Smith et al. (2023)
study, using Facebook ads increased enrollment significantly when compared to
traditional promotional approaches. By using Facebook advertising's focused approach,
educational institutions can directly connect with potential students and grab their
attention through relevant material and eye-catching images. Furthermore, Facebook's
interactive features let schools connect with students, answering their questions quickly
and building a feeling of community. Additionally, tracking and analyzing Facebook ad
effectiveness offers insightful information for maximizing enrollment campaigns and
assuring effective budget allocation. Overall, these results highlight how crucial it is to

Third, engaging on social media is a great advantage. Facebook makes school

websites or pages to post information and updates. Facebook aids new senior high school
students by providing them with valuable information about their school through posts,
announcements, and interactive discussions, ensuring they are well-informed and
prepared for their academic journey. Nowadays, Facebook is the most widely used social
networking site among students, it is a better platform for encouraging online
communication among students. The goal of this is to find out how students feel about
using Facebook for online interactions linked to their classes and how it has affected
Facebook's rise to the top of the educational user base. However, students using
Facebook spend a considerable amount of time actively on Facebook so that it can help
very well for more information about the school.

Based on the findings, we found that Grade 10 students prefer Facebook
marketing while choosing a senior high school because it's easy for them to gather
information about the school because of to the advertisements. According to the findings
of the conducted online survey, Facebook advertising's efficacy was found to have a
weighted average mean of 3.04, indicating its influence. It indicates that although some
respondents still favor other platforms, the majority of respondents think Facebook
advertising is effective. "With the right strategy, social media ads can be a powerful tool
in driving more traffic to your school's website and boosting applications—ultimately
leading to higher student enrollment," claims Keenze (2023) in Using School Social Media
advertisements to Improve Student Enrollment.

In this regard, students find the Facebook advertisements for PHINMA-Cagayan
de Oro College amusing. The school uses Facebook advertising very well, as seen by
the data with a weighted average of 3.03 overall, since it draws students' interest in
selecting a senior high school. According to Jenija Manandhar's Facebook Marketing
Strategies for Higher Education, in connection with. Jenija Manandhar, the author of
Facebook Marketing Strategies for Higher as "By now you know that it’s important to
reach prospective students on social media, but each unique platform should be handled
a little differently. This is where an expert can help you make the most of your social
media strategies. Sextant has helped many higher-ed clients create Facebook ads for
their university and target their prospective students and/or parents to generate interest
and student leads. Like most social media platforms, Facebook offers an Ads Manager
platform via which you can create ads, set targeting, and launch your campaigns to reach
prospective students."
Additionally, Facebook advertisements greatly aid students in learning more about
the schools they are considering. The weighted average for table 3 is 3.18, which is
significant based on the data. These demonstrate how the Facebook advertisements
aided in the new grade 11 students' awareness of the school. As stated by A and M
Education (2020), "Facebook ads can turn social media users into your customers
because they can reach the right people. When you create a profile and engage with the
platform, you basically give Facebook valuable data about yourself that marketers can
then tap into to create more targeted ad campaigns."

Based on the findings and conclusion, the following recommendations are
For the incoming senior high school students, we strongly advise them to use
Facebook as a platform to obtain important information about school through enrollment
promotions. Senior high school students must visit and look for essential information in
school enrollment advertisements, such as the programs and tracks offered,
scholarships, and fees. It is also recommended that upcoming senior high school students
confirm the credibility of the enrollment advertisement obtained on Facebook. We, as
PHINMA COC students, highly recommend incoming senior high school students enroll
at PHINMA-Cagayan de Oro College.

For the PHINMA-Cagayan de Oro College, we recommend that the school share
relevant information about their institution through posts, announcements, and interactive
discussions so that incoming senior high school students are well-informed and prepared
for their academic journey. Furthermore, we urge that the school immediately engage
with potential students and capture their attention with useful content and eye-catching
advertising. We also urge that the school ensure that the information supplied in its
enrollment marketing is accurate and genuine.
For future researchers, they may discover and study significant subjects that need
to be addressed. We strongly advise future researchers to understand the objectives of
their study and be responsible and wise enough to handle problems while conducting
their study. The future researchers must finalize the following, as these are the problems
faced by the current researchers: research respondents, research limitations, research
environment, and floating the survey. Future researchers may use current findings to
support their own studies.

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Research Questions:
1. To what extent do junior high school students find Facebook advertisements
effective on selecting their senior high school?
2. Does grade 10 students find PHINMA-Cagayan de Oro College Facebook
advertisement influencing?
3. To what extent does Facebook help new senior high school students become more
informed of the school?

Research Objectives:
The researchers aim to investigate the effectiveness of Facebook in enrollment
advertising to incoming grade 11 senior high school student.

General instructions: Please read each item carefully and follow the instructions given.

Name: (Optional)
Grade and Section:
Gender Orientation: ( )Male ( )Female

INSTRUCTIONS: Read each item carefully. Use the given scale to guide you in checking
the appropriate column which best describes your answer.

Legend Mean Observation Mode Interpretation

4 (3.26-4.00) Strongly Agree Very Influencing
3 (2.52-3.25) Agree Influencing
2 (1.76-2.51) Disagree Less Influencing
1 (1.00-1.75) Strongly Disagree Not Influencing

SOP 1 Questionnaires
Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly
Agree Disagree
1. Facebook advertisement is
effective in selecting my senior
high school choice.
2. I feel convinced every time I
encounter enrollment
advertising on Facebook.
3. The Facebook enrollment
advertisement of PHINMA-
Cagayan de Oro College
influenced and convinced me
on choosing the school.
4. The Facebook enrollment
advertisement persuades me
to enroll at PHINMA-Cagayan
de Oro College.
5. I prefer Facebook than
commercials on enrollment

SOP 2 Questionnaires
Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly
Agree Disagree
1. PHINMA-Cagayan de Oro
College provides useful and
relevant information about their
programs and services on
2.I will enroll to a school just by
looking after a Facebook ad
3. I prefer to watch Facebook
video ads about school
programs and enrollments.
4. Facebook is the best
medium for promoting school.
5. Facebook ads can persuade
a student to like a school.

SOP 3 Questionnaires
Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly
Agree Disagree
1. Facebook is the most useful
social media sites for business
2. Facebook is an effective
medium for knowing a school.
3.Facebook is the easier way
to promote the business.
4. Facebook as an advertising
medium improve a school’s
5. It is convenient and smart to
use Facebook as an instrument
in learning about a school.



Good day!

The students of Grade 12 COC-FA2-G12-ABM-01-P presently enrolled in the

subject Inquiries, Investigations, and Immersion, would like to administer a study titled
In connection with this, we would like to ask for your affirmation to conduct our
research and perform a survey for gathering data to partially complete the study. We
guarantee that all data gathered will be treated confidentially and solely just for academic
If you have any questions concerning the research study, please call me through
the leader’s contact number 09264145426 or email at
We are looking forward to your positive response to this request. Thank you and
have a good day ahead.

Ma. Nor Kristine Pilarh P. Ado
Research Leader

Noted by:
Ms. Katrina Bianca A. Dael
APP 007 Subject Teacher


Dear Respondent,


The researchers are Grade 12 STRAND students of PHINMA-Cagayan de Oro

College. In this questionnaire, you will be asked to give information that will be used in
Any information you give will be used for scholarly purposes and your
confidentiality will be protected. Please read the items carefully before you answer. Your
valuable suggestions and expertise shall largely contribute to the completion of this study.
You may contact our group leader Ma. Nor Kristine Pilarh P. Ado, through this number
09264145426 or email me at for your feedback. Thank
you very much.

Thank you and God bless!

Grade 12 ABM Group 3
Researchers, PHINMA-COC

Approved by:
Ms. Katrina Bianca A. Dael
APP 007 Subject Teacher


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