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Rotary International

Distrikt 1820
International Youth Exchange

1. Quartalsbericht – Abgabe bis 16. Oktober 2022

(you may write in English or in German)

Persönliche Daten:
Nachname, Vorname Andrada, Doorgal
Heimatland Bradilien
Host-Club Eschwege
Name Host-Club-YEO Jö rg Mö ller

X September November Mä rz Juni

Nachname, Vorname Hilmes, Andreas
Telefon +49 177 4904671

Aktuelle Gastfamilie (current host family):

Nachname, Vorname Mü ller, Andrea (mutter)
Telefon +49 171 9316463

Wann gehst Du zur nächsten Gastfamilie? (When will you change to the next host family?)

Nächste Gastfamilie (next host family):

Nachname, Vorname Krumppholz, Heike
Telefon +49 152 21913823

Bitte beantworte die folgenden Fragen (Please answer the following questions ) :

Gastfamilie :
Wie fühlst Du Dich in Deiner Gastfamilie? Wie ein Gast? Wie ein eigenes Kind? Wie zu Hause?
Hast du Gastbrüder / -schwestern? Gibt es manchmal Missverständnisse, die für Dich oder Deine
Gastfamilie Probleme bringen? Hat Deine Gastfamilie Zeit, mit Dir am Wochenende Aktivitäten zu
(How do you feel in your host family? Like a guest? Like a natural child of the family? Do you have host
brothers or sisters? Are there sometimes missunderstandings, that lead to problems for you or for your host
family? Does your host family have time to undertake activities with you on the weekends?)

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I feel very comfortable with my host family, I’m already used to their routine and I feel like I’m part of it. I
have a host brother and my relationship with him is great. We had never gotten into trouble. During the
weekend and holidays my family usually brings me somewhere so we can enjoy our time together.

Welche Kontakte hast Du zu Deinem Host-Rotary-Club? Warst Du schon bei einem Meeting
Deines Clubs, wann wirst Du eine Präsentation halten? (What kind of contact did you have to your
host Rotary Club? Did you already join a meeting? When will you do a presentation there?)

I already went to two meetings and we also made a trip together with the club. I really like them all, thei
are very friendly with me and always show some support. I’ll do a presentation on the 24th of
November about my home country to my club.

Kümmert sich Dein Counsellor oder dein YEO um Dich? Erhältst Du regelmäßig Dein
Taschengeld? Wieviel? (Do you have contact to your counselor or YEO? Have you received your monthly
allowance? How much do you get per month?)

I have good contact with my YEO, he is my school coordinator. I’ve received already my monthly
allowance (80€ per month)

Wie läuft es in der Schule? In welcher Klassenstufe bist Du? Welche Fächer besuchst Du?
Wie kommst Du zur Schule (zu Fuß, mit dem Fahrrad, mit dem Bus ?)
Hast Du eine Fahrkarte für den Bus? Wer bezahlt sie?
(How are things going in school? In what grad are you? What subjects do you take?
How do you get to school? Do you have a bus-ticket? Who pays for it?)

I’m having fun at school, people are friendly to me and they always help me when I need to. I’m in the
11th grade, and I usually go by foot to school because I live next to it. I’m having for subjects: Geschichte,
Biologie, Chemie, Mathematik, Englisch, Deutsch, Franzö sisch, Drama, Sport, Physik und PoWi.

Wie lernst Du die deutsche Sprache ? (Sprachkurs?, selber nach Buch und mit Vokabelheft
lernen?, andere Art?) Hilft Dein Rotary Club bei der Organisation eines Sprachkurses und hilft
er beim Bezahlen der Kosten? Spricht Deine Gastfamilie Deutsch mit Dir?
(How do you learn German? (language course?, learning by myself with a book and a vocabulary booklet?
Other?) Does your Rotary Club help with the organization and costs of a language course, if there is one in
your city? Does your host family speak German with you?)

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I’m studying German by myself. I'm trying to learn more vocabulary. My family speaks often with me in
German. I feel like I’m understanding better than before. I'm also taking an extra German course in
school for beginners, but I still can’t speak very well. I’m trying to improve more my german

Hast Du Kontakte zu anderen deutschen oder ausländischen Austauschschülern?

(Do you have contacts to other exchangers, either German or non-German?)

Yes, I do have contact, especially with some friends who are also in exchange, but we only talked on the
internet so far.

Bist Du in Vereinen, Clubs oder sonstigen Gemeinschaften engagiert? Hast Du gleichaltrige

Freunde oder sonst Anschluss an deutsche Jugendliche gefunden?
(Do you participate in clubs (sports and others)? Or are you involved in other regular activities? Did you
make German friends of your age?)

I do have some German friends in school and also my host brother introduced me to some of his friends.
My classmates invited me to join a soccer team in my city, so twice a week I practice with them.

Was hast Du Besonderes erlebt oder unternommen? Einladungen, Vorträge gehalten, Reisen,
Besuche, Besichtigungen, z.B. mit der Gastfamilie oder mit Rotariern
(Did you experience something special? Invitations, presentations, journeys, sightseeing e.g. with your host
family or Rotarians)

Yes, in my first month, during holidays, my family and I traveled to some cities close to here. We also
often go hiking together on the weekends. My Rotary club also invited me to a trip to Hannover, where
we spent a whole weekend in the city visiting some interesting places. We also went to a castle nearby

Wie geht es Dir stimmungsmäßig und gesundheitlich? Hast du Heimweh? Sitzt Du oft alleine in
deinem Zimmer? Bist Du abends mit deiner Gastfamilie zusammen? Was macht ihr? Nimmst Du
an ihren Wochenend-Aktivitäten teil?
(How are you feeling? Are you homesick? Do you often sit alone in your room? Are you together with your
host family in the evenings? What do you do together? Do you join their activities on the weekend?)

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Me and my family always have dinner together and usually we spend some time together after we eat.
We watch television and sometimes we also play some card games. Also I like to walk with our dog
together in the fields next to our house.

Gibt es Probleme, bei denen man Dir helfen sollte? (Are there problems, that you need help with?

I’m not having any problems so far, everything is great!

Was willst Du uns vom Distrikt sonst noch sagen? Hast Du Fragen an den Distrikt? (Is there
anything else you want to say to us from the district? Do you have questions to the district?)

For now I don’t have any questions, thank you for asking!

Ort, Datum 15.10.2022 - Bad sooden-allendorf

Unterschrift: Doorgal Lafayette Amaral de Andrada

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