Assessment 1 - Critical Evaluation of A Research Study

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Assessment 1: Critical Evaluation of a Research Study (Individual, 30%)

Suggested Due Date: At the end of Unit 3 (October 6, 2023)

Assignment Description and Instructions

Each student is required to produce a critical review of a research study in no more than 1500
words. You will be provided with a three (3) articles so you will be able to choose ONE that
is of interest to you. You will also be expected to read other research documents on the topic
to be able to develop an appropriate review of the article chosen. Pay attention to the specific
requirements of the article review assignment.

In this assignment, you are required to do the following:

 Outline in some detail the methodological tradition/social scientific paradigm into

which the study falls.
 Include a history of this tradition including the particular epistemological and
ontological assumptions associated with it.
 Explain why this tradition chosen might be appropriate or inappropriate for the
research study, incorporating a discussion of whether the study is intended to critique,
to understand, to change/emancipate or to describe, or whether it is a combination of
 Provide a critical reflection on the strengths and limitations of this paradigm, with
particular focus on the ways in which this type of research might constrain and enable
the conclusions that are drawn.
 Submit a well-developed reference list which reflects the information used to develop
the critical review of the study.

N.B. You will be provided with the study that you will be required to review. Studies for
the Critical Article Review will be chosen based on the specializations of students in
the course (Political Science, Sociology, Psychology, or Social Work).

Please check this link for the articles. They are provided in the folder. You are only required
to review ONE article.

Areas of Focus for Assessment

Introduction and conclusion clearly expressed – 10 points
In-depth discussion of the context and background of the methodological tradition/ research
paradigm - 15 points
In-depth discussion of the appropriateness of the methodological tradition/research paradigm
for the selected study - 15 points
Critical reflection on strengths and limitations of methodological tradition/research paradigm
- 15 points
Incorporation of relevant literature into the critical review – 10 points
Organization and development of ideas – 10 points
Writing Skills - 10 points
Format of the document – APA guidelines (7th ed.) used to format the document - 10 points
Length requirements – 5 points
Final mark – Total points gained/100 x 30

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