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Normal stress on the oblique


Mohr circle
Normal strain on the oblique τ - γ/2

Principal shear
Q. In a state of plane strain in the x-y plane, the strain components associated with the XY axes
εx = 800 ×10-6
εy = -100 × 10-6
ϒxy= 500 × 10-6
Draw the Mohr circle and depict the current state of strain. Find the principal strains and the
maximum shear strain using Mohr circle. Find the angle that the given orientation makes with
the principal strains orientation in degrees and the sense.
Find the normal and shear strains at an orientation of 30 degree clockwise to the current one
using Mohr circle.
Volume strain/Cubical dilatation: Change in volume per unit volume

Mean strain/hydrostatic component of strain,

Strain deviator, 𝜀𝑖𝑗
The part of the strain tensor which is involved in the shape change rather than volume change.
- Subtract mean strain from each of the normal strain component
Strain tensor = hydrostatic strain + deviatoric strain
Stress tensor = hydrostatic stress + deviatoric stress

Hydrostatic component of the stress tensor causes only elastic volume change
Stress deviator causes shear stress - plastic deformation

Hydrostatic/mean stress,

Stress deviator involves shear stresses

J1 , J2 , J3 are the invariants of the

deviator stress tensor
τ2 and τ3 are principal shear stresses
Constitutive equations
• Elastic solid
• Isotropic
Hooke’s law
Poisson’s ratio
When loaded axially, what happens in lateral direction.

Note - in calculation, only absolute values of ϑ is used.

Interesting – Cork of a wine bottle
– Negative Poisson’s ratio
Volumetric modulus of elasticity, K
Or Bulk modulus
= mean stress/volume strain

P – hydrostatic
β – compressibility
Relationship between elastic constants

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