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CU3x2 USB driver installation guide

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1. DDownload the
t “CDC USB U driver” from Grun ndfos GTI or
o from Gru
undfos Web bCAPS and
save the driver in a permanent folder, anyywhere on the
t compu uter
2. OOpen Devicce Manager on the co mputer
3. PPlugin USB cable to thhe CU3x2 a nd turn on
n CU3x2
4. ““CDC devicee” should popup
p in “D
Device Man nager” wheen CU3x2 iss powered up

5. R
Right click on
o the “CDC device” aand choosee “Propertie
6. C
Choose “Drriver” pane in the Prop
perties win
7. C
Choose “Up pdate Drive

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8. C
Choose “Bro
owse my computer fo
or driver so

9. Choose “Browse”

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10. Pick the fo
older where
e the down
nloaded drivver is locatted and preess “OK”

11. A
After browssing for the
e folder cho
oose “nextt”

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12. C
Choose “Insstall” if you
u want the driver to be
b installed
d on your coomputer

13. W
When the driver
d has installed cliick “Close”

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14. W
When drive
er has been
n successfu
ully installe
ed “Device Manager “ should loo
ok like this:

That’s it; you 3x2 to the ddifferent PC Tools

y should now be sett to connecct your CU3
supplied frrom Grundfos. Enjoy ☺

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