Redesigned Melee Section 1.0

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1) LURE enemy [8.3.4, 8.3.5]:
- Characters (as Defender) take ANY number of unengaged
Revised Battle Sheet v1.0 for Magic Realm Note: This Battle Sheet is based on Richard Hamblen’s
unpublished new combat system.
by ulfhethnar@BGG 30 Dec 2013
denizens to the ATTACKER(s) box of his Battle Sheet.
- Each minion (= own hired/controlled denizens) may take Repositioning
one unengaged non-minion to the ATTACKER(s) box of ATTACK Denizens ATTACKER(s) DEFENDER
the minion’s Battle Sheet.
2) RANDOMLY ASSIGN other non-minions as Attacker. 1 Thrust 2 3 Swing 4 5 Smash 6 1  1, 3, 2
Note: Only one Defender is allowed per Battle Sheet. 2  3, 2, 1 (only one

3) DEPLOY any unengaged minions to attack any one
character or denizen (= Defender) [battling natives - 8.2, 3  2, 1, 3 per sheet)
8.3.6a9; treachery - 8.4.2g].
Minions remaining unengaged cannot attack in this round.
4  1, 2, 3
4) As soon as a denizen Attacker is attacked, it becomes a 5  2, 3, 1
new Defender. Move this Attacker to the DEFENDER box
of a new Battle Sheet.
5) Stack up all the Attackers in the ATTACKER(s) box
of the Defender's Battle Sheet such that the latest
   6  3, 1, 2
Attacker is the topmost one in the stack.

1 Thrust 2

1 Charge 2
6) A denizen ceases to be a Defender if all Attackers
are removed from its Battle Sheet. This denizen will SHIELD
target the topmost Attacker from the old Attacker

stack and move to the target’s ATTACKER box.

7) Minion Attackers turn horses either side up.
protects against BREASTPLATE

1) Charge: play a Move chit* & Attention chit
on the target character's Battle Sheet [8.3.6bc]. Thrust SUIT OF
2) (Un)Alert one weapon: play a Fight chit* ≥
strength of the weight of the weapon.

3 Swing 4

3 Dodge 4
3) Fly/Run Away: play a Move (or Fly) chit*/an
active Boots card/a horse/the Magic Carpet [8.3.8] SHIELD protects against
4) Cast one Spell: play a Magic chit*, an
Artifact/Spell Book (speed = 0) [8.3.9]. Thrust,
5) Pick up dropped belonging not in front of
character [10 A5]. protects against Swing
Speed requirement: < (All)/ ≤ (Magic) the Move
times of all the attacking/charging enemies.
 Swing
protects against
6) Pick up dropped belonging in front of character
7) Drop/Abandon any belongings Swing,
5 Smash 6

5 Duck 6
8) Activate and/or Deactivate one belonging. SHIELD HELMET
In addition, a character can play any number of Smash
Color chits to Energize any spells in the clearing.
III. ATTACK & MANEUVER [8.4.2-8.4.8]
1) Natives’ horses: dark (unhired); turn over (hired). protects against protects against
2) Denizen Defender: go to .
3) Counterstrike: the Defender must target the
topmost denizen Attacker; move that Attacker to .
 Smash Smash
4) Other Denizen Attackers: spread out in boxes
// in the ATTACK row. 1 Charge 2 3 Dodge 4 5 Duck 6 V. END OF COMBAT ROUND [8.6, 8.7]
1) Engagement continues if: A) a non-minion is assigned to a character;
5) Characters: Attack – put a Fight/Magic chit*, a weapon and B) a Red-side-up Tremendous Monster is assigned to a native (cannot be
cards directly onto their target; Maneuver – put a Move chit*, armor and _DEFENDER’S MANEUVER attacked by other denizens in the next round) or a character.
cards in one of the DEFENSE boxes, and horse in //. IV. RESOLVING COMBAT RESULTS [8.4.8, 8.4.9, 8.5] 2) Disengagement: all other denizens not covered in 1)
st st
6) Spells take effect (except Protection from Magic) [8.4.2d, 8.4.3, 8.4.4] 1) Order: Longest reach first (1 round & ties after); Fastest first (after 1 round) 3) Non-minions remain on the same side up.
7) Change Tactics (1 roll/box) and Reposition (1 roll for all), except the 2) Hit if: same arrow path ►INTERCEPT; faster attack ►UNDERCUT 4) Combat lasts until there is no more KILL, WOUND, DAMAGE/
minion Defender. [8.4.5 - 8.4.7] SPECIAL: Hamblen’s variant - 3) Sharpness star = +1 harm level (unarmored target); -1 star (armored target) DESTROY armor, fatigue, spelling casting or T Monsters turning red side
Reposition (white & red dice in all boxes); Change Tactics (roll double) 4) ≥ Vulnerability ►KILL; ≥ Light (unarmored)/Medium (armored) ►WOUND up for two consecutive rounds.
* - Subject to the FATIGUE, EFFORT and ONE-USE LIMIT. = Weight ►DAMAGE Armor; > Weight or Damage twice ►DESTROY Armor 5) Calculate spoils of combat.

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