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D’Arata 1

Natalie D’Arata

Prof. Acheampong

ENC 1102 EPortfolio #3

16 February, 2024

EPortfolio Reflection #3

The past couple weeks have been sort of a lot but in a good way. The class is really

starting to pick up its pace and we’re starting to submit more larger-scale assignments. Major

learning outcomes we have discussed include contributing knowledge, information literacy, and

research genre production. I was given the opportunity to reflect upon my growth as a writer in

the class so far and I feel as if I’m continuing to grow. I feel as if I have a strong/distinctable

voice when it comes to creative writing and I plan to continue to incorporate that into my


A specific class moment I found particularly intriguing was when we got to attend the

Knight’s Write session. Mine was on visual networking and I found it really fascinated the way

different writers portrayed their ideas on rhetoric throughout the ages. In addition, we started

talking about annotated bibliographies and literature reviews in class. Annotated bibliographies

in specific are made up of a source, description of a source, and utilization/reflection of topic.

As for reflection on my own growth, I got good feedback on my research proposal

however it seemed to still be lacking specificity. I plan to keep this in mind as I continue

developing the project, however my research question was improved to further dive into. I never

knew about the Ctrl F feature as well which I plan to utilize in my future research. I have written

a literature review before so I have a lot of prior knowledge on it but I have yet to actually write

an annotated bibliography which I do believe we will be doing in class shortly.

D’Arata 2

To sum everything together, I believe I can utilize a lot of the recent skills I’ve learned

such as the Ctrl F feature in my future assignments. My overall academic development continues

to grow stronger each week as I strive to stay engaged in class and learn more about things such

as annotated bibliographies and learning outcomes. Having the chance to collaborate with peers

and looking at things such as lateral reading and properly taking MLA citations has given me a

better understanding of those concepts as well. Hearing multiple people’s perspectives really

helps me get a good glimpse of the concept itself whatever that may be.

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