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D’Arata 1

Natalie D’Arata

Prof. Acheampong

ENC 1102- Reflection #4

1 March, 2024

The course is really starting to pick up pace as we got into conferencing this past week

regarding our upcoming major writing assignment: Annotated Bibliography. Specific learning

outcomes for these past couple weeks really consisted of analyzing my research project as a

whole. I learned how to properly format the annotated bibliography including all of the one-inch

margins and hanging indents and format/structure. I also am working on making sure my final

annotated bibliography consists of my citations in alphabetical order along with adding on two

more resources on there with explanations in their own sections.

Some key moments were when I had my conferencing section and was really able to

explain my research topic to my professor clearly and concisely. It seemed as if I had everything

all figured out and my assignment grades have adequately reflected that. I also enjoyed doing

some more peer review as my partner changed up his research question so I got to see an entirely

different project and critique him accordingly to help with his final draft. As for my

understanding as a whole, helping with a peer review helped me tweak my layout of my

Annotated BIB draft as I was a bit confused on that formatting at first. Peer insight is extremely

important and helped me get a better understanding of what my final draft should look like.

As for reflection on growth I had no idea what an Annotated BIB was or how to format it

before I came into this class and now that I’m writing one of my own I’m seeing how much I’ve

really learned. It's an odd format to me and is a bit out of my comfort zone but sometimes it’s
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nice to live on the edge a bit and learn something new. As for future assignments, I plan to

continue learning from the peer review process and various conferencing sessions to better shape

my growth as a writer. I tend to be very independent, but one thing I’ve learned is that it’s okay

to ask for help once in a while if it’s going to benefit my writing quality.

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