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 Gender
Every German noun has a gender: masculine, feminine or neuter.
This affects a lot of words – for example, which articles you use.
Gender Example

Masculine Der hund

Feminine Die Katze

Neuter Das Brot

In German, we capitalize all nouns.

When learning a new noun, it´s important to learn its gender at the same time.

 Verbs
German verbs change endings based on the subject. For example:
Lernen: To learn
Subject Verb
Ich Lerne
Du Lernst
Er/sie/es Lernt
Wir Lernen
ihr Lernt
Sie/sie Lernen

In German, the verb comes in second position. Compare these:

Ich esse morgens Pizza (I eat pizza in the mornings)
Morgens esse ich Pizza (In the mornings I eat pizza)
Notice how other parts of the sentence move around, but the verb esse is still
the second element.

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