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ELSEVIER Biochemical Engineering Joornal 34 (2007) 193-199

Optimization of biological treatment of paper mili effluent

in a sequencing batch TeactoT
Y.F. Tsang , EL. Hua, H. Chua, S.N. Sin, Y.J. Wang
Depanmenl of Civil andStructurol Enginearing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Hung Hom, Hong Kong, China
Received 21 July 2006; rcccived m revised form 9 November 2006; accepted 6 December 2006

Laboratory scale research on dic effects of operating parameters, including mixed liquor suspended solid (MLSS) concentralion, volumetric
exchange rate (VER), aeration time, temperature and daily operation cycle on biological treatment of the pulp and paper mili effluent was studied
using four4 1 seçuencing !xflch rcactors (SBR). 7liezesuftszevealed thaI chemical oxygen demand (COD)rernoval efhciency was upto 93.1 1 0.3%
and dic volumetnc loading reached 1.9 kg 130D m 3 day _t under optimal operating conditions. The treatment performance of organic removal by
the SBR system remained stable dunng the operation. The effluent quality was satislied with the discharge standard set by the local authonty and
the íllamentous bulking problem was solved. At dic same time, the sludge settieability, in terms of sludge volume index (SV!), was improved to
the healthy leve! (SVI = 52.7 ± 1.3 ml g- l).
© 2006 Elsevier BV. All nghts reserved.

Keywonis: Sequencing batch reactor Activated sludge; Paper mili waslewater Wasiewater treamieni; Optimization

1. lntroduction ing problern (2]. Baiking causes the poorsettleability of st ud ge,

1n,00r effluent quality 11.31. Siudge bulking is conven-
Pulp asid paper making indtsstry generates large quantities tionally controlledby dic astdition of ~kais such aschlorine,
of highly polluted wastewater, especially dic lignin-derived dis- hydrogen pci-oxide [41, metal jons (e.g. Fe. Ca, Mg) [3.5], syn-
solved organic compounds used and/or foTmed during dic papes thetic polymer [6] and lime [iJ. os by ihe installation of a selector
production processes. la China, pulp and paper making industry [7-111. The use of chemicais is effective lo improve sludje
is one of dic industries with dic highest water consumption rate settleability in paper miii effluent treatment plants [12]. How-
and serious pollution problem. Ja recent years, pulp and paper ever, diese chemical treatment methods are costly and they only
manufacturing industry has been obliged to substantially reduce offer a short-term solution as bulking and foaming will resume
wastewater discharge dueto dic implementation ofstringent reg- when chemical additions are stopped. Successftil applications
ulations. Meanwhile, increasing awareness of natural resources have been accomplished by installation of selector upstream to
conservation asid sustainable developusent has lcd to increase ihe aeration tasik [13 1, iMe tten%ly fed operation [14.151, os
public concern on the serious pollution industries particularly in implementation of plug flow conditions [16]. However, a uni-
pulp and paper manufactwing plants. versal fllamentnus bulking coirflroi melhod is still unavailable;
The main treatment process used in puip and paper milis a cost-effective method should be developed to solve tisis oper-
plants is primary sedimentation, and it is then succeeded by ational problem, which is commonly occurred ja dic activated
secondary treatment. generaily of a biological nature LI]. The sludge process treating pulp and paper mili wastewater, without
mostcommon biological treatmentsystem is Ihe activated sludge affecting dic tieatment performance.
process. Although it can operate at dic loading rates as high' SBR is known as a flexible and effective system for the
as 1.2 kg BOD m day [1]. activated siudge process treating biological treatment of wastewater, even though with high
paper mili wastewater seems to be particuiarly prone lo buik- concentrations of toxic compounds produced by various
industrial processes [17-191. The SBR process is characterized
by a series of process phases including, 1111, react, sett?e, draw
* Coniesponding author. TeL +85227664486; fax: +852 2334 6389. and idie, each lasting for a defined period [20]. The duration of
Einnil nddress: <~M 146v Nda.h1. (Y.!'. T.ang. each pttase is norttsully detertuined by expert operators based

1369-703X/$ - see front maner C) 2006 Elsevier B.V. Alt rights reserved.
doi: 10.10I6/j.bej.2(K). 12(K)'
194 Y.E Tsang el al. /Biochemical Engineering Joarnal 34(2007)193-199

on their experience and exhaustive pilot-scale studies. Coatrary T,Ie ¡

Operating conditions of tbe SI3R process
to the fixed duration of settle and draw phases, adequately
controlling the reaction time can vastly improve the overail Paran Vues
efficiency of the facility [21 1.2 1-1. It is necessary and valuable Fui period 0.2h
to select appropriate operating parameters due lo the own Reactpenod 3,4,5and6h
characteristics of different kinds of wastewater. Seuie penod 0.5 ti
In this study, the operation parameters, including MLSS Drawperiod 03h
ldlepenod 2.6andlSh
concentration, VER, aeration time, temperature and number of
HRT 16to64h
operation cycle per day were optimized, in order to maximize sRr 5to10day
the treatment capactty, ensure the quality of effluent within the
discharge limit and maintain the healthy sludge settleability.
Tite containerboard manufacturing plant usíng either sheets
2. Materials and methods of virgin tibre or recycled libre m this study produces about
2000tonnes of containerboaró anl generales 30,000tonnes of
2.1. Laboratory scale reactors wastewater each day. Tite wastewater in (he mill is treated with
processes of screening, grit removal, dissohed aeraúon flota-
Four identical 41 reactors were constructed with acrylic tion (DAF), equalization, and finaily activated sludge process
boards and the schematic diagram of SBR is shown in Fig. 1. orSBR. Tite effluent from the equalization tank, used as (he
Aeration was achieved by an aquarium-type air pump with influent of SBR, was collected and immediately refrigerated at
sintered-sand diffusers at the bottom of (he each reactor. The 4°C. 11e characteristics of tite influent were determined and
addition of feed and the wasting of sludge were achieved with are shown in Table 2. Nutrien(s (such as urea and di-arnmonium
peristaltic pumps. Dissolve oxygen (DQ)concentration inside hydrogenphosphate)re.iappli4to maintain a BOD:N:P ratio
the reactor was maintained over 2mg1 1 during (he period of of 100:5:1. Supplementary trace minerais wezu added iiiii
expenments. Iconcentration was controlled between 3000 wastewater before each experlment as described by Chua 1231.
and 5000 mgl with a sludge age of approximately 5-10 days
acc&lio various experimental conditions. Excess sludge, 2.3. Analytical methods
which grew during tIte aeration stage, was drawn out at (he end
of each operation cycle, in order to maintain sufficient quantity of The analytical techniques used jo this study were performed
sludge to meet the designated MLSS concentration. The reactors acconling ro (hc methods described in Standard Methods 1241.
were operated in an air-conditioned laboratory with temperature Samples were periodically analyzed for residual carbon con-
at 25 ± 1 °C. Water was circulated through the jacket from a centra&ni (COD) (standard code 5220), BOD (standard cede:
temperature controlled bath tu control the temperature of reac- 5210B), DO and MLSS concentration (standard code: 2540D).
tor. AH operating parameters of the SBR process under various The DO concen iiiwas measured by DO meter (YSI Model
conditions are summarized in Table 1. 5000). 'Me PH was monitored by pH meter (Fisher Scientific
Accumet pH Meter 900). Sludge volume mdcx (SVI) value was
2.2. Seed and influen: calculated according lo values of sludge volume (SV) and MLSS
(standard code: 2710D). Tite observation of microorganism in
'- The activated sludge used as inoculum was collected fiera mixed liquor was performed with a biological microscope (Meiji
(he return siudiae ¿fla1 municipal sewage treatment plant. Techno Model ML5000).
The collected sludge was setoened with a 2 mm sieve te remoje
coarse and inorganic particles. Titesludge was aerated for 1-2
2.4. Statistical analyses
days at room temperature before inoculating tite reactors.
the iiudge was transferred and cultured with diluted wastewater
Tite Student's t-test and one-way ANOVA were used to
in a lab-scale SBR for start-up process.
test any significani difference in (he efi'tuent quahty and tIte
COD removal efficiencies among various operating conditions,
including MLSS concentration, VER, acration time, temper-
ature and operation cycle at tite 95% confidence level. Ml

Tabie 2
1 FEED Feed
aactenstics of the influen( of treatrrnt system

[4 AN

Parameters Value

oser y COl) (mgr') 1200-1400
_ BOD (mg 1- ') 550-790
Temperature CO >40
Fig. 1 The sche!natic diagram of SBR.
YE Tsang etal. / Bioche,nicai Engineering Journa! 34(2007) 193-199

5000 450 3500 3000
MLSS (mg F')

Fig. 3. COD removal ef)iciencies under various MLSS. TSe error bao were tSe
standard deviation (Sil) of tSe mean (n = 17).

COD concentrations of effluent were decreased from 175.2

lo 85.25mg1 wben ihe MLSS concentrafion increased from
Fig. 2. l'he fiIanntous bacteria in sludge sample of bulk flor from tSe paper
mili effluent ireatment system. 3000 to 5000mg1 (Table 3). This revealed thai higher con-
centration of MLSS promoted thc SBR perfoemance on organic
removal. 'flie results were agreed with (he COD removal effi-
statistical analyses were performed using SPSS ® for Window ciency was positive proportional to the MLSS concentration
Release 10.1. [25.26]. However, ihe resuli of Student's 1-test showed thai no
significant effect oit the COD renxval with the increase of the
3. Results and discussion MLSS concentration from 4500 to 5000 mgi' (p >0.05). This
implied that (he improvement of COD removal efficiency by
Before the optimization of the SBR process, the effluent increasing MLSS was limited within a certain range. Otherwise,
quality from the paper mill in this study has not been met the sorno negative effects on tite effluent quallty, such as excess
government standard (COD> 100 mg 1 -1 ). Operating probfems air supply for aeration, long sfudge settling time and high con-
such as excessive growth of fllamentous bacteria and poor sludge centration of suspended solid in tite effluent likely happened
settling also have been encoimteied simultaneously. The SVI under higit biomass concentration in tite reactor. la addition, tite
once has reached as high as 260 mg 1. The sludge sample effluent quality was unsatisfactory (COD> lOO mg 1-1) at tite
of bulk iJoc is shown m F:g. 2. indicaóno tbe overgmwlh of MLSS concenlra*ion of 3000. 3500 and 4000 mg) - (Table 3).
filamentous microorganisms in the reactor. This information suggested that (he concentration of MLSS
at 4500 mg 1-1 was more suitable for tite SBR process treat-
3.1. Effecr of MLS concentration on SBR performance ing paFmill effluent in order to ensure (he effluent quality
complied with tite discharge standard.
The effect of biomass concentration oit the treatment per-
formance was studied under the concentration of MLSS of 3.2. Effect of VER on SBR performance
3000, 3500, 4000, 4500 and 5000 mg 1t, respecúvely. The
average COD concentration of the influent was 1264.8± Volumetric exchange rate (VER) is usually expressed as tite
102.3 mgl (n=17) during the cxperimeat. Tite results of ratio of tite voMme of wastcwstcr Mtroduced ¡ato tite reactor to
OD removal efficiency under various MLSS concentra- tite working volume of the reactor [201. It reflects tite treatment
tions are stiowo in Fi-. 3. The resutts of one-way ANOV capacity of a single SUR operation cycle. Higi VER value is
indicated that organic removal performance was improved usually regarded as advantage for preventing sludge bulking
with significant difference between various MLSS concentra- dueto signiflcant gap of tite oeganic subsirate produced between
tions(5000>4500>4000>3500> 3000mg1 1 )(p<0.05).The before and after feed-fihling in reactor [27]. The effect of VER
COD renhval efficiency at MLSS of 3000 mg was lower on tite treatment performance was investigated under tite VER
than that at MLSS of 5000 mgF' about 7%. The average at 37.5, 50, 62.5 and 75%, respectively. The average influent

Table 3
Average effiuezit COD ctacmlration under various operating parantns

Cycle (n= 19) MLSS (n= 17) VER (n= 16) Aeration (n= 19) Temçesature (n = 19)

89.1 ±8.0(1 cycle) 85.3 ± 10.1 (5(MX)m5I) 83.3 ± 6.6(373) 123 ± I0(3h) 92.0± 12.2(35°C)
90.9+7.3(2cycles) 89.9± 8.1 (45(K)mI) 90.3 ± 8.7(50%) 101 ±9(45) 81.8±6.3(30 °C)
94.7±7.5(3cycles) 117 ± 10(4X)nI ) 112 ± 10(625%) 91.0 ± 8.0(55) 89.2±6.9(25°C)
145 ± 13 (3500 mgl') 125 ± 13 (75%) 82.4 ± 7.6(6h)
175 ± 14(3000mgr 1 )
196 YE Txang el al. Ifiiochemical Engineering Jaurnal 34 (2007) 193-199

t 94
1; 90
. 90
86 o 84

82 80
3h 48 58 6h
Aeration period (h)
50 625 75
Volurnetric excharge rato (%) Fig. 5. COD removal efficimcies under various aeraúon penods. The error bars
were 11w standard deviation (S.D.) of the mean (a =19).
Fig. 4. COD removal effieiencie.s under various VERs. The error bars were Ihe
standard deviation (S.D.) of the mean n = 16).
effluent quality always met dic standard discharge. Ibis implied
thai Jonger acralion lime snl, J,igber COD removaJ efficicncy
concentration of COD was 1196 ± 108.6 ing 1 (n =16) dwing could be achieved. However, it is impractical to extend dic
' the period of experinient. The results of the performance of aeration time limitless due to tite increase of operating cost. In
organic removal under various VERs are shown in Fig. 4. addition, aged sludge was formed as aeration time longer titan
The results of one-way ANOVA showed that the COD 6 h and the growth of the sludge was almost ceased Excessive
removal efficiency was increased with signilcant different growdi of protozoa and rotifers occurred in dic sludge under
among various VERs (p<0.05). The average COD removal long sludge age. Tite micrograph of rotifers ¡a lite aged sludge
efficiency decreasert from 93±0.46 te 893±0.74% aral is shown in Fig. 6. The optimal aerJtion period was selected
the average effluent concentrations of COD increased from
between 4 and 5h based on tite effluent quality and economic
83.25 lo 125.01 mgJ (Table 3> when dic VER increased consideration.
from 37.5 to 75%. The results showed that COD concen-
trations of effluent exceeded the discliarge standard under
3.4. Effecr of temperature on SBR performance
the high VERs of 62.5 and 75%, though the mean removal
efficiencies were both around 90%. It was because F/M
Temperature not only affects die- metabolk activities of tite
ratios were increased as the VER increased to 62.5% (F/M
microbial population but also influences dic gas-transfer rates
ratio=0.483kgBODkgMLSS' day') and 75% (F/M
and the settling characte&tics of activated studge. la general,
ratio=0.574kgB01)kgMLSS day). Therefore, microor-
dic tate of biochemical rcactions and of substrate transfer
ganisms did not have sufficient time to degrade dic organic
processes mercases with higher tempeinture. However, tite
mauer within the aeration period. However, SBR operating at
solubility of oxygcn decreases in dic mixed liquor as tempera-
low VER is regarded as extravagance of capacity and investment
ture increased, resulting ¡u poor biodegradation conditions for
of treaiment facility, wlúle high VER resuha in peor effinent
aerobic microbes. Thus, an increase in temperature generates
, quality. In order to obtain stable and good effluent quality,
two reciprocal effects on biochemical reactions. Furthennore,
maintaining the VER at 50% was appropñ ate according to ihe sludge is difficult to settle as higher temperature maintained
experimental results.
during Ihe settling phase of SBR. The optimal temperature for

3.3. Effect of aeration time on SBR performance

The effect of aeration time on the COD removal was studied

under four different periods of aeration (3, 4, 5 and 6h). The
average infiuentCOD concentration 'was 1175.2±116.4 mgt'
(a =19) during dic test period. The results of COD removal
efficiency un~ vanous aeration pcnods are showed in Hg. 5.
The results of one-way ANOVA showed titat dic treatment
performance was prompted with significant difference between
various aeration times (6 h >5 h >4 h>3 h) (p<0.05). The
average effluent concentratioos of COD reduced from 123.0 to
82.4 ing i with the increase of dic aeration period from 3 to 6 h
(Table 3). According to tite results, tite COD renxwal efficiency
was relatively low under tite condition of aeration time at 3 h, and
dic effluent quality was hardly lo mccl dic discharge standard.
Ibe effluent quality was improved obviously when aeration time
was extended to 4 h. Increasing dic aeration time toS or 6 h, dic Fig. 6. The micrograpi of rotifera ¡a 51w aged studge.
Y Tsang et al. / Biochemical Engineerinç Journal 34 (2007) 193-199 197

. 92

35 30 25
Temperature (C)

Fig. 7. COD removal efficiezicies under vanous temperatures. flie error bars
were iba standard devtatton (S.D.) of rhe tacan (a =191.
the SBR process should be determined by the consideratioa of
these effects. ]le average COD concentration of the influent
was I2I3.9±l07.7mgl dunng (he tesi (it=19). Fig. 7
shows the results of OD removal efficiency of SBR under
ihree different temperatures (25. 30 ami 35 °C). 'l'he resulis
of one-way ANOVA reflected ibat temperature had significant
el'Iect on ihe organlc ri(30 °C> 25°C> 35 °C) (p <0.05).
1rhe results of Student's t-test indicated that the temperature

as 30'C was ihe optiinal condition br ihe ireatineni ol pulp

and paper mill effluent when comparing wiih 25°C (p=0.IX)0)
ami 35'C (p=0.004). The average effluent concentrations of
COD were in dic range o( 82.6-92.3 in- l' (Table 3. The
performance of the sludge settling, ja term of SVI, under
vai-ious (cluperatures ts shuwn lu Fig. 8. TheSVI h&lsigniticant
difference at various temperatures according lo the results of
ANOVA (35 oc >30°c> 25°C) (p <0.05). Although ihe COD
removal efficiency and the effiuent quality viere satisficd among Hg. 9. Mieroacopic obser~ of flocesdation of sludge bacteria at (a) 25 'C
various temperatures, higher SVI value was obtained at higher and (b)35°C.
temperature resulting in poor sludge settleability. Furthermore, • 7.
(he SVI value at higher temperature was more unstable than that tJ,igh temperature (>30 °C) was fol appropri ate ¡oí the treatment
at lower temperature due (o the ifuctuation of microbial growth pu4 and paper nn eniue lnerufore, (he temperature
under the higher temperature. The microscopic observations of iiiild be controHed if possible between 25 andQ ensuring
acúvated sludge indicated ¡he flocculalion o 'bacteria was looser t&tab1e operation of SSR process with effective treatmeat
al higher temperature (35 ° C) than thai al lower one (25 °C) performance.
(Fig. 9a and b). Loase sludge leads lo poor selllrng character-
istic, resulting in higher concentration of suspended solid (SS) 3.5. Effecr of operation cycle per day on SBR performance
and COD in the efflueni The characteristics of unstable SVI
and lose floc of sludge under higher temperature indicated that The effect of operation cycle per day on tite organic removal
was studied under 1, 2 and 3 cycles per day. The results of
120 COD renvaI efficiency under various cycfes per day are we-
sented in Fi g. 10. The average COD concentration of the mfluent
was 1133 =E 111.6 mg Y t during the e.petiment ( n = 19). The
E' 80 results of ANOVA showed that the treatment performance had
50 si,gnif.icarn differezice belwees' variovs SJ3R operatioi cycles
> (1 cycle>2 cyc les >3 cycles) (p <0.05). However, the effluent
COD concentrations (Table 3) aral removal efficiencies had no
significantly different between 1 and 2 cycles per day according
o tu tite Student's t-test resulis (p>O.OS). This indicated that SBR
35 30 25 performance may be affected by the length of idlpd. The
Temperature (°C) idletimeswere 18, 6, and 2 h for l,2and3cycles per day,respec-
tively. Therefore, sufficient ¡die •j should be sure
Fig. 8. SVI values under various lemperatuses. Die error bara were the standard
deviation (Si).) of Ihe mean (n = 19). the effiuent quafi W on (he expernnent dala, 2 operating
198 Y.F Tsang el aL /Biochemical Engineering Joarnal 34 (2007) 193-199

96 100.00---- ..........-------.---..-.-.------ . 70C
94 95.00
V 92
A\/ 660

g85.00 64.0
a 80.00 62 0'
a 86
> *

o 75.00
80 65.00 4 58.0
56 0
1 cycle 2 cycles 3 cycles MM
Operation cycle per day E —Effluent COD concenlratlon
W 55.00j --svi 52.0
Fig. 10. COD teuvaval eC&¡~s u&dex va~ epera(i<an c'jde pe da. Tt
50.00) 1 50.0
error bars were the standard deviation (S.D.) of the mean (n = 19).
3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19
,.- cycles per day was the optimal condition for the SBR treating Fig. 11. Effl~ COD aud SVI tides Iba oV(imal operating conditions
paper effluent. (CODa, = ± 95.2 mg').

4. Conclusion
3.6. Performance study under optimized operaring
TM SUR proce ¡S a fier.ibe Uid ttigt-perfortnance treat-
mcnt tcchnology for wastewater treatment, especially for dic
Sludge bulking is one of the most common problems in acti-
pulp and paper mill wastewater. During tite 4-month studies, tite
vated S processes for wastewater treatment, especiaiyi
paper mill effluent treatment plants [28.29]. Fiiarnentous bulk- stable performance of SBR was achieved. Tite effluent qual-
ity and treatment capacity were significantly improved after
ai .p,easee rn ui 1Teati1g TecyclLed pape'
dic adjustment according to dic results of lab-scale expen-
mili wastewater in this study before the fine tuning of the oper-
ments. Under dic optimal condition of MLSS concentration
ating co»ditions. Investigation o» the canse of slndge bulki»g
at 4500 mg 1 - 1 , VER at 50%, acration time for 5h per cycie,
was conducted in situ. Tbe filament types were likely lo include
leniperalure al 30 °C and 2 operalion cyc les per day, the high per-
Thiorhnx ¡ am! II, type 021N, and S. natans in this treatment
formance of SBR process with healthy SVI level was presented.
plant. The causes of sludge bulkjgg were mainly as follows: (1)
The volumetnc loading of SBR reached 1.9 kg BOD m 3 day
(N and P) deficieney m tite wastewaler, (2) Iow and
aiter che optimization of tite operating conditions. Tite effluent
unbalance DO distribution in the reactor; (3) high wastewater
temperature affecting the stabihty of mlcroorganism growth and quality remained stab!e and satisfied with tite local authority's
activities. These reasons were coincidence with the literature standard (COD < !(.%.l n. p 1 ). In at.tMtion, no fila-
mcntous sludge buiking occurred during dic 4-month study.
[30.31]. With respect tu diese causes, mitigaling measures for
the control of sludge bnlking were taken: (1 )ppfementaryof
fliis swdy pr mded some bcncJiciaJ refcrcnccs kv tite eff cc-
tive treatment of paper making wastcwater under tite rclativeiy
sufficient nutrients (N and P) required for the bacteria! growth;
high organic loading.
(2) regular maintenance of air distribution syslem; 3) control
of tÍi'mfluent añd?ess teerature. In this study, theperfor-
'mance ot dic 513K dllhcr effluent qualily Or tiealment capacity Acknowledgement
was signiticantly improved after the adj ustment on operating
parameters based on dic results of lab-scale experiments. IJnder Tite authors wish to thank tite Hong Kong Polytechnic Uni-
dic optimal operating conditions, such as MLSSconcentration versity Research (irants for tite financial support.
at 400 ing1, VER at 50%, aeration period for 5 h perçyç,
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