Robert M. Silverstein - Spectrometric Identification of Organic Compounds (2005) - 27-28

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weights of all natural isotopes of an element (e.g., C = 0- o

12.01,0 = 15.999). I II
Table 1.4 gives the masses to four or five decimal S+
places for the common nuclides; it also gives the familiar H3 C
/"-CHI HC/ "0-
atomic weights (average weights for the elements). Dimethyl nitromethanc triphenylphosphine
Appendix A lists molecular and fragment formulas sulfoxide oxide
in order of the unit masses. Under each unit mass, the FIGURE 1.12 "Polar" Lewis structures of dimethyl
formulas are listed in the standard Chemical Abstract sulfoxide, nitromethane, and triphenylphosphine
system. lbe formula mass (FM) to four decimal places oxide that correctly account for the index of hydro-
is given for each formula. Appendix A is designed for gen deficiency.
browsing, on the assumption that the student has a unit
molecular mass from a unit-resolution mass spectrome-
lbe index for C7H7NO is 5, and a possible structure
ter and clues from other spectra. Note that the table
is benzamide (see Figure 1.1). Of course, other isomers
includes only C, H, N, and O.
(i.e., compounds with the same molecular formula) are
possible, such as
1.5.3 Use of the Molecular Formula.
Index of Hydrogen Deficiency
If organic chemists had to choose a single item of infor-
mation above all others that are usually available from Note that the benzene ring itself accounts for four
spectra or from chemical manipulations, they would "sites of unsaturation": three for the double bonds and
certainly choose the molecular formula. one for the ring.
In addition to the kinds and numbers of atoms, the Polar structures must be used for compounds con-
molecular formula gives the" index of hydrogen defi- taining an atom in a higher valence state, such as sulfur
ciency. The index of hydrogen deficiency is the number of or phosphorus. Thus, if we treat sulfur in dimethyl
pairs of hydrogen atoms that must be removed from the sulfoxide (DMSO) formally as a divalent atom, the
corresponding "saturated" formula to produce the mo- calculated index, 0, is compatible with the structure in
lecular formula of the compound of interest. The index of Figure 1.12. We must use only formulas with filled
hydrogen deficiency is also called the number of "sites valence shells; that is, the Lewis octet rule must be
(or degrees) of unsaturation"; this description is incom- obeyed.
plete since hydrogen deficiency can result from cyclic Similarly, if we treat the nitrogen in nitromethane
structures as well as from multiple bonds. The index is as a trivalent atom, the index is 1, which is com-
thus the sum of the number of rings, the number of dou- patible with Figure 1.12. If we treat phosphorus in
ble bonds, and twice the number of triple bonds. triphenylphosphine oxide as trivalent, the index is 12,
lbe index of hydrogen deficiency can be calculated which fits the Lewis structure in Figure 1.12. As an
for compounds containing carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, example, let us consider the molecular formula
halogen, oxygen, and sulfur having the generalized C 13H 9N20 4 BrS. The index of hydrogen deficiency
molecular formula, CnHmXxNyO" from the equation would be 13 - 10/2 + 2/2 + 1 = 10 and a consistent
structure would be
Index = (n) (mI2) - (xI2) + (yI2) + 1
Thus, the compound C7H7NO has an index of
7 - 3.5 + 0.5 + 1 = 5. Note that divalent atoms (oxy-
gen and sulfur) are not counted in the formula.
O,N~ >-~-f~ H
For the generalized molecular formula O',f3l1'YlIJO,V,
the index = (rV) - (I12) + (IIII2) + 1, where 0' is H, D, (Index of hydrogen deficiency 4 per benzene ring
or halogen (i.e., any monovalent atom), f3 is 0, S, or any and 1 per N02 group.)
other bivalent atom, 'Y is N, P, or any other trivalent The formula above for the index can be applied to
atom, and 0 is C, Si, or any other tetravalent atom. The fragment ions as well as to the molecular ion. When it is
numerals I-IV designate the numbers of the mono-, applied to even-electron (all electrons paired) ions, the
di-, tri-, and tetravalent atoms, respectively. result is always an odd multiple of 0.5. As an example,
For simple molecular formulas, we can arrive at the consider C7H sO+ with an index of 5.5. A reasonable
index by comparison of the formula of interest with the structure is
molecular formula of the corresponding saturated com-
pound. Compare CoH6 and C6H 14 ; the index is 4 for the
former and 0 for the latter.

since 5 112 pairs of hydrogen atoms would be necessary the 7T system. Since the electron removed to form the
to obtain the corresponding saturated formula C 7H I60 molecular ion is a 7T electron, other structures, such as
(C nH2n+20). Odd-electron fragment ions will always B or C (valence bond structures) can be used. Struc-
give integer values of the index. tures such as Band C localize the electron and the
Terpenes often present a choice between a positive charge and thus are useful for describing frag-
double bond and a ring structure. This question can mentation processes.
readily be resolved on a microgram scale by Fragmentation is initiated by electron impact. Only
catalytically hydrogenating the compound and rerun- a small part of the driving force for fragmentation is
ning the mass spectrum. If no other easily reducible energy transferred as the result of the impact. The
groups are present, the increase in the mass of the major driving force is the cation-radical character that
molecular ion peak is a measure of the number of is imposed upon the structure.
double bonds and other "unsaturated sites" must Fragmentation of the odd-electron molecular ion
be rings. (radical-cation, M' +) may occur by homolytic or
Such simple considerations give the chemist heterolytic cleavage of a single bond. In homolytic
very ready information about structure. As another cleavage (Scheme 1.3, I) each electron "moves" inde-
example, a compound containing a single oxygen atom pendently as shown by a (single-barbed) fishhook: the
might quickly be determined to be an ether or a fragments are an even-electron cation and a free
carbonyl compound simply by counting "unsat- radical (odd electron). To prevent clutter, only one of
urated sites." each pair of fishhooks need be shown (Scheme 1.3, II).
In heterolytic cleavage, a pair of electrons "move"
together toward the charged site as shown by the
conventional curved arrow; the fragments are again
1.5.4 Fragmentation
an even-electron cation and a radical, but here the final
As a first impression, fragmenting a molecule with a charge site is on the alkyl product. (Scheme 1.3,///)
huge excess of energy would seem a brute-force
approach to molecular structure. The rationalizations
used to correlate spectral patterns with structure, I
however, can only be described as elegant, though ~ +. • +
sometimes arbitrary. The insight of such pioneers as II CH}-CH2 -O-R----7CH 3 +HzC=O-R
McLafferty, Beynon, Stenhagen, Ryhage, and Meyer- (;T .
son led to a number of rational mechanisms for III CH3 -CH2-CH2-Br CH 3-CH2-CH;+Br

fragmentation. These were masterfully summarized
and elaborated by Biemann (1962), Budzikiewicz IV CHj+H2C=CH
(1967), and others. (Sch 1.3)
Generally, the tendency is to represent the molecu-
lar ion with a localized charge. Budzikiewicz et a1. In the absence of rings (whose fragmenta-
(1967) approach is to localize the positive charge on tion requires cleavage of two or more bonds), most
either a 7T bond (except in conjugated systems), or on a of the prominent fragments in a mass spectrum are
heteroatom. Whether or not this concept is totally even-electron cations formed as above by a single
rigorous, it is, at the least, a pedagogic tour de force. We cleavage. Further fragmentation of an even-electron
shall use such locally charged molecular ions in this cation usually results in another even-electron cation
book. and an-even-electron neutral molecule or fragment
Structures A, B, and C in Figure 1.13, for example, (Scheme 1.3, IV).
represent the molecular ion of cyclohexadiene. Simultaneous or consecutive cleavage of several
Compound A is a delocalized structure with one less bonds may occur when energy benefits accrue from
electron than the original uncharged diene; both the formation of a highly stabilized cation and/or a stable
electron and the positive charge are delocalized over radical, or a neutral molecule, often through a well-
defined low-energy pathway. These are treated in

[or o' o·
Section 1.5.5 (rearrangements) and in Section 1.6
under individual chemical classes.
The probability of cleavage of a particular bond is
related to the bond strength, to the possibility of low
A B c energy transitions, and to the stability of the fragments,
FIGURE 1.13 Different representa- both charged and uncharged, formed in the fragmenta-
tions of the radical cation of cyclohexa- tion process. Our knowledge of pyrolytic cleavages can
diene. be used, to some extent, to predict likely modes of

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