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UNIT 3 – Extra Practice

1 1 He’s from the USA. 2 His mum’s name is Jane. 3 Yes, he has (three daughters).
4 He’s got one brother and one sister. 5 His father’s name is William. 6 He’s got three

2 2 William and Jane are Brad’s parents. 3 Doug is Shiloh’s uncle. 4 Julie is Brad’s
sister. 5 William is Zahara’s grandfather. 6 Julie is Pax’s aunt. 7 Vivienne is brad’s

3 1 ’; 2 ’s; 3 ’; 4 ’s; 5 ’

4 1 ’ve got; 2 has got; 3 have got; 4 have got; has got

5 1 I haven’t got a new bike. 2 She hasn’t got a lovely house. 3 We haven’t got many
good friends. 4 My mum and dad haven’t got blue eyes. 5 Peter hasn’t got good marks.

6 1 Have I got new bike? 2 Has she got a lovely house? 3 Have we got many good
friends? 4 Have my mum and dad got blue eyes? 5 Has Peter got good marks?

7 Students’ own answers

8 1 thirty-one; 2 fifty-eight; 3 seventy; 4 eighty-three; 5 twenty-six; 6 one hundred

9 1 on; 2 between; 3 in; 4 under; 5 behind; 6 next to

10 2 supermarket; 3 café; 4 school; 5 park; 6 bank

11 1 F; 2 F; 3 F; 4 T; 5 T; 6 F; 7 T

12 1 a; 2 c: 3 b; 4 a; 5 a

13 Students’ own answers

14 Students’ own answers

15 Students’ own answers

Richmond © 2021 Ediciones Santillana, S.A.

Editable material for exclusive use of Sign Up to English #New Edition teachers.

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