Auxillary Verb SS3

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Verb is a word or group of words that expresses action, existence or occurrence

and a state of being.
An auxiliary verb is a verb used with the lexical/main verb to show tense et. And to
form questions and negatives. Auxiliary verbs are classified into two types:
a. Primary Auxiliary- be, do, have
b. Modal Auxiliary- may, shall, can

Primary Auxiliary verbs are not used exclusively as auxiliaries. They have four
main functions.
1. They function as main verbs

eg we were here
They have some grapes
Ngozi did her job well.
2. Used to form tense of the verb

eg they had gone home

He was coming home when I see him.
3. Used to form passive transformations in English language.

eg He was given another chance by the principal.

4. As auxiliary.

eg They were play

I have brought a new dress
I did enjoy the food
Primary Auxiliaries
1. Be: This uses is, an, was, are, were, been, being, with the- ing form of the verbal
(present participle).

eg She is coming with us; l am travelling now

They are going to the 200.
He was looking at the girl.
He has been singing since morning
She will be giving a certificate for being faithful.
2. Do: This uses “do, did and does”. In questions where you have no other
auxiliary and where the main verb is not in the same from as “be”

eg What do you know about them?

Do they go there always?
David did not go home.
He does all the work at home.
3. Have: This uses “has, have or had with the perfect form of verbs: The form of
verbs that ends in “-n, or “en” with the irregular verbs and In “-d” or “-ed” with the
regular verbs.

eg a. with the irregular verbs: have chosen, have eaten

c. With the regular verbs: have talked, has danced

eg He has to work hard in English

I have eaten.
Modal auxiliary verb includes “many, might, shall, should, will, can etc. They are
used to express mood like permission, possibility, necessity, futurity etc. Modal
auxiliaries do not stand on it’s own except in question tags.
eg I may travel tomorrow
You should obey your elders, should it you?
I James can lift the box.
A modal verb precedes the base form of ordinary verb (refer to example above). It
may also precede the verb “be” or “have” which may themselves proceed or
ordinary verbs.
eg I would have given you the money if
I was around.

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