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Modal Auxiliaries

Modal Auxiliaries


● 9 years of teaching experience

● Taught & Mentored 10,000+ students.
● Trained 1000+ people of all age groups on
communication skills
● Now, let’s look at the types of
verbs and auxiliary verbs
What is a Verb?

A verb is a word that denotes

being, having,doing or an action
or state in any form.
Main Verbs & Auxiliary Verbs

● What are main verbs ?

The main verb is also principal verb. This term

refers to the important verb in the sentence, the one
that typically shows the action or state of being of the

For Example:
● The students enrolled in the class.
● The citizens voted.
● I can run fast.
● He is an actor.
● What are Auxiliary verbs?

A verb that gives grammatical information not

given by the main verb of a sentence. It is used to
indicate the tense, voice, mood, etc, of another
verb. Auxiliary verb is also known as helping verb.
In the sentence "she has finished her book", "has" is an

Auxiliary verbs can be classified into two, they are;

● Primary Auxiliaries &

● Modal Auxiliaries
1 Primary Auxiliary Verbs

● The Primary Auxiliary verbs in

English are to be, to do, and to

have categories:

● To be verbs- am, is, are, was, were,


● To do- do, does, did.

● To have- have, has, had.

2 Modal Auxiliary Verbs

● In English we have thirteen

Modal verbs, they are;

Can, Could, Will, Would, Shall,

Should/ought to, May/Might, Must,

Used to, Need(not), Dare(not).

1 Can
can is most often used to express a
person or thing’s ability to do something.
It is also used to express or ask for
permission to do something, to describe the
possibility that something can happen.
For example:
● I can ride a horse. (ability)
● Any child can grow up to be president.
● Can I borrow your pen?(permission)
2 Could
Could is an auxiliary verb, a modal auxiliary
verb. We use could to:talk about past ability
and to make requests.

For example:

● I could swim when I was 5 year

old. ( past ability)
● Could you tell me where the
bank is, please? (request)

Used to express determination, future


For Example:

● I will take this

● It will rain tomorrow. (future)
4 Would

We use would mainly to express

polite request, past habitual action, past
tense of will.

For example:

● Even as a poor boy, he knew that

he would succeed in life.(past
tense of would)
● Would you accompany me to the
airport?(polite request).
● I would dance a lot when I was a
kid.(past habitual action)
5 Shall

"Shall" is a modal verb used to

indicate future action. It is used to show
determination, future tense, and threat.

For Example:

● I shall never talk to him. (determination)

● I'm afraid Mr. Smith shall become our new
director.(future tense).
● You shall be punished for breaking the
Should / Ought to
Should is used to express
obligation(duty) and advice.

‘Ought to’ for obligation only.

For Example:

● You should look after your old

● I think, you should see a doctor
● We ought to plants trees.(Obligation)
May / Might
May is used to express
possibility, permission, offer help,
blessing and curse.
Might - possibility in past.
For example:

● “May I borrow your pen,

● It may rain today.(Possibility)
● May his soul rest in peace(blessing)
● May he rot in hell.(curse)
● May I help you?(offer help)
● It might have rained heavily last
week.(possibility in past )
Used to express compulsion,,

For Example:
● You must reach school on
● You must be tired after your long
journey. (Conjecture).
● You must have breakfast before leaving
to office.(advice)
9 Used to
We use ‘used to’ to show past habits
and past facts.
For Example:

● Sam and Mary used to drink too much

coffee.(past habit)
● Sarah used to be fat, but now she is
thin.(past fact)
10 Need (Not)
Need is a semi-modal verb because in some
ways it is like a modal verb and in other ways
like a main verb.

We use need mostly in the negative form to

indicate that there is no obligation or
necessity to do something:

For Example:

● You needn’t take off your shoes.(no

● We needn’t hurry.(no necessity)
10 Dare (Not)
Dare means "have the courage to do
something" and can behave either as a modal
verb or as a main verb:

● As a modal verb, dare is used in negative

and interrogative sentences; it is
followed by a bare infinitive:

For Example:

● I daren't think how many victims there

are.(negative statement)
● How dare she criticise us?(interrogative)

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