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Lesson Plan

Class/ Level : CC Materials : Textbook ,Board

Textbook : Visa to the world
Unit 2 : Education Lesson : Frequency Adverbs
Focus : Grammar Time : 50 min
Integrated skill : Writing
Objectives : By the end of this lesson Ss will be able to :

- Use some of the basic adverbs of frequency appropriately.

- Put the frequency adverbs in the right position.

Stage / Time Activity Procedure

Warm-up Engaging -T. greets the Ss
5 min Students - Tongue twister: Four fine fresh fish for you
Presentation - T. asks :” How often do you go to school?” how many times
15 min “How often do you watch TV in the evening?”
Eliciting “ How often do you drive a car?”
Context creating -T. writes Ss’ answers on the BB and highlights the F.A
-T. explains the meaning and the use of the F.A.
-T. works on the pronunciation of the F.A
Isolation and Always (100%) – usually (80%) – often (60%) – sometimes
(50%) – rarely (10%) – never (00%)

- T: orients the students’ attention to the position of frequency adverbs with verb
to be and with other verbs.
Ss: induce the rule: if the verb is “to be “, adverbs are placed after the verb;
with other verbs F.A are placed before.

Practice -T. asks Ss to do task 1 ( Ex b P: 33).

20 min Sentence Put the adverbs of frequency in the correct place.
rewriting -T. monitors students
- whole class correction
-T. asks Ss to do task 1 ( Ex c P: 33).
information Write sentences about Nabil’s daily activities.
gap -T. monitors students
- whole class correction

Production - Ss write 3 sentences about their daily activities and 3 about their classmates
10 min writing (pair ones using the F.A.
work) _ I…………………………………………..
_ He………………………………………...
_ She………………………………………..

End of the session T. asks the Ss to copy down the lesson.

5 min

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