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In Planescape: Planes of Law we are told that there are giant fireballs that just randomly appear
around Avernus for no apparent reason. “Some sages say the fireballs represent the will of
the nameless archduke of the level.” (emphasis added)
“Speaking of the archduke: Bel, the pit-fiend commander of the armies of this layer, leads immense
legions across the plane, scouring every inch of it for invaders and searching for honors from the
archduke.” Bel has “been appointed by the Dark Eight” and is the senior general of Avernus (with
other generals “bowing to Bel’s experience and political muscle.”)
This is the first reference to an Archduke of Avernus. But if they’re nameless, what happened to
“Tiamat, the Lady of Dragonkind, guards the only known entrance to the next layer. It’s only
through her lair that one can arrive in the verdigrised plains near the Iron City of Dis.”

Note: I’m pretty confident that “watchdog of the Hells’ front parlor” in
the Manual of the Planes was just a poetic rephrasing of “Tiamat rules the
first plane of the Nine Hells” from the original Monster Manual. Here,
however, the meaning has glided towards guarding a literal “front parlor;”
i.e., the path to Dis.

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