Red, Brown and Yellow Illustrative Describing Physical Appearance Presentat - 20240411 - 105736 - 0000

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What do they look like?

Describing Physical Appearance

In this presentation, we will explore various physical characteristics that
contribute to a person's unique appearance. From hair and eyes to height and
build, we'll delve into each category, providing insights into how to effectively
describe and appreciate diverse physical traits. Remember, using respectful and
inclusive language is crucial when discussing physical appearance in any
context. Let's proceed to understand the intricacies of each category and how
they play a vital role in our communication and perception of others.
Hair types
and color
Wavy hair
Wavy hair features gentle curves
and ripples along its length.
It falls between straight and curly,
adding a natural texture.
Kinky hair
Kinky hair has a distinct zigzag
pattern and tightly coiled curls.
Curly hair
Curly hair forms spiral or
ringlet-like curls, adding
bounce and volume.
It can vary from loose curls to
tight coils, depending on the
Straight hair
Straight hair is characterized by
its smooth and sleek appearance.
It lacks noticeable curls or waves
and tends to lie flat.
Black hair Blonde hair Brunette hair Red hair
Eyes, the windows to the soul, exhibit a captivating array of colors and
unique features that add to the beauty of human appearances. When
describing them you can mention:

Color: Blue, brown, green, hazel.

Shapes: Almond, round.
Eyelashes: long, short.
Eyebrows: arched, straight, softly curved, thick or thin.
Height Categories
Tall: Individuals who are taller than the average
height for their age and gender.

Short: Individuals who are shorter than the

average height for their age and gender.

Average: Falling within the average height range

for their age and gender. Most people fall into
this category, representing the typical height in a
Body Build Types
Slim individuals have a lean and slender physique with little body fat.
They often have a narrower frame and a more streamlined appearance.

Muscular individuals have well-developed muscles and a toned physique.

Their body may appear more sculpted and defined due to regular exercise and
strength training.

Curvy individuals have pronounced curves, especially around the hips and bust.
This body type is often associated with a well-defined waistline.

Athletic individuals have a balanced combination of muscle tone and body fat.
Their physique is often the result of regular physical activity or sports involvement.
Clothing style plays a pivotal role in
shaping how others perceive us and
how we express ourselves. Different
clothing choices can accentuate or
downplay various physical attributes,
making a significant impact on overall
Examples os clothing styles: casual,
formal, sporting, bohemian, chic, etc.
Do's and
Use Respectful Language: Choose words that acknowledge the
beauty of diverse physical appearances without being disrespectful or
Be Specific and Objective: Provide precise descriptions based on
observable attributes, avoiding assumptions or generalizations.
Embrace Inclusivity: Recognize and appreciate the unique
characteristics of individuals from different backgrounds and cultures.
Consider Context: Tailor your descriptions appropriately based on the
context, whether it's a creative piece or a formal report.
Promote Positivity: Use language that uplifts and celebrates the
beauty and individuality of each person.
Avoid Stereotypes: Refrain from perpetuating stereotypes based on
appearance, race, ethnicity, or any other characteristic.
Steer Clear of Offensive Terms: Eliminate derogatory language that
can demean or marginalize individuals due to their physical attributes.
Skip Body Shaming: Never comment negatively on someone's body
size, shape, or weight.
Respect Privacy: Be mindful not to intrude on personal aspects of
appearance unless necessary and relevant in the context.
Refrain from Judgments: Do not make assumptions about a person's
character or abilities solely based on their physical appearance.
Putting it all together
Example 1: Dani
John has a tall, athletic build that commands attention
when he enters a room. His wavy, chestnut hair frames
his chiseled face, emphasizing his captivating hazel
eyes that seem to change color with his mood. With a
broad smile and well-groomed beard, John exudes
confidence and approachability. He dresses in a
casual yet polished style, often seen in well-fitted
jeans, a crisp button-down shirt, and stylish sneakers.
John's relaxed charm and impeccable sense of fashion
make him a standout in any setting.
Example 2: Claudia
Claudia has a petite, curvy frame that
complements her warm and friendly personality.
Her long, dark hair cascades down her back in soft
curls, beautifully accentuating her almond-shaped,
expressive brown eyes. With delicate features and
a contagious smile, Maya effortlessly draws people
towards her. She embraces a bohemian style,
adorning herself in flowy, boho dresses, and
accessorizing with big earrings.
In conclusion, the art of describing physical appearance goes
beyond words; it's about celebrating the diverse tapestry of
humanity. Through our journey, we explored the intricacies of
hair, eyes, height, build, clothing style, and more, each
contributing to the unique essence of an individual.

Remember, descriptive language holds immense power. By

employing respectful and inclusive terminology, we can paint
vivid and authentic portraits that honor the beauty of every
individual, free from stereotypes and prejudices.
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