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ESCENA 1: (Telón cerrado)

Voz en off (Mal): Once upon a time a long time ago... well about twenty years ago, Belle
married the beast in a ceremony with more than six thousand of her closest friends, big
cake yes. So instead of going on a honeymoon the beast united all the kingdoms and
was elected king of the United States of Auradon, he trapped the villains and their
minions; I mean all the interesting people and I send them to “the island of the lost”
with a magical barrier to prevent them from escaping, that's where I live, no magic... no
wifi... no way out... oh so I thought , wait! You will know us, but first!... (monólogo)
*Bella y Bestia entran *
Bestia: How is it possible that in a month he will be crowned king?!
Ben: Hello father…
Bestia: You are still a child!
Bella: Darling, he’s already 16
Ben: Mother, Father, I have decided my first proclamation. I decided that the boys from
the island of the lost can live in Auradon.
Ben: They were already chosen
Bella: Okay… but who are his parents?
Ben: They are Cruella de Vil… Jaffar… Reina Malvada and… Malefica.
Ben: But their children are innocent, they deserve a better life.
(Bella y bestia se miran)
Bestia: (suspira) Okay… I guess your children are innocent…
Cierra telón
ABRE TELON (Rotten to the core)
(Mal y Evie cantan)
Ensamble: I’m rotten to the core, core
Rotten to the core
I’m rotten to the core, core
Who could ask for more?
I’m nothing like the kid next, like the kid next door
I’m rotten to the, I’m rotten to the
I’m rotten to the core
Mal:Call me a schemer
Call me a freak
How can you say that?
I’m just unique
(Jay, Evie y Carlos cantan)
(Dance Brake)
Ensamble: I’m rotten to the core, core
Rotten to the core
I’m rotten to the core, core
Who could ask for more?
I’m nothing like the kid next, like the kid next door
I’m rotten to the, I’m rotten to the
I’m rotten to the core
(Entra Malefica)
Mal: Hello Mom
Malefica: Now you dedicate yourself to steal.
Mal: I steal babies.
Malefica: That’s my little cruel!
Malefica: UH News, i almost forgot! The four were chosen to go to another school… IN
(Evie, Carlos Y Jay intentan escapar pero los guardias los detienen)
Mal: WHAT?! I will not go to a school full of little princesses.
Jay: And I don’t wear uniforms unless they’re leather.
Carlos: I heard that in Auradon there are dogs, they are evil and rabid creatures!
(Jay se rie y empuja a Carlos)
Malefica: NO! We must rule the world!.
Malefica: They have to go, find the magic wand and bring it back… Piece of cake!
Mal: what will we win?
Malefica: mmmh well thrones, crowns…
Carlos: I think he meant us…
(le señala a mal y ella va a su lado)
Malefica: I do it for you, ¿do you love it a person suffers?
Mal: Yes!
Malefica: With that wand and my scepter I WILL RULE THE WHOLE WORLD!
(Malefica y Mal se miran fijamente, despues de unos segundo Mal cedé)
Mal: Okey…
(Evie rie un poco)
Malefica: WHAT IS GOING ON WITH ALL OF YOU, people were scared when they heard
our names.. 20 years trying to escape from this horrible island. 20 YEARS WITHOUT
( miran atentos a Malefica)
Malefica: VILLIANS!
Reina malvada, Jaffar y Cruella de vil: Yes?
Malefica: Our day arrived, Reina malvada Give him the mirror
Evie: The magic … mirror?
Reina malvada: It’s not what it was before… neither are we:
(Reina malvada y Malefica rien poquito)
Malefica: Now my book of charms… where is it?!
Malefica: oh! The safe is true…
Malefica: Come here, baby!
(Mal corre hacia Malefica)
Malefica: It does not work here but it will work in auradon… BUT if they only do what I
(Suena timbre de coche)
Jay: let the party begin!
(Todos bajan)
(Evie, Mal, Carlos y Jay llegan a Auradon)
(Jay y Carlos salen peleándose por una bufanda)
Carlos: Why do you want her? (gritando)
Jay: Because you want it! (gritando)
(Gritos de ellos peleando)
Mal: Oh boys, boys!... we have an audience.
Hada Madrina: Haha, oh yeah, everything is left in the car so, they can’t keep it, okay?
Jay: Yes… I didn’t love her anyway
Ben: Well, let me introduce myself, I’m Ben- (Audrey lo interrumpe)
Audrey: The prince! Benjamin, will be our king!
Ben: Ja (risa incómoda), Continuing, I introduce myself (va a saludarlos uno por uno, Jay
lo golpea) guys, welcome (Mal y Ben se miran fijamente con una mirada de atracción) to
the united states of auradon, a place where you will be able to find yourselves (le agarra
la mano a Carlos y este tenía chocolate) … mm chocolate
Audrey: So Mal right?, I still remember when your mom spelled my mom
Mal: Yes… I don’t blame her, everyone in town was invited to the glamorous party,
while my mother was not
Audrey: I walked past!
Mal: Safely trodden past! (las dos se ríen al mismo tiempo de manera incómoda)
Doug: Hey guys, I’m Doug, son of Dummy Seven – Heigh Ho (mira a evie)
Evie: Evie, daughter of the evil queen (tono coqueta)
Doug: Anything you need, homework, practices, registration, I will help you.
Ben: Okay guys, anything you need, don’t hesitate to- (Audrey lo interrumpe)
Audrey: Call Doug! (Mal y Audrey rien)
Ben: Don’t hesitate to tell me yes? It was a pleasure to meet you! (Ben y Audrey se van)
Mal: Nice to meet you too! okey, Let's go
(En la habitación de los chicos)

Mal: And because instead of stealing we don’t wait to conquer the world and take
everything we want!
Mal: Guys! Remember why we came here
Jay: Magic wand, blablabla, conquer the world, blablabla (tono burlón)
Mal: No! We have come here to show our parents what we are capable of… (todos
miran atentamente a mal) to show them that we are bad, ruthless, inhuman and cruel,
Todos: Yes…
Mal: Because we are bad
Todos: From the cradle
Mal: Alright, I have the perfect idea to get the wand… make Ben fall in love
Evie: It may help, but how will you do it in such a short time?
Mal: With this cookie that I have here, I am going to give it to him and he will fall deeply
in love with me
(los chicos rien maliciosamente)
(Al día siguiente)
(entra Ben y Mal)
Mal:Hi beni-boo!
(Ben le sonríe)
Mal: I made these cookies so you can recharge your batteries for the game of tornie
Ben: Oh thank you Mal (agarra la galleta y se la come)
(Mal sonríe)
Ben: Mmm… They are soft, crunchy… do they have nuts? (Mal asiente) I love nuts…
And… have you always had that pretty twinkle in your eyes? (Mal agarra la galleta), now
I just want to scream your name! (Ben empieza a gritar el nombre de mal y está le tapa
la boca)
Jay: If you see Ben, let’s get ready for the tornie match.
Ben: Oh yeah! I’ll see you Mal later (antes de irse Ben le da un beso en la mejilla a mal)
Evie: Wow! Yes those cookies worked
Mal: Oh yep!
Voice over: The gentlemen are winners of the tornie match!
(Todos celebran) (Ben agarra un micrófono)
Ben: Give me an M!
Chicos de Auradon: M!
Ben: Give me an A!
Chicos de Auradon: A!
Ben: Give me an L!
Chicos de Auradon: L!
Ben: What does it say?
Chicos de Auradon: Mal!
Ben: I love you Mal! I already told you? Give me music!
Doug: 1, 2, 3, 4!...
(Empieza did i mention)
Ben: Did I mention that I’m in love with you?
And did I mention there’s nothing I can do?
And did I happen to say
I dream of you every day?
Well, let me shout it out loud
If that’s okey? Hey, hey (hey)
If that’s okey? (hey)
I met this girl that rocked my world
Like it’s never been rocked
And now I’m living just for her
And I won’t ever stop
I never thought that it could happen
To a guy like me
But now look at what you’ve done
You got me down on my knees
Because my love for you is
I never knew (who knew?)
That it could be like this?
My love for you is
My love is r-i-d-i-c-u-l-o-u-s
Ensamble: r-i-d-i-c-u-l-o-u-s
It’s (ridiculous)
Just (ridiculous)
And I would give my kingdom for just one kiss
Well, did I mention that I’m in love with you?
And did I mention there’s nothing I can do?
And did I happen to say
I dream of you every day?
Well, let me shout it out loud
If that’s ok
Hey, hey
If that’s ok (hey)
I gotta know which way to go
Come on, now give me a sign
You gotta show me that you’re only
Ever gonna be mine
Don’t wanna go another minute
Livin without you
‘Cause if your heart just isn’t it
I don’t know what I’ll do
Because my love for you is
I never knew (who knew?)
That it could be like this
My love for you is
My love is r-i-d-i-c-u-l-o-u-s
Ensamble: r-i-d-i-c-u-l-o-u-s
It’s (ridiculous)
Just (ridiculous)
And I would give my kingdom for just one kiss
Come on, now
Oh, yeah
Alright (hey) (Ben se quita la camiseta del equipo y se la lanza a mal)
Because my love for you is
I never knew (who knew?)
That it could be like this?
My love for you is
My love is r-i-d-i-c-u-l-o-u-s
Ensamble: r-i-d-i-c-u-l-o-u-s
It’s (ridiculous)
Just (ridiculous)
And I would give my kingdom for just one kiss
Come on, now
(Mal y Ben se chocan y Ben trata de besar a mal pero ella se aparta)
Ben: Mal, would you like to go to the coronation with me?
Mal: Yes!
Ben: He said yes! (abraza a mal)
Jay: Alright, come on, Ben.
Ben: See you later to talk to you Mal!
Mal: Uhm, Evie, I’m going to go get some fresh air, okay? I’m coming
Evie: Uhm, something’s wrong with you, but it’s okay.
(empieza if only)
(Aparece Ben y el y mal empiezan a hablar)
Ben: Hey, I... I love you, do you love me?
Mal: Me? I Do not Know How To Love...
Ben: If you allow me... I can teach you how to love.
Mal: Would you do that for me?
Ben: That and more… (Ben le da un beso en la mejilla a mal y trata de besarla pero mal
se aparta) when you feel ready, I'll be here for you, okay?
Mal: Okay
(Día de la coronación)
Voz en off: and there is Evie, wow a great design by the designer… oh what a surprise
she is the designer, without a doubt pure talent and… there is Prince Ben and his
girlfriend the new girl from Mal Island ¡ wow they certainly look great together
Ben: Hey Mal, after the game, I went with the boys ti the enchanted lake and… I realized
that you put a spell on me, but hey, don´t worry, you liked me nut I was with Audrey
Mal: Ben, I´m sorry…
Ben: Calm down, yeah?
Mal: Me? I’m calm, why wouldn’t I be?
Ben: Well, I want to give you something.
Ben: I want to give you this (le da su anillo), this for me is a sign of true love (Mal y Ben
van hacia donde estaban bella y bestia)
Beast: Good luck son
Bella: You can!
(la coronación empieza)
Hada Madrina: Your Benjamin Florian
Ben: Me Benjamin Florian
Hada Madrin: I promise to take care of the lives of all the citizens of Auradon
Ben: I promise to take care of the lives of all the citizens of Auradon

(Mal agarra la varita)

Ben: Mal! Listen to me
Mal: Ben, please move away (Evie, Carlos y Jade van hacia donde está mal)
Audrey: I told you, she would do that at the coronation.
Ben: Hey listen to me, you are not like your parents, you don’t have to follow in your
parents’ footsteps, because you are different, have you ever listened to your heart?
Mal: Listen to my heart?... my heart tells me that I don’t want to be like my mother, I
want to go to high school and be with Ben, (mal enseña el anillo de Ben) Ben is one of
the people who brought out my good side, so guys. .. I choose the good, and you?
Evie: I choose the good
Jay: I also choose the good
Carlos: Okay, I also choose good but it doesn’t matter if our parents get upset, right?
Because if they find out they will come here and get angry with us
Ben: Your parents won’t make it here. (empieza a salir mucho humo mientras se
escuchan unas risas malvadas y aparece malefica) (mal le lanza la varita al hada
Hada Madrina: Bibidi babidi-
Malefica: Bo!
Malefica: Oh my little daughter, did you really fall in love with the prince?
Mal: I don’t want you here mother
Malefica: Oh of course you want me here (le quita la varita al hada madrina)… let the
party begin!
Mal: By the power you gave me, give me the wand!.... (le quita la varita) Ah, take it
Malefica: it can not be, it can not be
(Maléfica se convierte en dragón e intenta atacar a los amigos de Mal)
Evie: Magic mirror, show me your light!
Mal: Behind me Evie, don’t involve my friends in this! We have never been equal,
mother… there is no force of evil that I managed to win, if four hearts come together to
fight… there is no force of evil that I managed to win, if four hearts get together to
fight… there is no force of evil that I managed to win, if four hearts get together to
fight… (la última vez que se repite lo dicen mal, evie, Carlos y jade) (mal y maléfica
dragón se quedan mirando y en eso se convierte en una iguana y todos se descongelan)
Mal: Oh, and my mother?
Hada Madrina: Your mother is this now, she shrank to the size of her heart (la hada
madrina agarra a la iguana, un guardia real va con una caja donde ahí ponen la iguana y
el guardia hace un movimiento brusco)
Mal: Hey! Be careful… it’s my mother
Ben: Okay, you know what next time… I’ll rescue you, okay?
Mal: Yes… what if there isn’t a next time?
Ben: Yes, that’s a great idea.
Jade: Well… let’s get the party started!
(Empieza set it off)
Todos: Set it off, set it off, set it off
Oh, yeah, oh, yeah yeah
Evie: Let’s set it off, oh, yeah
You can make it happen
Ensamble: Ohay, ohay hey!
Ben: Kings and queens, it’s our time to rise
Write the book story of our lives
This is us taking back the night
Ensamble: Ohay, ohay
Mal: Break the spell, we were born this way
Be yourself, forget the DNA
Everybody raise your hands and say
Ensamble: Ohay, ohay, hey!
Evie: Sound the alarm, get on your feet
Let’s set it off and rock this beat
Dance till your heart is wild and free
Ensamble: Ooh, oh, oh
Evie: Feeling the power, let it all out
Like what you see in the mirror, shout
We got the keys, the kingdom’s ours
Ensamble: Ooh, oh, oh
Ohay, ohay hey
Let’s set it off!
Oh, yeah (oh, yeah)
Start a chain reaction
Never let it stop!
Let’s set it off
Oh, yeah (oh, yeah)
You can make it happen
With everything you got!
Let’s set it off!
Get ready, set it off (come on!)
We got to set it off (on the right!)
Get ready, set it off (to the left!)
We got to set it off! (ohay ohay hey!)
Carlos y Jade: It’s time to set this thing off
Let’s make it happen now
I’ll make my own future, ignore the rumors
Show ‘em my passion sound
They all told me I should back down
Judgin’ me ‘cause of my background
Thinking ‘bout changing my path now
Nah, I ain’t goin’ out like that now
Audrey: Feeling the power, let it all out
Like what you see in the mirror, shout
Ben: We got the keys, the kingdom’s ours
Ensamble: Ooh oh oh!
Oh, yeah!
Let’s set it off!
Oh, yeah (let’s set this off!)
Start a chain reaction
Never let it stop!
Let’s set it off! (let’s set this off!)
Oh, yeah (let’s set this off!)
You can make it happen
With everything you got!
Let’s set it off!
Get ready, set it off! (come on!)
We got to set it off! (that’s right!)
Get ready, set it off! (to the left!)
We got to set it off!
Get ready, set it off
We got to set it off
Get ready to set it off
Come on!
3, 2, 1, Uh! (Ben trata de besar a Mal pero se aparta)
Mal: Ooh yeah!
Ensamble: Let’s set it off!
Oh, yeah (let’s set this off!)
Start a chain reaction
Never let it stop!
Let’s set it off (let’s set this off!)
Oh, yeah (let’s set this off!)
You can make it happen
With everything you got!
Let’s set it off!
Get ready, set it off (come on!)
We got to set it off! (to the left!)
Get ready, set it off! (to the right!)
Mal: You don't think this is the end of the story, right?
We got to set it off!


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