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Dr. Saad Wasmi Osman Luhaib

Lecturer in Electrical Engineering
University of Mosul

1.1 Vector Analysis

A vector represents a physical quantity which has magnitude and direction

Can be written : ⃗ = ⃗

Where = = magnitude and = = unite vector represents the direction of ⃗

Position vector z
P(x, y, z)
A position vector is directed
from the origin to the point ⃗
P(x, y, z) as shown. It can be z
expressed as: y
⃗= + +z
⃗ = + +


1.1 Vector Analysis

Distance Vector
A distance vector is joining two points. It
can be expressed as: z
⃗ = − + − + − ⃗ P2(x2, y2, z2)

⃗ = − + − +( − ) P1(x1, y1, z1)


1.2 Vector Addition x

Parallelogram Head to Tail

1.2 Vector Properties

Commutative ⃗+ = + ⃗

Associative ⃗+( + ⃗) = ( ⃗ + )+ ⃗

1.3 Vector Subtraction

Given two vectors ⃗ and they can be subtracted as:

Parallelogram Head to Tail


The vector addition is carried out component by component. Thus,

If ⃗ = + + and = + + then

⃗+ =( + ) +( + ) +( + )

Vector subtraction is carried out as

⃗− = ⃗+ (− )

∴ ⃗− =( − ) +( − ) +( − )

Example/ Given points M(-1, 2, 1), N(3, -3, 0), and P(-2, -3, -4), find:
(a) ; (b) + ; (c) ; (d ) .

= − + − + − =
3 − (−1) + −3 − 2 + 0−1 =4 −5 −
= − + − + − =
−2 − (−1) + −3 − 2 + −4 − 0 = − −5 −4
+ = 4 −1 −5 + −5 −1 + −4 =3 − 10 −5

=− +2 + , = −1 + 2 + 1 = 6

= , = −1 + −5 + −4 = 42
− −5 −4


1.4 Products of Vectors

A scalar times a vector k⃗=

1.5 Scalar or Dot Product

⃗. = ⃗ cos ⃗

⃗. ⃗ = ⃗ = ⃗. ⃗
Properties of the Dot product
Commutative ⃗. = . ⃗ Projection of vector
Associative ⃗.( + ⃗) = ( ⃗ + ). ⃗ on the vector

Let ⃗ = + + and = + + then

Because the angle between two different unit vectors of the

rectangular coordinate system is 90◦, we then have

. = . = . = . = . = . =0
The remaining three terms involve the dot product of a unit vector with itself,
which is unity, giving finally:

. = . + . + .

1.6 Vector Cross Product

Vector cross product ⃗ × is a vector perpendicular to the plane containing
⃗ and , i. e
× =

⃗× =- × ⃗
To find the direction of cross
product we need to apply a right-
handed screw as figure shown

⃗× =


Example/The three vertices of a triangle are located at A(6, -1, 2), B(-2, 3, -4), and C(-3, 1, 5).
Find: (a) RAB; (b) RAC; (c) the angle at vertex A;
(d) the(vector) projection of RAB on RAC.

= −2 − 6 + 3 − (−1) + −4 − 2 = −8 +4 −6
= −3 − 6 + 1 − (−1) + 5−2 = −9 +2 +3
⃗. = ⃗ cos
. = . + . + . , . =− ×− + × + − × =

= −8 + 4 + −6 = 116 = −9 + 2 + 3 = 94

Now apply the dot product formula to calculate the angle between two vectors
62 = 116* 94 cos ⇒ = cos = 53.57

The projection of RAB on RAC is

cos = 116 ∗ cos 53.57 ∗

Example/ Given ⃗ = 2 +4 −3 and ⃗ = − find ⃗ ×

⃗× = 2 4 −3 =
1 −1 0
4 ∗ 0 − −3 ∗ −1 − 2 ∗ 0 − −3 ∗ 1 +( ∗− − ∗ )

⃗× = −3 −3 −6


Coordinate systems

Cartesian Coordinates
It is a right hand system of coordinates with base vectors ax , ay and az

The cross product

ax az ax -az
ay -ay
ay ay
az az
ax -ax
A differential length can be written as y z
Variation of variable
= + dy + dz for components
dy dz

Differential area:
An element of area is represent by
a vector ┴ to the area
= (top) or =− (bottom)
= (+y dir) or =− (-y dir) y
= (+x dir) or =− (-x dir)

Differential volume x
dv = dx dy dz


Cylindrical Coordinates

It is a right hand system of coordinates with base vectors aρ , aφ and az .

Relations between cylindrical and Cartesian coordinates:

= cos = sin =
The inverse relations

= + = tan =
Cylindrical coordinates are important for problems involving cylindrical or circular
A vector in cylindrical coordinates can be written as

⃗= + +

ϕ z
Variation of variable
ρdϕ dz for component

Differential length
= + ρdϕ + dz


Differential area

= (outside)
= (top)

Differential volume

Transformation from Cartesian to Cylindrical

cos − sin 0
= sin cos 0
0 0 1
Cylindrical to Cartesian

cos sin 0
= − sin cos 0
0 0 1

Example/ (a) Give the rectangular coordinates of the point C (ρ = 4.4, φ = -1150◦, z = 2).
(b) Give the cylindrical coordinates of the point D(x = -3.1, y = 2.6, z = -3). (c) Specify
the distance from C to D . (c) Give the rectangular components of the vector
H = 20aρ - 10aφ + 3az at P(x = 5,y = 2, z = -1).

= cos = sin =
x=4.4* cos(−115) = −1.86, y=4.4* sin(−115) = −3.98 =2

= + = tan =
= −3.1 + 2.6 = 4.05 = tan = 140 = −3

cos − sin 0 = cos − sin

= sin cos 0 = sin + cos
0 0 1 =
= tan = tan = 21.8
=22.28, = −1.857, =3


Spherical Coordinates

It is a right hand system of coordinates with base vectors ar , aθ and aφ.

Relations between Spherical and Cartesian coordinates:

= sin cos = sin sin = cos

The inverse relations
= + + = tan = tan
Spherical coordinates are important for problems involving
Spherical or circular boundaries.
A vector in Spherical coordinates can be written as
⃗= + +

r ϕ
Variation of variable
rdθ r sin dϕ for component

Differential length
= +rdθ +r sin d


Differential area

= sin (outside)
= sin
= (top)

Differential volume
= sin

Transformation from Cartesian to Spherical

sin cos cos cos − sin

= sin sin cos sin cos
cos − sin 0
Spherical to Cartesian

sin cos sin sin cos

= cos cos cos sin − sin
− sin cos 0

Q1/ Find the acute angle between the two vectors A = 2ax + ay + 3az and B = ax - 3ay + 2az
by using the definition of (a) the dot product; (b) the cross product.

Q2/ Find (a) the vector component of F = 10ax - 6ay + 5az that is parallel to G = 0.1ax +
0.2ay + 0.3az; (b) the vector component of F that is perpendicular to G; (c) the vector
component of G that is perpendicular to F.
Q3/ The surfaces ρ = 3, ρ = 5, = 100◦, = 130◦, z = 3, and z = 4.5 define a closed
surface. Find (a) the enclosed volume; (b) the total area of the enclosing surface; (c)
the total length of the twelve edges of the surfaces; (d) the length of the longest straight
line that lies entirely within the volume.
Q4/ Given point P(r = 0.8, = 30◦, = 45◦) and E = 1/r2 [cos ar + (sin / sin ) aφ],
find (a) E at P; (b) |E| at P; (c) a unit vector in the direction of E at P.
Q5/ The surfaces r = 2 and 4, = 30◦ and 50◦, and = 20◦ and 60◦ identify a closed
surface. Find (a) the enclosed volume; (b) the total area of the enclosing surface; (c)
the total length of the twelve edges of the surface; (d) the length of the longest straight
line that lies entirely within the surface.


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