T&T Guardian - March 13, 2024

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Trinidad & Tobago $4 Caricom

optimistic of
solution to
Wednesday, March 13, 2024 GUARDIAN OF THE PEOPLE No 40299 guardian.co.tt Haiti crisis
Undertakers remove the skeletal
remains believed to be that of PAGE 10
18-year-old Hannah Mathura from
her family’s Valsayn South home

Teen’s bones found at family’s Valsayn home after 7 years
Police probe other ‘strange’ happenings
4 siblings detained; male relative on the run PAGE 5

SSA officers PAGE 6

quizzed; PM says
be patient on probe
2 Wednesday, March 13, 2024
3 Wednesday, March 13, 2024
Quote of the Day
Grisly discovery at SSA deputy head, Preparations for new

The Valsayn horror house

The skeletal remains of an 18-year-
old girl who was not reported
‘church hires’ quizzed
Retired Brigadier Anthony
Philips-Spencer, the acting di-
leadership as Haitian
PM Ariel Henry resigns
“I can be changed
by what happens to

Politicians across Haiti are scram-
missing for seven years by rela- rector of the Strategic Services bling for power after Prime Min- me. But I refuse to be
tives were discovered in a shallow Agency (SSA), conducted a two- ister Ariel Henry announced
grave at the family home at Butu day inquiry at the agency. reduced by it.”
yesterday that he would resign
Road, South Valsayn, yesterday. The inquiry involved officers once a transitional presidential
The bones of Hannah Mathura who are assigned to the Jerusalem council is created. — Maya Angelou
were reportedly exhumed from Bride ( JB church) in Arima. But elbowing their way into the
the family’s home. Police said the However, Guardian Media un-
Today’s stories backyard of the family’s home derstands that five officers, in-
race are powerful gangs that con-
trol 80 per cent of Haiti’s capital
in capsule may have been Mathura’s final
resting place as they recovered
human bones believed to be hers.
cluding the Deputy Director of
Administration Joanne Daniel,
had their company-issued devices
and demand a say in the future of
the troubled country under siege.
No one mentioned the armed
OPINION Police said officers of the St Jo- and clearances revoked. groups as Caribbean leaders con-
seph Police Station were called to Up to last night, they remained —Page 14
Caricom’s the Valsayn South ... —Page 5 employees of the ... —Page 6
gratulated ...
Haiti moment SUNNY & BREEZY
Despite Ariel Henry’s resigna-
tion offer—and it is provisional
upon several important pre-
requisites—Caricom delibera-
tions and action on Haiti have
still fallen short of an ultimate
solution, but so has every
other prescription from every- Mostly sunny and at times breezy
one else. conditions despite the odd brief
The main difference, though, shower. Fair night.
is that the regional grouping is
engaging the deadly situation Piarco Max 33°C Min 24°C
fully mindful of the contagion Crown Point Max 32°C Min 25°C
of chaos, the requirements of
enlightened self-interest, and
a sense of fraternal responsi- YESTERDAY’S RESULTS
bility. 10.30 am: 20 (Dog)
The latter, of course, pre- 1 pm: 5 (Parson Man)
vails even though Haiti’s mem- 4 pm: 21 (Mouth)
bership had defied even CLR 7 pm: 21 (Mouth)
James’ notion of “nat-
ural (West Indian) 10.30 am: 22, 14
unity.” But the re- 1 pm: 29, 28
gional movement 4 pm: 32, 5
has long crossed 7pm: 26, 11
that important 10.30 am: 7, 8, 6, 4
and seriously diffi- 1 pm: 3, 9, 3, 1
cult Rubicon. 4 pm: 9, 3, 8, 7
A squirrel eats a nut from a tree at the
Royal Botanical Gardens, Port-of-Spain, yesterday. 7 pm: 1, 6, 6, 7
Page 12 3, 5, 13, 16, 17 M: 3

SEA pupils told: Focus on

academics and being good
SASCHA WILSON and waves, you wouldn’t really be education in different disciplines
Senior Reporter able to live. You will forget how in careers and we’re not only
sascha.wilson@guardian.co.tt to love and, oh boy, you wouldn’t talking about the normal run-of-
want to learn.” the-mill careers. The mummies
Secondary Entrance Assessment She also advised them to focus at home, I call them the first en-
(SEA) pupils of Windermere Pri- on being good. “Writing the exam gineers in life, they are homemak-
vate School in San Fernando were is not just about books. It’s not just ers who do the job that no other
advised to focus not only on aca- about being the best and going to ... the schools, no one else could,
demics but also on being good. the so-called prestige schools. It’s with the daddies, of course.”
Presbyterian Rev Joy Abdul-Mo- about being the best human being She said, however, that they
han offered the advice last week that you can ever be, being kind, also celebrate men who treat
as she prayed for their success at compassionate, caring.” women as equal partners in the
the March 21 SEA exam during a She said it was also about being progressive development of T&T
service at the school. a change agent. When you learn and the world.
Noting the school’s motto Live, you must be a change agent to go Principal Laureen Debance-Mi-
Love and Learn, Abdul-Mohan out there and speak out against sir also advised pupils to believe
advised, “So if you get scared so injustice. Noting that Friday was in themselves. “God always has a Presbyterian Rev Joy Abdul-Mohan receives a token on International
much and you let the exam rock International Women’s Day, she plan and we just have to believe Women’s Day from Zaraa-Marie Ali at Windermere Private School.
the boat of your life and the winds added, “Women are excelling in that we can and we will,” she said. PICTURE IVAN TOOLSIE
4 Wednesday, March 13, 2024



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Wednesday, March 13, 2024
guardian.co.tt news 5

Grisly discovery at
Valsayn horror house
... neighbours report strange occurrences where teen’s skeletal remains found
Senior Reporter Divisional police were still
shane.superville@guardian.co.tt cross-referencing reports with
the Anti-Kidnapping Squad to
The skeletal remains of an 18-year- determine if Mathura was ever re-
old girl, whose body was buried ported missing to police.
seven years ago, were discovered While at the scene, undertakers
in a shallow grave at the family were seen removing a body bag
home at Butu Road, South Val- containing the skeletal remains
sayn, yesterday. in the back of their van as curious
The bones of Hannah Mathura neighbours looked on from be-
were reportedly exhumed from hind the walls of their homes.
the family’s home. Police said the Contacted for comment, the
backyard of the family’s home head of the North-Central Divi-
may have been Mathura’s final sion Snr Supt Richard Smith said
resting place as they recovered while inquiries are ongoing, the
human bones believed to be hers. remains are strongly believed to
Police said officers of the St Jo- be those of Mathura.
seph Police Station were called to He acknowledged the strange
the Valsayn South home on Sun- circumstances surrounding the
day by a relative who reported discovery of the remains, adding
that Mathura’s body was buried that now more than ever crimes
in a shallow grave in the yard. must be brought to light.
However, a male relative ran “This is a perfect example
out of the house before officers of what can happen if we keep
arrived and remained at large up things to ourselves and withhold
to yesterday evening. Four sib- information. I’m asking the public
lings between the ages of 17 to 24 to be their brother’s keeper.
were found at the home. How- “We have neighbours living
ever, neighbours said that over next to each other and they don’t
the years about eight children even say hello. We have neigh-
were living at the home. A Tunapuna/Piarco Regional Corporation excavator is used to remove the remains of a body believed to be Hannah bours living near each other and
The officers, accompanied by Mathura’s, at Butu Road, Valsayn. PICTURE ABRAHAM DIAZ they haven’t seen each other in
their colleagues from the Hom- months, how can that be?”
icide Bureau of Investigations cumstances were bizarre, it was that house has been strange. kept to themselves. Smith said while relatives at the
Region II, visited the scene on not necessarily surprising, noting When the children would go to “It’s a strange situation, really. house were assisting police with
Tuesday with an excavator from the “eccentric behaviour” of the school, the car would park right We know there were about eight their investigation, he was reluc-
the Tunapuna/Piarco Regional family. in front of the front door and a children at the home but when tant to confirm if anyone was ar-
Corporation where they made the One neighbour who asked not tarp would be held up to block we stopped seeing her we really rested.
grisly discovery. to be named said he was a “life- the children as they went into the didn’t think much of it.” Four of the siblings were in po-
Mathura has been reportedly long resident” of Butu Road and vehicle. Pointing to the sprawling com- lice custody at the Arouca station
buried since 2017. was accustomed to hearing loud “There is even a portion of the pound, he said the eccentricities yesterday where they were being
Sources said the remains were arguments. house where there doesn’t seem of the family were known among questioned.
clad in what appeared to be a tube Recalling hearing a commotion to be any electricity and at night residents. As the sun set in the neigh-
top, a pair of red pants and under- as early as Sunday, mere minutes we would see lights being moved “People just kept to themselves bourhood, police continued their
wear. before the police were called, the around like flashlights.” here. Sometimes you may see one inquiries by interviewing neigh-
When Guardian Media visited man said it did not arouse his sus- The neighbour said he never or two of the children outside but bours as curious residents from
the scene yesterday afternoon, picions as such arguments were had any interactions with Ma- this was something we didn’t ex- other streets, on hearing of the
one neighbour described the situ- relatively common. thura or any of the children who pect. incident, walked up to the house
ation as “the plot of a Hollywood “Since I was growing up here lived at the house, admitting that “This is horrible because it lit- to see the location.
movie,” and said while the cir- the behaviour of the people in many residents on Butu Road erally happened right under our

MP shocked, traumatologist wants assessment of survivors

DAREECE POLO said the individuals who were at clinical trauma assessments need
Senior Reporter the home could have easily been to be done to figure out their cog-
dareece.polo@guardian.co.tt lost to society if they never en- nitive functioning—where they are
tered the school system. at, what’s going on.”
MP for St Augustine Khadijah He said the children’s parents Furthermore, Benjamin said
Ameen has expressed alarm over could have easily said they were across T&T, children are left out
the discovery of a teenager’s home-schooled, which means of the system which is a cause for
corpse within her constituency. neighbours may not have known concern. “This is not the first sce-
Ameen said while she did not what heinous activities might nario where we see people locked
know all of the details surround- have been taking place. away, hidden away. There are peo-
ing the incident, the situation was The traumatologist also ex- ple living in Trinidad who have not
frightening. pressed concern that they may been part of the formal Trinidad in
“What I can tell you is that St Augustine MP Khadijah Ameen have suffered classic condition- terms of birth paper, registration,
President of the Centre for Human
residents of Valsayn South are PICTURE VASHTI SINGH ing. He is therefore urging author- school, and vaccination. Those are
Development, clinical
shocked and concerned about the traumatologist Hanif E A Benjamin ities to evaluate the survivors. the kinds of things that we use to
discovery. I hope that whoever is Also reacting to the find was “You need to now look at the tie people to a country.”
responsible is brought to justice the president and chief executive ogist Hanif E A Benjamin. survivors and what is going on Guardian Media reached out to
and the other victims in the situa- officer of the Centre for Human Benjamin, who was once chair- there. So, immediately, these the Children’s Authority for a re-
tion get suitable counselling.” Development, clinical traumatol- man of the Children’s Authority, people should be pulled aside and sponse but was unsuccessful.
6 news SSA SHAKEUP Wednesday, March 13, 2024

New acting head of intelligence agency conducts two-day inquiry ...

SSA deputy director, ‘church hires’ quizzed
ASHA JAVEED Brown said, in his view, he is vents anything from happening
Lead Editor Investigations still an employee of the SSA and to him although he is prepared
asha.javeed@guardian.co.tt does not believe he had breached for all eventualities now that he
the SSA Act. has come forward.
Retired Brigadier Anthony Section 5 (2) of the Act said that: Asked whether he had tenta-
Philips-Spencer, the acting di- “Every employee of the Agency cles in other arms of the coun-
rector of the Strategic Services shall, at the commencement of try’s national security apparatus,
Agency (SSA), conducted a two- his duties with the Agency, take he admitted to knowing officers
day inquiry at the agency. the oath of allegiance and secrecy throughout given his long associ-
The inquiry involved officers stated in the Schedule.” ation with different agencies.
who are assigned to the Jerusa- Meanwhile, Section 8 (3) said: However, he said it was Best
lem Bride ( JB church) in Arima. “Any person who contravenes and Daniel, who attend his
However, Guardian Media un- subsection (1) is guilty of an of- church, who have supported him
derstands that five officers, in- fence and is liable on conviction the most because he “just don’t
cluding the Deputy Director of on indictment to a fine of one trust the police.”
Administration Joanne Daniel, hundred thousand dollars and to As for Andy Daniel’s murder,
had their company-issued de- imprisonment for ten years.” Brown claimed he spoke to him
vices and clearances revoked. weeks before on his safety.
Up to last night, they remained Brown worried about his life “He didn’t know where his wife
employees of the agency and When he spoke to Guardian was working, he just knew Na-
Daniel had her laptop and phone Media by telephone yesterday, tional Security. But we sat down
returned. Brown said he was on a hill in a few weeks before and warned
However, her security clear- central Trinidad. him, that the way he was doing
ance was not. Retired Brigadier and Former SSA director He said that now that his iden- business was putting his life in
Daniel, an active member of former Ambassador Major Roger Best tity was public, he was a target. jeopardy,” he claimed.
the church, was the wife of Andy Anthony Phillips-Spencer PICTURE LINKEDIN Brown, who said he hosted a Brown said that Andy Daniel
Daniel, a closed-circuit television one-hour special on Issac 98.1, was installing CCTV cameras for
(CCTV) contractor who was mur- provided to the National Secu- yesterday that if he had made did an interview with Power 102 politicians (who he identified)
dered on the highway on Novem- rity Council (NSC) by the Trini- himself public in the media, the yesterday morning in which he and members of a religious or-
ber 11, 2023. dad and Tobago Police Service members of his church who are recounted his relationships with ganisation and would retain the
Intelligence sources identified (TTPS). officers would have been fired. former and present commission- admin rights.
the killing of Andy Daniel as a The information, he said, war- One of the people who he ers of police as well as the former Asked how this could relate to
possible reason for the shake-up ranted drastic intervention. claimed is on the firing line is his head of the disbanded Special the SSA shake-up, he said that
taking place at the SSA right now. Pastor Ian Albert Ezekiel son, who he said was employed Anti-Crime Unit of T&T, Brigadier Andy and Joanne were members
On March 2, in a Facebook Brown, has come forward to at the agency before him. Peter Joseph. of his church.
post, the Office of the Prime Min- claim he is a spy at the SSA be- He said he was “keeping watch” He said that his relationship Guardian Media asked Brown
ister issued a statement which cause his cover was blown when over how the matters were han- with the intelligence world began whether there was a hit squad in
said that the director of the SSA, police raided his church on dled and depending on the out- with Joseph. the SSA.
Major Roger Best was sent on ad- March 9. come, would determine his next The self-described “very “That is far from the truth,” he
ministrative leave and that T&T However, Guardian Media was course of action. skilled” 70-year-old said that he said.
Ambassador to the US, Anthony told by intelligence sources that He said, as it stands, he was not was a contractor and a pastor and Guardian Media reported that
Philips-Spencer was appointed Brown is actually a consultant to asked to be part of the inquiry this allowed him to get informa- while employed at the agency,
acting director. Best at the agency. and still has his company-issued tion on gangs which was useful to Brown was not vetted for the job
Prime Minister Dr Keith Row- Best is one of nine elders in phone and laptop, as well as his the country’s intelligence arms. but earned a monthly consulting
ley said Best was sent on leave Brown’s church. firearm which was issued to him “I am a threat,” he stated. fee from the agency estimated to
based on troubling information Brown told Guardian Media from the SSA. His logic is his publicity pre- be $25,000 a month.

PM asks for ‘a little patience’ as SSA probe proceeds

JESSE RAMDEO members demanding answers. adier Anthony Phillips-Spencer.
Senior reporter Oropouche East MP Dr Roodal On Monday, Moonilal con-
jess.ramdeo@cnc3.co.tt Moonilal posed questions to the demned the decision of the Joint
Prime Minister about it in Parlia- Select Committee into National
Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley ment. Security not to look into the SSA
has asked the public to be “pa- There have also been startling matter.
tient” as an investigation into the claims made by Pastor Ian Brown JSC Chairman Keith Scotland
Strategic Services Agency takes about his role as a spy at the SSA stated that the move to convene
place. and other allegations. Guardian a meeting was premature.
Following the sod-turning cer- Media was told by intelligence Rowley noted that the matter
emony for the Citrus Close Hous- sources that their recollection of was in the hands of police and
ing Development yesterday, the Brown at the agency was as an ad- took Moonilal to task for sug-
Prime Minister was questioned viser to Major Best. Sources said gesting that no inquiry had com-
about the latest developments he was commonly called Best’s menced.
regarding the SSA, the country’s “prophetic adviser”. Brown was “It is quite mischievous for a
top intelligence agency. also made an SRP. member of Parliament to come
On March 2, the Office of the However, Rowley called for out and say no investigation is
Prime Minister announced that composure as the investigation taking place and therefore the
“the National Security Council unfolded, “All I ask for is a little Parliament should investigate
has recommended to the Cabinet patience as the investigations what they are attempting to pre-
that the head of the SSA be re- proceed and the requisite actions tend. They know better, is that
placed immediately and that new are taken.” the Government could come and
leadership and management be He also issued a warning to go to the Parliament and start
installed with despatch.” members of the Opposition talking about the innards of a po-
Yesterday, the Prime Minister against peddling misleading in- lice investigation and in the event
assured, “Action is being taken to formation as it relates to the that any person is held accounta-
right the ship.” incident which resulted in the ble the person can have all kinds
Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley addressing the gathering at the sod turning Since the shake-up at the sudden replacement of the head of misconduct on the path of the
ceremony at Citrus Close Housing Development, Laventille, yesterday. SSA, there have been calls for of the agency, Major Roger Best, government and prime minister,”
PICTURE VASHTI SINGH an explanation with Opposition with Ambassador (Retired) Brig- he said.
Wednesday, March 13, 2024
guardian.co.tt SSA SHAKE-UP news 7
Kamla, Moonilal want
answers on pastor’s claims
GAIL ALEXANDER cial with whom Pastor Brown regularly
Senior Political Reporter met in surreptitious Watergate-style to
discuss highly confidential intelligence
UNC Political Leader and Opposition material.”
Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar has de- Moonilal added, “The Commis-
manded answers on who is the alleged sioner has a responsibility to indicate
minister with so-called “underworld whether she knew of the investigation
links”. She also called for the Gov- by the intelligence organisation into
ernment to halt the property tax and two alleged prominent government
revert to the 2009 land and building ministers for alleged ties to the under-
taxes. world and widespread corruption. The incomplete Eden Restored Church of pastor Ian Brown at
“People can tolerate a slight increase “The country deserves to know Caratal, Cumuto. The church was one of three places searched
against those 2009 rates, but these by police last Saturday.
whether the unprecedented midnight
property tax valuations are wicked Opposition Leader Kamla Persad- raid of SSA offices and the pre-dawn
and unfair,” Persad-Bissessar added at
UNC’s Monday night cottage meeting
Bissessar, speaks during the UNC
Cottage Meeting at the Macaulay
Community Centre on Monday night.
search of Pastor Brown’s home by
some 100 police officers were aimed Cumuto residents say
at Pointe-a-Pierre.
Following Pastor Ian Brown’s claim
that he was a spy with the Strategic
at seizing documents pertinent to the
sensitive probe.”
Moonilal alleged “evidence sug-
Brown’s church members
Harewood-Christopher is aware of the
Services Agency (SSA), Persad-Bisses-
sar demanded answers on the iden-
“senior police official” with whom
Brown allegedly met.
gests” that the crackdown last week-
end, “was meant to destroy relevant
cordial but private
tity of the government official whom evidence and get rid of and persecute JENSEN LA VENDE bours to build a house and
Moonilal made the call via a state- Senior Reporter
Brown alleged has “underwork links”. the investigators.” they even bought citrus from
ment yesterday after Brown’s recent jensen.lavende@guardian.co.tt
Persad-Bissessar said, “This man is He added, “This matter is extremely us as well,” said one resident.
claims on the SSA issue. The SSA’s di-
brave and bold to say so—who is this troubling and reveals an appalling A couple said they were in-
rector Major Roger Best was sent on Residents of Sin Verguenza
government ‘official’? abuse of power by the authoritarian vited to the church once but
administrative leave two weeks ago Road, Caratal, Cumuto,
“Did the Government send TTPS to Rowley administration and the out- never attended.
and an audit has been launched by the where pastor Ian Brown
raid the pastor’s house because they’re rageous undermining of critical inde- Brown was appointed a
new acting director retired Brigadier built a church four years
afraid the pastor may have information pendent institution.” special reserve police of-
Anthony Phillips-Spencer. Prime Min- ago, said he and his mem-
on alleged criminal activities related to Moonilal said the Joint Select Com- ficer in 2021 by then police
ister Dr Keith Rowley said the decision bers kept to themselves
this Government? Who are the ‘two mittee ( JSC) on National Security failed commissioner Gary Griffith
to remove Best was based on troubling mainly whenever they vis-
ministers’ the SSA was ‘surveilling’? the country by its refusal to investigate and immediately assigned to
information provided to the National ited the area.
“They have the TTPS wildly search- the matter and ascertain the facts. the Strategic Service Agency
Security Council (NSC) by the TTPS. They said since the raid
ing buildings for this information. But Moonilal said T&T was still awaiting (SSA) under the leadership
Police recently raided the home of over the weekend, they are
this information may already be in disclosure on Best’s removal and the of its director Major Roger
Brown who claimed to have been a no longer seeing church
some people’s mailboxes.” return of Phillips-Spencer to run the Best. Best was sent on ad-
“SSA spy” and SR officer who “worked members coming or going
Persad-Bissessar slammed it as a SSA. ministrative leave on the
closely with past and present police from the compound.
frightening, dangerous sign that the advice of Prime Minister Dr
commissioners.” Those who spoke with
SSA now has what she called a “hand- Hinds: Not taking Keith Rowley on March 2.
Brown also alleged to have informa- Guardian Media did not
picked” person as its head. “Don’t fall Residents spoke in hushed
tion on “government official” and “un- ‘lady’ seriously want to be identified. Resi- tones when they mentioned
for the smoke and mirrors—the big dis- derworld ties”. National Security Minister Fitzger-
traction and narrative that there was dents said they began seeing that the land the church was
Moonilal said, “The country needs a ald Hinds responded to calls from heavily tinted vehicles enter
a significant national security threat,” built on was rumoured to be
credible explanation for the three-year Guardian Media regarding the call for the community about ten
she added. connected to two murders.
employment of Pastor Brown, includ- answers by the UNC and Opposition years ago and four years ago
Retired Brigadier and former ambas- That allegation could not be
ing his bona-fide accreditation as a Leader. began seeing and hearing
sador Anthony Phillips-Spencer was substantiated by Guardian
Special Reserve Policeman. Commis- Hinds said he does not take Per- of a church being built. The
appointed as acting director of the SSA Media.
sioner Harewood-Christopher must sad-Bissessar seriously. residents said the members
after Major Roger Best, the agency’s Residents said on March
respond to his stunning spying disclo- “I don’t take that lady seriously! would usually visit on Tues-
director, was sent on administrative 9, there were marked police
sures and indicate the nature and ex- She’s nothing more than an unsober, days, weekends and public
leave. vehicles that came into the
tent of his duties. unsteady, unprincipled, unwanted holidays but after last Sat-
Meanwhile, UNC deputy political area. The officers searched
“The current and former senior loser. She dwells in the “un”! The Op- urday’s raid, they have not
leader Dr Roodal Moonilal said the the church and another
police officials identified by Pastor position Leader was the single prime seen anyone.
country needs a credible explanation church belonging to Brown
Brown must tell the country all they minister, who lead the most corrupt “We never had issues with
on the expanding issues concerning at Aleong Street, Malabar,
know about the bizarre sequence of government this country has ever them, they would pass in a
the Strategic Services Agency includ- as well as Brown’s home a
developments leading to the shocking known! You just have to watch and contingent and usually greet
ing the three-year employment of Pas- block away. Police retrieved
implosion of the SSA. recall her choices, her friends and her neighbours. One time mem-
tor Brown. uniforms and other po-
“Police Commissioner Hare- government of 2010, to see the real un- bers of the regiment helped
He said explanations are also needed lice-issued items during the
wood-Christopher must state whether derworld. A murky world in which she grade a lot of land for neigh-
on whether Police Commissioner Erla searches.
she is aware of the senior police offi- reigns supreme,” Hinds said.

Former top cop: Nation owed an explanation

of the SSA? What is the criminal
offence there?”
Indicating the Prime Minister,
ANNALISA PAUL shake-up on March 2, which saw based on them being a specialist He reiterated, “It is done all Commissioner of Police Erla Hare-
Senior Reporter Best being removed, and replaced in a specific field and it is done over the world.” wood-Christopher, and National
anna-lisa.paul@guardian.co.tt by retired Brigadier General An- worldwide,” he said. Accusing the Government of Security Minister Fitzgerald Hinds
thony Phillips-Spencer, Griffith While there are no age-limiting employing double standards in “owed the country an explanation
Former police commissioner Gary said he did not doubt that the lat- factors at play and the individual is that information acquired was whilst not affecting national secu-
Griffith said although it has been ter would conduct a thorough and not required to be a career police used to justify the removal of rity concerns.”
just over one week since Major transparent investigation and one officer, the former top cop added, Best, Griffith said Rowley was the Griffith said, “What started this
Roger Best was removed as head which was free of political bias. “That only comes when the heads same person who had previously was the police actually taking con-
of the Strategic Services Agency Delving into the unfolding con- of specific units make the request insisted that government officials trol of these buildings.”
(SSA), the nation is owed an ex- troversy surrounding the oper- and give the justification, and they could not be fired on the basis of He asked, “Who gave the police
planation even as investigations ations of the SSA and the hiring do the due diligence such as the intelligence alone, but that evi- authority to do that unless the SSA
continue apace. of Special Reserve Police (SRP) background checks and send that dence was needed. gave direct clearance and author-
He insisted yesterday that an officer Pastor Ian Albert Eze- to the CoP for approval.” Griffith said questions remained ity?
update should be provided to the kiel Brown who claimed to have “In the case of the SSA, it was unanswered as to why Best had “This is not a police state
national community after it was been spying on the SSA, Griffith no different. There was a request been removed. and the Government needs to
claimed that national security explained the process used to re- and the justification that it would Griffith questioned, “Because give justification as to who gave
could be compromised. cruit such people. enhance the intelligence capabil- a pastor was hired by the SSA ... such authorisation and on what
Referring to the sudden “SRPs are usually appointed ity of the SSA.” that is a reason to fire a director grounds.”
8 news Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Mobile network
demands apology
from TSTT
UNC Political Telecommunications company
Leader Kamla BLUE Mobile Network is de-
Persad-Bissessar and manding a public apology and
PEP political leader
Phillip Alexander retraction from TSTT and its
greet each other as acting CEO Kent Western, for
supporters look on defamatory and erroneous state-
during the UNC’s ments made last June 9.
Monday night forum The dispute arose from a
at the Macaulay series of events beginning on
Community Centre. March 8, 2023, when STAR
PICTURE INNIS submitted a detailed marketing
FRANCIS proposal for a joint venture to
TSTT’s business development
manager, Darryl Duke.
Following official confirma-
tion of intent to partner from
TSTT’s ICT product manager,
Gertis des Vignes, on April 11,
2023, STAR decided to partner

Kamla tells small parties to

with Digicel and entered into a
multi-million dollar agreement.
BLUE officials claim that TSTT,
under Lisa Agard’s direction
at the time, sent a letter to the

fight PNM, not each other

Telecommunications Authority
of Trinidad and Tobago (TATT)
claiming that the company had
potentially contravened the
GAIL ALEXANDER it, Prime Minister, we’re ready,” noise, we need to focus on the cillors, councillors become MPs Telecommunications Act and
Senior Political Reporter she said. soon-to-be election. Can you im- and senators. Candidates will be attempted to deceive the public.
The UNC’s nominations opened agine another term for this Gov- selected on merit, not nepotism. I According to BLUE Mobile
The UNC is ready for the general last December and checks up ernment? Fight the Government, know who worked and sacrificed. Network, TSTT also inaccurately
election and will close nomina- to last week showed that more not each other. Your priority I know who toiled. I know the labelled STAR as a Mobile Vir-
tions on April 11 and start screen- than 88 nominations had been should always be the people. We members, supporters, activists, tual Network Operator (MVNO),
ing in May, political leader Kamla received, including a few from don’t have time to fight anyone and local government represent- according to BLUE Mobile Net-
Persad-Bissessar announced on MPs. Last year, several MPs said except this wicked Government. atives who work hard to mobilise work, assertions made without
Monday night. She said she hopes they might file close to the end of “We must remain laser-focused for our events and go above and basis and with disregard for the
to “promote” more councillors or nomination. Naparima MP Rod- on the enemy and not each other. beyond for this party. truth.
aldermen, activists and constitu- ney Charles said he won’t contest Our mission is to win the next “I know the work is tiring, but “STAR - The BLUE Mobile Net-
ency executives in the upcoming and will retire after the election. general election. If anyone is not if you can’t handle this pace, you work has always prided itself on
election. Chaguanas West MP Dinesh Ram- with you, they’re against you will not be able to handle the conducting business with the ut-
Persad-Bissessar also urged bally has also signalled that he and are surely working with the pace of government. All rank- most respect for legal standards
smaller parties to fight the PNM, won’t contest. PNM.” and-file members, supporters, and ethics. The baseless accu-
not each other. Persad-Bissessar said she didn’t Persad-Bissessar warned there activists, and councillors, you’ve sations made by TSTT have not
“The time has come for breth- believe Rowley would call the will be all kinds of tactics to dam- toiled for nine years, and we’ve only damaged STAR’s reputation
ren to stop fighting brethren. We election as she noted that his age the UNC “from within and kept together, it’s just a few more but have also misled the public.
have one common enemy, this two PNM meetings in one week outside”. months.” As such, STAR demands that
government,” she said at a UNC recently were because he had She urged party representa- She also echoed Pointe-a-Pierre TSTT issue a public apology and
cottage meeting in Pointe-a-Pierre “gone again” (on his vacation). tives, “Remember we must put MP David Lee’s call about not al- retract the defamatory state-
on Monday night. She said UNC must not be caught our rank-and-file supporters lowing ambition to exceed talent. ments in question,” the network
The meeting was attended by “napping”. first.” “There’s space and place for said in a release.
members of the Progressive Em- Describing the UNC as a po- Noting that in the 2020 elec- everyone in UNC. We’ll win the “This request encompasses
powerment Party (PEP) led by litical vehicle for all, she added, tion, four local representatives general election. Stay united, stay publications across all tradi-
Phillip Alexander. “I want to urge smaller parties were promoted to Parliament as focused, and don’t be distracted tional media platforms, includ-
“Tonight it feels like the elec- ... Please, all energy and fight- MPs, Persad-Bissessar added, “I by those who didn’t work or sacri- ing a full-page advertisement in
tion has been called ... The Prime ing spirit should be focused on hope to promote more council- fice as you did. Don’t be fooled by major newspapers and broad-
Minister has said general election this wicked Government. UNC’s lors or aldermen in this election. those who push the big lie that the casts on radio and television,
will be soon. The PNM has been house remains open to all with I also promoted our activists and UNC cannot topple the PNM. The as well as on social media plat-
on an election footing ... and UNC a shared vision of removing this constituency executives. I hope UNC is a strong force and will be forms such as Facebook, Ins-
will close nominations on April 11 wicked government and restoring to promote more. the next Government,” she said, tagram, and TikTok, within 28
and start screening in May. The good governance in our country. “The UNC must promote up- noting that 43,000 more people days from today.”
general election campaign is now “Arguing publicly isn’t commu- wards from within. Activists must voted for UNC than for PNM in The company said it hoped for
in full swing. Whenever you call nication. It’s noise. We don’t need know they can become coun- the local government elections. a swift resolution to the matter.

CoP says TTPS intent on solving Mayaro killings

ANNALISA PAUL the attention of several units of the Harewood-Christopher said Martha Street, Couva, were shot
Senior Reporter TTPS. This incident is yet another the police have adopted a mul- while at a camp approximately
anna-lisa.paul@guardian.co.tt example of the brazen actions of ti-agency approach to the investi- half a mile off Basil Trace in Bris-
the criminals and the challenge we gation and are intent on making tol Village.
Police Commissioner Erla Hare- face in combatting violent crime a breakthrough in the shortest They were identified as 20-year-
wood-Christopher yesterday as- on an almost daily basis. possible time. old Jeremiah George, 29-year-old
sured relatives of the four men “A clear motive for this incident She added, “We extend our Dion Keyon Mendoza, 37-year-old
murdered in Mayaro on Monday has not as yet been ascertained. condolences to the bereaved and Marcus Buddy and 59-year-old
that they will get justice. Of particular concern to us also again, we appeal to anyone who Buddy George.
In a voice note, the CoP said, are reports that the perpetrators may have any information that They were awakened by six
“The quadruple homicide that oc- of this incident impersonated po- may assist us in our investigation armed men dressed in police op-
curred in the quiet village of Bris- lice officers by utilising blue lights to call 800-TIPS, 555 or the Ma- erational wear, made to lie face
CoP Erla Harewood-Christopher tol, Mayaro, is of great national and uniforms resembling that of yaro Police Station.” down on the ground and then
PICTURE VASHTI SINGH concern and is currently engaging the TTPS.” The victims, all gardeners from shot.
Wednesday, March 13, 2024
guardian.co.tt news 9
State closes case in 2006 Judge tells State prosecutors:
Stop bringing weak cases to court
murder of businessman A former director of public prosecu-
tions (DPP) and current High Court
judge has called on State prosecu-
gitimacy of the criminal justice sys-
Justice Henderson pointed out
STORIES BY DEREK ACHONG weapon. tors to reconsider bringing weak that by July 31, last year, there were
Senior Reporter Hall also claimed that Mc Bain cases before the courts. 1,618 pending indictments before
derek.achong@guardian.co.tt showed him a revolver, which Justice Geoffrey Henderson made the High Court.
he is alleged to have stolen after the plea yesterday as he addressed While he acknowledged that the
The State has closed its case stabbing Hackshaw. State prosecutors Brandon Sookoo increased use of plea bargaining
against a man accused of mur- Also testifying yesterday was and Dylan Martin about an incident had helped to ease the backlog of
dering an elderly Caparo busi- Sgt Richardson Evlyn, who re- last week in which they left his court cases, he noted that the majority of
nessman in 2006. corded the statement from Hall before the end of a case, in which cases still have to go to trial before
State prosecutors Charmaine and retrieved the pants and two police officers were acquitted 16 judges.
Samuel and Gillana Guy pre- knife. He denied that he coerced of robbing a businessman in 2008. “It would be most helpful in ad-
sented the evidence of their Hall into giving the statement. Suggesting that the duo may have dressing this backlog, if you, the
remaining witnesses when Rich- “He was calm, co-operative been disappointed by the outcome prosecution services, would show
ard “Bean” Mc Bain’s trial came and willing,” Evlyn said. in that case and several other recent greater care in not bringing cases
up for hearing before Justice Justice Lisa Ramsumair-Hinds He also claimed that it was not cases before him, Justice Henderson to trial, that on your own code, has
Lisa Ramsumair-Hinds at the he claimed he could not remem- unusual that the statement was noted that the low conviction rate little prospect of conviction,” Justice
Hall of Justice in Port-of-Spain ber giving the information to the given at Hall’s home after mid- experienced by the State depart- Henderson said.
yesterday morning. police and refused to testify. night. ment, which he led for six years Dealing specifically with Sookoo
The witnesses’ evidence fo- Senior Supt Sean Dhilpaul, “Some witnesses do not like to before being appointed a judge, and Martin’s actions last week,
cused on the pair of pants Mc the complainant in the case, de- come to the station,” he said. was partly due to its insistence to Justice Henderson said he was
Bain was wearing when he alleg- tailed the steps he took to locate Evlyn said after he collected proceed with cases with weak evi- extremely disappointed as he
edly stabbed Stephen Hackshaw Hall before the start of the trial. the pants from the Forensic Sci- dence. previously viewed the duo as
to death during a botched home Dhilpaul said he visited Hall’s ence Centre he stored it at the Justice Henderson said, “You have hard-working and competent.
invasion on April 16, 2006. home at Montrose, Chagua- property room at the San Fer- the court spending valuable time “Your behaviour last week shat-
Mc Bain’s former friend, Mar- nas, and spoke to Farrell, who nando Police Station. He said it and taxpayers’ resources on pursu- tered my view of you. It shattered
vin St Clair, who he worked claimed his siblings had mi- was destroyed in a fire at that ing cases that are not viable. If you my confidence in you,” he said.
with as a mason and sugar cane grated to Guyana for a job. location in 2009. have lime, you can only make lime Justice Henderson said he was in-
harvester, testified that his wife Dhilpaul also said that immi- After Dhilpaul closed the case, juice.” itially willing to continue to preside
gave Mc Bain the pair of grey gration officials indicated that Mc Bain elected to not testify in He repeatedly referred to a code over cases being prosecuted by the
and black pants, which had be- Hall had not left T&T through a his defence or call witnesses. Jus- for prosecutors implemented in duo, but admitted that he changed
longed to her deceased son, sev- lawful port as he had never been tice Ramsumair-Hinds advised 2012, which states that prosecutors his mind after holding discussions
eral months before the attack on issued a passport. He also re- the jury to not make adverse can stop a case at any stage, with with DPP Roger Gaspard, SC, over
Hackshaw. St Clair claimed he vealed that while Hall renewed inferences based on his decision the approval of the DPP, if a convic- the uncharacteristic behaviour.
saw Mc Bain wearing the pants his driver’s permit in 2022, he to remain silent. tion seems unlikely. “I really did not want you back
hours before the attack when he used the same address that he “The law says he is entitled “Consider whether you have been here ... I would not tolerate any
passed by his house and asked (Dhilpaul) was familiar with. to remain silent ... You cannot obedient to your own code,” Justice discourtesy. It is unacceptable,” he
him for a cigarette. Dhilpaul also said that prison hold his silence against him,” Henderson advised. said.
He also claimed that he saw officials told him Hall was not in she said. He also specifically referred to
Mc Bain with a unique combat their custody. Prosecutors and Mc Bain’s de- several recent cases before him
knife, which he is alleged to After hearing the evidence, fence attorneys are expected to which were allowed to proceed
have used to murder Hackshaw. Justice Ramsumair-Hinds al- deliver their closing addresses to with weak evidence and resulted
Prosecutors also sought to the jury when the trial resumes Responding to the comments, both
lowed prosecutors to tender in accused people being freed due Sookoo and Martin apologised for what
lead the evidence of Mervyn Hall’s statement, given to police this afternoon. to legal challenges or acquitted by transpired.
Hall, Mc Bain’s friend, who told hours after the murder, into ev- The jury is expected to de- juries. However, they both denied that their
police Mc Bain informed him idence. liberate after Justice Ramsu- “If we don’t spend time on cases hasty exit was due to the outcome of
about his plan to rob Hackshaw In the statement, Hall said mair-Hinds summarises the legal with no realistic prospect of convic- the trial as they claimed that they had
and came to him for a place to when he refused to allow Mc issues and evidence for them tion, then time could be focused on to respond to an emergency.
hide after the murder. Bain to stay at his home after next week. stronger cases or those with vulner- “The incident had nothing to do
On Monday, Hall’s brother, he confessed to murdering Mc Bain is being represented able witnesses or young persons,” with the verdict but this is not the
Gary Farrell, who allegedly Hackshaw, Mc Bain left his by Stephen Wilson and Ayanna he said, as he noted that the low appropriate forum to go into details,”
made similar claims, was blood-stained pants and a bag Norville of the Public Defenders’ Sookoo said.
conviction rate undermines the le-
deemed a hostile witness after containing the alleged murder Department.

Police officer gets leave

to sue CoP over transfer
A police constable has been nication. The notice indicated
given the green light to pursue a that he could face disciplinary
lawsuit against the Office of the action if he committed further
Police Commissioner for failing breaches.
to disclose the reasons for issu- The following day, a senior
ing him a warning notice and officer took him to the Belmont
transferring him from a special- Police Station to conduct what Justice Avason Quinlan-Williams
ised unit. he believed was a routine fire-
High Court Judge Avason arm and ammunition check. His ing that they need the infor-
Quinlan-Williams yesterday colleague then informed him mation to consider whether he
granted leave for the judicial re- that he had been instructed to could pursue a separate lawsuit
view case to the officer, whose relieve him of his service pistol. challenging the decision.
identity was withheld due to the Almost a week later, the of- The officer is seeking a series
pending disciplinary action. ficer was informed that he had of declarations over the failure
In June 2022, the officer was been transferred from the PSB to give a decision on the disclo-
assigned to the Professional to the Gender-Based Violence sure and an order compelling it.
Standards Bureau (PSB) which Unit of the Special Victims De- The T&T Police Service is ex-
is tasked with investigating re- partment. pected to respond to the case
ports of criminal conduct by po- His lawyers filed the lawsuit once it is filed and served based
lice officers. On June 5 last year, after they wrote to the Police on orders issued by Justice
he received a warning notice for Commissioner’s Office request- Quinlan-Williams.
alleged shortcomings in his per- ing the reasons and/or justifica- The officer was represented
formance in terms of reporting, tion for the move and received by Michael Rooplal, Kristy
teamwork and effective commu- no response. They are contend- Mohan, and Gisanne Ramjit.
10 news Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Caricom optimistic of Haitian-led solution to crisis

Senior Reporter
Experts warn that gangs could hamper process
While Caricom and its interna-
tional partners are confident that
establishing a transitional presi-
dential council will help restore
order in Haiti, there is some scep-
Following a high-level meeting
in Jamaica on Monday, Caricom
chairman Dr Irfaan Ali, the Presi-
dent of Guyana, said stakeholders
met to present options and ideas
to Haitians so they could define
and own their solutions to the
socioeconomic crisis. At a press Haiti’s Prime Minister Ariel Henry
conference on Monday night, Ali Haiti,” Ali said.
called on partners to amplify the In a statement, Caricom an-
voice of Haitian stakeholders—po- nounced its commitment to a
litical, civil and faith-based organ- transitional governance arrange-
isations—to arrive at a consensus ment for a peaceful transition of
on an effective and inclusive tran- power, governance continuity, an
sitional structure to take the action plan for near-term security
country towards general elections and free and fair elections.
within a short time. “This commitment reflects hard
Ali said the situation in Haiti compromises among a diverse Barbados Prime Minister Mia Mottley, from left, with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Guyana’s President
was deteriorating drastically and coalition of actors who have put Irfaan Ali and Jamaica’s Prime Minister Andrew Holness attend an emergency meeting on Haiti at the Conference of
the country is on the brink of dis- their country above all differ- Heads of Government of the Caribbean Community in Kingston, Jamaica, on Monday. PICTURES AP
aster. He said Caricom must take ences,” the statement read.
quick and decisive actions to re- Caricom also acknowledged state, with its government and “I think they will suffer the tied to and have a relationship
turn the country to the Haitian that Haitian Prime Minister Ariel security structures replaced by same challenge the previous gov- with Guy Philippe. He is one of
people and the difficult decision Henry will resign upon the estab- gangs and illicit groups and a tran- ernment faced, the inability to the gang people and convicted
will have to be in the interest of lishment of the council and the sitional government would need govern. You cannot govern under of criminal offences, and he was
the Haitian people. naming of an interim prime min- to restore order with measures to those conditions where there is in jail in the US. There are others
“I am very confident that we ister. bring a longer-term approach to no security structure in place. as well that have ties to the gangs
have found commonality, that However, weighing in on the dealing with violence. The prison system is a mess, and and people who were part of ear-
we have found a common path issue, international relations ex- He commended Caricom’s ef- the police force is a mess and pen- lier governments,” Abdulah said.
through which we can support pert Prof Andy Knight said the forts but said the international etrated by illicit forces within the Shortly before Prime Minis-
a Haitian-led solution and a Hai- Haitian problem requires more community must bring an effec- country,” he said. ter Ariel Henry said he would
tian-owned solution for the pros- than interventional forces. tive strategy to transform the He said the transitional govern- resign and Caribbean officials
perity of Haiti for the stability of Knight said Haiti was a failed failed security structure. ment also has to come from the announced the creation of a tran-
Knight said he was inter- people, building from the bottom sitional council, Jimmy Chéri-
ested to see which countries up, but the gangs will not allow zier, a former elite police officer
will join the UN Security that to happen unless they are known as “Barbecue” who leads
VACANCY Council’s Multinational Secu- part of the solutions themselves. the G9 Family and Allies gang
LIV E IN HOUSEKEEPER/ CAREGIV ER rity Support (MSS) mission to Knight said it would be a disaster held an impromptu news confer-
Haiti, as well as the actions of for the people carrying out shoot- ence and rejected any solution
Live-in Housekeeper responsible for t he operat ing/ m aint aining of ALL household
act ivit ies. the larger countries respon- ings and murders to be part of a led and supported by the interna-
sible for Haiti’s deterioration. governance arrangement. tional community.
Scope of responsibilit ies: He said throwing money at Assembly of Caribbean People “It’s the Haitian people who
This is a f ull t im e, live-in posit ion w it hin t he household and as Housekeeper/ Caregiver, the issue will not help, as the committee member David Abdu- know what they’re going through.
you w ill be required t o m anage all aspect s of t he household, including but not lim it ed t o:
problem goes way back to lah reiterated the organisation’s It’s the Haitian people who are
• Planning and coordinat ing daily schedules and act ivit ies required for t he
m aint enance of t he hom e- int ernal and ext ernal. France’s treatment of Haiti. statement that there should be going to take destiny into their
• Inspect ing room s and laundry room facilit ies t o ensure high st andards are m et and “These are long-term no criminal gang members in- own hands. Haitian people will
all equipm ent is in proper w orking order. structural issues that cannot volved in restoring order to Haiti. choose who will govern them,” he
• Laundry service inclusive of ironing, w ashing and general household service. be resolved with a band-aid He said some political parties on said.
• Planning, preparing and cooking m eals in accordance w it h proper nut rit ion and solution,” he said. the council had close links to the It’s unclear whether Chérizier,
diet ary requirem ent s. gangs and some were part of for- considered Haiti’s most power-
Knight does not have high
• Planning, preparat ion and ordering of supplies and m aint enance of household
hopes for a transitional mer president Michel Martelly’s ful gang leader, and other armed
invent ory.
• Taking care of t he needs of household. government. He said the government. Canada sanctioned groups will accept the plan to cre-
• Must be w illing t o w ork on all w eekends and public holidays w it h long hours. security, legal, and judicial Martelly and two former prime ate a transitional council.
• Execut ing of all child care needs w hile being a key infl uencer in t he daily act ivit ies systems need addressing all ministers for gang financing in The council will be responsible
of t oddler’s rout ine. at once and it will take a long 2022. for appointing an interim prime
• Feeding on t im e, bat h on t im e, play t im e included. time to replace the failing “For example, Pitit Desalin is minister, and the new leader will
Requirem ent s: structures with substantive the party of Claude Joseph, for- work with the council to select a
• Minim um 10 years relevant experience w it h housekeeping, m eal preparat ion and and effective institutions. mer prime minister. They are council of ministers.

Tw o references, ( 1) current em ployer ( 2) w it hin t he past t hree( 3) years.
A valid Police Charact er Cert ifi cat e ( not m ore t han 3 m ont hs old) .
Tw o form s of valid pict ure ident ifi cat ion ( Passport , ID Card, Driver’s Perm it ) .
CoP meets with the Tobago Chamber today
• Tw o passport size phot os. ELIZABETH GONZALES Harewood-Christopher The business community and
• Candidat es m ay be subject t o an in dept h background check. Tobago Correspondent is also expected to meet other stakeholders are also ea-
All applicant s m ust subm it a copy of t heir applicat ion w it h resum e and phot o by M arch with other stakeholders this gerly awaiting her arrival.”
20 , 20 24 , t o: Police Commissioner Erla Hare- evening. Tobago has already recorded
wood-Christopher will meet Speaking about the im- six murders for the year com-
22A King St reet , Arim a
with members of the Tobago portance of the meeting last pared to just one during the
Em ail: job0 324apply@gm ail.com Division of the T&T Chamber of month, Williams said, “It is crit- same period last year.
Industry and Commerce today. ical that we have this meeting. Williams said he would pro-
Applicant s are also required t o subm it a copy of applicat ion w it h resum e t o: This follows a request made We have been eagerly anticipat- pose the establishment of a
The Chief Manpow er Of fi cer last December by the cham- ing it since December, follow- specialised crime plan that
Minist ry of Labour & Sm all and Micro Ent erprises Developm ent ber’s chairman Curtis Williams ing the first murder in January. would target the major issues
50 -54 Duke St reet , for an emergency meeting after We are pleased to confirm that of murders and larceny that
Port of Spain. the island’s record-high murder she will be meeting with us and have been affecting the island
toll of 14. we are looking forward to it. for the past 20 years.
Wednesday, March 13, 2024
guardian.co.tt news 11
Moruga fire victim dies
Senior Multimedia Reporter

A week after he was critically

injured in a fire that destroyed
his Moruga home, Wendell Cal-
lender, a 28-year-old father of
two, died of his injuries at the
San Fernando General Hospital.
Callender, who lived alone
and was unemployed, suffered
burns to 85 per cent of his body
in the fire at his home on Main-
got Trace, Basse Terre Village,
on March 4.
In an attempt to escape the
flames, he jumped 12 feet from
The mangled wreck of this Toyota Tercel is wrapped around a utility pole after
19-year-old Justin Nunes Xavier lost control of his car while driving along the Uriah his kitchen door but suffered
Butler Highway in the vicinity of the Grand Bazaar Mall yesterday. severe injuries, including loss
PICTURE ABRAHAM DIAZ of sight and burns all over his

San Juan teen killed

A relative, who did not want Chris Callender looks at the remains of the home where his brother,
Wendell (inset), lived. PICTURE RISHI RAGOONATH
to be identified, said Callender
remained in critical condition state, he was unable to save ters. His sister Camille Charles
until his death. himself. Germiah said the family had

in highway crash Relatives believe his cigarette

ignited the mattress on which
he slept and in his drunken
In addition to his two chil-
dren, Callendar is survived by
ten other brothers and two sis-
often spoken to him about his
excessive smoking and drink-

Senior Reporter

A San Juan teenager died yesterday

morning when the car he was driv-
ing crashed into a light post as he
attempted to switch lanes near the
Grand Bazaar intersection.
The accident caused a traffic
pile-up as motorists stopped and
rushed out of their vehicles to assist
19-year-old Justin Nunes Xavier.
Xavier, of Real Street, San Juan,
was driving his white Toyota Tercel
south along the Uriah Butler Highway
around 7.50 am, when he attempted
to switch from the left lane and lost
control of the vehicle. It crashed into 19-year-old Justin Nunes Xavier died in
a light pole opposite the Pro-Tech a car crash yesterday.
Shipping Company.
Officials at the scene said the car injuries.
was “totally damaged.” There were no other fatalities or
Xavier was taken to the Eric Wil- injuries as a result of the accident,
liams Medical Sciences Complex, Mt and no damage was done to the light
Hope, where he succumbed to his pole.


Sunday and
12 Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Arima Mayor
Balliram Maharaj
delivers a pitch
during the first
Kickingball Cup

2024 in celebration
of International
Women’s Day at the
Arima Savannah on
Sunday. The event
was organised by La
Casita Hispanic
Established 1917 Cultural Centre and
sponsored by the

Kamla has tough choice to make International

Organisation for
Migration. PICTURE
Recent hasty moves by National Transformation MARIELA BRUZUAL
Alliance (NTA) leader Gary Griffith and his Progressive
Empowerment Party (PEP) counterpart, Phillip Alexander,

espite Ariel Henry’s resig-

Caricom’s Haiti
to align themselves with the United National Congress (UNC)
nation offer–and it is pro-
of Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar have raised
visional upon several
more than a few eyebrows nationally, with political analyst important prerequisites–Caricom
Dr Indira Rampersad aptly describing the actions as ‘crab in

deliberations and action on Haiti
a barrel’ behaviour. have still fallen short of an ulti-
And while we are not about to tell Mrs Persad-Bissessar mate solution, but so has every
what she should and should not do, we stand on the side of other prescription from everyone
those who are very sceptical about the political intentions else.
of these two men and about whether they have anything of
real benefit to offer the UNC.
The main difference, though, is
that the regional grouping is en-
Wesley Gibbings
gaging the deadly situation fully
The Opposition Leader would, therefore, do well to tread
mindful of the contagion of chaos,
carefully on any alliance with either the NTA or PEP at this the requirements of enlightened an internationally supervised, Among the “things to be done”,
time. self-interest, and a sense of frater- circumscribed or “defensive” de- therefore, is for our countries to
Undoubtedly Mrs Persad-Bissessar is aware of the need for nal responsibility. mocracy–meaning that the main get such international commit-
such caution, which could explain her statement two weeks The latter, of course, prevails tenets of liberal democracy would ments right. This extends beyond
ago, which angered Mr Griffith, to the effect that she would even though Haiti’s membership be made to adjust and match the the crisis in Haiti.
not allow minor parties to dictate terms to the UNC ahead of had defied even CLR James’s no- limited ability of the country to We have been through some of
the upcoming general elections campaign, while calling on tion of “natural (West Indian) function in accordance with such this before. The advocacy of a few
them to demonstrate what they could bring to the table. unity.” But the regional move- values. influential leaders back in 1995-98
ment has long crossed that im- This is, in fact, not an unknown to promote Haitian membership
The NTA leader, who recently expressed confidence in
portant and seriously difficult Haitian reality, including the role of the Caricom fold had offered
his party’s ability to rally the support of 200,000 voters, Rubicon. of thugs and other criminals. implicit assurances of an ability
swiftly fired back at Mrs Persad-Bissessar but promptly It is important that Caricom has Easy for the rest of us to say, to mitigate the possibilities for
calmed down when he discovered that certain high-ranking also, at least now, recognised the I suppose. But there are reality collateral regional injury. It sim-
members of the UNC were inclined to support him over slow, incremental nature of any checks concerned onlookers to ply has not turned out that way.
Mr Alexander in any political accommodation. lasting resolution of long-standing developments they need to un- Regional diplomatic folk speak
At the same time, Mr Alexander, who spent the majority anomalies and dysfunctionalities dertake. Well-meaning naivete quietly of the numerous chal-
of the last five years criticising the UNC as being no different in that country. rooted in romantic notions of a lenges, including uneven recip-
from the incumbent People’s National Movement (PNM), Invasions, even by invitation first black republic has for the rocal support when required on
(whose?), do not have the best re- moment to be put aside. hemispheric and international
appeared to have gone into panic mode and did precisely
cord of success, unless there are Ditto the tendency to over-sim- stages. This is that troublesome
what Mrs Persad-Bissessar had told the smaller parties not to plans A, B, and C that take street- plify the deeply intractable diffi- sibling at the dinner table.
do, by giving the UNC an ultimatum to choose between him level realities into account. The culties of Haiti. This goes beyond Yet, there is cause to consider
and Mr Griffith. question of what happens next is merely saying “I’m sorry” or a meaningful role in ensuring
Since then, the PEP leader has seemingly had a change of thus of supreme importance. calling on Caricom to fix things that such a regional democratic
heart and is now saying that he is willing to work with Gary— The absence of Ariel Henry quickly. hotspot is urgently attended to.
the same man he wanted absolutely nothing to do with less from the country provided both For Jamaica and The Bahamas– Monday’s meeting in Jamaica
than a week prior and was dead-set against having as an opportunities and challenges. It both represented on the Caricom may have led to a variety of con-
alliance partner. was felt by some that his ques- Eminent Persons Group (EPG) clusions in the public sphere, but
tionable occupation of office since on Haiti–ongoing strife in Haiti it certainly signalled engagement
We can only hope that Mrs Persad-Bissessar and the UNC
the murder of Jovenel Moise, in- is a lived reality in their respec- of the quality some considered to
will see these political machinations for exactly what they cluding Henry’s dubious support tive countries given geographical have been beyond our capabili-
are. base, helped suspend rather than proximity and relatively easy ac- ties.
The Opposition Leader also needs to ask and answer for encourage enthusiastic global cess by sea. There is a lot more to be done,
herself what exactly are the proven track records of Gary support in the current crisis. It has not helped that these two both by us and others. The UN
and Phillip, and how can they help the UNC politically at this For example, growth in finan- neighbours have not always man- Humanitarian Needs Response
time. cial support for a Kenya-led UN aged the process of integrating Plan for Haiti, with a budget of
Also, can the UNC trust either of these men, or will their Multinational Security Support fleeing Haitians, and some hard US$674 million, now stands at a
loyalties whittle away, based on the prevailing political Mission in Haiti, up to Monday questions remain regarding the fraction of what is needed.
when Caricom met, appeared to forcible expulsion (refoulement) The Caricom meeting attracted
breeze blowing on any given day?
have stalled. of asylum-seekers (as has been attention and active participation
Furthermore, what is the ultimate wish of Gary and With gangs, and their barely the case of T&T and the Venezue- from a wide cross-section of the
Phillip? Is it to ultimately lead the UNC, or are they prepared closeted political allies firmly in lans, by the way). international community. I have
to accept a lower status within the context of a political charge of major sections of Port- Some may contend such re- seen where it has been described
merger? au-Prince, and open aspirations sponses are justifiable, given the as a mere “talk shop”. There are
At the end of the day when all of these questions are asked being expressed by known mis- fact of limited absorptive capac- people who have clearly not been
and answered, Mrs Persad-Bissessar may well decide that creants, there still appear to be ity–geographical, economic, so- following what has been happen-
the UNC, under her leadership, stands a better chance of few durable options available cial, and cultural in nature. Yet, ing. This is a significant Haiti mo-
defeating the PNM by going it alone. even in a post-Henry era. they do nothing to alleviate un- ment for Caricom. But it’s not yet
This may come in the form of derlying causative factors. over.
Time will tell.
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Wednesday, March 13, 2024
guardian.co.tt opinion 13
T he individualist courage of two
weeks ago has already been for-
gotten. Branding the Ministry of Health
little sense in seeing a poster encouraging the
daily consumption of fruits and vegetables while
awaiting treatment in the diabetes ward; by then
Which is understandable, given it’s too late.
that there was no backup plan to
support the courageous individual’s
action, an omission made more frus-
Sheldon Waithe We cannot open the barn door for a fleeting
moment of heartfelt observance, and then close
it in the wake of spurred calls for higher taxes on
trating because said individual holds Creative Director at Communique Media Services Ltd the offending food items. Instead, we should meet
the power to have created the sup- the issue head-on by taking the matter to where
port plan in the first instance. unhealthy food is winning the battle, which is in
Apologies for the innuendo dear The increasing pressure upon our does not have the resources to match the adver- advertising and promotion.
reader, please cast your minds back health system emanates equally tising budgets of global giants such as the big two It’s time for the Ministry of Health to think stra-
to last month’s bold and brave state- from the home as well as the line to soft drink manufacturers or the nation’s favour- tegically because as it was pointed out two weeks
ment by the Minister of Health, the fast food cashier. A gallant, news- ite fried chicken franchise, is a worrying cop-out. ago, lives are at stake.
which broke protocol with a refresh- worthy statement should be all-en- It sends a message that Government thinks that
ingly emboldened fact-based attack compassing, for reasons of fairness it must match, or surpass, the spend of these Sheldon Waithe is the Creative Director at
upon the nation’s rapidly increasing but more importantly, for reasons of brands to have a positive effect and to inspire the Communique Media Services Ltd website:
fatty foods and sugar addiction. In- overall education. necessary behavioural changes to our eating hab- communiquett.com
stead of the usual generalisations From a logical perspective, call- its. It is a white flag of surrender that is at odds
uttered on the podium, names were ing out the problem in an unprec- with the boldness of the initial statement.
called–names of specific brands and edented manner then demands The Ministry of Health must see itself as a
franchises that hold considerable fi- follow-up action that acts as the solu- brand, where healthy living and eating is one of
nancial might in T&T, resulting in ex- tion. Otherwise, we are left with the its main products that require ample promotion
tensive media coverage for an issue practice of confirming knowledge of to reach its target audience with the necessary
that is crippling our citizens’ health, the issue but then doing nothing to triggers such as a call to action, to get the buy-in
but one that has been absorbed into meaningfully confront it. from the population.
its lifestyle with seamless ease. Progressing a society necessi- This does not require the TT$27 billion cola ad-
Comparisons were made to hard tates acting upon the observations, vertising budget that the minister mentioned. It
drugs, while there was a realistic in this case dealing with the global requires thoughtful, inspirational, entertaining,
angle of practising moderation, epidemic of poor diets. Observation long-term campaigns that will resonate with the
rather than the cold turkey approach with no action is frustrating because T&T psyche, informing and educating along the
of entire abstinence. There was even
acknowledgement of an expected
it means that the problem has been way. Using our colloquialisms, culture and in- QUESTION:
recognised but there is no tactical finite creativity in an intuitive manner to encour-
backlash. This was the heady stuff, nous, no strategy, to act. Which is age healthier eating habits in conjunction with DO YOU AGREE WITH THE DECISION
the opening of a portal towards a par for the course because it is part healthier lifestyles, especially for young minds NOT TO PROBE THE SSA MATTER
clandestine land seldom visited by a
T&T Health Minister.
of the organisational culture of the that are being bombarded by the colourful mes- BEFORE THE JSC?
public sector. saging of big brands. That is where the Ministry of
Except that, for all the commend- But the mould has been broken Health needs to match and surpass, with content. PICTURES KRISTIAN DE SILVA
able bravado, it was partial in its with many aspects of the minister’s Content that pops with a 21st-century marketing
scope. Thus, it amounted to an ob- speech, so it can also be broken with ‘sexiness’. Khemraj Balgobin, 55, Penal,
servation and a plea, instead of an action that will save lives. In addition Readers of a certain age will recall the ‘Chase vendor
announcement and a plan. to omitting the unhealthy cooking Charlie Away’ and ‘Coke is a crack shot’ cam- “No, I don’t agree. Why, because
The assault upon unhealthy eat- practices in the home kitchen or the paigns of the mid-1980s; they were simple yet I think it should be investigated.”
ing habits did not include the T&T sugary snacking that occupies large powerful and to a certain degree, they worked.
kitchen, where delicious dishes orig- parts of our daily regimen, there was They resonated with the population because they
inate from being fried in oil or lashed also a worrying sense of surrender. were local in their scope, they entertained, and
with generous portions of trans fat. The statement that Government the frequency of the messaging blanketed the Kevin Deo, 21, Penal, vendor
media platforms that were available. “Well, no. I don’t agree with
In the 21st century, we have the ability for much that at all. I think they should
greater reach with tailored messaging, given the
plethora of communication apps in the palm of
our hands. If we are to inspire healthy lifestyles, Bissoondaye Mahabir, 71,
then we must empower our citizens with infor- Siparia, pensioner
mation through aggressive promotion that acts “No, I do not agree. I find that is
as a proactive tool for all generations. There is unfair to a lot of people.”

Kavita Motichan, 34, Penal,

“No, I don’t agree because I
believe people need to know.”

Chandini Radhaykissoon, 23,

Siparia, cashier
“No, I don’t think I agree with
that. I think the matter needs
to be addressed and be made

Sieunarine Roopnarine, 69,

Debe, cashier
“Nah, nah, I don’t agree with
that. With decisions like that
nothing will go right in the

Of the 564 online respondents,

here is a tally of the answers


14 Wednesday, March 13, 2024
Trinidad & Tobago

Haiti prepares for new

leadership after PM resigns;
gangs want seat at the table
Politicians across Haiti are scram-
bling for power after Prime Min-
ister Ariel Henry announced

Digest yesterday that he would resign

once a transitional presidential
council is created.
But elbowing their way into the
RAFAH In this photo taken from video, race are powerful gangs that con-
smoke rises from a crashed Russian trol 80 per cent of Haiti’s capital
Aid ship sets sail to Gaza where military Il-76 transport plane
outside Ivanovo, Russia.
and demand a say in the future of
the troubled country under siege.
thousands face starvation MOSCOW
No one mentioned the armed
groups as Caribbean leaders con-
five months into war Russian military gratulated themselves late Mon-
day for setting Haiti on a new
An aid ship loaded with some 200
tonnes of food set sail for Gaza
departed from the eastern Medi-
terranean island nation of Cyprus plane with 15 people political path, and experts warned
that nothing will change unless
yesterday in a pilot programme
for the opening of a sea corridor
and is expected to arrive in Gaza
in two to three days.
on board crashes on gangs become part of the conver-
Haiti’s Prime Minister Ariel Henry

to the territory, where the five-

month-old Israel-Hamas war has
The United States has separately
announced plans to construct a
takeoff, officials say “Gangs have become stronger,
“It’s the Haitian people
who know what they’re going
A Russian military transport and they have the upper hand in
driven hundreds of thousands of sea bridge near Gaza in order to through. It’s the Haitian people
plane with 15 people on board terms of security,” said Renata
Palestinians to the brink of star- deliver aid, but it will likely be sev- who are going to take destiny
crashed yesterday while taking Segura of the International Crisis
vation. eral weeks before it is operational. into their own hands. Haitian
off from an air base in western Group.
The push to get food in by sea— President Joe Biden’s administra- people will choose who will gov-
Russia, the Defence Ministry said. “This transition is not influ-
along with a recent campaign of tion has provided crucial military ern them,” Chérizier said.
It said the Il-76 aircraft with encing the day-to-day security of
air drops into isolated northern aid for Israel while urging it to fa- He has yet to react to the
eight crew and seven passengers Haiti. We are very concerned.”
Gaza—highlighted the interna- cilitate more humanitarian access. looming resignation, which he
crashed in the Ivanovo region. Gangs have deep ties to Haiti’s
tional community’s frustration The war, triggered by Hamas’ has long sought as he claimed
It didn’t say whether there were political and economic elite, but
with the growing humanitarian October 7 attack on Israel, has responsibility for co-ordinated
any survivors. they have become more inde-
crisis and its inability to get aid in killed over 30,000 Palestinians attacks on critical government
Ivanovo Gov Stanislav pendent, financing their opera-
by road. and driven most of Gaza’s 2.3 mil- targets that began February 29
Voskresensky offered condo- tions with kidnapping ransoms to
The food on the aid ship was lion people from their homes. while the prime minister was in
lences to the victims’ families. buy smuggled weapons, including
collected by World Central A quarter of Gaza’s popula- Kenya pushing for the UN-backed
He said there was no damage on belt-fed machine guns and .50-ca-
Kitchen, the charity founded by tion is starving, according to the deployment of a police force to
the ground. liber sniper rifles that allow them
celebrity chef José Andrés, and is United Nations, because they can- help fight gangs.
The Defence Ministry said in a to overpower underfunded police.
being transported by the Spanish not find enough food or afford it In recent weeks, gangs have
statement that an engine fire dur- More than 200 gangs are esti-
aid group Open Arms. The ship at vastly inflated prices. torched police stations, forced
ing takeoff was the likely cause of mated to operate around Haiti,
the closure of Haiti’s two inter-
the crash. It said a team of inves- mostly in Port-au-Prince and sur-
national airports and stormed
tigators flew to Ivanovo to con- rounding areas. More than 20 of
the country’s two biggest pris-
duct a probe. them are based in the capital and
ons, freeing more than 4,000
Russian media broadcast a rally around two main coalitions:
video showing the aircraft head- G9 Family and Allies led by Jimmy
Scores of people have been
ing down with at least one of its Chérizier, a former elite police of-
killed, and the UN says more
engines ablaze. ficer known as “Barbecue”; and
than 15,000 Haitians have been
The four-engine Il-76 is a heavy- G-Pep, led by Gabriel Jean-Pierre,
left homeless by the recent at-
lift transport plane that has been who is allied with Johnson André,
in service since the 1970s with leader of the 5 Seconds gang and
It’s unclear whether Chérizier,
the Soviet and then Russian air known as “Izo”.
considered Haiti’s most powerful
force. Shortly before Prime Minis-
gang leader, and other armed
Yesterday’s crash came on a ter Ariel Henry said he would
groups will accept the plan to
day when the Defence Ministry resign and Caribbean officials
create a transitional council.
reported dozens of attacks on announced the creation of a tran-
The council will be responsible
Russia by Ukrainian drones. In sitional council, Chérizier held an
for appointing an interim prime
the past, Ukrainian drones hit impromptu news conference and
minister, and the new leader will
The ship, left, belonging to the Open Arms aid group with aid on a platform some military air bases deep in- rejected any solution led and sup-
work with the council to select a
ferry carrying 200 tonnes of rice and flour directly to Gaza, departs from the side Russia. ported by the international com-
council of ministers. (AP Stories)
port of the southern city of Larnaca, Cyprus, yesterday. PICTURE AP munity.
At least 7 dead, 38 rescued after migrant boat is found near Spain’s Canary Islands
Two bodies have been found in a hospital on the island including ropean Union to announce a new
a migrant boat making the risky four in critical condition, Spain’s migration partnership with Mau-
but increasingly popular voyage Maritime Rescue Service and the ritania in February including 210
from West Africa towards Spain’s Red Cross said. The survivors million euros ($229 million) for
Canary Islands, and survivors said came from Mauritania, Mali and the nation to crack down on smug-
five other people died and were Ivory Coast and included seven glers and stop departures.
put overboard, maritime rescuers women, Rodríguez Verona said. Nearly 12,000 people landed
and the Red Cross said yesterday. They told rescuers another five in the Canaries in the first two
There were 38 survivors. The people died during the voyage and months of the year, according to
migrants had departed Nouak- were put into the ocean, he added. Spain’s Interior Ministry, more
chott, Mauritania’s capital, ten Spanish authorities have been than six times the number for the
days earlier, according to José An- grappling with a surge in migrants same period last year.
tonio Rodríguez Verona, a Spanish and refugees fleeing poverty, con- Last week, two pirogues that
Red Cross co-ordinator. A mer- flict and instability in West Africa had left Mauritania were found
chant vessel spotted them drifting heading to the archipelago, which drifting near Cape Verde, police
on Monday evening 87 miles south is used as a stepping stone to con- said. Eleven survivors were res-
of Gran Canaria. tinental Europe. cued from one boat and five from FILE: Empty boats used by migrants are moored at the port of Arguineguin
Twelve survivors were taken to The increase prompted the Eu- the second. in the Canary island of Gran Canaria, Spain.

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Third Massy executive leaving group

Massy Holdings Ltd’s executive counsel, Angelique Parisot-Pot- alarming issue is the so-called ex- rectors effective April 6, 2024,”
vice president of global expan- ter, who resigned from the com- ecutive leadership programme, according to a notice from Massy.
sion, David O’Brien, on Friday, pany effective December 27, which has been present in our Warner joined the group as a
announced his intention to re- 2023. organisation for over a decade. Massy Holdings Ltd director in
sign from the company effective Parisot-Potter used the group’s This programme involves fre- 2004 and was named as presi-
June 8, according to a notice from 100th annual meeting on De- quent travel to Fort Myers, Flor- dent and group CEO in 2009.
the group posted on the website cember 18, 2023 to raise issues ida, and weekly commitments for Warner is being replaced by
of the T&T Stock Exchange yes- about Massy’s spending of scarce over a year at a cost per partici- David Affonso, who currently
terday. foreign exchange on an execu- pant of tens of thousands of US serves as chairman of the group’s
O’Brien retired as executive tive management programme in dollars for which there were over integrated retail portfolio which
chairman of the motors & ma- Fort Myers, Florida that she said 11 participants last year, alone. comprises more than 65 super-
chines portfolio at the end of involves “bizarre rituals” and “Their bizarre rituals include markets and seven food and
September, 2022, following “highly dubious activities.” that they can train Massy em- non-food distribution businesses
which he was appointed to his At the annual meeting, Pari- ployees to communicate with the across the Caribbean from Flor-
current position. sot-Potter said she was obliged dead and that attendees can self ida USA to Guyana South Amer-
O’Brien is the third executive to speak about significant gov- heal with ‘white light energy’.” ica.
of Massy to announce their de- ernance and fiduciary concerns, The second Massy executive to Massy’s profit attributable to
parture from the company in the as she detailed in a 13-page docu- announce their departure from its shareholders for its first quar-
last three months. ment, which she had previously the group was Warner, “who has ter ended December 31, 2023,
David O’Brien, executive vice
The first to go was Massy’s shared with the group’s CEO, undertaken to proceed on early was $182.69 million, 6.2 per cent president for global expansion,
executive vice president of busi- Gervase Warner. retirement from the company below its profit in the same quar- Massy Holdings. PICTURE COURTESY
ness integrity and group general “Among other matters, one and retire from its board of di- ter the previous year. MASSY GROUP

Mastercard T&TEC closing PoS store

Senior Reporter
at this moment. The people you all are going
to inconvenience are huge, but you all don’t
care, cause it’s not hampering your situation.

new The T&T Electricity Commission (T&TEC) has

announced the permanent closure of its Nich-
“You all know a lot of people don’t like this
online thing, some people do not use comput-
ers, phones, or tablets, as they are not tech-

olas Tower customer service centre at Port-of- nology-savvy, but T&TEC forcing people who
Spain, effective March 22. cannot get to you all by 3.30 pm to do what?
In a statement on its Facebook page yester- Where do you go? You are all just wrong about

for region
day, T&TEC did not indicate the reason for the this. The thoroughfare is not enough, because
closure, but apologised for the inconvenience I went in the other day to ask a question and it
caused. was so nice to walk in and get an answer and
Mastercard has appointed Kiki Del Valle However, T&TEC assured that the other 14 walk right out.”
as the division president for North Latin service centres remain open for business as Another user said “Think rent has probably
America, encompassing key regions such usual, Mondays to Fridays, from 8 am to 3.45 risen but I’m so upset... it’s already difficult to
as Mexico, Central America and the Carib- pm. get time off to pay bills... Nicholas Tower was
Division president for North Latin America, In October 2021, T&TEC moved its down- the easiest to pay as the location was conven-
bean. Kiki Del Valle
In a statement, the company said this town office at Broadway in Port-of-Spain to ient. Now it’s going to be stressful.”
“strategic move” reinforces Mastercard’s served as the executive sponsor for the US Nicholas Tower. While another said “Absolutely foolish
commitment to sustained growth in an Hispanic Group and Women Leadership The company’s decision to close its Nich- move, this centre facilitated the elderly so
ever-evolving and competitive landscape. Networks in the Latin America and the olas Tower office has drawn criticism from much.”
According to the global technology com- Caribbean region and has been instrumen- Facebook users. Another said: “Nah man you all have to be
pany in the payments industry, Del Valle tal in promoting and empowering women One user said, “Nothing you all will stick kidding ... that location is a real convenience.
is a strategic and results-driven executive and minorities in leadership roles. with to help people. So, no sub-outlet in Port- Why close it ... come on T&TEC please recon-
leader with more than two decades of ex- “Kiki Del Valle’s commitment extends to of-Spain. You all are wrong about that. I do sider this decision. Please make another office
perience in digital transformation, global community engagement and social respon- not care. I am not even thinking about myself available in downtown Port-of-Spain.”
product development, financial inclusion, sibility, serving as a board member for Wat-
public-private partnerships and leading erAid Americas and the Damas Foundation
teams across regions world-wide. in Puerto Rico. Throughout her career, she
Further, it said that with over 15 years has mentored more than 100 women and
of dedicated service to Mastercard, Del fintech founders across the Americas.
Valle also brings a wealth of experience to “Amongst some of her accomplishments
her new role, having held diverse leader- are the development of the Tech for Good
ship positions in the US, Global, and Latin Association in Latin America, a private
America and the Caribbean (LAC) regions, partnership to accelerate digital and finan-
including market development, digital cial inclusion efforts across the region in
partnerships, and digital products. 2020, serving as the executive sponsor of
“Under her leadership, Mastercard has Start Path Empodera empowering women
successfully engaged with industry stake- in Colombia and Peru through mentoring
holders across crucial segments, fostering and the development of business skill sets,
strategic dialogues that have solidified and the formation of TodasConectadas, a
the company’s position as the preferred digitization platform developed in partner-
partner for fintech collaborations. Kiki’s ship with UN Women and Microsoft to help
track record exemplifies her dedication to digitise women MSMEs across the entire
advancing Mastercard’s goals in a rapidly Latin America region,” Mastercard added.
changing financial landscape,” the state- The company added it is confident that
ment said. Del Valle’s extensive experience, strate-
Beyond her professional achievements, gic vision, and commitment to inclusive T&TEC’s October 2021
the company said Del Valle is a gender growth will play a pivotal role in propel- notice announcing its
ling the company’s success in North Latin move to Nicholas Tower.
advocate, actively championing diversity
and inclusion within Mastercard as she has America and the Caribbean.
16 stocks Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Daily Report on Trading, Tuesday, March 12, 2024 Stocks valued

ALL T&T INDEX: 1,774.20
$6.18M traded
CHANGE: 16.35 CHANGE: 8.60 BOUGHT/SOLD: 490,792 BOUGHT/SOLD: $6,187,280.13 Overall market activity re-
sulted from trading in 24 secu-
CLOSE CHANGE rities of which two advanced,
($) ($) ($) ($) VOL. ($)
ORDINARY SHARES Trading activity resulted in
AGOSTINI’S LTD 68.25 68.25 68.25 67.50 2,800 68.50 1,650 68.25 12-03-2024 51,432 68.25 the following movements of
ANGOSTURA HOLDINGS 20.03 20.50 20.50 20.05 20 20.50 4,880 20.50 12-03-2024 5,000 20.50 0.47 the TTSE Indices:
ANSA MERCHANT BANK 43.25 45.00 8,999 45.50 1,090 43.25 11-03-2024 43.25
ANSA MCAL 54.20 53.00 52.50 52.50 2,859 57.00 679 52.50 12-03-2024 4,461 52.50 -1.70
• The All T&T Index declined
FIRST CITIZEN GROUP FINANCIAL HOLDINGS 49.50 49.74 49.50 49.55 140 49.70 106 49.50 12-03-2024 1,327 49.50 by 16.35 points (0.91 per cent)
FIRST CARIBBEAN INTERNATIONAL 7.04 7.05 7.04 6.77 265 7.05 1,124,814 7.05 12-03-2024 30,020 7.05 0.01 to close at 1,774.20;
GUARDIAN HOLDINGS 17.75 17.26 17.26 17.27 1 17.78 829 17.26 12-03-2024 1,000 17.26 -0.49 • The Composite Index de-
GRACE KENNEDY & CO 3.95 3.95 3.92 3.92 155 3.95 8,505 3.92 12-03-2024 525 3.92 -0.03 clined by 8.60 points (0.72 per
GUARDIAN MEDIA LTD 2.25 2.25 2.00 2.00 1,584 2.00 12-03-2024 1,024 2.00 -0.25 cent) to close at 1,188.47;
JMMB GROUP LTD 1.51 1.55 1.51 1.51 401,834 1.58 5,000 1.51 12-03-2024 183,924 1.51
• The Cross-Listed Index de-
LJ WILLIAMS A 0.21 0.23 5 0.21 03-10-2023 0.21
LJ WILLIAMS B 2.00 1.99 1.99 1.78 1,100 1.99 980 1.99 12-03-2024 20 2.00
clined by 0.04 points (0.05 per
MASSY 4.40 4.39 4.30 4.28 1,655 4.30 283,613 4.30 12-03-2024 78,927 4.33 -0.07 cent) to close at 78.62; and
NCBFG 3.20 3.20 3.20 3.21 24,250 3.28 100,000 3.20 12-03-2024 5,000 3.20 • The SME Index remained
NATIONAL ENTERPRISES LTD 3.90 3.90 3.90 3.92 193 3.99 25,000 3.90 12-03-2024 51,404 3.90 at 78.90.
NATIONAL FLOUR MILLS 2.00 2.05 2.00 2.00 49,426 2.10 6,318 2.00 12-03-2024 3,000 2.00 Angostura Holdings led ad-
TTNGL 9.00 9.01 9.00 8.95 200 9.00 2,280 9.00 12-03-2024 1,720 9.00 vancing stocks, rising by 2.35
ONE CARIBBEAN MEDIA 3.43 3.90 3.10 3.45 6,500 3.90 4,899 3.90 12-03-2024 54,607 3.43
per cent, and adding $0.47, to
PRESTIGE HOLDINGS 11.25 11.15 11.15 11.00 3,230 11.15 6,895 11.15 12-03-2024 100 11.15 -0.10
POINT LISAS DEV 3.99 3.71 13,312 3.71 11-03-2024 3.99
close at $20.50.
RFHL 120.08 120.08 120.00 120.00 5,498 120.08 3,618 120.08 12-03-2024 4,391 120.00 -0.08 Guardian Media Ltd led de-
SCOTIABANK 71.89 70.40 70.00 70.00 3,948 70.40 4,442 70.40 12-03-2024 6,181 70.07 -1.82 clining stocks, dropping by
T’DAD CEMENT LTD 2.80 2.80 2.80 2.80 4,718 2.80 12-03-2024 4,622 2.80 11.11 per cent, and losing $0.25,
UNILEVER CARIB LTD 11.17 11.20 11.10 11.10 710 11.17 6,880 11.17 12-03-2024 2,061 11.15 -0.02 to close at $2.
WEST INDIAN TOBACCO CO 9.30 9.50 9.50 9.35 20 9.50 13,505 9.50 12-03-2024 46 9.30 Trading activity on the
First-Tier Market registered
a volume of 490,792 shares
GUARDIAN MEDIA LTD 65.85 66.00 1 65.85 22-08-2023 65.85 crossing the floor of the Ex-
WILLIAMS LJP 3.79 3.85 1 3.79 29-09-2023 3.79 change valued at $6,187,280.13.
JMMB Group Ltd was the
SECOND TIER SHARES volume leader with 183,924
MORA VEN HOLDINGS 12.00 12.00 14-12-2018 12.00
shares changing hands for a
value of $277,726.04, followed
CALYPSO MACRO INDEX FUND 22.50 22.55 500 22.75 234 22.50 11-03-2024 22.50 by Massy Holdings with a vol-
CLICO INVESTMENT FUND 27.46 28.00 30-12-2022 27.46 ume of 78,927 shares being
EPPLEY CARIBBEAN DEVELOPMENT FUND 0.71 0.71 09-05-2023 0.71 traded for $341,376.65.
EPPLEY CARIBBEAN VALUE FUND 1.60 1.60 100 1.60 10-02-2023 1.60 The Mutual Fund Market did
not record any activity.
SME SHARES The Second Tier Market did
CINEMAONE LIMITED 6.45 5.99 5.99 5.99 45 5.99 12-03-2024 40 6.45
15.00 14.80 14.80 14.75 6,446 14.80 331 14.80 12-03-2024 63 15.00
not record any activity.
Trading activity on the SME
USD EQUITY SHARES Market registered a volume of
MPC CARIBBEAN CLEAN ENERGY LIMITED 0.98 0.95 15,000 0.98 20-01-2023 0.98 103 shares crossing the floor of
the Exchange valued at $1,172.
Endeavour Holdings Ltd
Note: Closing Price Methodology updated as of December 6, 2023 was the volume leader with
63 shares changing hands for
a value of $932.40, followed
by CinemaOne with a volume
of 40 shares being traded for
The USD Equity Market did
not record any activity.

HER 107TH ,17(55837,21
The Trinidad and Tobago Electricity Commission advises that the supply of
electricity will be interrupted in the following areas of East Trinidad:

:+(5( 6$1*5(*5$1'(
Along the Toco Main Road: From LP#7 on Lucana
Drive to the corner of Valencia Old Road and Toco
Main Road, including La Seiva Road, Riverside Road,
Reid Lane, Vega De Oropouche, Rampersad Trace and
Quash Trace Extension.

:+(1 Friday 15th March, 2024

9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
:+< To upgrade and maintain the overhead line system in these areas.

Follow us on our WhatsApp Channel The Commission regrets the inconvenience

to get interruption and important which may be caused by this interruption.
PAGE 20 notices as well as some helpful tips! www.ttec.co.tt
Wednesday, March 13, 2024
guardian.co.tt opinion 17
Managing anger is a major mental health issue
No one ever explained anger to me. At
least not as a part of the disorder I had
been managing from my teenage years.
However, anger became a major issue children in the backseat sheepishly icidal. Each time I hear news of
along the road as I managed my life MENTAL HEALTH MATTERS peered from under their eyelids. violence I always consider whether
with a diagnosed mental health disor- Last weekend I exclaimed in a the people involved could have
der and before reaching the emotional
Caroline C Ravello
conversation, “How does some- benefitted from a psychiatric eval-
regulation with which I now live and one look at another human being uation or an anger management
interact. and kill them, bludgeoning them intervention. Anger is a normal
There are quite a few people I know to death, shooting them or perpe- human feeling. When it becomes
who may never be interested in repair- trating other violent acts of bodily unhealthy it impairs normal social
ing relations with me because they were inspire this platform for advocacy. structive. It is also not always a
Anger on its own is a disorder. Hav- case of extreme violence causing harm?” behaviour.
recipients of some angry, abusive, fit of My friend calmly answered: Reflecting on how destructive
rage at the earlier times of my journey. ing “anger issues” however, differs bodily harm or death as we often
from anger disorders because the latter envision it but can be expressed as Anger. We were reviewing a situ- anger is and how anger impacted
As I battled through puberty, ado- ation of infidelity, constant quar- me, I hold deep gratitude for the
lescence, volatile hormones, and such usually involves a disruption of a per- cursing and profanities, shouting
son’s brain activity to the extent that and screaming at others, breaking rels, threats of divorce and child peace I have crafted in my life.
growing pains without a real under- custody, threats of financial losses The years of living with impaired
standing of so many life changes I knew day-to-day living is severely impacted property or threatening someone.
along with the individual having severe In recent years, angry emails or and eventually the death of one capacity because of the lack of
there was something wrong with how spouse at the hand of another. The awareness and the inability to
I felt and how I expressed myself but I dysfunctional relationships with others. angry social media posts “throw-
Anger is also the criterion or under- ing shade” or the outright abuse bludgeoning and discarding of the self-regulate have caused some
would think: “That’s how I am. This is body of someone once loved and serious hurt. Leaving that dysfunc-
how I cope.” lying factor of several mental disorders. and cussouts in open/online com-
The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual munities, or humiliating others on to whom the pledge of “better or tion behind is one of the best gifts
Understanding the root of my early worse” was given was extremely on my mental health journey and
to middle-life fury and differentiating of Mental Disorders (DSM-V) includes these platforms display how angry
anger and hostility in illnesses such as: we can be as a people. distressing. for my life.
between healthy and unhealthy anger When she responded, I quietly
was important to my balance and • Bipolar Disorder It is consideration of instances Caroline Ravello is a strategic
• Borderline Personality Disorder of domestic violence and homi- considered my previous strug-
well-being. Learning and practising communications and media
• Oppositional Defiant Disorder cides that drew anger to the fore of gles with anger and how in fits of
better self-control but also learning to professional and a public health
• Disruptive Mood Dysregulation this season’s reflections. It was the rage the brain feels like it is suf-
regard people from a more respectful practitioner. She holds an MA with
Disorder driver who cussed me out because fering a massive explosion and merit in mass communications
position aided my adjustment and jour- feels detached from other bodily
ney to self-restraint. • Intermittent Explosive Disorder. I fumbled with my directions and (University of Leicester) and is
Other mental disorders for which the apparently delayed him for five sensations. Right there I saw the a master of public health with
As I approach this issue, my grief possibility of anger becoming su-
is palpable. Without sharing blame, I DSM-V lists anger and/or hostility as un- seconds which prompted a string distinction (UWI). Write to
derlying conditions are Major Depres- of abuse towards me while the perlatively destructive and hom- mindful.tt@gmail.com
consider how little physicians and psy-
chologists shared with me in the earlier sion, and some personality disorders
years of seeking care. There was so such as Narcissistic Personality Disor-
much to know to have crafted a better der, Anti-Social Personality Disorder,
journey throughout my life. among others.
Still, I remain grateful for the advent Anger may present as part of para-
of the Internet and what it continues noia or psychotic delusions causing a
to provide. Access to wide volumes of person to believe others are working
information is what propelled my activ- against them or perceive opposition
ism. The opportunity to speak openly conspiracies in others. Outside of a
to wider audiences and being vocal on mental disorder or diagnosis, anger
social media platforms also served to expressed negatively is equally de-






18 opinion Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Prioritising people over politics

I am writing to express my is undoubtedly important, it
The importance of libraries
deep concern regarding
Prime Minister Dr Keith Row-
ley’s recent remarks at a PNM
public meeting in Chaguanas.
cannot come at the expense
of addressing the social issues
that affect the lives of our
people. As Prime Minister,
in modern society
Earlier this month Prime Minister information, libraries assist mod- to the youths of this country. I use
Instead of addressing the Rowley has a responsibility
Dr the Honourable Keith Rowley ern society by maintaining and dis- this opportunity, however, to re-
pressing issues of crime, pov- to prioritise the well-being of
officially opened the Diego Mar- seminating relevant information as quest the Prime Minister engage
erty, injustice, and inequality, all citizens and address the
tin Public Library. Delivering his and when required. It offers rele- the public once again on the SEA
the Prime Minister chose to root causes of these pressing
feature address Dr Rowley said, vant and authentic information exams and or the way it is struc-
focus on threats to national social challenges.
“What this facility represents as and a record of knowledge created tured. Every parent who has had
revenues. I call on Prime Minister
an investment for the people of and accumulated by the past gen- a child sit this dreaded, stressful
As a citizen of T&T, I find it Rowley to demonstrate true
the entire valley and surroundings erations because, in this modern exam can tell of the impact it has
disheartening that our leader leadership by acknowledg-
of Diego Martin is an opportunity era, the information explosion has had on all those involved. I per-
seems more interested in dis- ing and actively addressing
to spend time doing something led us to confusion in choosing rel- sonally know of students who are
cussing economic concerns the issues of crime, poverty,
different, something positive, evant information from the pile of top performers going blank while
than the very real struggles injustice, and inequality. Our
something uplifting, something information available throughout writing the exams because of the
faced by ordinary citizens nation deserves a leader who
valuable.” the several platforms. stress involved and unfortunately
every day. Crime rates con- is committed to uplifting all
I was disappointed, however, by Libraries have an important role had their lives altered in a negative
tinue to soar, leaving com- citizens and creating a more
some of the public opinion on the in modern society as regarded as way.
munities feeling unsafe and just and equitable society.
opening of this library. the “gateway of knowledge for the It reminds me of when the Prime
vulnerable. Poverty remains a And please, do the people of
On social media, I observed that community.” Modern society has Minister had to perform on stage
harsh reality for far too many, T&T a favour and call an early
a few people opined that libraries various needs such as education, as a child but went blank on seeing
with basic necessities out of general election now. The
are no longer necessary in this research, cultural achievement, the audience as stated in his book.
reach for too many families. people of T&T deserve better
digital age. Some went as far as to various types of information, etc. I have been hearing conversations
Injustice and inequality per- than you and your Govern-
say all information can be “goog- Society has found various institu- about how much more difficult the
sist, undermining the core ment.
led” which makes investing in a tions to serve these needs. Among preparations as well as meeting
principles of fairness that
library a poor decision. Such opin- them the library occupies a promi- the syllabus have become due to
should guide our nation. CURTIS ANTHONY OBRADY
ions cannot be more wrong. In the nent place, while other institutions the two years lost during COVID-
While economic stability Arima
modern age, with an abundance of are designed to meet one or few of 19. Students as well as teachers and
the needs, the library is able to parents are at a great disadvantage
meet all of them in equal measure. and the additional stresses are evi-
The resources and services of the dent. Most students from Standard
libraries offer and create opportu- 4 upwards no longer enjoy physi-
nities for learning, support literacy cal education or the arts in schools
and education and help shape the because teachers are pressed to
new ideas and perspectives that keep up with the syllabus outlined.
are essential for the creative and The Honourable Prime Minis-
innovative society Librarika has ter has shown time and again that
stated. Also, the free-flowing na- he is not afraid to make changes
ture of the library also allows for where no other Prime Minister
parents to actively participate in was brave enough to. Possibly the
their children’s reading. restructuring of SEA exams and
Library attendance served as a the school syllabus may be added
springboard for parents to com- to the list of his accomplishments.
municate messages about the ex- As we call to part ways with the
pectations that they had for their Privy Council and adopt the CCJ
children as readers. As institutions, as our final appellate court, let us
libraries supported literacy events begin our transition from the co-
that tie to the larger cultural prac- lonial education system and have
tices of coming together as part of our syllabus reflect such with Ag-
a community. This is according to riculture, Culture, Music and the
the American Library Association. Arts playing a much greater role in
The Prime Minister who has the development of our children.
declared his love for reading has
created a legacy of promoting ed- NIGEL SEENATHSINGH
ucation and knowledge, especially San Fernando

The Trinidad and Tobago Electricity Commission advises that the supply of
electricity will be interrupted in the following areas of East Trinidad:

:+(5( 6$17$&58=
La Pastora: Cantaro Extension Road from Money
Street to Maraj Trace, including Providence Gardens,
Sam Boucaud Road, Stollmeyer Street, Bass Street, Mc
Carthy Street, Blackford Street and Maraj Trace and all
associated Streets.

:+(1 Friday 15th March, 2024

9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
:+< To upgrade and maintain the overhead line system in these areas.

Follow us on our WhatsApp Channel The Commission regrets the inconvenience

to get interruption and important which may be caused by this interruption.
notices as well as some helpful tips! www.ttec.co.tt
Wednesday, March 13, 2024
guardian.co.tt opinion 19
Caricom’s relevancy failure Making way for investigative
reporters for general election 2025
Fifty years ago, Caricom came into If Caricom had included Cuba millions of Haitians from starva- The word “fearmongering” is compasses all races and religions
existence. While individual gov- and Haiti from the outset, would tion instead of abandoning them? here, right in our faces as we slip in T&T. The PNM has always had
ernments are about their people, they be the failed states that they Couldn’t they have stepped in with and slide into the general election a fair number of educated females
as they should be, Caricom takes a are today? For example, we could economic experts and peacekeep- 2025. Forget about calling early as parliamentarians and senators.
broader view of the Caribbean as a have counselled Castro to be more ing diplomatic professionals and election. What we have to exam- It is an equal opportunities party.
whole—one that is primarily about open to a democratic process in- prevented Haiti from going from ine far more closely is the pre- Crime is real. But which political
regional support for the 20 mem- stead of the Communist hell that the richest colony in the world to sumption that in order to remove party, including the UNC and the
bers of the organisation. has been in existence for more the poorest? the incumbent People’s National 300,000 believers, can replace the
One may inquire why is it that than 60 years, with 88 per cent of At this late point, there are still Movement (PNM) Government PNM today, like in March 2024?
all islands of the Caribbean like the country living in extreme pov- things we can do, even amidst the from office now totally involves The fearmongering includes
Cuba and the Dominican Republic erty. Instead, Castro relied on eco- rubble and the violence. If Car- fearmongering the populace about using words and unsubstantiated
are not allowed to join Caricom nomic assistance from Russia who icom did not use the combined crime. phrases dedicated to besmirching
when non-island states like Guy- eventually abandoned him. intellectualism of the 20 member Rampant crime is in our faces anything and everything done by
ana, Belize, and Suriname, all part What about Haiti? If we had in- states to help our fellow islanders, but there is allegedly no coalition the PNM. So what is political arro-
of South America are allowed in. itially included Haiti in Caricom they would have failed in provid- of political parties that can defi- gance if not arrogantly believing
While I’m not against including (Haiti was given full membership ing fellowship and humanitarian- nitely move the sphinx-like thou- that one can take over a govern-
parts of South America, what I’m in 2002), could we have prevented ism to their neighbouring islanders sands of years immovable political ment based on just fearmongering
against is excluding those that are the failure of a once booming econ- in distress. What are we waiting for entity named the PNM. Why? Be- the public that T&T will allegedly
neighbouring Caribbean islands. omy? “Haiti, once called The Jewel to do the humane thing? cause when the PNM is out of descend into another Haiti? Wrong
The shoddy excuse is that Cuba of the Antilles, was the richest Caricom, with an annual budget office there is indeed a certain political history.
and the Dominican Republic are colony in the entire world. Econ- of EC$54.8 million (approximately amount of chaos. Check with Dr Meighoo for sa-
not English-speaking countries, omists estimate that in the 1750s TT$137.8m), of which T&T contrib- The extremely well-educated lient facts. We need investigative
then why include Suriname, a Haiti provided as much as 50 per utes the most, EC$12.9 million (TT public relations officer for the reporters to verify exactly how
Dutch-speaking country in South cent of the Gross National Product $32.4m)—Caricom’s 2020 Annual United National Congress, Dr Kirk many citizens will definitely vote
America? of France. The French imported Report of the Secretary-General. Meighoo wrote an enticing article for the NTA, the PEP and HOPE. If
With no single currency, among sugar, coffee, cocoa, tobacco, cot- Are we getting value for money? showing that the T&T politics of they number collectively less than
the member states, and using lan- ton, the dye indigo, and other ex- Unless Caricom can get its 20 today and yesteryear, that it is no 150,000 then joining with the UNC
guage to exclude some Caribbean otic products.”—webster.edu. member states to pass laws that longer about racial voting. It is my means nothing at all.
islands, Caricom has failed in its “First, the warfare of the Haitian would allow citizens to freely humble view that our politics will And please believe that even
mandate to build a unifying cohe- Revolution destroyed the capital travel, vacation, work, and trans- have to be about the very quality PNM members are wary of the
sive organisation that is welcoming and infrastructure of the economy. port goods and services tax and of the aspiring ministers to entice rampant crime but will still vote
to all, even though its stated mis- Second, Haiti lacked diplomatic tariff-free between Caricom coun- the voters. for a party that can impress the
sion is to “promote economic inte- and trade relations with other na- tries (as done between all 50 US I have no PNM party card but IMF to say that T&T is still looking
gration and cooperation among its tions. Third, Haiti lacked invest- States), then they are of little I have never deviated from my good.
members, to ensure that the ben- ment, both foreign and domestic value and a waste of millions of belief that the PNM is cleverly Be wary of the fearmongering. It
efits of integration are equitably investment.”—uoregon.edu. dollars. styled, from inception, always, to can blind you.
shared, and to coordinate foreign Why didn’t Caricom’s economic politically deliver. The PNM en- LYNETTE JOSEPH, Diego Martin
policy.” team invite them to join us to save REX CHOOKOLINGO, Via email
20 Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Story, pictures by

A t 107, Adina Bent can still indulge in one of her

favourite activities, reading the Bible, without
It is one of the remarkable things about the retired
Adina Bent is assisted nurse, one of T&T’s oldest centenarians.
by her granddaughter With the help of her granddaughter, Lesleyann
Lesleyann Bobb to Bobb, Bent read her favourite scripture, Psalm 91, and
read the Bible. spoke about her faith.
On March 7, Bent celebrated her birthday with
loved ones at her home on Massey Street, Cocoyea,
San Fernando. A devout Anglican, she started the day
with a church service.
She said the secret of her longevity was honesty and
service to mankind, qualities she practised during the
years she worked as a nurse in New York.
The last surviving of three sisters, Bent is the
mother of well-known children’s bandleader Aura
Bobb, grandmother of three and great-grandmother
of three. She has survived two husbands and although
she was recently diagnosed with Alzheimers and has
had limited mobility after being injured in a fall ten
years ago, still manages to keep busy reading and solv-
ing crossword puzzles.
Reflecting on her long life, she said, “You have to
always be honest in the things you do for others. We
can’t be perfect and we have to accept the good, bad,
and the indifferent but do it according to the time and
“I love people and people who love God. We have
to know there is a God who loves us and we must ap-
preciate him and everything on earth. Give him the
respect and whatever he sends our way we have to
respect it.”
Bent said she enjoys the attention and care she re-
ceives from her loved ones.
“I love my grandchildren, they treat me good. Veg-
etables and provisions are my favourite meals and I
like punch.”
Bent said she doesn’t expect people to visit her
often, but if they are in the area, she expects them to
drop in and say hello.

din Bent at
h e home
h on
Mas s Street,
Coc o

Adina and
her late hu
sband, Jim

dding da
their we
d Jim Bent on
Adina an
Wednesday, March 13, 2024
guardian.co.tt rec 21

Celine, the steelpan queen “When Celine was four, she

continuously knocked on her
SANDRA L BLOOD cultural activities, sports and cu- very concerned about student indiscipline and of- grandma’s kitchen utensils and
linary arts. fers the following advice to fellow teens: “Always
She is just 13 years old, but Celine Celine said she understands pray and read the Word. Focus on school and if you created her own music. Her
Shania Aliyah Hospedales knows
the importance of being kind and
culture to be the way of a people,
that’s why her favourite subject is
also love an instrument, culture or sport, give it a
instruments were bowls and
loving, participating in positive Social Studies. pots. While attending the Bien
activities and being a good exam- Her mother said, “Celine per-
ple. forms at different events during Venue Presbyterian Preschool
Celine is described by her par-
ents, Roxanne and Jason Hos-
the year. Every appearance is a she saw students playing pan,
fashion statement, and she has
pedales, as an all-rounder who is literally lived the pan-evolution and told me, ‘Mom, I want to
ambitious and creative. experience.
Celine’s favourite time of year “When Celine was four, she
play those pots’.”
is Carnival and her first love is continuously knocked on her
pan, so it is not surprising that grandma’s kitchen utensils and
during the recent season, she was created her own music. Her in-
actively involved in several activ- struments were bowls and pots. THE REPUBLIC OF TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO
ities, including directing and pro- While attending the Bien Venue
ducing a music video of her cover Presbyterian Preschool she saw IN THE MATTER OF THE JOINT APPLICATION OF
of junior calypsonian Zachary students playing pan, and told ANNETTE EDWARDS-FRANCOIS, ALLAN
Ransome’s soca tune, Rankatang. me, ‘Mom, I want to play those EDWARDS,
She is also a promising young pots’.” GILLIAN EDWARDS and LEONIZE EDWARDS
pan player and avid mas player. Celine eventually got the op-
In her first mas competition portunity to play the instrument (THE APPLICANTS)
last year, Celine won a prize for and since then she has adopted
Most Outstanding Individual. She the stage name Steelpan Queen. AND
had even more success this year Her dream is to establish a steel
for her portrayal of Miss World orchestra, create her brand of IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION
1986, Giselle La Ronde-West, win- pan sticks and become a Carnival
ning several prizes at the Mara- Queen. She said she feels her best
bella Kiddies Carnival. when she performs.
However, her interests are not “Playing pan and mas greatly OF TRINIDAD COMPRISING ONE POINT ONE
limited to Carnival-related activ- impacts me. When I play, my EIGHT TWO THREE (1.1823) HECTARES UNDER
ities as she is also a model and mind ... my brain’s atmosphere THE PROVISIONS OF THE REAL PROPERTY ACT,
participates in netball and kick- becomes relaxed, then some days CHAPTER 56:02:-
boxing. with pan, I feel hyped, based on
Celine “Steelpan
At San Fernando Central Sec- the songs that are being played,” APPLICATION NO: 33 of 2021
Queen” Hospedales
ondary School (ModSec) where she said. performs at an
she is a Form Two student and Even as she dreams about a event in celebration “CLAIMS TO TITLE TO LAND
under the guidance of her form bright future in culture and the of World Steelpan BY ADVERSE POSSESSION”
teacher, Ricardo Joseph, she reg- arts, Celine admits that she is Day last year.
ularly participates in modelling, NOTICE is hereby given that an application has
of Apartment 2-10, Building 3, St. Francois

AFTER LEVY EDWARDS of Apt 4-6, Building 3, St. FrancoisValley

Road, Belmont and GILLIAN EDWARDS of Apt
4-6, Building 3, St. Francois valley Road, Belmont
TUESDAY 19th MARCH 2024 at 10:00 AM and LEONIZE EDWARDS of Apt I -I, Building 3, St.
At No. 2 INDUSTRIAL ESTATE, TRINCITY Francois Valley Road, Belmont to have the parcel
of land described in the Schedule hereto brought
Next to Gas Station under the Provisions of the Real Property Act
Chapter 56:02 and that the Judge of the High
Upon the instructions of AMRIT AJODHA, Court of Justice dealing with the said application
Licensed Bailiff, I will offer for sale by public has ordered that Notice of the application be
auction on the date and at the place mentioned advertised once a week for four (4) consecutive
above the following items levied upon for arrears weeks in at least two (2) local daily newspapers of
of rent owing by JUICY ROOTS, Tenant general circulation within Trinidad and Tobago and
if no caveat is lodged within three (3) months of the
2 Chillers, 2 Freezers, Stainless Steel Sink, date of the first such advertisements the Registrar
5-Burner stove, 2 Deep Fryers, 1 Convection General may bring the said lands under the Provision
Oven, Stainless Steel Mixers, Ice Maker, 4 Stainless of the Real Property Act Chapter 56:02.
Steel tables, Food Warmer, 1 Juice Machine, 1
Frigidaire Refrigerator, Stainless Steel Extraction
Exhaust Unit, 13 Swivel Stools, Assortment of All and Singular that piece of parcel of land situated
Cooking Utensils, Tables, 2 Surround-Sound at L.P. No. 60 Bel Air Road, Mayaro in the Ward of
systems, 5 Lighting Fixtures, 1 Hitachi TV, 4 Mayaro in the Island of Trinidad comprising ONE
Incomplete Love-Seats, 2 Amana Industrial Air- POINT ONE EIGHT TWO THREE (1.1823) HECTARES
Condition Units, 1 Evaporator and Ducting Unit, and bounded on the North by Lots l , 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
1 Industrial Mushroom Fan AND Other Items 7, by Lots 17, 17, 8, 9, 10, 1 1, 12, 13, 14, by a Space
Reserved claimed by Colin Sealy on the South by
Dated this 7th day of March 2024
a Paved Road on the East by Lands of Annette
Edwards-Francois, Lots l , 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, by Lots 17,
Terms of Sale: 17, 8, 9, 10, I l , 12, 13, 14 and by a Space Reserved
1. All items are being sold “As Is, Where Is” claimed by Colin Sealy and on the West by the
2. All bids and charges are to be paid in CASH or LYNX Mayaro Guayaguayare Road and by a Paved Road
Debit Card
3. Goods to be removed immediately after sale upon full
payment of bids and charges
4. All items will be sold subject to a buyer’s premium of
10 percent of purchase price
Peter Soon
Licensed Auctioneer
391-4704 / 683-2262 / 671-0500
22 rec Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Oscars get audience

Robert Downey Jr (winner
of the award for best
performance by an actor in
a supporting role for

bump from Barbie

Oppenheimer), from left,
Da’Vine Joy Randolph
(winner of the award for
best performance by an
actress in a supporting role
for The Holdovers), Emma
Stone (winner of the award
for best performance by an
actress in a leading role for
and Oppenheimer
Poor Things) and Cillian LOS ANGELES (AP)—Barbenheimer Barbie surpassing it. But they didn’t
Murphy (winner of the
award for best performance brought a bump, not a boom, to Os- yield the same ballooning numbers
by an actor in a leading role cars ratings. An estimated 19.5 million for the show that the Academy and
for Oppenheimer) pose in people watched Sunday night’s 96th ABC might have hoped for.
the press room at the Academy Awards ceremony on ABC. The Oscars did top the viewership
Oscars on Sunday, at the That’s the biggest number drawn by of the most recent versions of other
Dolby Theatre in Los the telecast in four years. top awards shows, which have gone
Angeles, USA. PICTURE AP But that upward trend comes from through similar slumps. Its 19.5 mil-
an all-time low during the pandemic, lion outdrew the 16.9 million people
and is up just four per cent from last who watched the Grammys in Feb-
year’s estimated audience of 18.7 mil- ruary, and the Golden Globes and
lion, according to numbers released Emmy Awards in January each had
Monday by ABC. far fewer viewers.
The Academy experimented with For many years, the Academy
scheduling this year’s show an hour Awards were often the second most-
earlier, and for the first time in years watched television programme of the
had many nominations for huge hit year behind the Super Bowl. Until
movies that viewers had actually 2018, the Oscar telecast had never
seen—Barbie and Oppenheimer. The slipped below 30 million viewers,
viewership peaked in the final half according to Nielsen records. The
hour, when the audience saw Ryan high-water mark was the 55 million
Gosling perform I’m Just Ken from people who watched Titanic clean
Barbie, saw Cillian Murphy win best up in 1998. From the 43.7 million
actor, Christopher Nolan win best who watched in 2014, viewership de-
director for Oppenheimer and Al clined steadily to 26.5 million in 2018,
Pacino give the film the best picture then went back up to 29.6 million in
Oscar in an odd presentation. 2019, and 23.6 million in 2020. The
A major star, Emma Stone, also bottom fell out with the pandem-
won best actress in the final stretch ic-diminished show in 2021, seen by
in the night’s most competitive race 9.85 million. It began rebounding in
over Lily Gladstone, and nearly 22 2022—the year of the Slap—with 16.6
million people saw her do it. million.
The show actually started a little The movies and their makers aren’t
less than an hour early. With Gaza entirely to blame. The generational
protests happening outside slowing shift to streaming and other video
-RKQQLH:DONHU3URPRWLRQ5HZDUGV&XVWRPHU down entrances at the Dolby Thea- forms has gutted broadcast televi-
tre, host Jimmy Kimmel kicked things sion viewership, and few live events
ZLWKD%UDQG1HZ%0:6HULHV06SRUW off about six minutes late, but it’s not other than the Super Bowl draw the
clear if that affected viewership. sort of audiences they once did. The
$6%U\GHQ 6RQV 7ULQLGDG /WG)ULGD\0DUFK-RKQQLH:DONHUKRVWHGLWV&RGH%ODFN Last year’s big Oscar winner, Oscars led into the sitcom Abbott El-
*UDQG3UL]H³/LYH'UDZ´DW2൵VLGH5HVWDXUDQWDQG%DU6RXWK3DUN6DQ)HUQDQGRLQSXEOLFYLHZDPRQJVW Everything, Everywhere All at Once, ementary, which had a series high in
WHQ¿QDOLVW was hardly a slouch at the box office, viewers with a 6.9 million. The epi-
bringing in $143 million globally. But sode had an Oscar tie-in, with Brad-
7KH ³OLYH GUDZ´ FRPHV DIWHU WKH ODUJHVW QDWLRQZLGH FRQVXPHU SURPRWLRQ WKDW WKH %U\GHQV *URXS ± that’s nothing like the Barbenheimer ley Cooper, playing himself, getting
3UHPLXP %HYHUDJHV 'LYLVLRQ KDV ODXQFKHG VLQFH WKH SDQGHPLF QRWLQJ WKH FRPSDQLHV YLVLRQ WR VFDOH juggernaut, with Oppenheimer ap- roasted in a classroom after a long

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Wednesday, March 13, 2024
guardian.co.tt quik flix 23
Annette Bening in a scene
from Apples Never Fall.

A family is shaken in
Peacock’s Apples Never Fall
There’s a scene in the new Peacock and Joy’s daughters. Just because
drama Apples Never Fall in which the children immediately question
Annette Bening’s character weeps their father’s behaviour after their
after having too much to drink at mother’s disappearance, she said,
a family party. “Nobody can break doesn’t mean it’s an open and shut
your heart like your own children,” case.
she laments. “I think the audience will find, as
Bening, a mother of four I found reading episode to episode
with husband Warren Beatty, and reading the book, that minute
understands something about to minute, episode to episode, you
parent-child relationships. She think it’s one person, then you
emphasises her character’s maybe think it’s another person,”
emotions with a line from Brie said.
Shakespeare. Apples Never Fall is based on
“‘Sharper than a serpent’s tooth a novel of the same name by
it is to have a thankless child,’” she Australian author Liane Moriarty,
said in an interview. “We are so who also wrote Big Little Lies and
vulnerable to our children for sure. Nine Perfect Strangers.
Our children also have their own If you’ve read the book, don’t
fate. And as a parent, you want to assume you know how the story will
protect your kids.” end, said Essie Randles, who plays
In the show premiering tomorrow, daughter Brooke Delaney.
Bening plays Joy Delaney, a wife and “I don’t think it’s a secret that
mother with four adult children. She our series is slightly differently than
and her husband, Stan, played by the book,” she said. “When we first
Sam Neill, are the retired owners of received episode six and seven, I
a tennis academy and are now trying went down to the beach where we
to fill their days with purpose. were staying and read them, and I
Chaos ensues when Joy goes burst into tears and cried and cried
missing and the Delaney children because I was struck by how much
become suspicious of their father. hurt there is in this family, without
Long-kept secrets are revealed. giving anything away. I found it
The show is told in two timelines: really, really touching.”
present day, and the past that led Despite the Delaneys’ dysfunction
up to Joy’s disappearance. Bening on screen, the cast—who filmed the
said that’s when we really see the series in Queensland, Australia—says
Delaneys as an authentic family. they bonded on set to a degree that
“You know how just the look is rare in showbiz.
from one person to another can be “If you’re all stuck in a foreign
enough to either signal a problem, land together, that’s what you do,”
piss you off, or make you really want explained Neill. “In this case, there
to die of laughter? I mean, I’m one were some of the funniest people
of four, and I still do,” she said. I’ve ever worked with or met. It
“My mom is 95. I can still make was a kind of riot. I find actors—for
my siblings laugh imitating my all this ridiculousness—to be the
mother. We all have these unspoken warmest, smartest, funniest people
things that go on in a family. And around. They’re my people.”
that’s really what this is about. Brie added, “Sometimes you
What’s unspoken, what’s unearthed meet people and you have true,
and what lies are revealed.” immediate chemistry. We all felt that
Neill found the complications as a family. I’m sure it really does
of his own character compelling. start with Sam and Annette.”
“I’ve seldom played a character as Neill arranged movie nights for the
complex as this,” he said. actors, including an Annette Bening
“I found him wonderful to play Film Festival where they would
with, although he’s dangerous. screen her films.
He’s capable of anything. He has “He took it very seriously,”
these rather alarming alpha male recalled Jake Lacy, who plays oldest
tendencies, but he’s also vulnerable child Troy.
and ridiculous. He’s very reactive to “He made it as serious as a
what’s going on. I wouldn’t want to wedding invitation,” added Conor
be married to him,” he joked. Merrigan Turner, who plays Logan,
Allison Brie plays Amy, one of Sam the youngest.
24 comic relief Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Horoscope Eugenia
Take good care of your money, possessions and investments thishi year. D

feel pressured to act in haste. Look for alternatives, and you’ll discover a

unique way to maintain what’s important to you without disrupting your

lifestyle. Let your intuition lead the way, and you’ll make better decisions
and receive unexpected opportunities. Personal improvements are favoured.
You are compassionate, insightful and attentive.
You are proactive and appealing.
6, 13, 19, 25, 31, 34, 42.


Adam Clayton, 64; Dana Delany, 68; William H Macy, 73; Neil Sedaka, 85.

Aries Libra

March 21-April 19 Sept 23-October 22

3 STARS Speak up and own the 3 STARS A forceful presentation
stage. If you don’t like something, will help convey your point. Trying
distance yourself and get on with to avoid controversy or sparing
what matters to you. Don’t let an someone’s feelings will backfire.
emotional incident or someone’s Truth will serve you better than
change of plans alter how you being too cowardly to be blunt.
proceed. Put your energy where it
makes sense.

October 23-Nov 21
April 20-May 20
3 STARS Stay calm, recognise what

3 STARS Keep your emotions in you are up against and use insight
check and your eye on what you are and initiative to sort through any
trying to achieve. Interference will difficulty before it has a chance to
show you someone’s true colours. escalate. How you handle matters
Show compassion, but don’t let will determine who stands by your
anyone rain on your parade. Take side. Be a good listener, evaluate
charge. and offer worthwhile incentives.

Gemini Sagittarius
Nov 22-December 21
May 21-June 20
3 STARS Think situations through
3 STARS Put a plan in place and and act quickly. Someone will block

follow through. Don’t let anyone you or create a scene to throw you
force their way into your territory off guard. Researching will help you
or lead you astray. Have confidence avoid a situation that is confusing
in yourself and your ability to build and staged to make you look bad.
a solid foundation. Don’t share secrets or personal data.

Cancer Capricorn
June 21-July 22 December 22-Jan 19
4 STARS Determine what you 5 STARS Be spontaneous and
know and do best, and surround do more. Your actions will impact
yourself with people who can pick how your day unfolds. Don’t let

up when you falter. When you have emotions cloud your vision when
doubts, ask an expert, be open to taking care of business will get you
suggestions and don’t fear trying where you want to go. Act with
something new. Experience is the courage, strength and optimism,
best teacher. Live, learn and excel. and you will reach the top.

Leo Aquarius

July 23-Aug 22 January 20-Feb 18

2 STARS Don’t fold under pressure.
Think about what you want and use 2 STARS Don’t second-guess
the experience. You must recognise yourself. Gather facts and make

when someone takes advantage of decisions that address your

you. Anger is not the solution, but concerns. Have confidence in your
doing what’s best for you will help ability to handle matters, and you’ll
you dodge letting someone sweep avoid interference from someone
you into their wake. eager to step in and take over.

Virgo Pisces
August 23-Sept 22 Feb 19-March 20
5 STARS An open mind will lead
to valuable information. A course 4 STARS Pay attention to the
or networking will point you in changes around you. Being well-
a new direction. Evaluate your informed will help you initiate plans
relationships and consider what that secure your position and offer
everyone brings to the table. Align peace of mind. Trust your instincts

yourself with a strong team. and forge ahead with confidence.

1 star: Avoid conflicts; work behind the scenes. 2 stars: You can
accomplish, but don’t rely on others. 3 stars: Focus and you’ll reach

your goals. 4 stars: Aim high; start new projects. 5 stars: Nothing can
stop you; go for gold.
Wednesday, March 13, 2024
guardian.co.tt comic relief 25
1. Non-analog tape that
records sound: Abbr. Č č Ď ď Đ đ
4. Sometimes auburn
7. Drill Ē ē Ĕ
8. Map feature
10. By the book
11. Word repeated Čċ ČČ
before “everywhere”
12. It measures electrical
resistance Čč ČĎ
14. Flock sounds
15. Phone feature Čď ČĐ Čđ ČĒ Čē
19. Conciseness: Abbr.
20. Lion or tiger
21. Weather.com or Uber, ČĔ čċ čČ
e.g.: Abbr.
22. Annually
24. Motorist’s woe čč čĎ čď
25. Famed 20th century
violinist David
27. On display čĐ čđ
30. Like some French
31. Belarus city čĒ čē čĔ Ďċ
southwest of Minsk
32. Abbr. before a name
on a memo ĎČ Ďč
33. Football meas.
34. “___ ‘nuff!”

1. System of doctrines
2. Shoves (in)
3. With PB and rais., it 8. “Awesome!” 20. Sound of ice in a glass
makes ants on a log 9. ID 23. Garden divisions
4. Blubber 10. Entrance area 24. Safety, in Old English
5. Cry at the World Cup 13. Cafeteria stack 26. “___ the night ...”
6. Boomer’s kid 16. “That’s my intention” 27. Undercover agent
7. Act properly 17. Come to 28. Covered up
18. Long and thin 29. Switch ups?



WORD WARP Č č Ď ď Đ đ Ē ē Ĕ
) , 9 ( * 5 2 8 3
6 8 * $ 5 5 $ , 6 (
2 5 5 , 1 ( 1 ' 2 :
6 7 $ 5 ( 6 $ 7
2 + , 2 9 ( 5 6
čċ čČ čč
(7 1 ( 5 ( ' , 1
čĎ čď čĐ
5 + ( $ % 0 2 0
čđ čĒ čē
$ 7 2 1 ( ) 2 5
čĔ Ďċ ĎČ Ďč
% / $ 0 ( $ + , . (
$ , ' ( 5 3 2 5 ( 6
* 8 7 6 < ( : ( 5
26 rec Wednesday, March 13, 2024
„ FRIDAY, MARCH 22 The Wedding Convention 2024
One Love Concert hosted by NAPS Combined Banquet and Conference Centre,
Venue: Naparima Bowl Time: 7pm Venue: MovieTowne, PoS
Time: 10 am to 6 pm
Nostalgia, A Taste of the Ole Time Days Public Speaking and Presentation Skills for Ignite 2—Rekindle The Flame UWIDEF
Hosted by SI Anaparima Teens hosted by Crowded Room Venue: NAPA, PoS Time: 6 pm
Venue: Naparima Girls’ High School Auditorium Venue: Presentation College, San Fernando
Time: 2 pm Time: 8.30 am to 3 pm Let’s Celebrate, An Evening with the
Marionettes Chorale and Massy
TT Music Fest Champions Food Fair & Market Trinidad All Stars Steel Orchestra
Venue: Queen’s Hall, PoS Venue: Cross Crossing Centre Venue: Queen’s Hall, PoS Time: 6 pm
Times: TBA Time: 4 -10 pm
Cinderella and the Trini Prince Night Market | Street Market TT A Kaiso Jazz Experience
Venue: SAPA, San Fernando Time: 6.30 pm Venue: MovieTowne, PoS Venue: Sound Forge • Time: 7 pm
Time: 4 pm to 10 pm
„ SUNDAY, MARCH 17 Caribbean Beachfood Fest
Cinderella and the Trini Prince „ SUNDAY, MARCH 24 Banwari Experience & Hyatt
Venue: SAPA, San Fernando Easter at Mille Fleurs Venue: The Waterfront, Hyatt Regency
Time: 5 pm Venue: Mille Fleurs Time: 2 - 8 pm
Time: 10 am - 4 pm
Wednesday, March 13, 2024
guardian.co.tt 27
Trinidad & Tobago Guardian

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767-9300 before 5pm.
TWO 3 tonne for sale. 788-1491 PDX MERCEDES C-Class E25 LOW TOP GLASS PARADISE HOUSING
Exclusive. Dealer Maintained. SIDE ($65k) Rochard Douglas Road, 3 bed- 3 BEDROOMS, Coconut drive,
32,000Km 4yrs. room flats $1.6M neg. Susan San Fernando. 719-5566
$285,000 308-8838
2020 HILUX 51km $200K 732-2691 UNION HALL 304-6814
Whatsapp 8132400474 MAYARO LOTS, near beach, PARAMIN. 91 acres, SPACIOUS 2 Bedroom
STOLEN & recovered Toyota 2 FAW 10-WHEELERS $175K. 368-3823 La Finnette $3.5M Tunapuna, burglar-proof,
NZE SHELL $29,000.00 Fielder 165 hybrid PDY missing LOW MILEAGE 735-5191 surveillance, recently refurbished,
744-9569. parts 790-1948. FB: Wrightson Investments 2 LOTS $600,000.00, Los Iros parking. 663-5237.
or Call 624 - 5905 Beach. Corner RE Roads & Jeffers
Drive. 683-4272, 765-0380 ONE BEDROOM Quiet Malabar
Arima 334-7007
PCZ PORSCHE 911 $1,000,000 USED VEHICLES HeartLand Plaza & Felicity. 713- $2.5M or $20,000 per month. POINTEAPIERRE 2 bedroom,
ONO call 389-2725 275-6252 CANOEBAY 5 acres. 680-2978 9030 355-7119 long term, $3,000.00. 755-0949
28 classifieds Wednesday, March 13, 2024

COURT 10274sqft land. Lovely study, air-condition, cable, in-

RAMPS Logistics Limited development $785,000 neg

land, T&C approvals $1.75M
Including land in Arima
with office, trucks, loader.
ternet, $6,000.00. 684-1165

MORVANT 3 bedroom, 2 full

WOODBROOK Modern FB: Wrightson Investments baths, dinning room, kitchen.

Latin American Security Advisor TABAQUITE 7 lots, 2 road front-
2-storey residence 6 bedrooms
on 5040sqft
WOODBROOK 4 bedrooms +
annexe on 4950sqft $2.7M neg
or Call 624-5905 777-4771/ 338-1348
bedrooms- $2500, 3 bedrooms-
$4500. 492-2506
age, $595,000.00. 707-0781 3600sqft residence, 4 air-
conditioned bedrooms, executive 2 BEDROOM BELMONT
The Latin American Security Advisor will need to understand and PORTOFSPAIN 62 64 Sack- study, teak cabinetry, entertain- HENRY STREET Port-Of- CIRCULAR. GATED. 228-
ville Street. Upstairs office space ment patio 12647sqft freehold Spain. 3 levels, 15,000 7363/ 743-7340. $3,500
analyze the security situation within Latin America. This position will with kitchenette and bathrooms, sq.ft. excellent invest-
be required to develop preventive measures and advise on various parking for four. 770-9894
ment. 776-9654
security contractors to work with within Latin America. This position L’Anse Martin Beach (D2)
Fully AC, furnished, GASPARILLO MAIN Road
must also ensure that they understand how security planning can 4bedroom (en suite) on Property $3.2M/ Rental @
impact the Company’s expansion plan within Latin America and how Luxury boat/ cottage 24hr
the beach. Pool & large $25,000 negotiable. Fully
pound. 680-2978
decks. $5,788,000.00 Equipped Hardware (Op-
security analysis can affect the work we can do in the future. security, with-in gated Building 5,360 sq ft tional). 308-8838
community on site, hotel. Land 14,000 sq ft
Start at $90,000USD must see. In a company name.
Requirements: Great Opportunity FB: Wrightson Investments WAREHOUSE 5000 sq.ft. Im-
779-5120 or Call 624-5905
- A minimum of five (5) CSEC subjects inclusive of English Language PALMISTE 3 bedroom $7500
mortelle St Couva $2.5M ono call
and Mathematics. FOR SALE 11 1/2 ACRES freehold land-
Collens Road, Maraval FOR SALE Port of Spain
- Experience in a similar position. Approvals for 6 units
ocean view, Cumana, Toco. for
sale. 715-8670 3,000 sq.ft. Warehouse on
- Certificate of Good Character - no later than 3 months old from Offers Invited. 4,500 sq.ft. Land. 684-6097
The owner does not bind TABAQUITE 7 lots, 2 road front-
date of submission himself to accept the age, $595,000.00. 707-0781
- Possession of a valid Driver’s Permit with a minimum of two (2) highest or any offer. BARATARIA 3 bedroom. 674-
297-6857 2 LOTS of land for sale. Dyer’s 4600/ 292-1097
years’ experience. Village, Williamsville. Corner spot UPPER SANTA Cruz 1 room semi
TWO BEDROOM House for Rent furnish 470-7906/712-3904
- Valid Defensive or Evasive Driving Certificate. LUXURY WATERFRONT 4 with road frontage on both sides,
Arima $3,000.00 774-9354
bedroom, Renaissance $13M. electricity and water, reasonably
- Must be Computer Literate. prices. Call 688-7298 DIEGO MARTIN,
- Additional training certification in Security Management Systems 3 bedroom House $6500m PETIT VALLEY
MAYARO 2 bedroom, Valuation 5 ACRE Plot, Freehold, Located 678-3460/ 715-0056 1, 2 & 3 bedroom apartments.
will be an asset. $700,000. 680-2978 in Cumuto, $410,000. Neg. Call 776-9654
- Precepted will be an asset but not mandatory. 779-6152
- Must be Bilingual - English and Spanish CIAL property for sale. Main
lumber, cheap coalmine. Sangre
Road, Preysal Village, Couva.
Serious inquiries only.
Grande 366-1690. STORAGE UNITS
Please send a copy of your CV to recruitment.tt@rampslogistics.com 636-4077, 767-4475 offers 24/7 access that
MAYARO 30 acres for develop-
and the Ministry of Labour and include the address (Duke Place, 50-54 ment. 680-2978 your company needs.
Duke Street, Port of Spain) WEST HILLS 3 bedrooms, Units available from
MAYARO BEACHFRONT. 680- 10’x10’ and 10’x12’ with
2 1/2 toilet/ bath, air- 2978
condition, swimming prices ranging from
pool, security, parking. CARENAGE GATED, ocean $800-$1000 per unit.
776-9654 views. 680-2978
GULF CITY 3 bedroom, 2.5 This is the perfect
baths, A/c, Hot/ Cold, 482-2649 solution for your storage
bedrooms, 2 1/2 toilet/ 1 BEDROOM, Cocoyea. needs.
bath, fantastic view, fully $1,800.00. 330-5761 Contact (868) 481-8088
furnished, security, air-
condition, pool, parking, ST. JAMES 2 bedroom, A/c. No for more information
price negotiable. 776- agents. $5,500. 787-7400. #1 Jerningham Avenue
AM MARKETING BEL AIR Extension 3 bedroom,
$2.5M and $2M 681-5653 9752 sqft. Borough Approved 2 bedrooms $4,600.00
Reg, Dealer #10 (Subdivision). Amow Street, En- SAN JUAN Rooms. 687-9448.
Negotiable, All Utilities.
#392-394 Cedar Hill HERMITAGE 3 bedroom, 2 sto- terprise 720k O.N.O. 686-6742.
Road, ClaxtonBay rey. $1M. 681-5653 388-8240
768-9800/373-2558 14 ACRES $2.2M St Mary’s
WOODBROOK PLACE One Bed- Junction with Sub Division PALMISTE 1 bedroom $4000
BRAND NEW room $2.3M 381-8324 Cadastral, Roadside. 308-8838 681-5653 MAYARO,
All amenities. $3600 monthly Beachfront, 5-Bedroom,
3.5 Ton Diesel FORKLIFT LENGUA VILLAGE Papourie $1000 weekly. 747-1244/ A/C, Wifi, Security
Road, 2 acres freehold land. 6331846
T&C approvals $775K. Close to Cameras.
all amenities. 308-8838 678-4210
Condition 102km $137K
This Lenten Season negotiable 770-6520
Bring the Sanctity of MAYARO HOUSE for Sale. What- 2 BDRM apt for rent Pt Cumana
sapp 631-620-9826. Carenage, AC, Security Cameras,
the Cross into your large driveway $3500 monthly &
home with this local USED VEHICLES LANGE PARK 3 bedroom, damage deposit
2 bathroom, fully a/c $1.8M
hand-made mini “Sta- negotiable. WhatsApp +1437-
Call 285-2502.
tions of the cross” set. PDT TOYOTA FIELDER 929-6750
5.41 ACRES,
For more information HYBRID (70K) FELICITY 2 storey main road SANGRE GRANDE.
please call 350-9150. property, 3 bedroom, 1 bath, Agricultural $1.55M 765-2780
TDW (5E) WINGLE P/UP 2 attached apartments $1.8M
(80K) negotiable. WhatsApp +1437- CHAGUANAS MONTROSE 1
929-6750 & 2 bedrooms $2000/ $2700.
767-9300 before 5pm.
TWO 3 tonne for sale. 788-1491 PDX MERCEDES C-Class E25 LOW TOP GLASS PARADISE HOUSING
Exclusive. Dealer Maintained. SIDE ($65k) Rochard Douglas Road, 3 bed- 3 BEDROOMS, Coconut drive,
32,000Km 4yrs. room flats $1.6M neg. Susan San Fernando. 719-5566
$285,000 308-8838
2020 HILUX 51km $200K 732-2691 UNION HALL 304-6814
Whatsapp 8132400474 MAYARO LOTS, near beach, PARAMIN. 91 acres, SPACIOUS 2 Bedroom
STOLEN & recovered Toyota 2 FAW 10-WHEELERS $175K. 368-3823 La Finnette $3.5M Tunapuna, burglar-proof,
NZE SHELL $29,000.00 Fielder 165 hybrid PDY missing LOW MILEAGE 735-5191 surveillance, recently refurbished,
744-9569. parts 790-1948. FB: Wrightson Investments 2 LOTS $600,000.00, Los Iros parking. 663-5237.
or Call 624 - 5905 Beach. Corner RE Roads & Jeffers
Drive. 683-4272, 765-0380 ONE BEDROOM Quiet Malabar
Arima 334-7007
PCZ PORSCHE 911 $1,000,000 USED VEHICLES HeartLand Plaza & Felicity. 713- $2.5M or $20,000 per month. POINTEAPIERRE 2 bedroom,
ONO call 389-2725 275-6252 CANOEBAY 5 acres. 680-2978 9030 355-7119 long term, $3,000.00. 755-0949
Wednesday, March 13, 2024
guardian.co.tt classifieds 29


CHAPTER 56:02 SEC. 136 CHAPTER 56:02 SEC. 136
KRISHENDATH SOOKDEO of L.P. No. 29 Cumuto Road,
Wallerfield, Arima in the Island of Trinidad, Applicant to IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF:
replace Lost Certificate of Title Volume 2774 Folio 105B
standing in the names of KRISHENDATH SOOKDEO, KRISHENDATH SOOKDEO of L.P. No. 29 Cumuto
HARDER DOUBLE Stimulation NANKISHORE SOOKDEO AND RAMCOOMAR Road, Wallerfield, Arima in the Island of Trinidad,
Explosive & Orgasmic! Get a Total SOOKDEO, Registered Proprietors. Applicant to replace Lost Certificate of Title
Body Sensual Massage. 373-5821 Volume 2774 Folio 105B standing in the names
and 5th January, 2024 I HEREBY DIRECT notice of my Registered Proprietors.
intention to issue a new Certificate of Title in respect of
that parcel of land described in the schedule hereunder
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that unless good
be advertised in a local daily newspaper AND I FURTHER
DIRECT that unless good cause to the contrary be shown cause to the contrary is shown within fourteen days
within fourteen days from the date of such advertisement from the publication of this notice the Registrar
a new Certificate of Title do issue in respect of the said General of Trinidad and Tobago will issue a new
parcel of land. Certificate of Title in respect of that piece of land
situate in the Ward of Turure in the Island of Trinidad
THE SCHEDULE ABOVE REFERRED TO comprising ONE ROOD be the same more or less
delineated and coloured pink in the plan registered
ALL AND SINGULAR that piece of land situate in the in Volume 168 Folio 595 being portion of the lands
Ward of Turure in the Island of Trinidad comprising described in the Crown Grant in Volume 59 Folio
ONE ROOD be the same more or less delineated and 113 and also described in the Certificate of Title in
coloured pink in the plan registered in Volume 168 Folio Volume 168 Folio 597 and bounded on the North by
595 being portion of the lands described in the Crown
a Road on the South and West by Cunapo Southern
Grant in Volume 59 Folio 113 and also described in the
Certificate of Title in Volume 168 Folio 597 and bounded
Road and on the East by lands of Bhajandas and now
on the North by a Road on the South and West by Cunapo described in Certificate of Title Volume 2774 Folio
Southern Road and on the East by lands of Bhajandas and 105B.
now described in Certificate of Title Volume 2774 Folio 105B.
Dated this 23rd day of January, 2024.
Dated this 15th day of January, 2024.

All rooms self-contained
FB: Summerland Suites

389-2378, 357-3337
www.sandypointhotel.se $Q\RQHNQRZLQJWKH
residential, some suitable for
retirees, near Pigeon Point,
from $2,600.00 up. 767-9300
before 5:00pm.


Kitchen/ living-room/ porch
ocean view, spacious compound
adjacent to Storebay 685-9052,


Sleeps 7. All amenities.
632-4127/ 754-9705

CROWN POINT furnished ca-

bana adjoining Storebay. Augus-
tus 633-0406
30 classifieds Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Nadur) passed away peace-
Guardian lives remembered
fully on Friday 8th March, 2024.
Daughter of the late Solomon
and Zurify Nadur. Wife of the
late Neil Whiteman. Mother of
Lisa, Kevin and Jason. Mother 5HPHPEHULQJ
in law of Joseph Hadad, Jersiel
Whiteman and Siann Moham-
med. Grandmother of Matthew
and Jessica Hadad, Jaada and
Genevieve Whiteman. Sister of
Salma, dec(George, dec), Deby,
dec(Michael, dec), George,
dec(Anna, dec), Alma(Terry,
dec) and Antonio, dec(Mona).
Sister in law of Keith, Leila and
Gordon. Funeral mass for the
late Mary Whiteman takes place
at 10:30am on Wednesday 13th
March, 2024 at St. Finbar’s R. C.
Church, Diego Martin, followed
by private interment. For enquir- -DQXDU\0DUFK
0 UF

ies, please contact Chancellor
Walks Funeral Services, 287-
0403/04. $G
\ :H
\ : P


RUDOLPH retired High Court
Judge and former Chair of the
Public Service Appeal Board,
BAHADUR: ROY LLOYD passed away peacefully on Sun-
a.k.a. “GEORGE”
of #109 Fifth Avenue, Maraj day, March 10, 2024. He was the
Lands, Marabella passed away devoted Husband of Norla Brooks
on Saturday 9th March 2024 at (née Mannette), committed fa-
the age of 87. He will be lovingly ther of Gerry Colin (Anna-Maria),
remembered as the: Husband of Ian Robin (Karen) and Wayne
Naomi Bahadur. Son of the late Gregory (Jessie-Ann). Proud
Ivan and Betsy Bahadur. Father
of Lisa, Rydell and the late Reneé Grandfather to Christian
Brother of Roger, Carmen, Joyce, Matthew, Jonathan Daniel,
Esmee (USA), the late Lennox, Timothy Liam, Justin Brandon
David, Deryck, Eileen, Vena, Ena, and Christopher Marc. Son of
Monica and Pearl. Father-in-law Headley and Maude Brooks.
of Dave Gosine and Jillian Jai- Brother to Fitzgerald Brooks,
karan. Brother-in-law of Dolores,
Larry, Bobby, Ann and Margot. Marjorie, Lucille and Ralph. Uncle
Grandfather of Adam, Reece, to many including the Mc Lean,
Ryan, Nathanael, Xavier and Gaia. Brooks, Heywood, Mannette and
Friend of Joyce, Zorida, Mike, Assue families. Funeral Mass for
Sueloy, Margaret and Lynette. the late Justice Clebert Rudolph
The Funeral Service for the late Brooks takes place at 10:00 a.m.
Roy Lloyd Bahadur a.k.a. “George”
will take place on Thursday 14th on Thursday, March 14, 2024 at
March 2024 at 11:15 a.m. at J.E. the Church of the Assumption,
Guide Funeral Home & Cremato- Long Circular Road, Maraval. Pri-
rium Limited, #120 Coffee Street, vate Cremation. A collection will
San Fernando, followed by a Pri- be taken up for the Church of the
vate Cremation. Enquiries can be Assumption Building Fund. For
made at J. E. Guide Funeral Home
& Crematorium Ltd., #120 Coffee enquiries contact R. M. de Souza
Street, San Fernando (235-5049/ Memorial Chapel Limited at 223-
652-4261). 2007/8 and 637-2009.




' X KW
3H QQ\\&
Wednesday, March 13, 2024
guardian.co.tt 31

Jordan’s all-round play helps

BAHS lift Water Polo title
Newsgathering Editor - Sport
Sunday Murphy 3, Abella Mollenthiel 2,
(At National Aquatic Centre) Jodie Marie Riley) vs BAHS 0.
Jenay Jordan’s all-round play was Final
vital in leading Bishop Anstey Open Girls Third-place playoff
High School (BAHS) Port-of-Spain • BAHS 12 (Sanaa Fraser 7, Jenay • SFGC 6 (Kylee Fountain 4, Kimi
to the girls’ Open title in the Re- Jordan 3, Marielle McLeod 2) vs Craigwell 2) vs HNCP 18 (Chiara
public Bank National Secondary HNCP 4 (Kiara Goodridge 2, Diana Boisselle 5, Melanie Valdez-Brown
Schools Water Polo League on Alvarez- Peralta 2) 5, Chelsea Ramsey 3, Korrie Cario 2,
the weekend. Y’shua Alphonso 2, Maria Thomas)
Jordan, who was later named Open Boys
“Player of the Match”, netted • QRC 9 (Javier Jordan 3, Anderson Form 1 Boys
three goals as her team closed Hamilton 3, Armando Sahampoo Final
2. Elijah Francis) vs Fatima 19 • QRC 5 (Alejandro Pereira 3, Luke
with a comfortable 12-4 win
(Jeremiah Henriques-Brown 8, Gibson, Torinio Tracey) vs St Mary’s
over Holy Name Convent Port- Nathaniel Casimir 3, Samuel Edghill College 4 (Gabriel Fullerton 2, Jean
of-Spain (HNCP) at the National 2, Che’dan Davidson 2, Logan Paul Charles Pierre 2)
Aquatic Centre in Balmain, Hamel-Smith 2, Justin Hackett,
Couva, on Saturday. Aiden Tangwell). Third-place playoff
Her teammate Sanaa Fraser • Combined Team 2 (Melanie Valdez-
led the team’s scoring with seven Saturday Brown , Shauna Murphy) vs Fatima
brilliant goals in the lopsided af- BAHS’ Jenay Jordan, left, prepares to shoot while under pressure from Holy (At Diego Martin Community Pool) 9 (Shane Gransaul 3, Malachi Leach
fair. Marielle McLeod scored the Name Convent Port-of-Spain’s Gabrielle Peters, during the Republic Bank Form 1 Girls 3, Nasique George, Jayden Sancho,
other two goals for BAHS, which Secondary Schools Water Polo League open female final match at the Final Adam Parson)
took a 4-1 lead in the first quar- National Aquatic Centre in Balmain, Couva, on Sunday. BAHS won 12-4. • SJCP 10 (Alexis Avey 4, Shauna
ter with three goals coming from
Fraser and the other from Mc sponded with a double to lead In the boys’ Open final, Fatima twice, and Justin Hackett and win over St Mary’s College (CIC)
Leod. Diana Alvarez-Peralta pro- HNCP’s fight in the match-up. College took charge of its game Aiden Tangwell also netted a goal to take the gold medals. Earlier,
duced the lone item in the open- BAHS remained in charge from the beginning and spread apiece in another lopsided final. Fatima topped the Combined
ing period for HNCP. though despite another goal the scoring around. Jeremiah On Saturday in the Form One Team 9-2 to bag the bronze.
Fraser rallied with two more from Alvarez-Peralta in the third Henriques-Brown led the way title matches at the Diego Martin In the girls’ competition, St
goals in the second quarter with quarter. Jordan and Fraser went with an amazing eight goals, Community Pool, Queen’s Royal Joseph’s picked up the gold with
McLeod netting her second item on to score an item each in the scoring a double in each quarter. College (QRC) and SJCP emerged an easy 10-0 win over Bishop
and Jordan, her first of three, to remaining quarters to seal the Nathaniel Casimir scored three as the respective boys’ and girls’ Anstey. Holy Name collected the
give their team an 8-3 advantage eight-goal victory for Bishop An- times, Che’dan Davidson and champions bronze, easing past St Francois
at halftime. Kiara Goodridge re- stey. Logan Hamel-Smith each scored QRC earned a hard-fought 5-4 Girls College (SFGC), 19-9.

No T&T clubs in CONCACAF women’s club tournament

CONCACAF announced its next scheduled for August, September, event played in May.
strategic move in women’s foot- and October 2024 and a final four However, no club from the T&T
ball: the launch of the CONCACAF centralised semifinals and final in Women’s League Football (TT
Women’s Champions Cup, the May 2025. WoLF) will feature in the inaugural
region’s first official women’s con- The competition will be played edition.
tinental club championship, on annually between 11 clubs from Contacted for comment on why
Tuesday. member associations that meet no T&T club will be involved, Amiel
This comes following the suc- CONCACAF’s eligibility criteria. Mohammed, General Secretary
cessful conclusion of the inaugural Clubs will qualify through their of the T&T Football Federation
CONCACAF Women’s Gold Cup domestic leagues based on sport- (T&TFF) said: We have received no
over the past month, which saw ing merit through criteria that correspondence from CONCACAF
the USA crowned Champions on must be proposed by their mem- regarding the inaugural season of
March 10 with a 1-0 win over Bra- ber association and ratified by this competition.
zil at San Diego’s Snapdragon Sta- CONCACAF. It is also important to note that
dium. The qualification slots allocated there is currently no club licensing
The Women’s Champions Cup to member associations will see for women’s clubs.
will be an annual competition and one club from Canada and El Sal- However, we have been working
will include the best clubs from vador facing off in the preliminary with and discussing with WoLF
North America, Central America, round with the winner joining one over the last few months, the re-
and the Caribbean and will crown a club from Costa Rica, Jamaica, and vamp and strengthening of the
regional women’s club champion. Panama and three clubs each from women’s league competitions in-
The tournament will also be the Mexico and the USA in the group clusive of club licensing, similar
sole path through which CONCA- stage of ten teams, consisting of to what was done for T&T Premier
CAF region clubs can qualify for two groups of five teams, with each Football League (T&TPFL).
the new FIFA Women’s Club World team playing a total of four group “Launching the CONCACAF W
Cup, which FIFA has committed to stage matches (two at home; two Champions Cup is a very exciting
launching shortly. away) in August, September, and next step on our journey of de-
The inaugural CONCACAF October. veloping all aspects of women’s Kwinsi Williams, left, receives his official FIFA referee badge from TTFA
W Champions Cup will be the After the group stage play, the football in our region,” said CON- general secretary Amiel Mohammed during the FIFA Referees’ Badge
2024/25 edition, with preliminary top two clubs from each group will CACAF president and FIFA vice distribution ceremony at the TTFA Technical Centre at Ato Boldon Stadium
round and group stage matches progress to a final four centralised president, Victor Montagliani. in Couva in January. PICTURE DANIEL PRENTICE
32 sport Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Slow paperwork at Port preventing Fatima whips

North Eastern
foreign boats for Great Race 31-5 to retain
Senior Sports Reporter
Before 2018, Monster was the
winner of the race back in 2013,
walter.alibey@guardian.co.tt 2014 and 2015, however, Mr. Solo
Too has won the most Great Race
Rugby title
Plans to host international boats titles with a record 18 times. Co- Fatima College retained their
for this year’s Great Race event incidentally, neither Monster nor First Division crown in the Sec-
from Trinidad to Tobago will soon Mr Solo Too have made it to the ondary Schools Rugby League
be fast-tracked. first Regatta for 2024 and it is un- on Monday when they defeated
Attracting boats to the coun- certain whether they will be out North Eastern College 31-5
try’s biggest boating event—the to the year’s second Regatta on in the final on the Royalians
International Great Race—appears March 24 at the Yacht Club. Ground, Queen’s Park Savan-
to be simple, but the intricacies Tardieu said he and his mem- nah, Port-of-Spain.
of completing paperwork at short bers have been working on getting It was a repeat of last year’s
notice have been causing officials The crew of Jonathan Tardieu (throttleman), Jonathan Mouttet (driver) and something concrete, as it relates final, which the Fatima boys
of the T&T Powerboat Association Nicholi Assam (navigator) piloted Extreme Measure to win the 70 miles per to what they intend to propose for claimed as well. But on Mon-
hour class when the T&T Powerboat Association held its first Regatta at
headaches. boats getting into the country and day, Matthias Aboud led the
Casters Cove, Chaguaramas, on February 25. PICTURE RONALD DANIEL
President of the powerboat out in a timely manner, as well as way with 15 points coming
association, Jonathan Tardieu, tourism,” Tardieu said. Tardieu said, it was for that pur- what can be the benefits of it. from three tries. He was sup-
revealed that his association has “The issue is that when interna- pose that the event, which at the Tardieu said the low turnout of ported by Ben Harrigan whose
already begun preliminary dis- tional boats arrive here, there is time was sanctioned by the world participants was no fault of the 11 points came from a try and
cussions to determine the issues a lengthy time they spend at the governing body for the sport the association or the boat owners, three conversions as the desig-
related to getting boats in and out Port before Customs can release Union of Internationale Motonau- however, he is predicting a larger nated kicker for his team.
of the country in a short space of them. Sometimes it takes weeks. tique (UIM), was a one-off event. turnout when the second regatta The win, however, was only
time, the process involved in it, And all this is due to the process of Despite the foreign entrant, is held. completed with a try from Mi-
and the relevant people they need getting the paperwork sorted out.” however, local boat Motul Mon- “The boats have been trying chael Aboud. North Eastern
to approach if they are to success- For the 50th staging of the In- ster won the featured 130mph A to sort out their issues, so this College, on the other hand,
ful in their bid. ternational Great Race in 2018, Class in a new record time of 47 means that there should be more received just one moment of
“I am ready to have interna- there was just one foreign entrant minutes and 43 seconds. boats on March 24 for the second glory in the match, courtesy
tional competition for the Great from a total of three that were reg- Monster, represented by Joey regatta. In the 60mph class, there of a try by Elijah Williams, as
Race as soon as this year. However, istered. The boats were Lucas Oil Sabeeney, his son Joshua (driver), was only one boat in the first re- the conversion on his try was
it is something we are still trying from the United States, a 54-foot Alfred Bell (navigator), Daniel gatta, so we are expecting about missed.
to figure out. We intend to reach catamaran called Hoski also from Peake (navigator), Peter Peake four to five more boats. And in the However, their effort was
out to the Ministry of Sports and the US and another from Europe. (throttleman) and Marcel Car- 70mph class, there were just two sufficient for the runner-up
Community Development and the However, only Lucas Oil made rington (crew chief ), was the fa- boats last month. This time we are spot and resulting silver medal.
Ministry of Tourism as there is the it to the starter’s gun as the other vourite boat going into the race, hoping to see at least two more in Meanwhile, a battle between
potential for the country to benefit two suffered the same paperwork having won ten out of 12 local re- that class,” Tardieu said. the same two teams from last
through foreign income and sports issues. gattas that year. year greeted fans for the third
and fourth-place play-off. San

Team T&T captures gold at inaugural Caricom Classic Juan North Secondary, who
surrendered the bronze medal
award last year, received sweet
Fide Master (FM) Joshua John- ing the closing ceremony on
revenge by whipping their
son, FM Quinn Cabralis, Woman Saturday where she committed
counterparts 10-0.
Candidate Master (WCM) Ysvett for CCA to provide resources for
An equally entertaining
Hermoso Rodriguez and Zara La further chess development in the
match-up for the fifth and sixth
Fleur combined to win gold for region. The deputy chief of mis-
positions went in favour of
T&T at the inaugural Caricom sion for T&T to Guyana, Candice
Tranquillity Secondary School
Classic hosted by the Guyana Shade, was present at the closing
defeating St Francis Boys 22-7.
Chess Federation at the Ramada ceremony and offered hearty con-
The Tranquil men got tries
Georgetown Princess Hotel from gratulations to the team.
from Adriel Brown, Alexander
March 3-10. TTCA president Sonja John-
Regis, and Santiago St Louis,
Nine countries, including Baha- son expressed her overwhelming
as well as a try and conversion
mas, Barbados, Cayman Islands, pride saying, “The pride I feel
from Kymani Waithe for his
Dominica, Jamaica, Saint Lucia, for this team right now is unpar-
seven points.
Suriname, T&T and the host coun- alleled. Apart from the discipline
Meanwhile, action continues
try, which fielded two teams, par- and tremendous efforts over the
TTCA secretary Sandy Razark, left, FM Joshua Johnson, FM Quinn Cabralis, in the Second Division today,
ticipated in the tournament which board, I am also so warmed by
WCM Ysvett Hermoso Rodriguez, Zara la Fleur and TTCA president Sonja which chief organiser Patrice
took the format of a nine-round the camaraderie of the board. The
Johnson pose with the championship trophy and the national flag after Des Vignes described as a de-
round-robin event with each team interactions we had before each
winning gold at the inaugural Caricom Classic hosted by the Guyana Chess velopment division. This divi-
comprising two males and two fe- round, offering words of encour-
Federation at the Ramada Georgetown Princess Hotel from March 3-10. sion is catered for new schools
male players. agement, discussions of team strat-
PICTURE COURTESY TTCA that are being introduced to
The opening ceremony for the egy, sharing of expertise in various
ping a minimum of half a point. player to do so. Such an inspired the sport.
Caricom Classic was attended by openings and positions among
The tournament came to a pin- performance from the youngest In the east zone, action will
former World Chess Champion team members which in the end
nacle on Saturday (March 9) when member of the team. These two take place among Trinity Col-
Viswanathan (Vishy) Anand, the resulted in almost perfect execu-
T&T, who maintained their place results already cemented T&T’s lege, Bonair High, Five Riv-
first chess Grandmaster of India tion augurs well for us at the Chess
at the top of the standings, had first place. ers Secondary, and St Joseph
and deputy president of FIDE. Olympiad to be held in Budapest,
to meet Guyana 1 who was in sec- However, the team went on to Secondary, while the trio of
T&T Chess Association (TTCA) Hungary later in September.
ond position. This was the match win 3.5 to 0.5 points against Guy- Success Laventille, Morvant
secretary Sandy Razark was also “This young team really did
everyone waited for. The matches ana I with CM Taffin Khan secur- Laventille, and Barataria Sec-
in attendance in her capacity as our country proud. I congratu-
with Barbados versus St Lucia and ing a draw against Joshua Johnson ondary will contest the north
executive member of the Confed- late the Guyana Chess Federation
Jamaica versus Cayman Islands as the last game to end. With this zone.
eration of Chess for the Americas for hosting this important event
were also important as these re- performance, T&T confirmed In the south zone, Fyzabad
(CCA) Board. which also serves as a catalyst to
sults would determine which fed- their position as the Caricom Clas- Secondary, Moruga Second-
After the first four rounds be- promote regional integration.”
eration would come in third. sic Championship team. In the ary, and St Benedict’s College
fore the rest day on Wednesday Davion Leslie, programme
In the last round, FM Cabra- end, Team T&T secured 31 out of will be involved in action at the
(March 6), Team T&T was on the manager with responsibility for
lis secured the first win for T&T a possible 36 points with 27 wins, Exile Grounds in Gasparillo.
maximum total of eight match Sports Development at the Cari-
against FM Anthony Drayton of eight draws and just one loss and For the Tobago schools, the
points as they had defeated, Ba- com Secretariat, presented Team
Guyana. He was then followed the tournament total of 18 match trio of Scarborough Sec, Rox-
hamas, Guyana II, Barbados and T&T with the first place trophy
by La Fleur who ended with a points for winning all nine of their borough Secondary, and Signal
Jamaica. After the rest day, Team and the individual first place med-
perfect score of 9 out of 9 points matches. Hills will engage in action later
T&T demonstrated its dominance als, which were handcrafted for
for the entire event. The only Razark delivered remarks dur- on. (WA)
by winning its matches by drop- this historic occasion.
Wednesday, March 13, 2024
guardian.co.tt sport 33
Fatima, St Anthony’s
Trepte, Samaroo, Wallace head clash in North Zone Bball
youthful team at Grand Prix
Fatima College and St Anthony’s College will meet
in the boys’ Under-17 North Zone league final today
from 4 pm, hosted by the T&T Secondary Schools
Basketball Association, at Nelson Mandela Park in St
Clair, Port-of-Spain.
The teams booked their spots in their respective
Senior Sports Reporter
semifinal matches, played at the same venue last
week Thursday.
Led by skipper Jedaiah King, the unbeaten Fatima
A youthful T&T cycling team, compris-
secured its place in the final, beating Belmont Sec-
ing dominant, middle-to-long distance
ondary with a commanding score of 44-12. Another
rider Liam Trepte, speedster Syndel Sa-
finalist, St Anthony’s overcame St Mary’s College in
maroo, Tariq Woods, Zion Pulido, Ryan
a close match-up, 28-24.
D’Abreau, Kyle Caraby, Phoebe Sandy
The action-packed day will jump off with the third-
and Makaira Wallace will attempt to fend
place playoff match between Belmont and St Mary’s
off more than five teams of international
starting at 3 pm, followed by the final at 4 pm.
riders, when the International Cycling
The semifinals for the U-15 category were held last
Grand Prix takes place at the Arima Vel-
week Friday. Fatima College narrowly clinched a
odrome and the National Cycling Centre
33-31 victory over St Anthony’s College in a thrilling
(NCC) in Balmain, Couva, over the Easter
Yesterday, last year’s finalists in the U-15 division,
President Rowena Williams, at yes-
Fatima College and Queen’s Royals College (QRC) re-
terday’s launch of the event at the NCC,
newed their rivalry.
hailed the young team, saying the T&T
On Friday, in the semifinals, defending champion
Cycling Federation not only wants to ex-
Fatima had advanced after narrowly clinching a
pose their young riders to international
33-31 victory over St Anthony’s College. QRC secured
competition but also allow them to ac-
their place in the final with a convincing 44-6 victory
quire much-needed UCI points that will
over St Mary’s.
help in building their rankings.
This year’s grand prix will be a
UCI-sanctioned Class Two event, which is Stewart leads Indiana
a grade just below the level at which rid-
ers can get points towards Olympic qual-
ification. In fact, in the class two event,
Tech to 9th straight win
National men’s volleyballer Daynte Stewart was
riders will be able to acquire points that the lone player to score in double figures to lead
will go towards their qualification for the Indiana Tech to a 25-18, 25-17, 25-12 win over St
World Championships and other main Mary-of-the-Woods College at Schaefer Centre,
meets. Fort Wayne, Indianapolis, on Friday night.
But first, their main test will be against Stewart tallied 12 kills and seven digs while
a four-member Startrack Pro Cycling Mason Milan chipped in with seven kills and one
team from the United States, a Barba- block, and Ben Rosenow got six kills and two
dian team which is being led by seasoned aces in the win, their eighth on the trot to push
local campaigner Edwin Sutherland, a their win-loss record to 14-1, and 5-1 in the Wol-
four-member Jamaican team, a two-man T&T cyclists Makaira Wallace and Syndel Samaroo PICTURE COURTESY TTCF
verine-Hoosier Athletic Conference while St Mary-
Venezuelan team that comprises Maximo of-the-Woods College, who got five kills each from
Rojas and Clever Martinez, as well as two nently to pick up cycling and have been “They can put themselves on the inter- Christian Green and Marko Zolnjan and three from
teams from Colombia and neighbouring unstoppable to date. Wallace, a junior national stage by gaining points, starting Bentley Meyer, dropped to 11-7 on the season, and
Brazil each, which are still to be con- rider who competed successfully at the at the grand prix in a couple of weeks.” 2-5 in conference play.
firmed. Youth Commonwealth Games last year, On the first two days of the grand prix Stewart and his teammates were back in action
Williams said she expects a lot from has been placed among the seniors, such on March 29 and 30, the action will be against Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College on Satur-
her charges as they are all highly moti- is her level of dominance, while Syndel at the Velodrome where the keirin and day and despite the T&T player being rested, Indi-
vated by the exploits of Nicholas Paul, Samaroo, the rising sprint ace is slowly other events will be held. On April 1, the ana Tech still eased to a 25-16, 25-16, 27-25 win to
Kwesi Browne, and other top T&T cyclists following in the footsteps of Paul, having NCC will be the venue for the sprints and up their record to 15-1 and 6-1 in conference play.
who are burning up the tracks and road won the keirin at the Peter De Silva Me- the Omnium races. Indiana Tech returned to action last night when
races abroad. morial Classic. Williams said with a budget of about they hosted Bethel University at Schaefer Centre,
Trepte, the Raiders’ rider, at the Na- “With Paul and the other top riders $400,000, they are pushing to have Fort Wayne, Indianapolis before travelling to Saint
tional Championships last year, won the doing their thing abroad, this young corporate T&T come on board to offer Xavier University this Friday in Illinois.
16-lap men’s race. And at the Peter De team of cyclists will use this event for fu- support. So far, the cycling federation is
Silva Memorial Classic at the Velodrome
last weekend, he claimed the top points
ture international meets. The Youth Pan
American Games is coming up in 2025,
being partnered by Nucor, NLCB, NGC,
and Blue Waters, among others, but the QPCC-City FC, AIA to
in eight laps out of a ten-lap tempo race
to prove his dominance in local cycling.
as well as other international events that
our riders will be going to. This is why it
cycling federation is pushing for more
financial help to improve their product meet in NLCL U-19 final
Both Trepte and Wallace made their is critical to expose them now,” Williams and make it better for local and interna- A new champion will be crowned in the Next Level
exits from the sport of triathlon perma- explained yesterday. tional audiences. Consulting Limited (NLCL) Under-19 Division Foot-
ball Community Cup on Sunday,
at the Larry Gomes Stadium, Ma-
When De Mark Buss WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13, 2024 LAST DRAW: TUESDAY, MARCH 12, 2024 labar, from 3.30 pm when QPCC-
PICK TWO City FC and ZA Limity AIA meet in
Marks Times played Marks Times played PLAY WHE
10.30am 1pm 4pm 7pm Total 10.30am 1pm 4pm 7pm Total the decider.
01 CENTIPEDE 2 1 2 2 7 19 HORSE 2 2 0 1 5 TODAY’S STAR BETS 10.30 am 22 14 This after QPCC-City FC edged
02 OLD LADY 1 1 3 0 5 20 DOG 1 0 1 2 4 26 (Fowl) two-time reigning champion
03 CARRIAGE 4 0 2 0 6 21 MOUTH 0 1 2 2 5 32 (Shrimp) 1 pm 29 28
04 DEAD MAN 1 0 2 3 6 22 RAT 0 1 1 3 5 33 (Spider) Soccer Made Simple 1-0 in their
05 PARSON MAN 1 3 3 1 8 23 HOUSE 2 2 1 0 5 semifinal at Mannie Ramjohn
20 (Dog) 10.30 am 5 (Parson Man) 1 pm 36 (Donkey) 4 pm 32 5
06 BELLY 3 4 0 0 7 24 QUEEN 2 2 3 1 8 Stadium, Marabella, with Kade
07 HOG 2 3 1 1 7 25 MOROCOY 0 1 2 1 4
08 TIGER 0 3 1 1 5 26 FOWL 0 2 3 5 10 BACKUP MARKS 7 pm 26 11 Collier conjuring up a dramatic in-
09 CATTLE 0 2 4 4 10 27 LITTLE SNAKE 2 1 1 3 7 15-17-24-27-34 jury-time winner, while ZA Limity
10 MONKEY 2 1 2 1 6 28 RED FISH 3 4 3 0 10 Under: (Last Wednesday) AIA blanked Ball Blasters Youth
11 CORBEAU 1 2 1 1 5 29 OPIUM MAN 3 2 2 3 10 PREFERRED LINES 10.30 am.................................. 17-5
12 KING 1 1 1 0 3 30 HOUSE CAT 0 2 0 3 5 21 (Mouth) 4 pm 5-6-7-8 1pm............................................ 6-27 Academy of Tobago 2-0 with Jah-
21 (Mouth) 7 pm
13 CRAPAUD 1 1 3 1 6 31 PARSON WIFE 3 0 1 1 5
4 pm.. ........................................ 8-26 del Chase-Charles and Jean Marc
PICK FOUR 7 pm........................................ 26-28
14 MONEY 1 3 0 3 7 32 SHRIMP 1 2 1 1 5 Thomas scoring in the second half
Under: (Last Wednesday) PICK TWO SELECTIONS
15 SICK WOMAN 1 1 0 4 6 33 SPIDER 2 4 1 1 8 10.30 am 7 8 6 4 2-7 5-15 for AIA, the winners.
16 JAMETTE 3 1 0 2 6 34 BLIND MAN 5 1 1 1 8 10.30 am................... 8-9-7-5
17 PIGEON 2 0 1 1 4 35 BIG SNAKE 0 3 2 2 7 1 pm 1 pm........................... 1-8-7-8 Prior to Sunday’s final, Ball
3 9 3 1 CASH POT
18 WATER BOAT 2 1 0 0 3 36 DONKEY 3 1 5 2 11 4 pm........................... 3-4-0-5 Blasters and Soccer Made Sim-
7 pm........................... 1-1-5-8 SELECTIONS
Play Whe—Under: (Last Wednesday) 4 pm 9 3 8 7 11-13-15-18-19 ple will face off in the third-place
10.30 am: 27 (Little Snake) 1 pm: 20 (Dog) 4 pm: 7 (Hog) 7 pm: 18 (Water Boat)
PICK FOUR SELECTIONS RESULTS game from 1.30 pm. Admission is
7 pm 1 6 6 7 3-3-5-0 3-5-13-16-17 Mx3
$35 with children under 12 free.
34 Wednesday, March 13, 2024

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31 January 31 January 30 April Nine Months Ended Nine Months Ended
2024 2023 2023 31 January 31 January Year Ended
2024 2023 30 April
ˁˢ˧˘˦ $ $ $ 2023
$ $ $
908,359,598 917,598,022 907,750,000 31,760,119 72,808,124 70,579,590
2,246,686 2,615,423 2,502,987 ʴ˗˝˨˦˧ˠ˘ˡ˧˦˙ˢ˥ʭ
910,606,284 920,213,445 910,252,987 ʹ˔˜˥˩˔˟˨˘˔˗˝˨˦˧ˠ˘ˡ˧ˢˡ˜ˡ˩˘˦˧ˠ˘ˡ˧ˣ˥ˢˣ˘˥˧˜˘˦ - - 10,602,154
ʹ˜ˡ˔ˡ˖˘˖ˢ˦˧˦ 10,970,973 11,914,375 16,756,288
ʶˈ˅˅ʸˁˇʴˆˆʸˇˆ - (43,724,135) (43,724,135)
11,924,606 11,915,551 12,941,844 ʷ˘ˣ˥˘˖˜˔˧˜ˢˡ 386,411 442,743 606,894
- 1,450,611 - 43,117,503 41,441,107 54,820,791
562,833 780,444 748,066
29,454,131 34,181,391 34,447,172 ʷ˘˖˥˘˔˦˘˜ˡ˜ˡ˩˘ˡ˧ˢ˥˜˘˦ - 44,622
41,941,570 48,327,997 48,137,082 1,017,238 2,601,069 (910,976)
ˇˢ˧˔˟ʴ˦˦˘˧˦ 952,547,854 968,541,442 958,390,069 502,234 928,837 3,568,559
- (1,450,611) -
ʸ˄ˈʼˇˌʴˁʷʿʼʴʵʼʿʼˇʼʸˆ - (30,375) -
ʸˤ˨˜˧ˬ˔˧˧˥˜˕˨˧˔˕˟˘˧ˢ˘ˤ˨˜˧ˬ˛ˢ˟˗˘˥˦ˢ˙˧˛˘ 1,204,820 903,573 (9,149)
ˆ˛˔˥˘˖˔ˣ˜˧˔˟ 43,058,438 43,058,438 43,058,438
45,841,795 44,438,222 57,469,225
3,053,642 5,349,964 5,443,112
˅˘˧˔˜ˡ˘˗˘˔˥ˡ˜ˡ˚˦ 590,554,274 590,167,580 587,416,728
ʼˡ˧˘˥˘˦˧ˣ˔˜˗ (7,874,183) (8,909,996) (16,218,640)
636,666,354 638,575,982 635,918,278
(886,292) 260,132 (79,073)
37,081,320 35,788,358 41,171,512
59,627,176 57,926,611 58,386,222
197,326,440 75,194,475 230,595,442
(130,110) (6,140) (57,853)
256,953,616 133,121,086 288,981,664
- (45,463,718) (44,388,975)
ʴ˗˗˜˧˜ˢˡ˦˧ˢ˜ˡ˩˘˦˧ˠ˘ˡ˧ˣ˥ˢˣ˘˥˧ˬ (609,598) (4,198,022) (4,952,154)
ʶ˨˥˥˘ˡ˧ʿ˜˔˕˜˟˜˧˜˘˦ (739,708) (49,667,880) (49,398,982)
3 - 45,000,000 -
ʷ˨˘˧ˢ˥˘˟˔˧˘˗ˣ˔˥˧˜˘˦ 1,423,212 1,076,132 218,393
45,481,705 139,230,769 24,363,549
(12,635,087) (14,230,770) 210,500,000
12,022,967 11,537,473 8,908,185
- 45,000,000 (184,231,055)
58,927,884 196,844,374 33,490,127
(2,389,470) 282,501 375,649
ˇˢ˧˔˟ʸˤ˨˜˧ˬ˔ˡ˗ʿ˜˔˕˜˟˜˧˜˘˦ 952,547,854 968,541,442 958,390,069
ʷ˜˩˜˗˘ˡ˗ˣ˔˜˗ (26,310,096) (13,250,657) (13,155,048)
(41,334,653) 17,801,074 13,489,546

(4,993,041) 3,921,552 5,262,076

34,447,172 30,259,839 29,185,096
29,454,131 34,181,391 34,447,172

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UNAUDITED UNAUDITED AUDITED Share Maintenance Retained Total

Nine Months Ended Nine Months Ended Capital Reserves Earnings Equity
31 January 31 January Year Ended $ $ $ $
2024 2023 30 April
2023 ˃˘˥˜ˢ˗˘ˡ˗˘˗ʦʤʽ˔ˡ˨˔˥ˬʥʣʥʦ
$ $ $ 43,058,438 5,067,463 531,633,209 579,759,110
66,730,105 63,566,311 84,626,730
(19,516,960) (17,423,323) (25,218,483)
47,213,145 46,142,988 59,408,247 - - 71,689,419 71,689,419
- 282,501 - 282,501

ʹ˔˜˥˩˔˟˨˘˔˗˝˨˦˧ˠ˘ˡ˧ˢˡ˜ˡ˩˘˦˧ˠ˘ˡ˧ˣ˥ˢˣ˘˥˧˜˘˦ - - (10,602,154)
˂˧˛˘˥˜ˡ˖ˢˠ˘ 314,421 280,485 392,023 - - (13,155,048) (13,155,048)
314,421 280,485 (10,210,131)
43,058,438 5,349,964 590,167,580 638,575,982

ʴ˗ˠ˜ˡ˜˦˧˥˔˧˜˩˘ (3,536,434) (4,780,845) (6,017,758)

˂ˣ˘˥˔˧˜ˡ˚ (1,260,040) (644,264) 431,385 43,058,438 5,067,463 531,633,209 579,759,110
(4,796,474) (5,425,109) (5,586,373)

42,731,092 40,998,364 43,611,743 - - 68,938,567 68,938,567

- 43,724,135 43,724,135 - 375,649 - 375,649
ʹ˜ˡ˔ˡ˖˘˖ˢ˦˧˦ (10,970,973) (11,914,375) (16,756,288)
31,760,119 72,808,124 70,579,590
ˇ˔˫˔˧˜ˢˡ - - (13,155,048) (13,155,048)
(1,071,524) 260,132 197,426
(1,240,953) (1,378,837) (1,838,449) 43,058,438 5,443,112 587,416,728 635,918,278
(2,312,477) (1,118,705) (1,641,023)

29,447,642 71,689,419 68,938,567
43,058,438 5,443,112 587,416,728 635,918,278
- - -
29,447,642 71,689,419 68,938,567
- - 29,447,642 29,447,642
- (2,389,470) - (2,389,470)

$0.90 $2.18 $2.10
- - (26,310,096) (26,310,096)

$0.90 $0.85 $1.09 43,058,438 3,053,642 590,554,274 636,666,354
Wednesday, March 13, 2024
guardian.co.tt sport 35
Tidy Matthews and
MI Women are no
match for Perry
DELHI—West Indies Women’s captain Hayley in the elimination final on Friday also at the AJ
Matthews helped give Mumbai Indians Women Stadium.
a strong start with both bat and ball, but a Play- On current net run rate, RCB Women and MI
er-of-the-Match performance from ace Australia Women are likely to meet again in the elimina-
all-rounder Elyse Perry blew them away, and tion final for a place in the final on Sunday at the Hayley Matthews of Commercial: Hire Purchase Agreement
Royal Challengers Bangalore Women romped same venue. CMC Mumbai Indians Women. Filing Attorney: Andrew J.J. Ramjohn
to a seven-wicket win in the Women’s Premier Bar No: RAA2016183
League yesterday in India. Attorneys-at-Law and Notaries Public
Matthews made 26 and fellow opener, Sa- 121 Henry Street
Port of Spain
jeevan Sanjana, hit the top score of 30, and they Tel: 623-4013 Fax: 627-5006
were the only two batsmen to pass 20 before a Email: aramjohn@mgdaly.com
destructive spell from Perry undermined the MI THE REPUBLIC OF TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO
Women batting, and they were bowled out for 113
in exactly 19 overs after they were put in to bat Claim No. CV2023-04492
in their final preliminary match of the Twenty20
tournament at the Arun Jaitley Stadium. CARIBBEAN FINANCE COMPANY LIMITED
Perry ended with six for 15 from her four And
overs, the best bowling performance in the brief
history of the WPL. 1st Defendant
Matthews then got the breakthrough for MI FARAND DEONANAN
2nd Defendant
Women with her off-spin when she had Australia ****************
international Sophie Molineux stumped for nine
in the fourth over—and RCB Women laboured to NO.142 CARONI SAVANNAH ROAD
39 for two at the close of the Power Play before CHAGUANAS
the dismissal of New Zealand all-rounder Sophie AND TO: FARAND DEONANAN
Devine in the next over left them scrambling on NO.90 NEW CITY AVENUE,
39 for three.
Matthews ended with one for 11 from two TAKE NOTICE that an action has been commenced against PACKAGE TAXI
LIMITED and FARAND DEONANAN in the High Court of Justice as Claim
overs—but Perry capped a memorable all-round number CV20223-04492 by CARIBBEAN FINANCE COMPANY LIMITED in
performance with 40 not out off 38 balls that which the Claimant claims against the First and Second Named Defendants
as follows:
helped RCB Women complete a successful run
chase with 30 balls remaining in the contest. 1. The sum of $62,946.65 due and owing under a Hire Purchase Agreement
and Contract of Guarantee dated the 19th day of November 2021;
Perry shared an unbroken fourth wicket stand 2. Interest on the principal sum of $47,158.67 at the rate of 2% per month
of 76 with Richa Ghosh, whose 36 not out off or $30.42 per day from the 2nd day of December 2023 until judgment or
sooner payment;
28 balls included four fours and two sixes, after 3. Costs:
RCB Women ran into trouble at 39 for three in 4. Further and or any other relief.
the seventh over. AND TAKE NOTICE that an Application for Judgment and Affidavit in Support
The result meant that RCB Women ended of Sharlene Rullow has been filed in this action on the 7th day of March 2024
the preliminary phase of the tournament third against the said Defendants PACKAGE TAXI LIMITED and FARAND DEONANAN.

on eight points—two behind second-placed MI AND TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that this matter comes up for virtual hearing
Women—and snuffed out the playoff hopes of before the Honourable Mr. Kevin Ramcharan on Tuesday the 9th day of April
2024 at 9.00am.
Gujarat Giants Women and Uttar Pradesh Warri-
orz Women in the five-team tournament. YOU MAY OBTAIN copies of the Notice of Application and Affidavit in Support
of Sharlene Rullow filed on the 7th day of March 2024 at the offices of M.G.
Leaders Delhi Capitals Women face the Gi- Daly & Partners at 121 Henry Street, Port of Spain, Attorneys-at-Law for the
ants in the final preliminary match of the tour- Claimant or you may request copies from the Court Office, Hall of Justice, Knox
Street, Port of Spain, Trinidad by sending an email to offcopypos@ttlawcourts.
nament today at the same venue to determine org.
the final placings and who will meet MI Women
Dated this 13th day of March 2024




36 SEA answers Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Wednesday, March 13, 2024
guardian.co.tt SEA answers 37


Language Arts SECTION 2

(75 minutes). Each question is worth 1 mark.
Answer All Questions.
SECTION 1 Read the passage carefully then answer the questions
Spelling TASK 4 - Non-Fiction (19 to 25) based on it. Please use complete
and proper sentences for your answers.
In each line of the passage below there is one word that is
TASK 1 incorrectly spelt. Underline the mis-spelt word and write its 19. The wind makes landing the hot air balloon a challenge for Keith Rodriguez.
correct spelling in the box provided for each line. 1 mark
20. Keith Rodriguez solves the problem of how to safely land his hot air
balloon. 2 marks
1. irresistible
2. masterpiece 21. Hot air is lighter than cold air supports the statement. 2 marks

3. delicious 22. A large, open space with no buildings would make a good landing
For a hot air balloon. 2 marks
4. accommodate

5. submissions 23. The story is mainly about a person trying to land a hot air balloon in
difficult conditions. 2 marks
6. convenient 12 marks
24. Students could say that it was a good idea, citing the evidence that it was indeed
Punctuation and Capitalisation a successful landing, and that he was heading toward the forest, where he wouldn’t
have been able to land.
There is one punctuation or capitalization error in each line Other students could say that if he had waited he might have found a better landing
in the passage below. Insert the missing punctuation mark spot, citing evidence that Rodriguez had a lot of propane fuel, which means he
TASK 2 (or correct the incorrect punctuation mark written) or capital could have kept the air in the balloon hot and could have floated for a long time.
letter in its correct place, in each line. 2 marks
25. Pulling the cord causes the balloon to drop because it lets hot air out of the
7. By the time balloon. Without as much hot air, the balloon becomes heavier and starts to
sink. 2 marks
8. twice each year,
9. December
Read the poem on Test Page 7
10. doesn’t
TASK 5 - Poetry and answer questions 26-32.

11. Should I shovel snow every day?

12. It will be a big help for my mom. 26. The literary device used in line 5 is a simile. 1 mark

6 marks 27. The mood at the beginning of the poem is playful or happy.
The mood at the end of the poem is one of disappointment. 2 marks
28. The word crest means highest point. 2 marks

There is one grammar error in each line in the passage below. 29. Verbs that describes the movements the kite makes are dive, dip or soar.
TASK 3 Draw a circle around the error and write the correct form of 2 marks
the word in the box provided.
30. The line that tells the reader the kite is gliding is “Then seems to rest”. 2 marks

31. In the last 4 lines the kite has become entangled in the branches of the tree.
13. or they could use
2 marks
14. had given 32. The best time for flying kites in Trinidad and Tobago is during Easter or
during the months of March and April. 2 marks
15. them
16. then
Look at the advertisement on
17. virtually TASK 6 - Graphic Test Page 8 and answer questions 33-36.
18. who

33. The freebies being offered are the free lens as well as the free eye test. 2 marks
12 marks
34. The word ophthalmic deals with the care of the eyes. 2 marks

35. A back to school promo is a strategy used to attract customers to increase

sales. 2 marks

36. The free offer will last for 41 days. 2 marks

38 sport Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Ali, Chase guide Pres Chaguanas to national title

Sport Correspondent SCORES STANDINGS
• Pres Chaguanas 158/8 (47 overs) Pl Team P W L Pts
Middle-order batsman Fareez Ali (Fareez Ali 50; Brandon Phillip 27, 1 Pres Chaguanas 9 9 0 167
struck an important half-century Aidian Racha 3-21) vs Pres San 2 Pres San’do 9 7 2 13
(50) and pace bowler Alexander Fernando 127 (40.2 overs) (Levi 3 Vishnu Boys 9 6 3 125
Chase took three wickets for 45 runs Ghanny 49; Riyaad Mohammed 4 Fatima 9 6 4 114
that helped Presentation College of 31; Alexander Chase 3-45). Pres 5 Naparima 9 6 3 103
Chaguanas lift their first Secondary Chaguanas won by 31 runs. 6 Hillview 9 4 5 87
Schools Cricket League national • St. Mary’s College 188 all 7 St Mary’s 9 4 5 83
title in 12 years. out (Samir Saroop 101; Aidan 8 St Benedict’s 9 3 6 77
Presentation Chaguanas, playing Lakhansingh 4-29; Ishmael Ali 3-37; 9 Princes Town West 9 1 8 37
at home with their unbeaten run Aaron Basant 2-25) vs Vishnu Boys’ 10 El Dorado East 9 0 9 9
Hindu College 192/2 (43.3 overs)
on the line, turned back defending
(Ishmael Ali 106 not out; Ishant took a stupendous catch in the
champions Presentation College Roopnarine 48; Savir Saroop 1/40).
San Fernando in front of their peers Chaguanas innings, played an auda-
Vishnu Boys won by 8 wickets.
and teachers at the school com- • St Benedict’s 145 (39.4) (Aidian cious shot to be bowled for a three-
pound in Chaguanas by 31 runs, Basdeo 41; Renaldo Fournillier 4-8) ball duck.
yesterday. vs Hillview 150/2 (26.3) (Joseph Wickets continued to fall reg-
Ali, the national Under-19 captain Mendoza 59, Renaldo Fournillier 41 ularly and it looked like Ghanny
who transferred from Naparima no). Hillview won by 8 wickets would be left standing alone. Racha
College, came to the crease when • Fatima beat Princes Town West by batted at number five and was the
Pres Chaguanas, who chose to bat default. only other batsman apart from the
first, were in some early trouble at Presentation College Chaguanas batsman Fareez Ali was named “Player of the openers to reach double figures.
Match” for his half century against Presentation College San Fernando, during point that would have helped them Eventually Ghanny was ninth
27 for 2. an SSCL Premiership match at the Presentation College Chaguanas ground,
While at the wicket, Ali saw two get over the line in the standings. out for 49 as San Fernando folded
yesterday. Pres Chaguanas won by 31 runs. PICTURE DANIEL PRENTICE
more wickets fall from his view at But all of that would be a non for 127, giving Chaguanas their first
the non-striker’s end and suddenly nas’ favour as San Fernando needed Chaguanas closed on 158 for 8 in issue as San Fernando failed to title in 12 years. Alexander Chase
the score was 32 for 4. to earn at least four more bonus 47 overs. reach the target. Bonus points did matched his national teammate
Aidan Racha was the chief tor- points with the win to overtake There was some discrepancy at not even come into play as Chagua- Racha with 3 for 45.
mentor with 3 for 21 in his opening Chaguanas in the season finale. the end of the innings as San Fer- nas completed the League with an Presentation Chaguanas manager
six-over spell. Chaguanas lost a few wickets and nando argued that the umpires unbeaten record. Roland Hosein shared how special
But Ali, who is a capable all- were in danger of falling for less should have allowed them to bowl San Fernando got a promising the win was, saying: “We started
rounder, played as a batsman since than 150. the 50 overs. start from openers Riyaad Moham- training since last year. Up to over
he is still recovering from an injury The San Fernando spinners put The umpires contended the cut med and Levi Ghanny. six months of training to reach to
and is not yet cleared to bowl. Chaguanas in a difficult position off time had arrived and the innings Together they put on 58 run this point in time. It is a really inde-
Ali struck five fours and a six in and when they lost Ali at 126 for 6, was deemed closed. partnership until Mohammed was scribable feeling. It hasn’t fully sunk
his 106-ball knock. He shared in an San Fernando were in with a chance However according to article caught for 31 in the 16th over. Mo- in as yet.
80-run partnership with Brandon to restrict Chaguanas to 150. 4.1(b) of the competition rules, “if hammed, who started the day 69 Skipper Justin Jagessar echoed his
Phillip who scored an important 27 Perhaps San Fernando skipper the team fielding first fails to bowl runs behind season top scorer Fa- manager’s sentiments.
to take the score from 32 for 4 to 112 Jacen Agard took too long to bring the required number of overs by tima’s Zachary Siewah, was eyeing He said: “There’s been a bunch
for 5 to change the game. himself or Racha back into the at- the scheduled time for cessation of the most runs for the season to de- of guys been trying to work hard to
San Fernando needed to keep tack, but important contributions the first session, play shall continue fend his personal title. win the U-19. We won U-14, U-16, but
Chaguanas under 150 runs to pre- from Ramine Sawh (10) Aneal until the required number of overs But despite falling for 31, he left the U-19 was the only title that we’ve
vent them from earning a batting Rooplal and Alexander Chase saw has been bowled. Unless otherwise San Fernando in a very good posi- been wanting to put our hands on.
bonus point. them move past the important 150 determined by the referee…”. tion, as they needed 101 runs from Since the beginning of the season
Chaguanas decided to bat first and the all- important point to make San Fernando felt they were 34.4 overs. all we wanted was just to win every
when they won the toss. The deci- it impossible for San Fernando to not given the chance to bowl out But disaster struck. Stylish T&T match. So we went out every game
sion put the tournament in Chagua- overtake them even if they lost. Chaguanas for the extra bowling U-15 captain Brendan Boodoo, who 100 per cent with our best efforts.”

Red Force aiming for good start against Volcanoes

T&T Red Force head coach David Barbados Pride, and Combined
Furlonge is hoping his team makes Campuses & Colleges Marooners. STANDINGS
T&T’s Red Force batsman (After third round)
a good start when the West Indies Kjorn Ottley The venue for the match has
Championship resumes today after been a bogey for Volcanoes in the 1 Windward Islands Volcanoes 62.2
a two-week break. Professional Cricket League era of points
The host team will face the Wind- the Championship, having endured 2 Leeward Islands Hurricanes 45.6
ward Islands Volcanoes at Queen’s heavy defeats in the two matches 3 Barbados Pride 43.8
Park Oval in St Clair, Port-of-Spain. they have contested there, and how 4 Jamaica Scorpions 29.6
“We have to have a good start, well the visitors come through this 5 Trinidad & Tobago Red Force 27.6
when we’ve done well we’ve always challenge will be a true sign of their 6 Guyana Harpy Eagles 26.4
had good starts, we’ve brought in fortitude. 7 Cricket West Indies Academy 24
Kjorn Ottley and we hope that his Peters, the former Volcanoes 8 Combined Campuses & Colleges
experience with West Indies we can and West Indies left-arm pacer, and Marooners 14.6
get a good start together with him team manager Liam Sebastien were
and Vikash Mohan, but the batting members of the unit a little under 10 table, all the teams you have to play
is key,” said Furlonge, yesterday. years ago when the visitors scored will be coming to challenge you,
“Our bowlers have been doing their previous win against Red and we will be looking forward to
well, they have been bowling out Force at the Oval by a whopping that.”
teams and looking at the track here 234 runs – and so too, long-standing He added: “But one of things of
we see some grass on it, the fast batsman Sunil Ambris. which we must be mindful is to not
bowlers like the wicket they’re see- “Our goals right now are simple – become complacent. We need do
ing there.” it’s not to change much, be consist- the things we have been doing so
Furlonge added: “We are very ent and try not to be complacent,” far throughout the season and do
confident we had a mental ses- Peters told CMC Sportswire on the them better, keep it simple, and
sion yesterday with the guys with eve of the match. “Going into a take it game by game.
some psychologists from the sport one of the important matches of Windward Islands Volcanoes will break after winning three matches, “We must not be too worried
company and the guys expressed the fourth round in one of their try to continue ticking all the right you can get carried away and think- about the outcome. What we must
confidence that we could win the greatest tests this season that could boxes. ing that it is over, but teams get be concerned about is the process
remaining four games, that is our give a strong signal to the destina- The Volcanoes are currently lead- stronger as the season wears on. and making sure that we are doing
goal to win the remaining four tion of the Headley-Weekes Trophy, ing the Championship with 62.2 “Teams will bulk up their sides, the good things over and over, and
games and place in the first or sec- symbol of supremacy in the tourna- points after resounding wins in and some teams have already we are consistent. We often talk
ond of the competition. ment. their first three matches in the tour- brought in their experienced play- about ticking the boxes—we want to
For the Volcanoes, it will be in Head coach Kenroy Peters said nament against Jamaica Scorpions, ers. When you are on top of the continue doing that.”
Sport Wednesday, March 13, 2024

PRES CHAG Grenada CARIFTA Games at

Kirani James Athletic Stadium.




Clean bowled! ALEXIS ANTOINE of Central

Sports took ten wickets against
Clarke Road United during the T&T
Presentation College Chaguanas’ Alexander Cricket Board National Premiership
Chase, left, bowls Presentation College Division 1 match at their home
San Fernando’s Levi Ghany during the SSCL ground in Felicity, Chaguanas
Premiership match at the Presentation on the weekend. He took eight
College Chaguanas ground. Pres Chaguanas wickets for 51 runs off 16 overs in
won by 31 runs. PICTURE DANIEL PRENTICE the first innings and two wickets
in the second innings to help his
team to a ten-wicket win.


“Launching the CONCACAF W

Champions Cup is a very exciting
next step on our journey of
developing all aspects of women’s
football in our region.”
—CONCACAF president and
FIFA vice president,

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co.tt • Visit our website
& CNC3 facebook page
Printed and Published by Guardian Media Ltd, ANSA McAL Centre, Rodney Road, Endeavour, Chaguanas, Trinidad. Tel: 235-5668
Wednesday, March 13, 2024



2 SEA Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Wednesday, March 13, 2024
guardian.co.tt SEA 3
4 SEA Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Wednesday, March 13, 2024
guardian.co.tt SEA 5
6 SEA Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Language Arts Grammar
(75 minutes). Each question is worth 1 mark.
There is one grammar error in each line in the passage below.
Answer All Questions. TASK 3 Draw a circle around the error and write the correct form of
the word in the box provided.

In each line of the passage below there is one word that is 13.
TASK 1 incorrectly spelt. Underline the mis-spelt word and write its Either the teachers could bring their ipads nor they could use
correct spelling in the box provided for each line.
their laptops for tomorrow’s lecture. The professor had gave
Spelling 1.
The cake was irrestable and so the restaurant could not help but 15.
they the information at the face to face session. The professor
hire the baker responsible for this masterpeace. Apparently,
would present the lecture physically than the teachers would
the fondant was delishous as well and as a result many customers
complete their assignments virtual. All were interested but Alan
placed orders. To acommodate everyone’s request the owner
whom preferred not to participate in this course.
placed a google form on his website so that order submisions 12 marks
6. SECTION 2 - Comprehension
were conveneient to all patrons who were interested.
Read the passage below carefully then answer the
TASK 4 - Non-Fiction questions (19 to 25) based on it. Please use complete
12 marks and proper sentences for your answers. 13 marks

1 The wind is starting to blow stronger, and when you’re riding in a basket under a
hot air balloon, just 400 feet above ground, that’s not necessarily a good thing. Keith
Punctuation and Capitalisation Rodriguez looks to the horizon and squints. He had planned to take off from Scioto
Downs, a horse racetrack south of Columbus, Ohio, fly a few miles north, and land
There is one punctuation or capitalization error in each line his balloon in a barren cornfield next to his pickup truck.
in the passage below. Insert the missing punctuation mark
TASK 2 (or correct the incorrect punctuation mark written) or capital
2 Then the wind changed. Instead of a light breeze from the south, now Rodriguez’s
bright red balloon is getting hit by stronger, colder winds headed west. He has plenty
letter in its correct place, in each line. of propane fuel in his tank—he probably could ride the wind halfway to Pennsylvania.
But that would be dangerous. Rodriguez’s choice of landing sites just became very
limited. As the balloon switches direction and floats east, everything below becomes
a wide carpet of suburban sprawl—big-box stores, major highways, and strip malls.
7. Beyond the stores lie forests.
by the time spring arrives my mom is really tired of the snow.
3 The only factor in Rodriguez’s favor is that it’s early, just after 7 a.m. The
highways are filling up with people driving to work, but otherwise the morning is
8. quiet and still.
She usually slips and falls in it at least twice each year “Oh boy,” Rodriguez thinks. “If I don’t land, like now, this could get bad.”
The balloon has no propeller or engine, so Rodriguez can’t change direction on his
9. own—he’s entirely dependent on the wind. The only thing he controls is altitude. He
mostly in december when her arms are full of gifts. Sometimes does this by changing the air temperature inside the balloon.
4 Sitting on the floor of the wicker gondola are three tanks of liquid propane. The
tanks are connected via black rubber hoses to two burners overhead. Each burner is
10. nearly as big as Rodriguez’s head. Rodriguez turns a knob on one side of the burners.
I shovel the sidewalk so that she doesnt have to do it when she This releases propane from a tank into the heating coil, where the liquid propane is
heated to a gas and mixed with the air. Then the mixture is ignited by a pilot light.
The mixture catches fire, and flames leap two feet high into the balloon.
11. 5 The balloon rises. Rodriguez has a plan in mind. The flame heats the air inside
gets home from work. Should I shovel the snow every day the nylon balloon. This works on a simple principle: hot air is lighter than cold air.
One cubic foot of air weighs about an ounce. If you heat that air by 100 degrees
Fahrenheit, its weight drops by about 7 grams. This means every cubic foot of heated
12. air inside Rodriguez’s balloon can lift about 7 grams. Just by himself, Rodriguez
I think I should. It will be a big help for my mom weighs 170 pounds, which equals about 77,110 grams. That means he needs about
11,016 cubic feet of hot air just to raise his own body off the ground. This is why hot
air balloons are so big—they must trap tremendous amounts of heated air.
Rodriguez’s balloon is a common size, trapping about 100,000 cubic feet of air. The
6 marks balloon is 80 feet tall and 60 feet wide. As Rodriguez gives his short burst of flame,
the air inside swirls in complicated, invisible patterns.
6 To drop in altitude, Rodriguez can pull a cord attached to a parachute valve at
Wednesday, March 13, 2024
guardian.co.tt SEA 7
the very top of the balloon. Since the hottest air sits at the top, this releases the ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
balloon’s most buoyant air, which makes the balloon descend.
7 Rodriguez gives the cord a short pull, and the gondola drops a little. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
“I don’t have an altimeter, and I can’t really see anything happening inside the balloon,”
Rodriguez thinks. “I have to pilot by feel.” Pushed by the wind, the balloon is flying ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
quickly now. It’s floating over the back wall of a supermarket when Rodriguez grabs
hold of the parachute valve cord and gives it a long, hard tug. The balloon drops. 24. Keith Rodriguez makes a successful but dangerous landing in a
Quickly. The hot air balloon is sinking, but still flying forward. parking lot.
8 It looks as though it’s about to slam into the edge of the supermarket’s roof, but it Based on information in the story about his location, the weather, and how
sails over it, with only about 15 feet to spare. Still, Rodriguez does not let go of the cord. hot air balloons work, explain whether his decision to land in the parking lot
He drops and drops, right between the light poles of the nearly empty parking lot. Just a was or was not a good idea. Use evidence from the text to support your
few feet above the ground, Rodriguez releases the parachute cord, turns the knob above answer. 2 marks
his head and fires both burners. The steep descent slows. The gondola touches lightly
against the asphalt, and then drags to a stop. There are only two people in the parking ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
lot, standing near the entrance to the store. They look toward the balloon, their eyes
and mouths open wide in shock.
“That was a little closer than I expected,” Rodriguez says to himself, laughing. “I really
needed to land quick.”

19. What makes landing the hot air balloon a challenge for Keith Rodriguez?
1 mark ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

25. Based on what the story explains about air temperature, why does pulling
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ the cord have this effect? 2 marks

________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

_______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
20. What problem does Keith Rodriguez solve? 2 marks

TASK - Poetry Read the poem and answer the questions that follow.
________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 13 marks

________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The Kite

by Harry Behn
21. A hot air balloon floats because the air inside the balloon is warmer than
the air outside of it. How bright on the blue 1
What information from the story supports this statement? 2 marks Is a kite when it’s new!

With a dive and a dip 3

_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ It snaps its tail

Then soars like a ship 5

________________________________________________________________________________________________________ With only a sail

As over tides 7
________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Of wind it rides,

Climbs to the crest 9

________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Of a gust and pulls,

22. Based on information in the text, what would make a good landing area Then seems to rest 11
for a hot air balloon? 2 marks As wind falls.

When string goes slack 13

You wind it back
And run until 15
A new breeze blows
And its wings fill 17
And up it goes!
How bright on the blue 19
23. What is this story mainly about? 2 marks Is a kite when it’s new!

But a raggeder thing 21

You never will see
When it flaps on a string 23
In the top of a tree.
8 SEA Wednesday, March 13, 2024

26. What is the literary device used in line 5? 1 mark
TASK - Look at the advertisement below on this page and
______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Graphic answer questions 33 to 36.
8 marks

27. State the mood at the ... 2 marks

Beginning of the poem.



Ending of the poem.



28. State the word in the poem that means the highest point. 2 marks





29. State two verbs that describe the movements the kite makes when flying.
2 marks




30. What lines tell the reader that the kite is gliding? 2 marks 33. What are the freebies being offered as advertised on the poster above?
2 marks

______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________

______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________

______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________

31. What do you think has happened to the kite in the last 4 lines? 2 marks _________________________________________________________________________________________________________

34. What word in the poster relates to dealing with the care of the eyes?
______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2 marks

______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 35. What do you think is a back to school promo? 2 marks

32. Kite flying is a popular pastime in Trinidad and Tobago. When is the best
time to fly kites in Trinidad and Tobago? 2 marks _________________________________________________________________________________________________________

36. For how long is the offer for free lens with every frame purchase? 2 marks

______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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