3.2.4 Journal - Completing The Square (Journal)

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4 Journal: Completing the Square Journal

Algebra I Sem 2 Name:

Scenario: The Stage


● View the video found on page 1 of this Journal activity.

● Using the information provided in the video, answer the questions below.

● Show your work for all calculations.

Analyze The Students' Conjectures

Malcolm wants to build an outdoor stage with a total area of 350 square feet. The
length of the stage should be 3 feet shorter than the width. He calculated the
equation to be w2 3 w = 350

1. Complete the table to summarize each student's suggestion for figuring out the
equation: (2 points: 1 point for each row of the chart)

Student Conjecture

Malcolm's bandmate said It would be easier to solve the

Malcolm's trinomial by subtracting 350 from both sides and then
bandmate factoring the equation

Malcolm said we should manipulate the equation in order to

Malcolm make it a perfect square trinomial.

2. Malcolm and his bandmate have different ideas for figuring out the equation.
Which one do you think will make it easiest to solve the equation? Why? (2 points)

Malcolm’s bandmate would be the easier way because when we subtract 350 from
both sides it turns into a two step equation
3. Malcolm's bandmate starts by making a factor table for w2 – 3w – 350 = 0.
He is looking for the factors (w + p)(w + q) = 0, where p • q = –350 and p + q = –3.

Fill in the last row of the table with different factors, p and q, so that p • q = –350. (2
p q p+q
10 –35 –25
–10 35 25
50 –7 43
–50 7 –43
70 -5 65

4. The bandmate's factor table is not complete. It does not contain all the factors of -
Does the factoring table contain the factors that can be used to solve w2 – 3w – 350
= 0? Explain your reasoning. (1 point)

No, the factor table is not complete since you would need factors of -350
that would add up to -3, the coefficient of w.

5. To make a perfect square trinomial, Malcolm said the rule for figuring out the

number to add is . Is he correct? If not, what is the rule? (1 point)

He is not correct because it would not add up to a perfect square because b would
be -3 in this scenario which would not be a perfect square because you cannot
square a negative number.
6. Calculate the number that you need to add to each side of the equation w2 – 3w =
350 to create a perfect square trinomial. Add this number to each side of the
equation. Show your work. (3 points)

(-3/2)^2= (-1.5)^2=2.25



7. Factor the trinomial. (3 points)


8. Now that you've factored the equation, find the square root of each side and solve
for w. Show your work and both solutions. (2 points)

_________ ________
/(w-1.5)^2= /352.25


9. Do both of these solutions make sense in terms of the problem? Why or why not?
(2 points)

Yes both of these solutions make sense in terms of the problem because the answer
is a positive number which means it is a realistic value.

10. What are the maximum dimensions of the stage that Malcolm can build? (Round
to the nearest foot.) (2 points)

w = 20 feet

l = 17 feet

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3.2.4 Journal: Completing the Square

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