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A hypothesis is a prediction about the results of the study

An aim is what the researcher is trying to investigate (purpose of the study)

One-tailed/Directional Hypothesis: This is when the result is being given a

particular direction. The aim is being supported, and the exact result is being

Two-tailed/Non Directional Hypothesis: This is when the aim is being supported,

but the exact result is not specified

Null Hypothesis: This is when the aim is being rejected

Study Hack:
The best way to write a one-tailed/directional hypothesis is to pick one variable
over the other and state that it has a greater effect on the behavior than the
other. For example, you want to see if xyz behavior (DV) is affected by Variable A
more or Variable B more (IV), a one tailed hypothesis would simply be picking one
of the two variables and saying it will have a greater effect on the DV

Variable A will have a greater impact on XYZ than Variable B

The best way to write a two-tailed hypothesis is by using the following phrase:
There will be a difference in XYZ behavior (DV) depending on either Variable A or
Variable B (IV)

The best way to write a null hypothesis is by using either of the two following

Any difference in XYZ behavior is due to chance

There will be no difference in XYZ behavior (dv) depending on either Variable A
or Variable B (IV)

In any of the hypotheses (directional, non directional, or null) make sure you
phrase it in a way that it “will” happen, rather than it has already happened,
because a hypothesis is a prediction about the future, and not something that as
already happened. For example, if you were to write the following directional

Variable A had a greater impact than Variable B on XYZ behavior,

This will be incorrect as you are saying “had” rather than “will”, meaning you are
suggesting it has already happened. In a hypothesis, the result hasn’t happened as
yet, which is why you are making a prediction as to what will happen according to


1 A researcher wants to test if lighting will have an effect on productivity of

workers at a factory.

1- Write a directional/one-tailed hypothesis

Ans: Workers will have greater productivity in brighter lighting than in dim lighting

2- Write a non-directional/two-tailed hypothesis

Ans: There will be a difference in productivity depending on whether the lights
are bright or dim

3- Write a null hypothesis

Ans: There will be no difference in productivity depending on whether the lights
are bright or dim
Ans: Any difference in productivity of workers depending on whether the lights
are bright or dim is due to chance
2 A researcher wants to test if cats will be more playful or dogs.

1- Write a one-tailed/directional hypothesis

Ans: Dogs will be more playful than cats

2- Write a non-directional/two-tailed hypothesis

Ans: There will be a difference in playfulness between dogs and cats

3- Write a null hypothesis

Ans: There will be no difference in playfulness depending on whether the animal
is a dog or a cat
Ans: Any difference in playfulness depending on whether the animal is a cat or
dog is due to chance

3 A researcher wants to investigate if the people will remember scene from a

romantic movie more or a horror movie

1- Write a one-tailed/directional hypothesis with a clearly defined IV and DV

Ans: People will remember scenes from a horror film more than from a romantic
movie. The IV is the movie, and the DV is memory

2- Write a two-tailed/non-directional hypothesis with a clearly defined IV and DV

Ans: There will be a difference in memory of scenes depending on whether the
movie is a horror movie or a romantic movie. The IV is the movie and the DV is

3- Write a null hypothesis

Ans: There will be no difference in memory of scenes depending on whether the
movie is romantic or horror
Ans: Any difference in memory of scenes depending on whether the movie is
horror or romantic is due to chance
For a correlational aim, you will state the type of correlation (positive or negative)
between the two variables for a one-tailed hypothesis, you will state there will be
a correlation but not specify what type (positive or negative) for a two tailed
hypothesis, and you will state there is no correlation between the two variables
for a null hypothesis.

4 A researcher wants to test if there is a correlation/relationship between the

Eyes Test and the AQ Test

1- Write a one tailed/directional hypothesis

Ans: The Eyes Test and AQ Test will have a negative correlation as an individual
who scores high in the Eyes Test, would score low in the AQ test

2- Write a two tailed/non directional hypothesis

Ans: There will be a correlation between the Eyes Test and AQ Test

3- Write a null hypothesis

Ans: There will be no correlation/relationship between the two tests
Ans: Any relationship/correlation between the two tests is due to chance

5 A researcher wants to test if there is a relationship between happiness and


1- Write a one tailed/directional hypothesis

Ans: Happiness and intelligence will have a positive correlation, as an individual
who is more happy will be more intelligent

2- Write a two tailed/non directional hypothesis

Ans: There will be a correlation between happiness and intelligence

3- Write a null hypothesis

Ans: There will be no correlation/relationship between happiness and intelligence
Ans: Any relationship/correlation between happiness and intelligence is due to

Sometimes the hypothesis is given to you and you will be asked to state if it is
one-tailed, two-tailed, or null and give an explanation as to why

6 A hypothesis for an aim is – “People will be aroused more when they are
shown negative images than if they are shown neutral images”
State the type of hypothesis and give a reason for your answer

Ans: This is a one-tailed hypothesis as the result is being given a direction as it is

stating that negative images will cause more arousal than neutral ones

7 A hypothesis for a study is – “There will be a difference in the helping

behavior of chimpanzees depending on whether they can or cannot see
each other”
State the type of hypothesis and give a reason for your answer

Ans: This is a two-tailed hypothesis because there will be a difference in the

helping of the chimpanzees, but the result is not being given a particular
direction, so it could be higher for the can see or for the cannot see

8 A hypothesis of a study states – “There will be no difference in aggression

depending on whether a child is a boy or a girl”
State the type of hypothesis and give a reason for your answer

Ans: This is a null hypothesis as it is rejecting the aim and saying there will be no
impact of the gender of the child on the aggression they show
Finally, the question can ask you to write an operationalized hypothesis, in which
case, you would have to operationalize the IV and the DV (or the two variables in
the case of a correlation), and then write a one-tailed or two-tailed hypothesis

9 A researcher wants to test if there is a difference in playfulness of children

depending on their ages

1- Write an operationalized one-tailed/directional hypothesis

The first step is to operationalize the IV. The IV is ages of children. You can choose
how to do this, for example, have one group of children aged 2-5, and the other
aged 6-10. The second step is to operationalize the DV. The DV is playfulness. This
can be operationalized (measured) by how long the child is playing catch with a

(you can decide how you wish to operationalize the IV and DV as long as it is

Ans: Children aged 2-5 will be more playful and play longer with a ball than
children aged 6-10
Ans: Younger children will be more playful by playing catch longer than older

2- Write an operationalized two-tailed/non-directional hypothesis

Ans: There will be a difference in how long the children will play with a ball
depending on whether they are aged 2-5 or 6-10

3- Write an operationalized null hypothesis

Ans: There will be no difference in how long children will play with a ball
depending on whether they are aged 2-5 or 6-10
Ans: Any difference in how long children play with a ball depending on whether
they are aged 2-5 or 6-10 is due to chance
10 The aim of the study by Piliavin is to see if the condition of the victim will
have an effect on the helping behavior of the passengers

1- Write an operationalized one-tailed/directional hypothesis

Ans: The number of people who help will be greater for the ill victim than for the
drunk victim

2- Write an operationalized two-tailed/non-directional hypothesis

Ans: There will be a difference in the number of people who help depending on
whether the victim is drunk or ill

3- Write an operationalized null hypothesis

Ans: There will be no difference in the number of people who help depending on
whether the victim is drunk or ill
Ans: Any difference in the number of people who help depending on whether the
victim is drunk or ill is due to chance

If the question had not asked for an operationalized hypothesis for the same aim
stated above, this is how you could write your answer:
1- People will help a drunk victim more than an ill victim

2- There will be a difference in helping behavior depending on the condition of

the victim

3- Any difference in helping behavior depending on the condition of the victim is

due to chance
3- There will be no difference in helping behavior of the passengers depending on
the condition of the victim

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