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Planning Form

Name of Activity
Parking your car on the classroom map
Originating Idea
Children will drive their cars on the classroom map and “park” the car in the area they plan to
start their work time in.
Curriculum Area

Highlight 1:
Approaches to learning-Planning 2
Social and emotional development
Physical development and health
Language, literacy, and communication
Creative arts
Science and technology
Social studies

Classroom map with pictures of the different areas in the classroom and toy cars.
Appropriate Age group: Preschool age

Beginning of Activity
Invite children to walk around the different areas to think of ideas for work time. Language I
would use to start would be “I want everyone to walk around the different areas and look at the
different toys we have.” One minute timer would be set and when the ding sounds I would give
the directions to come back to the table.
Middle of Activity
Language I would then use. “I have a map of our classroom and these toy cars. I want everyone
to take a turn and park their car in the area on the map where you want to play”.
Your ideas for scaffolding children at different developmental levels

Student will park their car in a random area on the classroom map. Using a one or two word
utterance explaining what they want to play with.
Student will park their car in the area that they want to play in. Then using a simple sentence to
explain their plan for work time.
Student will park their car in the area they want to play in. Giving a very in depth plan with at
least three details of what they plan to do in their work time.
End of Activity
“Okay now that we have made our plans, I want my friends to walk like penguins and start
their plan for work time.”
Follow-up Ideas
● Have children do their recall using the same materials after their work time.
● Placing sticky notes with the child's name on their desired area for play on the area signs
around the classroom.

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