Attention and Retention - Neil Patel - VTEX - V3 04112024

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Modern Marketing’s
Greatest Assets
By Neil Patel

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Hi! I’ve helped companies like Amazon, NBC,
GM, HP and Viacom grow their revenue.

I'm Neil Patel. I’ve driven over 800,000,000 “wallet-out,

ready-to-buy” visitors to my clients’ websites.
Co-founder of NP Digital

I’ve also worked with Facebook, Microsoft,

eBay, Yahoo, SalesForce and Intuit.

I was recognized as a top 100 entrepreneur

under the age of 30 by President Obama.

I also helped Cheezburger Media reach

500 million page views a month.

There are over 8

.3 million users in
200 countries us
ing our tools. 2
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For those who don't know us yet.
We're NP Digital

+60 +750 19
Clients Employees Countries
" stands
Yes, "NP il Patel. Enterprise Across the globe North America, Europe, Latin
for Ne +1500 SMBs (People in 28 countries) America, Asia Pacific, Middle
East & Africa

Industry Recognition
& Nominations

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Do you know any of these brands? We ♥
t hem…

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has been

In Brazil +150 +20 +190

Since 2015 People
Across the country
Company with great
Small and Mid-size business
(People in 18 states) challenges to solve thriving in their markets

Neil Patel Rafael Mayrink Marcio Quartilho Luísa Bernardes


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Do you know any of these brands?

Do any of them c
ompete with you?
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Why is attention
getting expensive?

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The cost of acquiring attention
has increased dramatically in
the past two decades.

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Check out how advertising spend just went up...
It means two things: more advertisers and more money spent.

Digital advertising spend worldwide from Social media advertising spending

2018 to 2028, by format (in billion US dollars) worldwide from 2021 to 2028 (in billion US dollars)

More competitive
and more expensive,
… Confidential, All Rights Reserved 9
Are you curious if Brazil is following the trend?
Yep, 󰎙 Brazil is trending too…

Advertising spending in Brazil

from 2022 to 2026 (in billion US dollars)

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As a global agency, we see this happening everywhere.
United States • Canada • Brazil • India • Australia • United Kingdom • Japan • Malaysia • Germany
Hong Kong • Singapore • France • Italy • Netherlands • Spain • Argentina • Chile • Colombia • Mexico

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Several factors are making
attention more expensive

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Reasons for the rising cost of attention:
1. Content Overload

The amount of content that is

produced each day.

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Within Ubersuggest and
Answer the Public we
track over 7 billion keywords.
We also track all the sites that
rank for those keywords.

And over the last 30 days,

94.29% of the web pages got
no organic traffic.

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of the 5,204,391 social media

posts we analyzed over the last
30 days, had no engagement. 😭
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And it is getting worse with AI.

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Reasons for the rising cost of attention:
1. Content Overload 9 seconds 8 seconds
2. AI - Artificial intelligence
3. Shorter attention spans

A study by Microsoft Canada found the average human attention

span has decreased to 8 seconds, shorter than a goldfish's.

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Reasons for the rising cost of attention:
1. Content Overload
2. AI (artificial intelligence)
3. Shorter attention spans
4. Banner blindness

Infolinks found that 86% of

consumers ignore banner ads.

Nielsen Norman Group's 2018

study confirmed banner
blindness remains a challenge
across mobile and desktop.

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The logic beyond the buzz.

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What media is getting Brazilian attention?
Daily time spent with media: Brazil 󰎙

9h 13m 4h 4m 3h 37m 3h 11m

Internet Television Social Media Press Media

2h 4m 0h 56m 1h 4m 1h 05m
Music Radio Podcasts Games

Source: - Q3 2023. Ages 16 to 64

Confidential, All Rights Reserved 20

How do brazilians spend time online?
Daily time spent using the internet: Brazil 󰎙

9h 13m 5h 19m 3h 54m 57.6%

All devices Mobile phones Computers Mobile's share of
& Tablets total
daily internet time.

Source: - Q3 2023. Ages 16 to 64

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The new Attention Economy explained.

The Product The Currency The Marketplace

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The new Attention Economy explained.

The Product
Because our attention is limited, The Currency The Marketplace
it becomes valuable.

Businesses compete fiercely for

a shrinking pool of user focus.

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Pay attention.

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We all have the same "time budget".
Every second matters!


24 hours 86,400
per day. seconds.

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You're also competing with other life activities.
How do people spend their day?

Source: - Time use from the perspective of an average day for people between 15 and 64.

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Pay attention.
All attention is earned.

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The new Attention Economy explained.

The Currency
The Product CONTENT
ATTENTION The content becomes a
"currency" used to trade for
Because our attention is limited,
user attention.
The Marketplace
it becomes valuable.
To grab attention, businesses
Businesses compete fiercely for
create content: informative
a shrinking pool of user focus.
articles, funny videos,
eye-catching ads.

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Value Doesn't
Require Volume.
"Tiktokification" is influencing
content length on the web.
Source: Ubersuggest. 1,425,357 content analyzed. Jan/2024.

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If content is the
product, engagement
makes the profit.
Here’s what type of
content generates the
most engagement for
social media in 2024.

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Knowing their
Here’s what kind of content
will perform the best on
social media in 2024.

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You should
consider this
when creating
your videos.
From the reels we analyzed
the ones that performed
the best didn’t include
visual design elements.

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The podcast
market is still
largely untapped.

The podcasting space is ripe

with opportunities for
marketers and creators.

Confidential, All Rights Reserved 33

The new Attention Economy explained.

The Currency The Marketplace

This content becomes a
"currency" used to trade for Users "pay" with their attention
Because our attention is limited,
user attention. in exchange for "free" content
it becomes valuable.
and services.
To grab attention, businesses
Businesses compete fiercely for
create content: informative Businesses pay these platforms
a shrinking pool of user focus.
articles, funny videos, to display their content and try
eye-catching ads. to capture user attention.

Confidential, All Rights Reserved 34

You can't ignore
social media.

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You can't ignore Broad terms related to the

search engines.
market, with high search
volume, but less buying intent.

Bottom-of-funnel terms,
probably with low volume,
more product-oriented,
high transactional intent.

New searches: never

seen before: Google
reaffirms 15% of
searches are new, never
been searched before.

The search universe in

other perspective can
look like a funnel:

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Capture their attention and
influence their behavior.

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The longer they hold our
attention, the more opportunities
they have to influence us through
advertising, product placement,
or even shaping our opinions.

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Understanding how attention
flows throughout the consumer
journey allows brands to
strategically retain it at key points.

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How do consumers discover new brands in today's digital age? 󰎙

Most common source of new brand, product, and service discovery

Source: GWI - Digital 2024: Brazil

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When evaluating brands, where do consumers go for reliable info? 󰎙

Primary source of information when researching brands.

Source: GWI - Datareportal - Digital 2024: Brazil

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Beyond price & convenience: factors that push customers to purchase? 󰎙

Factor that would encourage them to complete an online purchase.

Source: GWI - Datareportal - Digital 2024: Brazil

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Where have you seen online ads lately? 󰎙
Awareness, Consideration and Decision.

Digital advertising touchpoints in Brazil as of December 2023

People perceive ads more

when they interrupt videos…

Meanwhile in search engines,

only 22% of people can even
recognize the ads.

Source: Consumer Insights Global survey.

Brazil; 2023; 12,153 respondents; 18-64 years

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Make sure your brand choose placement wisely! 󰎙
Based on data provided by 336 advertising agencies.

Distribution of digital advertising spending in 2023, by format.

Source: Standard Norms Executive Council (Brazil); Statista. 2023;

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Targeting Gen-Z? 󰎙
See what 12k people has to say about your ads.

Attitudes to online advertising by Gen Z in Brazil in 2023.

Source: Standard Norms Executive Council (Brazil); Statista. 2023;

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Need more insights?
Download our last industry round-up: exclusive for active NP Digital customers.
During VTEX, attendees have a limited opportunity to access this exclusive material

Here's what you should consider when adapting your customer journey to new trends:
Customer journey stage, Channel, Metrics, Responses, Opportunities

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Learn about attention
and retention from
these 10 brilliant
brazilian companies.

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From Complexity to Focused Attention
Law: Eliminate unnecessary elements that clutter your message.

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Simplifying Access for Patients,
like Renato, Cristina, and all the
Dr. Consulta team. CEO & CMO of

Dr. Consulta reduced complexity of their services and their

marketing and get lots of attention:

Instead of browsing multiple service providers for different needs, patients

have access to a wide range of specialists and services in one location, with
transparent pricing and streamlined scheduling processes.

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From Chaos to Prioritized Attention
Law: Structure your content in a clear and logical way to guide user attention.

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Confidential, All Rights Reserved 52
Structure your content in a clear way
like Dennis, Diana, and Totvs team.
CEO & CMO of

Totvs organize their solutions to serve 12 market segments with over

70,000 clients and get lots of attention:

Effortlessly navigating our offerings to find the perfect solution for your specific
challenges. Totvs team have meticulously organized their resources, making it
easier than ever to identify the software that best fits your business goals.

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From Mystery to Informed Attention
Law: Use clear and concise labels to avoid confusion.

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Avoid confusion in all of your channels
like Mairá, Vivian, Carol, and all the
iFoods team. Marketing e Branding of

A super easy to use app lets iFoods handle 2.8 million orders a day.

"Transparent Restaurant Profiles" become concise listings with essential details

like cuisine, details, and ratings. "Real-Time Order Tracking" is streamlined into a
map interface for updates. "Payment Options and Fees" are made transparent,
showcasing methods and fees upfront to build user trust and eliminate surprises.

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From Boredom to Engaged Attention
Law: Incorporate elements of playfulness and surprise to keep users engaged.

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Play and engage with your customers
like Renata, Marcela, Artur, and all
the oBoticário team. Mkt, Branding & CEO of

World's largest perfumery franchising network is ready to play and

get the attention of millions of people.

Since 2021, Boticário has been innovating by focusing on the gaming universe.
In 2023, with an eye on generation Z, Boticário creates a universe in Fortnite. The
brand will turn to the metaverse and target the gamer audience to launch new
fragrances from Egeo, a perfume line that is a hit among young people.

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From Diffusion to Concentrated Attention
Law: Eliminate distractions and prioritize the most important elements.

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Focus on the best customer experience
like Estevan, Ana, Samira, and all the
Dengo team. CEO, Branding e Head Brazil of

While Dengo's branding isn't minimalist, it's clean and elegant, which
is helping taking a considerable attention of the chocolate market.

Dengo doesn't necessarily eliminate distractions in the traditional sense (like

removing visual clutter). Instead, they focus user attention on a specific sensory
experience: Savoring high-quality, ethically sourced Brazilian chocolate.

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From Frustration to Seamless Attention
Law: Strive for a flawless user experience to avoid frustration.

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Avoid frustration and keeps users
engaged like Salin, Antônio, Tatiana
and all the Localiza team. Fundador, Marketing & Branding of

By striving for a flawless user experience, Localiza avoids frustration

and keeps attention and engaged throughout the rental process.

Localiza exemplifies how prioritizing a flawless user experience can transform a

potentially frustrating process into a seamless and positive experience. By
minimizing friction and keeping users focused on their journey, Localiza captures
and retains customer attention in a competitive market.

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From Noise to Meaningful Attention
Law: Use meaning and purpose strategically to emphasize important elements.

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Create meaningful products,
conversations and campaigns
like Rony, Pedro, and the Reserva team. CEO & CMO of

Like Reserva, add meaning to everything your brand delivers

and get the full power of attention.

Their marketing campaigns often utilize minimalist visuals and short, impactful
and meaningful slogans to convey their brand message. This approach
minimizes noise and allows the user to focus on the core message.

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From Complexity to Trust-Based Attention
Law: Be clear about your intentions and avoid hidden agendas.

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Be transparent about your agenda
like Tatiana, Fábio, and the all the
Natura team. CMO & CEO of

Transparency helps Natura build trust and attract attention,

as well as loyal recurrent customers.

Natura & Co. prioritizes clear and transparent ingredient labeling to avoid
using confusing jargon or misleading claims, allowing customers to make
informed decisions about the products they purchase.

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From Postponement to Immediate Attention
Law: Design for immediate engagement and avoid delaying gratification.

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Fulfill needs quickly and easily
like Florence, Olivier, and the all
the OXL team. CMO & CEO of

OLX's immediacy captures attention and fosters engagement,

increasing the chances of a successful transaction.

Users can browse listings, contact sellers, and potentially complete transactions
within minutes. Unlike traditional classifieds with delayed responses, OLX allows
for real-time communication between buyers and sellers.

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From Bland to Remarkable Attention
Law: Stand out from the crowd and create a unique brand identity.

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Be remarkable and unique
like Eduardo and the all the Itaú team.
CMO of

Itaú is breaking the mold with a unique approach

that resonates with everyday people.

Imagine connecting with your audience through emotional storytelling,

innovative campaigns, and a focus on human connection. That's the
Itaú difference! Their award-winning marketing transcends finance,
building trust and loyalty through remarkable experiences.

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Good marketing stands out.

Great marketing doesn’t

look like marketing at all.

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