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(AC-S10) Week 10 - Pre-Task: Quiz -

Reading Comprehension
 Fecha de entrega 23 de oct en 23:59
 Puntos 20
 Preguntas 10
 Disponible 17 de oct en 0:00 - 23 de oct en 23:59
 Límite de tiempo 20 minutos

Hi! Congratulations on completing another week of
learning. It's time to challenge yourself with this quiz.
Read the following text and answer the questions
using full answers. Good luck!
¡Hola! Felicitaciones por completar otra semana de aprendizaje. Es momento
de retarte con esta evaluación. Lee el siguiente texto y responde a las
preguntas utilizando respuestas completas. ¡Suerte!

Attend the workshops reinforce and practice the topics of the week to do the task.
You can register at Portal del estudiante or UTP +: Refuerzo Académico. (Asiste a
los talleres de reforzamiento y práctica. Te registras a través del Portal de
estudiante o UTP+)

Historial de intentos
Intento Hora Puntaje

MÁS RECIENTE Intento 1 11 minutos 20 de 20

My Daily Routine
I’m Mario Mancini and I’m from Rome, Italy. I’m 28 years old and I’m a chef in a
pizzeria. I love my job, it’s really nice. I get up early in the morning. I read the news
and I have breakfast at home. I take a bath and I go to work, I drive my car to work.
We make lunch for the clients, they love our pizzas. Then, I check my e-mails and I
go home. I ride my bike around the park in the afternoon. At home, I watch TV and
post comments on my social networks. I make dinner and I go to bed early. Sunday
is my free day, I do housework and I walk around the park on Sunday morning. I
have lunch with my parents and we drink coffee in the afternoon. I chat with my
friends and shop online on Sunday evening.

Pregunta 1
2 / 2 pts
What do you do on Sunday afternoon?o!

I have lunch with my parents and we drink coffee.

I chat with my friends and shop online.

I do housework and I walk around the park.

Pregunta 2
2 / 2 pts
What do you do on Sunday morning?

I chat with my friends and shop online.ecto!

I do housework and I walk around the park.

I have lunch with my parents and we drink coffee.

Pregunta 3
2 / 2 pts
What do you do in the afternoon?cto!

I ride my bike around the park.

I chat with my friends and shop online.

I do housework and I walk around the park.

Pregunta 4
2 / 2 pts
Do you read the news?

Yes, I do

No, I don't

Yes, I does

Pregunta 5
2 / 2 pts
What do you do?cto!

I’m a chef.

I’m cooking

I love my job.

Pregunta 6
2 / 2 pts
Do you get up early?


No, I don't.¡Correcto!
Yes, I do.

Pregunta 7
2 / 2 pts
Where do you come from?Correcto!

I come from Italy.

I live in Paris

I am a student

Pregunta 8
2 / 2 pts
Do you work in a pizzeria?

No, I am not¡Correcto!

Yes, I do

No, I don't

Pregunta 9
2 / 2 pts
Who do you have lunch with?

on Sundays.

At the Italian restaurant

With my parents
Pregunta 10
2 / 2 pts
Hi, what’s your last name?¡Correcto!

My last name is Mancini.

My last name is Mario Mancini.

My last name is Mario.

Puntaje del examen: 20 de 20

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