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Pergamon J. Biomechnnics. Vol. 29. No. 4, tm.

493-501, 1996
Copyright Q 1996 Elsevier Science Ltd. kil rights nserved
0021-9290(95)00074-7 Printed in Great Britain
OfE-9290196 015.00 + 68


W. Qassem* and M. 0. Othmant
*Hijjawi Faculty for Applied Engineering, Yarmouk University, I&id, Jordan; and tDepartment of Mechanical
Engineering, The Jordan University of Science and Technology, Irbid, Jordan

Abstract-An electrical simulation of a mechanical model of a 60 kg pregnant woman subjected to horizontal and
vertical vibrations has been investigated by using a computer software package (MICRO-CAP II). The results
have shown that mechanical vibrations affect the body segments differently based on their location, the kind of
vibration and pregnancy development. The vibrations’ effect on the body varies from segment to segment and
a lady driver is affected by vibrations more than a lady passenger. Horizontal vibrations affect body segments
(lower arm, upper arm, head, thorax, torso, cervical spine, thoracic spine and lumbar spine) more than vertical
vibrations, while the thorax is affected by vertical vibrations more than horizontal vibrations.

NOMENCLATURE et al., 1984;Patil et al., 1978;Popeet al., 1986;Qassemet

A abdomen al., 1994; Quandieu and Pellieux, 1982; Wangenheim,
C.S. cervical spine 1984)carried out in viva or in vitro studiesin order to
D diaphragm investigate the effect of vibrations on humans.They
Fi input force found good agreementbetweenthe resultsof analytical
F, output force modelsand the experimentalmeasurements.
G gain Several investigators(Quandieu and Pellieux, 1982;
G gain of 60kg unpregnantwomen Panjabiet al., 1984;Wangenheimet al., 1984;Popeet al.,
62 gain of pregnant womenwhosemass 1986; Seidel et at., 1986;Seideland Heide, 1988)have
becomesm kg due to pregnancy reported somemethodsusedto investigatethe human
H head body’s response to vibrations. This has led some re-
L.A. lower arm searchersto investigatethe effectsof vertical, transverse
LBP low back pain and torsionalvibrations. It hasbeenreported(Popeand
L.S. lumbar spine Hansson,1992;Popeet at., 1990;Wilder et al., 1985)that
MICRO computer softwareprogram LBP could bedue to both vertical and bendingmotions.
CAP II Sjoflot and Suggs(1973)found that subjectsare more
P pelvis affected and show more depressive performance due to
T torso transverseangularvibrations than due to vertical vibra-
Th thorax tions. The worst effectis the combinationof vertical and
T.S. thoracic spine transverse motions. Moreover, it has been found
U.A. upper arm (Amirouche, 1987b)that vibration is harmful when its
frequency is in the range l-15 Hz and the humanspine
INTRODUCTION resonates at about 4-5 Hz.
It is obviousfrom this literature review,that thereisno
Technical developmentshave increasedthe number of study yet devotedto the effectsof vibrations on pregnant
people exposedto vibrations. Specific standardshave women.This study is thereforecarried out to study the
beenattributed (IS0 2631,1978;ISO/DIS 5349,1980)for effectsof vertical and horizontal vibrations on this class
vibration effectson the human body. Analytical invest- of population. A previously established electrical simula-
igations(Adamsand Hutton, 1985;Amirouche, 1987a,b; tion and an experimental verification of a developed
Muksian and Nash, 1974,1976;Qassemet a[., 1994; mechanical model (Qassem et al., 1994) of the human
Sandover,1984;Wilder, 1985)havebeencarried out and body have beenusedfor the purposeof this study.
have resultedin a set of criteria in order to study the
effectof vibrations on the humanbody. The humanbody
was treated as a model of lumped masses, springsand
dashpotsthat has beendevelopedby severalinvestiga-
tors (Coermann et al., 1962; Greene and McMahon,
The variations of body massdueto pregnancyhavebeen
1979;Muksian and Nash, 1974,1976;Patil et al., 1978). taken from Bobak et al. (1989)(seeTable 1).The increase
Severalexperimenters(Nokesand Thorne, 1988;Panjabi
of the body masshas beentaken to be distributed be-
tween the thorax and abdomen at the same ratios of their
inpnaiform 20 March1995. masses.
The body hasbeenrepresentedby a mechanical

494 W. Qassem and M. 0. Othman

model (Figs 1 and 2) subjectedto vibrations coming the output and input force,
from: (a) steering,(b) seator (c) both steeringand seat.
G = 20 log (F,/Fi).
At low-frequencylevel, the humanbody hasbeenrep-
resentedby a linear spring-mass-damper model(Mishoe Positiveor negativegain(G) indicatesthat F,/Fi > 1 or
and Suggs,1977;Wood et al., 1978).Figure 1 shows < 1, respectively.Therefore,positive or negativeG indi-
a mechanicalhuman body model exposedto vibration cates that the relevant body segmentloosesor gains
comingfrom (a) steering,(b) seator (c) both steeringand energy, respectively.Table 3 showsthe gain, in a 60kg
seat. In this model the lumped masses of humanbody segmentssubjectedto vertical and horizon-
(L.A., U.A., C.S.,H, T, Th, D, A, T.S., L.S., P) have been tal vibrations coming from steering,seat or both. It is
considered. The Muksianand Nash(1974)modelhasbeen found that:
developedby including morebody segments (L.A., U.A.,
C.S.,T.S.,L.S.). The spring-mass-dashpotconnection (4 When the input signalcomesfrom the steering,the
representsthe elasticdampingconstantsof the connect- gainsof (L.A., U.A.) are positive while the gainsof
ive tissuesbetweenthe body segments. Figure 2(a)and (b) (T, Th, H, C.S.,T.S., L.S.) are negative.
represents the equivalent vertical and horizontal (b) When the input signal comesfrom the seat, the
ground-chair representation.It showsthe massconnec- gainsof all body segmentsare negative.
ted in serieswith other elements(springsand dashpots). (4 For the caseof horizontal vibrations, when the
The mechanicalparametersof the body segments have input signalcomesfrom both steeringand seat,the
been taken from previous investigators (Mizrahi and gainsof (L.A., U.A., T, H, C.S.,T.S., L.S.) are posit-
Susak,1982;Muksian and Nash, 1974;Patil et al., 1978) ive while the gain of thorax (Th) is negative.
(see Table 2). Vertical and horizontal mechanical (4 For the caseof vertical vibrations, whenthe signal
ground-chair representationmodelshave beensimulated comesfrom both steeringand seat, the gains of
by equivalent electrical models based on a direct (L.A., U.A., T, Th) are positive and the gains of
force-voltage analogyashasbeencarried out previously (H, C.S.,T.S., L.S.) are negative.
by the authors(Qassemet al., 1994).The responseof the In general,the driver is subjectedto vibrations coming
body segments to vibrations hasbeenanalyzedby using from both steeringand seatwhile the passengeris sub-
a computersoftwarepackage(MICRO-CAP II). jected to vibrations coming from the seatalone. Table
To verify the theoreticalmodel,an experimentalsetup 4 showsthat when the body is subjectedto vertical and
hasbeendesignedby the authors of this article (Qassem horizontal vibrations, the gains of (L.A., U.A., T, Th) in
et al., 1994).Humanbodieshave beensubjectedto vibra- a driver are higher than the gains of the passenger’s
tions (5-500 Hz) and a Hewlett-Packard FFT analyzer relevant body segments.Each of the body segments
(Type 3582A)hasbeenusedto measurethe acceleration. (L.A., U.A., T, H, C.S.,T.S., L.S.) is affectedby horizontal
Two accelerometers wereused,the first one wasattached vibrations morethan vertical vibrations. This resultis in
to the input source of vibrations and the other was agreementwith previous findings (Sjoflot and Suggs,
attached to the relevant body segment.The measure- 1973).Only the thorax (Th) is affectedby vertical vibra-
mentsof accelerationwere recordedfor the lower arm, tions more than horizontal vibrations.
headand torso. The variation of gain AG with the massincreaseof
a 60 kg women,due to pregnancy,is:


Figures3 and 4 showthe gain of the transferfunction Table 5 showsthat:

of a woman’storso segmentwhen she is subjectedto (a) When the body is subjectedto horizontal or verti-
vertical and horizontal sinusoidalvibrations. This seg- cal vibrations comingfrom the steering,the gains
ment is more likely to have positive gain due to vibra- of (L.A., U.A.) increaseas the pregnancydevelops.
tions. The gain representsthe amplitude ratio between However, the gains of the other body segments
(T, H, C.S.,T.S.,L.S.) decreasewith the pregnancy
while the gain of thorax (Th) increasesasthe preg-
nancy developswhenthe body is subjectedto hori-
Table 1. Increase of mass of normal zontal vibrations.
women after nine months of preganancy
(after Bobak et al., 1989) (b) When the body is subjectedto horizontal vibra-
tions coming from the seat, the gains of
Segment Increase of mass (9) (L.A., U.A.,T,H,C.S.,T.S.,L.S.) decrease while
the gain of thorax (Th) increasesasthe pregnancy
Fetus 3400
Placenta 450 develops.However, for the caseof vertical vibra-
Amniotic fluid 400 tions,the gainsof (L.A., U.A., T,Th) decreasewhile
Uterus 1100 the gain of lumbar spine(L.S.) increasesand the
Breast tissue 1400 gainsof (H, C.S.,T.S.) slightly decreaseasthe preg-
Blood volume 1800
Maternal stores 1800-3600 nancy develops.
(c) When the body is subjectedto horizontal vibra-
Vibration effects on setting pregnant women--subjects of various masses



Fig. 1. Mechanical model of the human body vibrations.

tions comingfrom both steeringand seat,the gains while the gainsof (H, C.S.,TX) do not changewith
of (L.A., U.A., T, H, C.S.,T.S., L.S.) decreasewhile pregnancy.
the gain of thorax (Th) increasesasthe pregnancy
develops.Moreover, for the caseof vertical vibra-
tions, the gainsof (L.A., U.A., T, Th) decreaseand Good agreementhasbeenfound betweenboth theor-
the gain of lumbar spine (L.S.) slightly increase etical and experimentalresultsindicatedby the fact they
496 W. Qassem and M. 0. Othman




Fig. 2a. Ground-chair representation of pregnant women subjected to vertical vibrations.

follow similar trends. The accelerometer was not capable sional and damping coefficients are required in order to
of capturing significant signals from the other body seg- investigate its effects on the body segments. The torsional
ments, possibly due to damping caused by fat on their and the coupling effects remain an issue for future studies.
surfaces. To overcome this difficulty needles have to be It is clear from Table 5 therefore, that as the pregnancy
inserted into sensitive areas (i.e. the spine) as has been develops, the gains of body segments change according to
done by Panjabi et al. (1984). With all the possible risks the kind of vibration (horizontal or vertical) and the
involved, the ethical issue remains an obstacle. input source (steering , seat or both). This could be
The effects of uncoupled vertical and horizontal vibra- explained by the fact that, as the pregnancy develops, the
tions on pregnant women have been considered in this inertia of the abdomen significantly increases while the
study. Torsional vibrations effects due to subsystems inertia of other body segments (LA., U.k, T, Th, H, C.S.,
have not been considered. Information about the tor- T.S.,IS.) are only slightly increased Therefor% the abdomen

Fig. 2b. Ground-chair representation of pregnant women subjected to horizontal vibrations.

Table 2. Mechanical parameters of human body segments (after Muksian and Nash, 1974)

Vertical vibrations Horizontal vibrations

Stiffness Damping Stiffness Damping Mass

Body segment @J/m) const~t(~~ms) (~/m} constant~/ms) w
Upper arm 67,542* 3581.63t 67,542 3581.63 3.282
Lower arm 61,542* 3581.63P 67,542 3581.63 3.178
Torso 52,621 35131.63T 52,621 3581.63 19.618
Thoracic spine 52,621 3581.63 52,621 3581.63 2.884
Thorax 877.11 292.34 877.11 292.34 8.176
Cervical spine 52,621 3581.63 52,621 3581.63 0.650
Head 52,621 3581.63 52,621 3581.63 3.267
Lumbar spine 52,621 3581.63 52,621 3581.63 1.201
Diaphragm 877.11 292.34 877.11 292.34 0.272
Abdomen 877.11 292.34 877.11 292.34 0.3.544
Pelvis 250161 370.82$ 25,016$ 370.82$ 16.304
*Mizrahi and Susak (1982).
fLIpper and lower arm are considered as the spine.
SPatif et al. (1978).
498 W. Qassem and M. 0. O&man


,,,,.,,,,,, ,.,,.......,
,_,,,,.., .,._....,,,, . .I .

1 Frequency IO 100

1 10 100




1 Frequency 10 100

Fig. 3. Transfer function of torso of pregnant women in the third trimester whose masses (x 72, 0 92,
A 112 kg) subjected to vertical vibrations coming from (a) hand, (b) seat or (c) both.
Vibration effects on setting pregnant women-subjects of various masses 499

1 Frequency IO 100



Frequency 100

Frequency too

Fig. 4. Transfer function of torso of pregnant women in the third trimester whose masses ( x 72, 0 92,
A 112 kg) subjected to horizontal vibrations, coming from (a) hand, (b) seat or (c) both.
W. Qassem and M. 0. Othman

Table 3. Gains (G) of body segments due to vertical and horizontal


Body Gain (G) due to Gain (C) due to

segment Source vertical vibrations horizontal vibrations
Lower Steering 0.259 0.246
arm Seat - 20.115 - 19.449
Both 8.880 9.508
UPW Steering 0.070 0.077
arm seat - 14.130 - 13.514
Both 8.716 9.322
Torso Steering - 3.356 - 2.943
Seat - 2.682 - 2.242
Both 6.555 6.834
Thorax Steering - 4.686 - 25.633
Seat - 0.168 - 22.138
Both 5.450 - 23.165
Head Steering - 43229 - 4.779
Seat - 35.775 -0.605
Both - 35.774 5.586
Thoracic Steering - 45.117 - 3.615
spine seat - 36.668 - lSS5
Both - 36.663 6.288
Cervical Steering - 43.229 - 3.789
spine Seat - 35.775 - 1.397
Both - 35.774 6.172
Lumbar steering - 36.966 - 5.247
spine Seat - 32.325 - 0.492
Both - 33.391 5.301

Table 4. Comparison of gains of various body segments of a 60 kg human body

subjected to vertical and horizontal vibrations

Vertical Horizontal
Body segment vibrations vibrations Relations

Lower arm 3, > H, > S” Bh > Hh > s, fib > H,, 3, > B, Sb > S,
Upper arm B, > H, > s, Bb > Hh > s, Hb > H,, Bh> &, S, > Sv
Torso 3” > s, > H, 3h > s, > H, Hz, > H,, Bh 3 6, %a > &
Thorax B, > S, > H, s, > s, > Hh H,>&,,&>&,,&>Sh
Head B, = S, > If, 3, = Sh > H, H,>H,,&>EB,,&>Sy
Thoracic spine B, = S, > H, Bb = Sh > H, 4, ) 4, & > &, Sh > &
Cervical spine B, = S, > H, B, = Sh > H, 4, > H,, 4, > I-4, SI, > Sv
Lumbar spine B, = S, > H, &, = s,, > Hh H,, > H,, B,, > Bv, Sh > &

Table 5. Variation of AG with the mass increase of a 60 kg woman, due to pregnancy (Am, = 1.35,
AmZ = 5.85, Am:, = 12.0 kg) subjected to vibrations coming from (a) steering, (b) seat, and (c)both steering
and seat

Vertical vibrations Horizontal vibrations

segment Source Amr Am2 Am3 Am1 Am Am3
Lower Steering - 0.014 - 0.038 0.006 - 0.01s - 0.021
arm Seat E?z 0.321 0.451 0.062 0.145 0.167
Both 0:494 1.937 2.582 0.030 0.110 0.177
Upper Steering - 0.001 - 0.033 - 0.075 - 0.010 - 0.029 - O.fMf
arm B% 0.127 0.321 0.451 0.062 0.145 0.168
0.494 1.936 2.603 0.030 0.110 0.177
Torso Steering -0.005 0.185 0.232 0.037 0.078 0.082
Seat 0.127 0.321 0.451 0.049 0.146 0.183
Both 0.480 1.922 2.623 0.029 0.109 0.176
Vibration effects on setting pregnant women-subjects of various masses 501

Table 5. (Continwd)
Vertical vibrations Horizontal vibrations
segment Source AmI Am2 Am3 4 Am, Am,

Thorax Steering 0.083 0.494 0.756 - 0.781 - 1.773 - 2.813

Seat 0.077 0.116 0.260 - 0.813 - 1.094 - 2.353
Both 0.326 1.649 2.659 - 1.665 - 4.486 - 6.031

Head Steering 0.099 0.324 0.484 0.059 0.138 0.158

Seat 0.001 - o.oor - 0.005 0.047 0.137 0.236
Both - 0.004 - 0.003 - 0.002 - 0.018 0.074 0.131

Thoracic Steering 0.099 0.187 0.227 0.044 0.098 0.107

spine Seat - 0.001 - 0.001 - 0.005 0.049 0.142 0.192
Both 0.000 0.000 - 0.001 0.021 0.078 0.136
Cervical Steering 0.009 0.324 0.484 0.046 0.104 0.115
spine Seat O.OOf - 0.002 - 0.003 0.048 0.142 0.191
Both - 0.001 - 0.002 - 0.003 0.017 0.074 0.132
Lumbar Steering 0.096 0.328 0.559 0.061 0.144 0.167
spine Seat 0.007 - 0.041 - 0.069 0.178 0.248 0.264
Both - 0.013 - 0.030 - 0.052 0.018 0.073 0.130

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