Bio Revision

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Bio revision

 Menstrual cycle
PRE-OVULATION {First 14 days}
 Menstrual cycle is the cycle that looks at how
hormones regulate ovulation and menstrual flow.
 FHS {Follicle Stimulating Hormone} is first secreted.
It stimulates the development of follicles. It also
stimulates the production of oestrogen.
 Under the influence of FSH oestrogen is produced by
the cells in the uterus.
 Oestrogen repairs the lining of the uterus and causes
it to thicken.
 It also stops the secretion of FSH.
 Oestrogen also stimulates the pituitary gland to
produce LH {Luteinizing hormone}.
 LH stimulates the follicle to burst and release egg(s).
 LH stimulates yellow body to release progesterone.
{Which helps to maintain the thickness of the lining}
 Progesterone together with Oestrogen stimulate
further growth of the uterus lining and maintain the lining
in its thickened state.
 Together they stop the pituitary gland from producing
LH and FSH.
 When there is no fertilization;
 Once LH has stopped being produced, the
progesterone concentration reduces.
 This means the lining doesn’t have enough hormones
to keep it up so it causes the lining to fall and
menstruation to occur.
 When there is fertilization;
 LH continues to be produced, and progesterone is
still produced.
 Therefore, the lining is still kept thick and prepared
for implantation.

 STI’S {HIV and AIDS}

 HIV {Human Immunodeficiency Virus}
 HIV is a virus that attacks the immune system of
humans {They immediately attack the T-lymphocytes}
 AIDS {Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome}
 Aids are the symptoms or diseases that occur as a
result of an HIV.

o Transmission
 Through bodily fluids {Blood, Sexual fluids}
 NB; [Usually transmitted through sex or when drug
addicts share needles]
o Anti-Retroviral drugs
 The are drugs that stop the growth of pathogens or
further spread of the virus.
o Methods of reducing the spread {Prevention}
 The use of condoms to provide a physical barrier.
 Screening of donated blood before transfusion
 Advocation of free needle exchange schemes for.
This is for people who are addicted to drugs.
 Education programs on the virus to make people
more aware of the methods of transmission.

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