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Final Project: Create an Informational CA Biome Book

Book Description: So far this semester we’ve learned some complex ideas about key concepts in Biology. In
order to improve your own mastery of Chapters 3-4 and help other students learn about biomes, you will create
an informational book about a California biome. You will research information for your biome using the
internet in order to include key details and images. However, you also must explain the material in a voice a
non-biology student could understand.

What to do:
1. Create an informational book covering a specific California biome using Book Creator. The book must
have the following elements:
a. Include a cover page with your biome’s name, your name, + an illustration on your biome
b. Have 10 pages following the specific list for each page of biome book
c. Include accurate, informative, scientific explanations of your biome w/ key vocabulary from
d. Maintain a scientific focus but in an appropriate voice for non-biology students
e. Type information using appropriate spelling and grammar
f. Include neat, colorful, and appropriate illustrations to accompany your book
2. Use the checklist on page 2 to ensure you complete every page correctly.

How you will be evaluated:

- This is an 80-point project + 20-point presentation.
- I will use the rubric on page 3 to evaluate your biome book.

List of biome information to be covered on each page

Page 1: Cover page: Title of biome + illustration of specific biome + your name
Page 2: Introduce your biome by writing a general description & location in CA (1-2 paragraphs) & include a
hyperlink to a short video about your biome. Explain “What makes your biome unique to California?”
Page 3: Include 2 images that show an overview of the biotic/abiotic factors found your biome
Page 4: Record yourself (30 seconds) explaining several biotic + abiotic factors unique to your biome
Page 5: Research & type information about a specific endangered species unique to your biome. Include photo
Page 6: Write a “Wish You Were Here…” postcard to an interested friend or relative describing 3 unique plants
and 5 animals found in your biome. Include images. (5-6 sentences)
Page 7: Draw a food web graphic organizer showing labeled images of 3 specific primary producers + 6
animals (primary, secondary, tertiary consumers) found in your biome. Include energy →arrows.
Page 8: Describe 1 symbiotic relationship (mutualism, commensalism, parasitism) found in your biome.
Page 9: Explain 5 items what you would specifically need to take with you if you were to go on a backpacking
fieldtrip & survive in your biome. Include a map showing the location(s) of your biome.
Page 10: Write 3 “fun facts” and 2 unanswered questions you have about your biome.
Biome Book Review Project Checklist
Use this checklist to make sure you have completed every aspect of the project.

Content (40 points)

(20) The book’s content includes a scientific explanation of your California biome and a complete
understanding of the selected topic is evident. Each key concept is clearly explained using correct vocabulary.
(5) Topic is the student’s original work, not cut/pasted from the internet.
(5) Content is clearly written using correct scientific vocabulary terms from Ch.3-4
(5) Each page covers the required details for that page. (See above list)
(5) There are no spelling or grammatical because you used Spellcheck.

Illustrations (20 points)

(5) Neat and colorful images were chosen for pages 1, 3, 5-9.
(5) Images match the chosen biome
(5) Food Web images are accurate & well-labeled
(5) Postcard includes an appropriate image

Overall Project (20 points)

(2) Cover page has a title, illustration, + your name
(2) The 10 pages of the book contain the student’s original ideas/voice
(2) Pages are neat and well-organized
(3) Information is clearly written/spoken throughout the entire book
(3) Written in a voice a non-biology student could understand
(4) Project demonstrates a strong understanding of the biome selected
(4) Effort and time put into the research & completion of the book are be evident
Book Creator Final Project Rubric
• Writing demonstrates a thorough, understandable scientific explanation of your topic using vocabulary
terms correctly so a non-biology student can understand (20)
• The book’s content is your original work, not plagiarized from the internet (5)
(40 pts)
• Each page contains everything from the list of requirements (10)
• There are no spelling or grammatical errors per page (5)

• All illustrations are purposefully chosen and support the content on each specific page (10)
(20 pts) • All illustrations are neat, colorful, hand-drawn using Canva (etc.) and/or images documented from the
internet (10)

• Book contains 10 exceptionally neat and well-organized pages (6)

Overall • Information is accurate and clearly written throughout the entire book (10)
Project +
Presentation • Effort and time spent creating and revising are clearly evident (4)
(40 pts)
• Presentation is evident that it is well-practiced and thorough. Notecards are used. (20)

Additional Comments: Total Points Earned: _____________

List of California Biomes:

1. California Grasslands
2. Joshua Tree Woodland
3. Desert Scrub
4. Closed-Cone Coniferous Forest
5. Chaparral
6. Oak Woodland
7. Juniper Pine Woodland
8. Wetlands
9. Temperate Rainforest
10. Riparian
11. Pacific Coniferous Forest
12. Deciduous Forest
13. Freshwater
14. Mountain Meadow
15. Taiga
16. Coastal
17. Subalpine
18. Sagebrush Scrub

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