Keamu Coop Vanuatu Made Market Outlet Concept

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Department of Industry

Keamu Vanuatu Made Market Outlet Concept Note


David John
Date: 12/04/2024
(What output does your
3 Facilitate Market Access- Domestic
activity falls under? – see
AWP Excel sheet)

(What activity number is 12 Implement Domestic Pathway Strategy
this? – see AWP Excel sheet)

(Provide a background/context to your activity)

The Department of Industry was established in 2011 and become a leading government agency in
promoting and facilitating a more coherent domestic trade and industrial policy. Its mandate is to
encourage the growth and competitiveness of the manufacturing sector by facilitating investments,
diversification, innovation , and to improve Vanuatu’s business environment and compliance to
international industry standards for better market access.

The DOIs Development Act no.19 of 2014 established to make provision for the implementation of
national industrial policy to promote, facilitate, and support the growth of sustainable and value
added industry in Vanuatu and to provide for the related matters. This empowered the department to
certain functions, which also includes “designing programmes and activities to promote, facilitate and
support the growth of sustainable and value-added manufacturing and internationally traded services
undertaking in Vanuatu” (Part 2, G, industrial Act). This leads to the concept of establishment of the
Vanuatu Made program for promoting and marketing products produced locally and internationally.

The department of Industry will be working in collaboration with Keamu Co-operative to establish a
concept of Vanuatu Made prominent market outlet in Aneityum. Keamu Co-operative is a registered
cooperative and operated under the Cooperative Act 1986, Cap 152 (COSO ACT). Keamu
Cooperative is significantly seeks opportunity to divers its business by venture into promoting and
advocating for Vanuatu Made products in is shop. The logic of this concept is the DOI will facilitate
and support the Keamu Cooperative by facilitating the logistics of Vanuatu Made products from all
provinces to Keamu Cooperative; the department will also assist in branding the cooperative facility
to ensure the visibility of the Keamu Cooperative venturing into Vanuatu Made business concept.
Since Keamu Cooperative is interested in the timber value chain, DOI in is capacity will also support
in all means to established a joinery sector that will leverage the Keamu Cooperative business
investment. The Keamu cooperative will act as the sole distributor and retailer of all Vanuatu Made
products to its members. The Department of Industry will ensure that all products that will be shelve
and sell at Keamu Cooperative must surpass the minimum standard requirements of producing them,
and all products must be locally produce in Vanuatu.

This concept is to strengthen the marketing trend of Vanuatu Made products locally and
internationally through visitors who travel to Mystery Island for pleasure. Keamu Cooperative will be
a Vanuatu Made vocal point for the Department of Industry, Department of Cooperative and other
relevant government departments to collect data information on all Vanuatu Made products and
imported products. With proper data collection, analysis, and interpretation, it is possible to make

pg. 1
informed investment decisions. It is a concept that will embrace the marketing theory of change.

This activity will involve the Industry Development Officers’ (IDOs) and marketing team to facilitate
interisland trading work with the creative industries and value added producers in all provinces to
Keamu Cooperative. The goods will be shelve and sell at Keamu Cooperative. All members will
purchase the items in their cooperative and sell directly to visitors (tourist) who visited Mystery


(Explain why you are implementing this activity)

The objective of this activity is stated below:

1. To facilitate inter-island trade

2. Promote fairer trade at competitive prices
3. Introduce and promote Vanuatu Made products during cruise events at Mystery Island
4. Establish market outlet for Vanuatu Made product through Keamu Cooperative
5. Robust local economy through logistics and value added product
6. Collection of data information on both Vanuatu Made products and imported products
7. Traceability to the GDP performance by DOI

(Describe how you will implement the activity)

The department of industry will work in collaboration with Keamu Cooperative society to
facilitate trading of the Vanuatu Made products, artifacts, design to be shelve and sell to both
locals and tourist. DOI marketing division will:

 Marketing team will work with IDOs to identify and select potential products that are
market ready
 Facilitate Logistics of products from point of origin to point of destination (Keamu
pg. 2
 Branding the Keamu Coop Facility / Mystery Island
 Facilitate the launching of the Vanuatu Made outlet

Insert a table outlining the proposed schedule of activities with dates and location of activity.

Activity Schedule Date Location Collaboration

Branding the Keamu Monday 13 -18 May Aneityum DOI/AA/AS

Coop/ Mystery Island 2024

Facilitate Vanuatu Wednesday 16 May Efate/ Aneityum DOI/ Keamu Coop

Made products to 2024 Management
Keamu Coop

Shelving Monday 20 May 2024 Keamu Coop DOI/ Keamu Coop

(Aneityum) Management

Launching of the 24 May 2024 Keamu Coop DOI/ Keamu

VMB shop (Aneityum) Management

The table outline the proposed schedule activities with dates and location of the activity

(Outline what you are trying to achieve after implementing this activity – list them)

pg. 3
Below is a list of the anticipated outcome of this activity.

 Established Vanuatu Made market outlet in Aneityum through Keamu Cooperative

 Implementation of the Domestic pathway – (facilitate inter-island trading)
 Promotion of Vanuatu Made products through VCBN
 Creation of Market


(OPTIONAL: This is if your activity will assist producers to gain market access)

The table should outline your activities to facilitate market access of products to a given market channel


Facilitate Vanuatu Numbers of 500,000 Q2 – Q4 DOI/AA/ Keamu

1 Made Product to products Coop Management
Keamu Coop

Branding of Keamu 1 report produce 500,000 Q2 – Q3 DOI

Coop Market facility

Vanuatu Made Data 1 data analyse Q4

collection report

BUDGET BREAKDOWN (Outline the detail budget of the activity to be implemented here)

The table below outlines the budget break down for this activity.

Item Description of item Total Budget

Air Vanuatu tickets Air fare for X 3 Officers (3X 96,150


Logistics Facilitation of the Vanuatu Made 500.000


pg. 4
VMB visibility Branding the Keamu facility with 500.000
Vanuatu Made merchandise

Accommodation Accommodation for 3 Officers in 97,500

Aneityum @ 2.500/night include
meal X 13 days

Communications Vodafone and Digicel Refill cards 20.000

Incidental 200.000


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