Exam For ING04

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Comenzado el martes, 30 de enero de 2024, 11:44

Estado Finalizado
Finalizado en martes, 30 de enero de 2024, 11:51
Tiempo empleado 7 minutos 22 segundos
Calificación 9,00 de 10,00 (90%)

Pregunta 1


Se puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

Which adjective do you use to say something is as beautiful as if it were on a painting.

Seleccione una:

a. Splendid.
b. Picturesque. 
c. Comfortable.
d. Gorgeous.

Pregunta 2


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Which of the following sentences are correct?

Seleccione una o más de una:

a. I bought an old large piece of furniture for my bedroom.

b. She has a thin blue leather book I adore. 
c. That is a beautiful French ancient house.
d. The modern lovely building at the back is the History Museum. 
Pregunta 3


Se puntúa 0,00 sobre 1,00

Which of the following sentences is correct?

Seleccione una:

a. You'll have your letters sent as soon as possible. 

b. You'll get sent your letters as soon as possible.
c. Your letters will send as soon as possible.
d. You'll have your letters sent as soon as possible.

Pregunta 4


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'May I help you?' is more formal than 'Can I help you?' True or false?

Seleccione una:

a. True. 
b. False.

Pregunta 5


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Function words in English can have weak and strong pronunciation. True or false?

Seleccione una:

a. True. 
b. False.

Pregunta 6


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Intonation helps us understand the feelings that the speaker is experiencing. True or false?

Seleccione una:

a. True. 
b. False.
Pregunta 7


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In English you cannot place more than 2 adjectives before a noun. True or false?

Seleccione una:

a. True.
b. False. 

Pregunta 8


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Which two sentences are correct?

Seleccione una o más de una:

a. I'll have my hair cut on Monday. 

b. I'll have my hair cutted on Monday.
c. I'll get my car fixed tomorrow. 
d. I'll get my car fix tomorrow.

Pregunta 9


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Common suffixes for adjectives are –ment, -ly, -tion. True or false?

Seleccione una:

a. True.
b. False. 

Pregunta 10


Se puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

Hold on the line,

Seleccione una:

a. I pass you with the financial department.

b. I'll put you through the financial department. 
c. I'll give the line to the financial department.
d. I'll put you with the financial department.

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