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Air Pollution

Air pollution refers to any harmful substances in the air that lower its quality, posing risks to the
health & well-being of humans, plants, & animals.
 Human activities are the primary sources of air pollution, including vehicle emissions, industrial
processes, power plants, & burning solid waste. Vehicle emissions are a significant problem in urban
areas due to high volumes, poor maintenance, & traffic mismanagement.
 Air pollutants can directly & indirectly harm health, contribute to global warming, lead to glacier
melting, deplete the ozone layer, reduce agricultural crop yields, cause climate changes, & raise sea
levels. Air pollution in one location can affect other areas as pollutants disperse through wind

Environmental Laws Addressing Air Pollution:

 Part IVB of the National Environmental Act (NEA) deals with "Environmental quality" & includes
sections 23J & 23K related to atmospheric pollution.
 Regulations exist to prohibit substances that deplete the ozone layer.
 National Environmental (Ambient Air Quality) Regulations establish air quality standards, specifying
permissible levels of pollutants like carbon monoxide & nitrogen dioxide.
 In the case of Lalantha de Silva v. Nandimithra Ekanayake (Minister of Forestry & Environment)
& Others, concerns were raised about failing to maintain Ambient Air Quality standards in parts of
the Colombo metropolitan area, largely due to vehicle pollution. The petitioner requested that the
Minister of Environment set additional standards under Section 23 of the NEA, covering: Mobile Air
Emission Standards, Fuel Standards, & Vehicle Specification Standards for imports.
 As a result, the National Environmental (Air Emission, Fuel, & Vehicle Importation Standards)
Regulation No. 1 of 2000 was gazetted, establishing standards for - Mobile Air Emission Limits for
motor vehicles in use, Fuel standards for suppliers, Vehicle specification standards for importers.
 The Commissioner of Motor Traffic can designate accredited garages to test & certify these standards
for motor vehicles.

Legal Consequences
 The Penal Code, Section 271, states that intentionally polluting the air to make it harmful to health is
a criminal offence.
 The case of Geethanie & Environmental Foundation Limited v. Minister of Environment & others
resulted in the development of action plans to reduce air pollution.

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