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1 Semester, A.Y.




Course Code Course Title Course Credits Course Instructor

: Social Science 3 : PHILIPPINE GOVERNMENT AND CONSTITUTION : 3 units : Eddie A. Mirabueno Jr. Bachelor of Arts Major in English, Minor in Political Science Bicol University, Legazpi City 1993-1997 Bachelor of Laws, Aquinas University, Legazpi City 1997-2001

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course deals with the development, structure, and operation of the Philippine government as embodied in the 1987 Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines with emphasis on the present. COURSE OBJECTIVES: At the end of the semester, you should be able to learn the following four Ds (4Ds):

1. 2. 3. 4.

Describe the key concepts and theoretical approaches and frameworks of political analysis in analyzing past and present developments of the Philippine government; Distinguish the structure, functions, and issues of the three branches of government, the Constitutional Commissions, and other political institutions; Discuss the basic principles and the development of the present Constitution; and Develop an interest in the political system equipped with knowledge on your rights, duties, and responsibilities as a member of the Philippine society.

COURSE OUTLINE: One (1) semester is equivalent to eighteen (18) weeks, or its equivalent of normally six (6) school days a week, or one hundred (100) days (CHED Memorandum Order No. 40, Series of 2008). Session #1 Discussion of syllabus and course orientation Introduction to Political Science and Its Relation to Other Disciplines Importance of Studying Philippine Constitution Readings: De Leon, pp. 1-5, Zulueta, pp. 1-20, Article XIV, Sec. 3 [1]

Session #2 Meaning and Elements of State Theories on the Origin of State State, Nation, and Government Distinguished Different Forms and Systems of Government The Doctrine of Parens Patriae and Doctrine of State Immunity from Suit The Three Inherent Powers of the State


Article III, Sec. 9; Article XII, Sec. 18, Article XVI, Sec. 3 De Leon, pp. 5-9

Rousseau, Jean-Jacques (1762). The Social Contract. In Theories of Democracy by Ronald Terchek and Thomas Conte, eds. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc., pp.67-74. Zulueta, pp. 21-43, 63-76 National QuickStat: A Monthly Update of Philippine Statistics. Manila: National Statistics Office. Any available data this year Short Quiz #1: General Information and Current Events in the Philippines, Asia, and the World and Course Syllabus Session #3 Meaning, Nature, and Scope of Constitution Kinds of Constitution The History and Development of the 1987 Philippine Constitution The Constitutions of La Liga Filipina, Biak-na-Bato (1897), Malolos (1899), 1935 (Commonwealth Period), 1943 (Japanese Occupation), 1973 (Marcos Era), 1986 Provisional Constitution (Freedom Constitution), and the 1987 (Present Constitution) Basic Principles Underlying the Constitution The Preamble The Preambles of the 1973 and 1987 Constitutions Compared Readings: Session #4 De Leon, pp. 10-37; Zulueta, pp. 79-91

The National Territory The Archipelagic Doctrine Territorial Issues: Spratlys, Sabah, Macclesfield Bank, and Scarborough Shoal Meaning and Significance of Sovereignty The Supremacy of Civilian Authority over Military Authority Duties and Obligations of the Government The Doctrine of Separation of the Church and State Readings: De Leon, pp. 38-55 Bautista, Lowell (2009). The Philippine Treaty and Territorial Water Claims in International Law. Social Science Diliman, 5:1-2, pp. 107-127 Short Quiz #2: Sessions 2 and 3 Topics Session #5 Session #6 PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION Social Justice and Human Rights The Filipino Family The Role of Youth and Women in Nation-Building Health, Ecology, and Education Science and Technology, Arts and Culture, and Sports De Leon, pp. 56-66, 397-402, 420, 422-488 Short Quiz #3: Session 4 Topics Session #7 Declaration of State Policies and Principles, cont. Labor, Rural Development and Agrarian Reform National Economy and Patrimony


Indigenous Cultural Minorities Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs) Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Readings: De Leon, pp. 66-69, 354-396, 403-416, 421-422 Short Quiz #4: Session 6 Topics Session #8 Bill of Rights Historical Background, Nature, Purpose and Basis of Bill of Rights Due Process and Equal Protection of Law The Three Inalienable Human Rights: Life, Liberty, and Search Warrant, Warrant of Arrest, Warrantless Arrest, and Seizure Freedom of Expression, Religion, Abode and Travel Writ of Habeas Corpus Debt and Tax Double Jeopardy Ex Post Facto Law and Bill of Attainder De Leon, pp. 73-129 Citizenship Citizenship vs. Nationality Subject vs. Alien Ways of Acquiring Citizenship Loss and Reacquisition of Citizenship Dual Allegiance to the Philippine Republic Duties and Obligations of Filipino Citizens Suffrage Meaning, Nature, and Scope of Suffrage Qualifications of Voters The Voting Process Sanctity and Secrecy of Ballots Absentee Voting De Leon, 130-152; Zulueta, pp. 94-104, 119-127 Short Quiz #5: Sessions 7 and 8 Topics Session #10 Session #11 MIDTERM EXAMINATION The Legislative Department Meaning of Legislative Power Unicameral vs. Bicameral Legislature The Senate The House of Representatives Qualifications and Powers of Senators and Congressmen The Party-List System Salary and Immunity Disqualifications and Removal from Office Limitations on the Powers of Congress How a Bill Becomes a Law De Leon, pp. 153-204; Zulueta, pp. 205-216


Readings: Session #9



The 2011 Budget in Brief. Available at the Department of Budget and Managements website Short Quiz #6: Session 9 Topics

Session #12

The Executive Department Meaning of Executive Power Qualifications of the President and the Vice-President The Cabinet Secretaries The Powers and Duties of the President Presidential Succession Salaries of the President and the Vice-President De Leon, pp. 206-240; Zulueta, pp. 219-230


Session #13

The Judicial Department Meaning of Judicial Power Organization of Courts Composition of the Supreme Court Qualifications of the Members of the Supreme Court Powers and Obligations of Supreme Court Justices Meaning, Form, and Procedure of Court Decisions De Leon, 241-272; Zulueta, pp. 233-245 2009 Supreme Court Annual Report. Available at the SCs website Short Quiz #7: Sessions 11, 12 and 13 Topics


Session#14 Session #15

PRE-FINAL EXAMINATION The Constitutional Commissions The Civil Service Commission (CSC) The Commission on Elections (COMELEC) The Commission on Audit (COA) Composition, Qualifications, Powers, and Functions Salaries of Members of the Constitutional Commissions De Leon, pp. 273-315 The Local Government Units (LGUs) Meaning and Importance of Local Governments Centralization vs. Decentralization Powers, Term of Office, and Representation The Local Government Code Creation, Division, and Merger of Local Government Units Autonomous Regions De Leon, 317-334; Zulueta, pp. 289-298 Republic Act No. 7160. The Local Government Code of 1991

Readings: Session #16


Tapales (1993). Devolution and Empowerment: The Local Government Code of 1991 and Local Autonomy in thePhilippines. Quezon City: UP Center for Integrative and Development Studies State of the Nation Report No. 7

Session #17

Accountability of Public Officers Meaning and Nature of Public Office Meaning and Nature of Impeachment Sandiganbayan and Ombudsman: Powers, Functions, and Duties General and Transitory Provisions and Amendments or Revisions


De Leon, pp. 335-353, 508-527 Short Quiz #8: Sessions 15, 16 and 17 Topics

Session #18


COURSE REQUIREMENTS: Note: Submissions of academic papers and assignments beyond the deadlines will not be entertained/accepted/approved! Major Exams Four (4) major exams are usually given in a semester prelim, midterm, pre-final and final exams. However, in this class no prelim and pre-final tests will be given; only midterm and final exams will be administered to you. There are other requirements you need to submit in lieu of the prelim and pre-final exams which will be discussed below. No prelim exam will be given. However, you are required to submit two (2) reviews. Two articles dealing with Philippine Government and Constitution will be given to you on the second class meeting. You have three weeks to read the articles, re-read them, synthesize the writers points of view, and make your own analysis. Reviews must be HANDWRITTEN in yellow papers/bond papers. Deadline of submission is on: For the midterm exam (2-3 pages), a combination of different types of tests will be given such as multiple-choice questions, enumeration, true-or-false questions, essays, etc. This will be a 100-point test. The midterm exam will be administered on: A research paper is a major requirement in this course which is equivalent to your pre-final exam. This is a group work. Each group should have three (3) members each. I strongly suggest using the American Psychological Association (APA) Style in writing your research paper. Use 8.5 by 11 bond paper; font size should be 12 if you use Times New Roman or 11-point size if you use Arial (Dont use other font type!); one inch in all margins; double space; and with a title page. Contents of the research paper, e.g., format, will be discussed to you on the first class session. There will be an oral presentation by each group on your chosen research topic scheduled above. Each group can choose one of the topics below.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

The Best Form and System of Government in the Philippines: Presidential-Unitary vs. ParliamentaryFederal The Roots of Filipino Communism: History, Ideologies, and Struggles The Charter Change Issue: Boon or Bane? A Comparative Study of Arroyo and Aquino Administrations Any topic related to Philippine Government and Constitution subject to my approval For the final exam (2-3 pages), questions will be composed of multiple-choice and essay questions. Coverage includes but not limited to the questions on short quizzes and the midterm exam. Date of the final examination is on: Short Quizzes There will be eight (8) short quizzes to be given for the entire semester. All questions are objective type. Questions could be enumeration, multiple choice, or true-or-false. No essay or definition of terms will be given. Each quiz consists of not less than 10 items but not more than 20 items. They will be given right after the lecture-discussion but the topics covered are those that have been discussed two weeks before. This type of test will measure your memory. Please be aware of the dates of the short quizzes. Class participation will measure your involvement during discussions. This class is not designed for a one-way process; this is a two-way communication. Therefore, recitation is of vital importance. If

there is something that is not clear to you, you better ask. You are free to disagree with me or your classmates even at the middle of my lecture. Exercise your freedom of expression. Just make sure you are able to defend and justify your position. GRADING SYSTEM: Midterm Grade: 2 Reviews 30% Midterm Exam 30% 2 Online Assignments 15% 4 Quizzes 15% Class Participation 10% Final Period Grade: Research Paper 30% Final Exam 30% 2 Online Assignments 15% 4 Quizzes 15% Class Participation 10%

FINAL GRADE = Midterm Grade (40%) + Final Period Grade (60%)

CLASSROOM POLICIES: The moment you enrolled in the college, you agree to submit yourself to the school policies. Academic institutions are not social clubs; we have rules to follow. Attendance It is your responsibility to come to class on our schedule and on time. I will be checking your attendance regularly. Inform me early if you will be late or if you will leave early. Any one who gets a perfect attendance will receive 0.25-point bonus on the FINAL GRADE. Perfect attendance means being present in all class sessions. Those with excused absences will not be given the bonus grade. A student who has incurred 11 hours of absences in a 3-unit subject during the regular semester shall be dropped from the roll and given a failing grade (Article VIII, College Student Handbook: The th Fisher Valley College). The 5 absence will qualify you to receive a W/F (withdrawal failure) mark equivalent to a grade of 5.0. Necessary warnings will be given to you with excessive absences and names of students who have incurred 4 or more absences will be reported to the Associate College Director so that necessary notice can be given to the parents/guardian (No. 4, Policy Guidelines for Faculty). Three (3) tardiness marks would mean one (1) day of absence. A student who leaves the classroom and stay out for the duration of the class period without the professors permission shall be marked absent (Article VIII, College Student Handbook: The Fisher Valley College). However, don't use this as an excuse for you to come to class late. This time allowance has been designed for working students and those who have children to take care of before going to school. Unavoidable circumstances like traffic are also given consideration. Cellphone and Other Electronic Gadgets Policy I strongly discourage you using your cellphones, laptops, and other similar gadgets while we are having class discussions. It does not only distract me; it is also annoying to your classmates who are listening to my lectures. You are expected to demonstrate respect to everyone and avoid disruptive behaviors. Make-up Exams I do not give make-up exams EXCEPT for serious illness or death in the family. Do not make other commitments on the scheduled dates of examinations. If you have your examination permit signed by the authorized school authorities and you fail to take the exam, you will get a grade of 60% or 5.0 on that particular exam. Failure to take the final examination because of unpaid tuition fee, on the other hand, would mean an INC grade. There is NO EXEMPTION. Academic Integrity You are expected to maintain academic integrity at all times. Avoid cheating during quizzes and examinations. When you cheat, you are making a contribution to the degradation of the quality of your college education. Plagiarism will not be tolerated as well. In every academic paper you submit, make sure that you cite properly the authors/institutions of your references. Claiming something as your own when you actually copied it from someone is a clear violation. Hiring someone to do your assignments, research papers, or other related works is also an offense to academic integrity. Any violation committed will have a corresponding disciplinary action as outlined in the College Student Handbook.

Index Cards - You are required to submit an index card no later than the 3 class meeting containing the following information: Front:


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Last Name, Given Name, Middle Name Student Number, Course, and Section Address (Provincial and Metro Manila) Contact Numbers (Landline, Cellular Phone, Email Address, Personal Website)

Include a 1 x 1 recent photo PASTED (NOT STAPLED) on the upper right corner of the index card. Back: a. All exams, quizzes, and assignments b. Attendance record If you follow all these policies, you will surely survive in all of my subjects.

TEXTBOOKS: De Leon, H. S. (2008). Textbook on the Philippine Constitution. Quezon City: Rex Book Store. Zulueta, F. M. (2003). Foundations and Dynamics of Political Science. Quezon City: Academic Publishing Corporation.

REFERENCES: Abinales, P. N. & Amoroso, D.J. (2005). State and Government in the Philippines. New York: Rowman and Littlefield Publishers. Morada, N., et al (2006). Philippine Politics and Governance: An Introduction. Quezon City: The University of the PhilippinesPress. Muoz, M. R. & Muoz, D. G. (2002). Philippines Governance and Constitution. Quezon City: Katha Publishing House. Nolledo, J. (2009). The Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines: Explained (English-Filipino Version). Manila: National Book Store. Newspapers, websites, movies, articles, and research papers

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